Library UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicategoryFromMonoidal
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.MonoidalCategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section Prebicat_From_Monoidal_Precat.
Context (M : monoidal_precat).
Let pM := monoidal_precat_precat M.
Let I := monoidal_precat_unit M.
Let tensor := monoidal_precat_tensor M.
Let α := monoidal_precat_associator M.
Let l := monoidal_precat_left_unitor M.
Let ρ := monoidal_precat_right_unitor M.
Let triangle_equality := pr1 (pr222 (pr222 M)).
Let pentagon_equation := pr2 (pr222 (pr222 M)).
Notation "X ⊗ Y" := (tensor (X, Y)).
Notation "f #⊗ g" := (#tensor (f #, g)) (at level 31).
Local Notation "f '==>' g" := (prebicat_cells _ f g) (at level 60).
Local Notation "f '<==' g" := (prebicat_cells _ g f) (at level 60, only parsing).
Definition one_cells_data_from_monoidal : precategory_data.
use tpair.
- exact (unit ,, (λ _ _, ob pM)).
- cbn.
+ intros _. exact I.
+ intros _ _ _. exact (λ a b, tensor (a , b)).
Definition two_cells_from_monoidal : prebicat_2cell_struct (one_cells_data_from_monoidal)
:= λ _ _ a b, pM ⟦ a , b⟧.
Definition prebicat_data_from_monoidal : prebicat_data.
use make_prebicat_data.
- exact (one_cells_data_from_monoidal ,, two_cells_from_monoidal).
- split. { intros ? ? f. exact (id f). }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply l. }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply ρ. }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply (nat_iso_inv l). }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply (nat_iso_inv ρ). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. apply (pr1 α ((f , g) , h)). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. apply (pr1 (nat_iso_inv α) ((f , g) , h)). }
split. { intros ? ? f g h. exact compose. }
split. { intros ? ? ? f g h. exact (λ u, (id f #⊗ u)). }
intros ? ? ? f g h. exact (λ u, (u #⊗ id h)).
Definition prebicat_laws_from_monoidal : prebicat_laws (prebicat_data_from_monoidal).
split. { intros. apply id_left. }
split. { intros. apply id_right. }
split. { intros. apply assoc. }
split. { intros ? ? ? f g. exact (functor_id tensor (f , g)). }
split. { intros ? ? ? f g. exact (functor_id tensor (f , g)). }
split. {
intros ? ? ? f g h i x y.
exact (!(functor_comp tensor (id f #, x) (id f #, y))).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ z #⊗ (x · y)) (id_left _)).
split. {
intros ? ? ? f g h i x y.
exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (x · y) #⊗ z) (id_left _)).
split. { intros. exact (pr21 l _ _ _). }
split. { intros. exact (pr21 ρ _ _ _). }
split. {
intros ? ? ? ? f g h i x.
exact (pr21 (nat_iso_inv α) _ _ ((id f #, id g) #, x)).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · (z #⊗ _)) (functor_id tensor (f , g))).
split. {
intros ? ? ? ? f g h i x.
exact (pr21 (nat_iso_inv α) _ _ ((id f #, x) #, id i)).
apply idpath.
split. {
intros ? ? ? ? f g h i x.
exact (!(pr21 (nat_iso_inv α) _ _ ((x #, id h) #, id i))).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z) · _) (functor_id tensor (h , i))).
split. {
etrans. exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z #⊗ _)) (id_right _)).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z #⊗ _)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z)) (id_right _)).
apply idpath.
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 l f,, pr2 l f)). }
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_after_iso_inv (pr1 l f,, pr2 l f)). }
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 ρ f,, pr2 ρ f)). }
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_after_iso_inv (pr1 ρ f,, pr2 ρ f)). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. exact (iso_after_iso_inv ( pr1 α ((f, g), h) ,, pr2 α ((f, g), h) )). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. exact (iso_inv_after_iso ( pr1 α ((f, g), h) ,, pr2 α ((f, g), h) )). }
split. {
intros ? ? ? f g.
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · z) (triangle_equality _ _)).
etrans. exact (assoc _ _ _).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ z · _) (iso_after_iso_inv ( pr1 α ((f, I), g) ,, pr2 α ((f, I), g) ))).
exact (id_left _).
intros ? ? ? ? ? f g h i.
apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (pr1 α ((f, g), h ⊗ i)) (pr2 α _) _ _).
apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (pr1 α (((f ⊗ g), h) , i)) (pr2 α _) _ _).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · (z · _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f, g), _) ,, pr2 α _ ))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · z) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f ⊗ g, h), _) ,, pr2 α _ )).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. exact (assoc _ _ _).
etrans. exact (assoc _ _ _).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _) · _) (pentagon_equation _ _ _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _)) (!(assoc _ _ _))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · z · _)) (assoc _ _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · (z · _) · _)) (!(functor_comp tensor _ _))). cbn.
