Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopos
Grothendick toposes
- Definition of Grothendieck topology
- Grothendieck topologies
- Precategory of sheaves
- Grothendieck toposes
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.equalizers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.products.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.slicecat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monics.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subobjects.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.yoneda.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.equalizers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Full.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.equalizers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.products.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.slicecat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monics.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subobjects.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.yoneda.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.equalizers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Full.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Definiton of Grothendieck topology
The following definition is a formalization of the definition in Sheaves in Geometry and Logic, Saunders Mac Lane and Ieke Moerdijk, pages 109 and 110.- The Yoneda functor y(c) is in J(c).
- Pullback of a subobject in J(c) along any morphism h : c' --> c is in J(c')
- If S is a subobject of y(c) such that for all objects c' and all morphisms h : c' --> c in C the pullback of S along h is in J(c'), then S is in J(c).
A sieve on c is a subobject of the yoneda functor.
Definition sieve (c : C) : UU :=
(functor_category_has_homsets (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET)
(yoneda C hs c).
Definition FunctorPrecatObToFunctor
(c : functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET) :
functor (opp_precat C) HSET := c.
Definition FunctorPrecatMorToNatTrans
{c c': functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET} (h : c --> c') :
nat_trans (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor c) (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor c') := h.
Definition sieve_functor {c : C} (S : sieve c) : functor (opp_precat C) HSET :=
precategory_object_from_sub_precategory_object _ _ (slicecat_ob_object _ _ S).
Definition sieve_nat_trans {c : C} (S : sieve c) :
nat_trans (sieve_functor S) (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor (yoneda C hs c)) :=
precategory_morphism_from_sub_precategory_morphism _ _ _ _ (slicecat_ob_morphism _ _ S).
(functor_category_has_homsets (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET)
(yoneda C hs c).
Definition FunctorPrecatObToFunctor
(c : functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET) :
functor (opp_precat C) HSET := c.
Definition FunctorPrecatMorToNatTrans
{c c': functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET} (h : c --> c') :
nat_trans (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor c) (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor c') := h.
Definition sieve_functor {c : C} (S : sieve c) : functor (opp_precat C) HSET :=
precategory_object_from_sub_precategory_object _ _ (slicecat_ob_object _ _ S).
Definition sieve_nat_trans {c : C} (S : sieve c) :
nat_trans (sieve_functor S) (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor (yoneda C hs c)) :=
precategory_morphism_from_sub_precategory_morphism _ _ _ _ (slicecat_ob_morphism _ _ S).
Definition collection_of_sieves : UU := ∏ (c : C), hsubtype (sieve c).
Definition isGrothendieckTopology_maximal_sieve (COS : collection_of_sieves) : UU :=
∏ (c : C), COS c (Subobjectscategory_ob
(functor_category_has_homsets (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET)
(identity (yoneda C hs c)) (identity_isMonic _)).
Definition isGrothendieckTopology_stability (COS : collection_of_sieves) : UU :=
∏ (c c' : C) (h : c' --> c) (s : sieve c),
COS c s →
COS c' (PullbackSubobject
(FunctorcategoryPullbacks (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET HSET_Pullbacks)
s (yoneda_morphisms C hs _ _ h)).
Definition isGrothendieckTopology_transitivity (COS : collection_of_sieves) : UU :=
∏ (c : C) (s : sieve c),
(∏ (c' : C) (h : c' --> c),
COS c' (PullbackSubobject
(FunctorcategoryPullbacks (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET HSET_Pullbacks)
s (yoneda_morphisms C hs _ _ h))
→ COS c s).
Definition isGrothendieckTopology (COS : collection_of_sieves) : UU :=
(isGrothendieckTopology_maximal_sieve COS)
× (isGrothendieckTopology_stability COS)
× (isGrothendieckTopology_transitivity COS).
Definition GrothendieckTopology : UU :=
∑ COS : collection_of_sieves, isGrothendieckTopology COS.
Accessor functions
Definition GrothendieckTopology_COS (GT : GrothendieckTopology) : collection_of_sieves := pr1 GT.
Definition GrothendieckTopology_isGrothendieckTopology (GT : GrothendieckTopology) :
isGrothendieckTopology (GrothendieckTopology_COS GT) := pr2 GT.
Definition GrothendieckTopology_isGrothendieckTopology (GT : GrothendieckTopology) :
isGrothendieckTopology (GrothendieckTopology_COS GT) := pr2 GT.
Definition Presheaf : UU := functor (opp_precat C) HSET.
Definition PresheafToFunctor (P : Presheaf) : functor (opp_precat C) HSET := P.
Definition make_Presheaf (F : functor (opp_precat C) HSET) : Presheaf := F.
Definition PresheafToFunctor (P : Presheaf) : functor (opp_precat C) HSET := P.
Definition make_Presheaf (F : functor (opp_precat C) HSET) : Presheaf := F.
