Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.ExamplesOfCleavings.CodomainCleaving
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.OneTypes.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.CleavingOfBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Codomain.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Colimits.Pullback.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.OneTypes.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.CleavingOfBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Codomain.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Colimits.Pullback.
Local Open Scope cat.
The codomain displayed bicategory has a cleaving
Here we assume that every 2-cell is invertible
Section CodomainCleaving.
Context (B : bicat).
Definition cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{s₁ s₂ : c₁ --> c₂}
{α : s₁ ==> s₂}
{t₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{t₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ss₁ : t₁ -->[ s₁ ] t₂}
{ss₂ : t₁ -->[ s₂ ] t₂}
(αα : ss₁ ==>[ α ] ss₂)
(Hαα : is_invertible_2cell (pr1 αα))
: is_cartesian_2cell (cod_disp_bicat B) αα.
intros h hh γ γα.
cbn in ×.
use iscontraprop1.
- abstract
(use invproofirrelevance ;
intros φ₁ φ₂ ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply (cod_disp_bicat B) | ] ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 φ₁)) as p₁ ;
cbn in p₁ ;
pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 φ₂)) as p₂ ;
cbn in p₂ ;
pose (r := p₁ @ !p₂) ;
use (vcomp_rcancel _ Hαα) ;
exact r).
- simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
+ exact (pr1 γα • Hαα^-1).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite (pr2 γα) ;
rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite <- (pr2 αα) ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
apply id2_right).
+ abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite vcomp_linv ;
apply id2_right).
Context (inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
(pb_B : has_pb B).
Definition cod_local_cleaving
: local_cleaving (cod_disp_bicat B).
intros x y hx hy f g hf hg.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- simple refine (pr1 hf ,, pr2 hx ◃ hg • pr12 hf ,, _).
+ apply inv_B.
+ apply (pr22 hf).
- simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ simple refine (id2 _ ,, _).
(cbn ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
rewrite id2_right ;
apply idpath).
+ simpl.
apply cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell ; cbn.
Context (B : bicat).
Definition cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{s₁ s₂ : c₁ --> c₂}
{α : s₁ ==> s₂}
{t₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{t₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ss₁ : t₁ -->[ s₁ ] t₂}
{ss₂ : t₁ -->[ s₂ ] t₂}
(αα : ss₁ ==>[ α ] ss₂)
(Hαα : is_invertible_2cell (pr1 αα))
: is_cartesian_2cell (cod_disp_bicat B) αα.
intros h hh γ γα.
cbn in ×.
use iscontraprop1.
- abstract
(use invproofirrelevance ;
intros φ₁ φ₂ ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply (cod_disp_bicat B) | ] ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 φ₁)) as p₁ ;
cbn in p₁ ;
pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 φ₂)) as p₂ ;
cbn in p₂ ;
pose (r := p₁ @ !p₂) ;
use (vcomp_rcancel _ Hαα) ;
exact r).
- simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
+ exact (pr1 γα • Hαα^-1).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite (pr2 γα) ;
rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite <- (pr2 αα) ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
apply id2_right).
+ abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite vcomp_linv ;
apply id2_right).
Context (inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
(pb_B : has_pb B).
Definition cod_local_cleaving
: local_cleaving (cod_disp_bicat B).
intros x y hx hy f g hf hg.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- simple refine (pr1 hf ,, pr2 hx ◃ hg • pr12 hf ,, _).
+ apply inv_B.
+ apply (pr22 hf).
- simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ simple refine (id2 _ ,, _).
(cbn ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
rewrite id2_right ;
apply idpath).
+ simpl.
apply cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell ; cbn.
Characterization of cartesian 1-cells
Section PullbackToCartesian.
Context {x y : B}
{f : x --> y}
{hx : cod_disp_bicat B x}
{hy : cod_disp_bicat B y}
(π : pr1 hx --> pr1 hy)
(p : invertible_2cell (pr2 hx · f) (π · pr2 hy))
(pb := make_pb_cone (pr1 hx) (pr2 hx) π p)
(pb_sqr : has_pb_ump pb).
Section Lift1CellConeMor.
Context {z : B}
{hz : cod_disp_bicat B z}
{g : z --> x}
(hg : hz -->[ g · f] hy).
Let other_cone : pb_cone f (pr2 hy)
:= make_pb_cone
(pr1 hz)
(pr2 hz · g)
(pr1 hg)
(rassociator_invertible_2cell _ _ _)
(pr2 hg)).
Definition lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell
(Hg : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) hg)
: pb_1cell other_cone pb.
use make_pb_1cell.
- exact (pr11 Hg).
- use inv_of_invertible_2cell.
exact (pr21 Hg).
- use make_invertible_2cell.
