Library UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics

A version of "easy" specialized for the needs of UniMath. This tactic is supposed to be simple and predictable. The goal is to use it to finish "trivial" goals
Ltac easy :=
  trivial; intros; solve
   [ repeat (solve [trivial | apply pathsinv0; trivial] || split)
   | match goal with | H : |- _induction H end
   | match goal with | H : ¬ _ |- _induction H; trivial end
   | match goal with | H : _ |- _induction H; trivial end
   | match goal with | H : _ _ |- _induction H; trivial end ].

Override the Coq now tactic so that it uses unimath_easy instead
Tactic Notation "now" tactic(t) := t; easy.

Ltac hSet_induction f e := generalize f; apply hSet_rect; intro e; clear f.

Ltac show_id_type := match goal with |- @paths ?ID _ _set (TYPE := ID); simpl in TYPE end.