This is a formalization of the definition on page 122
Definition isSheaf (P : Presheaf) (GT : GrothendieckTopology) : UU :=
∏ (c : C) (S : sieve c) (isCOS : GrothendieckTopology_COS GT c S)
(τ : nat_trans (sieve_functor S) (PresheafToFunctor P)),
iscontr (∑ η : nat_trans (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor (yoneda C hs c)) (PresheafToFunctor P),
nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (sieve_nat_trans S) η = τ).
Lemma isaprop_isSheaf (GT : GrothendieckTopology) (P : Presheaf) : isaprop(isSheaf P GT).
apply impred_isaprop; intros t.
apply impred_isaprop; intros S.
apply impred_isaprop; intros isCOS.
apply impred_isaprop; intros τ.
apply isapropiscontr.
∏ (c : C) (S : sieve c) (isCOS : GrothendieckTopology_COS GT c S)
(τ : nat_trans (sieve_functor S) (PresheafToFunctor P)),
iscontr (∑ η : nat_trans (FunctorPrecatObToFunctor (yoneda C hs c)) (PresheafToFunctor P),
nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (sieve_nat_trans S) η = τ).
Lemma isaprop_isSheaf (GT : GrothendieckTopology) (P : Presheaf) : isaprop(isSheaf P GT).
apply impred_isaprop; intros t.
apply impred_isaprop; intros S.
apply impred_isaprop; intros isCOS.
apply impred_isaprop; intros τ.
apply isapropiscontr.
The category of sheaves is the full subcategory of presheaves consisting of the presheaves
which satisfy the isSheaf proposition.
Definition hsubtype_obs_isSheaf (GT : GrothendieckTopology) :
hsubtype (functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET) :=
(λ P : functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET,
make_hProp _ (isaprop_isSheaf GT (make_Presheaf P))).
Definition categoryOfSheaves (GT : GrothendieckTopology) :
sub_precategories (functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET) :=
full_sub_precategory (hsubtype_obs_isSheaf GT).
End def_grothendiecktopology.
hsubtype (functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET) :=
(λ P : functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET,
make_hProp _ (isaprop_isSheaf GT (make_Presheaf P))).
Definition categoryOfSheaves (GT : GrothendieckTopology) :
sub_precategories (functor_precategory (opp_precat C) HSET has_homsets_HSET) :=
full_sub_precategory (hsubtype_obs_isSheaf GT).
End def_grothendiecktopology.
Definition of Grothendieck topos
Grothendieck topos is a precategory which is equivalent to the category of sheaves on some Grothendieck topology.
Here (pr1 D) is the precategory which is equivalent to the precategory of sheaves on the
Grothendieck topology (pr2 D).
Definition GrothendieckTopos : UU :=
∑ D' : (∑ D : precategory × (GrothendieckTopology C hs),
functor (pr1 D) (categoryOfSheaves C hs (pr2 D))),
(adj_equivalence_of_precats (pr2 D')).
∑ D' : (∑ D : precategory × (GrothendieckTopology C hs),
functor (pr1 D) (categoryOfSheaves C hs (pr2 D))),
(adj_equivalence_of_precats (pr2 D')).
Accessor functions
Definition GrothendieckTopos_precategory (GT : GrothendieckTopos) : precategory :=
pr1 (pr1 (pr1 GT)).
Coercion GrothendieckTopos_precategory : GrothendieckTopos >-> precategory.
Definition GrothendieckTopos_GrothendieckTopology (GT : GrothendieckTopos) :
GrothendieckTopology C hs := pr2 (pr1 (pr1 GT)).
Definition GrothendieckTopos_functor (GT : GrothendieckTopos) :
functor (GrothendieckTopos_precategory GT)
(categoryOfSheaves C hs (GrothendieckTopos_GrothendieckTopology GT)) :=
pr2 (pr1 GT).
Definition GrothendieckTopos_equivalence (GT : GrothendieckTopos) :
adj_equivalence_of_precats (GrothendieckTopos_functor GT) := pr2 GT.
End def_grothendiecktopos.
pr1 (pr1 (pr1 GT)).
Coercion GrothendieckTopos_precategory : GrothendieckTopos >-> precategory.
Definition GrothendieckTopos_GrothendieckTopology (GT : GrothendieckTopos) :
GrothendieckTopology C hs := pr2 (pr1 (pr1 GT)).
Definition GrothendieckTopos_functor (GT : GrothendieckTopos) :
functor (GrothendieckTopos_precategory GT)
(categoryOfSheaves C hs (GrothendieckTopos_GrothendieckTopology GT)) :=
pr2 (pr1 GT).
Definition GrothendieckTopos_equivalence (GT : GrothendieckTopos) :
adj_equivalence_of_precats (GrothendieckTopos_functor GT) := pr2 GT.
End def_grothendiecktopos.