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · ((z #⊗ _) · _) · _)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · ((_ #⊗ z) · _) · _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((g, h), i) ,, pr2 α _))).
assert (aux: # tensor (id (f, (assoc_left (pr12 M)) ((g, h), i))) = id (f ⊗ (assoc_left (pr12 M)) ((g, h), i))) by
exact (functor_id tensor ( f , (assoc_left (pr12 M)) ((g, h), i))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · (z · _) · _)) aux).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · z · _)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _)) (!(assoc _ _ _))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · z · _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f,g ⊗ h),i) ,, pr2 α _))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _)) (id_right _)).
etrans. exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z)) (id_right _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z #⊗ _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f,g),h) ,, pr2 α _))).
apply (functor_id tensor).
Definition prebicat_from_monoidal : prebicat :=
prebicat_data_from_monoidal ,, prebicat_laws_from_monoidal.
End Prebicat_From_Monoidal_Precat.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.MonoidalCategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section Prebicat_From_Monoidal_Precat.
Context (M : monoidal_precat).
Let pM := monoidal_precat_precat M.
Let I := monoidal_precat_unit M.
Let tensor := monoidal_precat_tensor M.
Let α := monoidal_precat_associator M.
Let l := monoidal_precat_left_unitor M.
Let ρ := monoidal_precat_right_unitor M.
Let triangle_equality := pr1 (pr222 (pr222 M)).
Let pentagon_equation := pr2 (pr222 (pr222 M)).
Notation "X ⊗ Y" := (tensor (X, Y)).
Notation "f #⊗ g" := (#tensor (f #, g)) (at level 31).
Local Notation "f '==>' g" := (prebicat_cells _ f g) (at level 60).
Local Notation "f '<==' g" := (prebicat_cells _ g f) (at level 60, only parsing).
Definition one_cells_data_from_monoidal : precategory_data.
use tpair.
- exact (unit ,, (λ _ _, ob pM)).
- cbn.
+ intros _. exact I.
+ intros _ _ _. exact (λ a b, tensor (a , b)).
Definition two_cells_from_monoidal : prebicat_2cell_struct (one_cells_data_from_monoidal)
:= λ _ _ a b, pM ⟦ a , b⟧.
Definition prebicat_data_from_monoidal : prebicat_data.
use make_prebicat_data.
- exact (one_cells_data_from_monoidal ,, two_cells_from_monoidal).
- split. { intros ? ? f. exact (id f). }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply l. }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply ρ. }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply (nat_iso_inv l). }
split. { intros ? ? f. apply (nat_iso_inv ρ). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. apply (pr1 α ((f , g) , h)). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. apply (pr1 (nat_iso_inv α) ((f , g) , h)). }
split. { intros ? ? f g h. exact compose. }
split. { intros ? ? ? f g h. exact (λ u, (id f #⊗ u)). }
intros ? ? ? f g h. exact (λ u, (u #⊗ id h)).
Definition prebicat_laws_from_monoidal : prebicat_laws (prebicat_data_from_monoidal).
split. { intros. apply id_left. }
split. { intros. apply id_right. }
split. { intros. apply assoc. }
split. { intros ? ? ? f g. exact (functor_id tensor (f , g)). }
split. { intros ? ? ? f g. exact (functor_id tensor (f , g)). }
split. {
intros ? ? ? f g h i x y.
exact (!(functor_comp tensor (id f #, x) (id f #, y))).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ z #⊗ (x · y)) (id_left _)).
split. {
intros ? ? ? f g h i x y.
exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (x · y) #⊗ z) (id_left _)).
split. { intros. exact (pr21 l _ _ _). }
split. { intros. exact (pr21 ρ _ _ _). }
split. {
intros ? ? ? ? f g h i x.
exact (pr21 (nat_iso_inv α) _ _ ((id f #, id g) #, x)).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · (z #⊗ _)) (functor_id tensor (f , g))).
split. {
intros ? ? ? ? f g h i x.
exact (pr21 (nat_iso_inv α) _ _ ((id f #, x) #, id i)).
apply idpath.
split. {
intros ? ? ? ? f g h i x.
exact (!(pr21 (nat_iso_inv α) _ _ ((x #, id h) #, id i))).
exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z) · _) (functor_id tensor (h , i))).
split. {
etrans. exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z #⊗ _)) (id_right _)).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z #⊗ _)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z)) (id_right _)).
apply idpath.
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 l f,, pr2 l f)). }
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_after_iso_inv (pr1 l f,, pr2 l f)). }
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 ρ f,, pr2 ρ f)). }
split. { intros ? ? f. exact (iso_after_iso_inv (pr1 ρ f,, pr2 ρ f)). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. exact (iso_after_iso_inv ( pr1 α ((f, g), h) ,, pr2 α ((f, g), h) )). }
split. { intros ? ? ? ? f g h. exact (iso_inv_after_iso ( pr1 α ((f, g), h) ,, pr2 α ((f, g), h) )). }
split. {
intros ? ? ? f g.
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · z) (triangle_equality _ _)).
etrans. exact (assoc _ _ _).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ z · _) (iso_after_iso_inv ( pr1 α ((f, I), g) ,, pr2 α ((f, I), g) ))).
exact (id_left _).
intros ? ? ? ? ? f g h i.
apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (pr1 α ((f, g), h ⊗ i)) (pr2 α _) _ _).
apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (pr1 α (((f ⊗ g), h) , i)) (pr2 α _) _ _).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · (z · _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f, g), _) ,, pr2 α _ ))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ _ · z) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f ⊗ g, h), _) ,, pr2 α _ )).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. exact (assoc _ _ _).
etrans. exact (assoc _ _ _).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _) · _) (pentagon_equation _ _ _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _)) (!(assoc _ _ _))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · z · _)) (assoc _ _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · (z · _) · _)) (!(functor_comp tensor _ _))). cbn.
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · ((z #⊗ _) · _) · _)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · ((_ #⊗ z) · _) · _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((g, h), i) ,, pr2 α _))).
assert (aux: # tensor (id (f, (assoc_left (pr12 M)) ((g, h), i))) = id (f ⊗ (assoc_left (pr12 M)) ((g, h), i))) by
exact (functor_id tensor ( f , (assoc_left (pr12 M)) ((g, h), i))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · (z · _) · _)) aux).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · z · _)) (id_left _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _)) (!(assoc _ _ _))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ · z · _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f,g ⊗ h),i) ,, pr2 α _))).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z · _)) (id_right _)).
etrans. exact (!(functor_comp tensor _ _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (_ #⊗ z)) (id_right _)).
etrans. exact (maponpaths (fun z ⇒ (z #⊗ _)) (iso_inv_after_iso (pr1 α ((f,g),h) ,, pr2 α _))).
apply (functor_id tensor).
Definition prebicat_from_monoidal : prebicat :=
prebicat_data_from_monoidal ,, prebicat_laws_from_monoidal.
End Prebicat_From_Monoidal_Precat.
Going into the opposite direction
We fix a bicategory and an object of it and construct the monoidal category of endomorphisms.Section Monoidal_Precat_From_Prebicat.
Local Open Scope bicategory_scope.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Context {C : prebicat}.
Variable (c0: ob C).
Definition precategory_data_from_prebicat_and_ob: precategory_data.
use make_precategory_data.
- use make_precategory_ob_mor.
+ exact (C⟦c0,c0⟧).
+ apply prebicat_cells.
- intro c; apply id2.
- intros a b c; apply vcomp2.
Lemma is_precategory_data_from_prebicat_and_ob: is_precategory precategory_data_from_prebicat_and_ob.
use make_is_precategory.
- intros a b f; apply id2_left.
- intros a b f; apply id2_right.
- intros a b c d f g h; apply vassocr.
- intros a b c d f g h; apply pathsinv0; apply vassocr.
Definition precategory_from_prebicat_and_ob: precategory := _,, is_precategory_data_from_prebicat_and_ob.
Local Notation EndC := precategory_from_prebicat_and_ob.
Definition tensor_from_prebicat_and_ob: precategory_from_prebicat_and_ob ⊠ precategory_from_prebicat_and_ob ⟶ precategory_from_prebicat_and_ob.
use make_functor.
- use make_functor_data.
+ intro ab.
exact (pr1 ab · pr2 ab).
+ intros ab1 ab2 f.
exact (hcomp (pr1 f) (pr2 f)).
- abstract ( split; [ intro c; apply hcomp_identity |
intros a b c f g; apply hcomp_vcomp ] ).
Local Notation tensor := tensor_from_prebicat_and_ob.
Local Definition build_left_unitor: left_unitor tensor (id c0).
use make_nat_iso.
+ use make_nat_trans.
× intro c.
apply lunitor.
× abstract ( intros a b f; apply lunitor_natural ).
+ intro c; apply is_iso_lunitor.
Local Definition build_right_unitor: right_unitor tensor (id c0).
use make_nat_iso.
+ use make_nat_trans.
× intro c.
apply runitor.
× abstract ( intros a b f; apply runitor_natural ).
+ intro c; apply is_iso_runitor.
Definition nat_trans_associator: assoc_left tensor ⟹ assoc_right tensor.
∃ rassociator_fun'.
abstract (intros f g x; apply hcomp_rassoc).
Local Definition build_associator: associator tensor.
use make_nat_iso.
- exact nat_trans_associator.
- intro c; apply is_iso_rassociator.
Definition monoidal_precat_from_prebicat_and_ob: monoidal_precat.
use (mk_monoidal_precat precategory_from_prebicat_and_ob tensor_from_prebicat_and_ob (id c0) build_left_unitor build_right_unitor build_associator).
- abstract ( intros a b; apply pathsinv0; apply unit_triangle ).
- abstract ( intros a b c d; apply pathsinv0; apply associativity_pentagon ).
End Monoidal_Precat_From_Prebicat.