+ exact (pr112 Hg).
+ apply inv_B.
- abstract
(pose (pr212 Hg) as q ;
cbn ; cbn in q ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2 in q ;
rewrite id2_left in q ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 (use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn) ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
do 2 (use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn) ;
exact q).
Definition pb_1cell_to_lift_1cell
(Hg : pb_1cell other_cone pb)
: lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) hg.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, _)).
- exact (pb_1cell_1cell Hg).
- exact (inv_of_invertible_2cell (pb_1cell_pr1 Hg)).
- exact (pr1 (pb_1cell_pr2 Hg)).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pb_1cell_eq Hg) as q ;
cbn in q ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 (use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn) ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z • _) q @ _) ; clear q ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 apply maponpaths ;
refine (_ @ id2_right _) ;
apply maponpaths ;
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
rewrite id2_left, id2_right ;
apply idpath).
- use is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod.
exact (pr2 (pb_1cell_pr2 Hg)).
End Lift1CellConeMor.
Definition is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_1cell
{z : B}
{hz : cod_disp_bicat B z}
{g : B ⟦ z, x ⟧}
(hg : hz -->[ g · f] hy)
: lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) hg.
apply pb_1cell_to_lift_1cell.
apply (has_pb_ump_1 pb pb_sqr).
Section Lift2CellConeCell.
Context {c : B}
{cc : cod_disp_bicat B c}
{h h' : c --> x}
{gg : cc -->[ h · f] hy}
{gg' : cc -->[ h' · f] hy}
{δ : h ==> h'}
(σσ : gg ==>[ δ ▹ f] gg')
(Lh : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) gg)
(Lh' : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) gg').
Definition lift_2cell_cone
: UU
:= ∑ (α : pr11 Lh ==> pr11 Lh'),
(pr121 Lh • (α ▹ pr2 hx) = (pr2 cc ◃ δ) • pr121 Lh')
((α ▹ π) • pr112 Lh' = pr112 Lh • pr1 σσ).
Definition cone_cell_to_lift_2cell
(α : pr11 Lh ==> pr11 Lh')
(α_pr1 : pr121 Lh • (α ▹ pr2 hx) = (pr2 cc ◃ δ) • pr121 Lh')
(α_pr2 : (α ▹ π) • pr112 Lh' = pr112 Lh • pr1 σσ)
: lift_2cell_factor_type (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh'.
simple refine ((α ,, α_pr1) ,, _).
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ].
rewrite pr1_transportf.
rewrite transportf_const.
exact α_pr2.
Definition lift_2cell_to_cone_cell
(α : lift_2cell_factor_type (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh')
: lift_2cell_cone.
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact (pr11 α).
- exact (pr21 α).
- abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 α)) as q ;
cbn ;
simpl in q ;
rewrite pr1_transportf in q ;
rewrite transportf_const in q ;
exact q).
Definition cone_cell_weq_lift_2cell
: lift_2cell_cone
lift_2cell_factor_type (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh'.
use make_weq.
- exact (λ z, cone_cell_to_lift_2cell (pr1 z) (pr12 z) (pr22 z)).
- use gradth.
+ exact lift_2cell_to_cone_cell.
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply (cod_disp_bicat B) | ] ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
Let cone : pb_cone f (pr2 hy)
:= make_pb_cone
(pr1 cc) (pr2 cc · h') (pr1 gg')
(rassociator_invertible_2cell (pr2 cc) h' f)
(pr2 gg')).
Let cell₂ : pb_1cell cone pb := lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell _ Lh'.
Local Definition cell₁ : pb_1cell cone pb.
pose (lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell _ Lh) as lift.
use make_pb_1cell.
- exact lift.
- exact (comp_of_invertible_2cell
(pb_1cell_pr1 lift)
(δ ,, inv_B _ _ _ _ _))).
- exact (comp_of_invertible_2cell
(pb_1cell_pr2 lift)
(pr1 σσ ,, inv_B _ _ _ _ _)).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pb_1cell_eq lift) as q ;
cbn in q ;
rewrite q ;
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 2 apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator ;
do 2 apply maponpaths_2 ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn ;
exact (pr2 σσ)).
Definition pb_2cell_to_cone_cell
(α : pb_2cell cell₁ cell₂)
: lift_2cell_cone.
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact α.
- abstract
(pose (pb_2cell_pr1 α) as q ;
cbn in q ;
refine (!(id2_right _) @ _) ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
refine (!_) ;
exact (vcomp_linv (pr221 Lh'))
| ] ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ • z) q @ _) ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
apply id2_left).
- exact (pb_2cell_pr2 α).
Definition cone_cell_to_pb_2cell
(α : lift_2cell_cone)
: pb_2cell cell₁ cell₂.
use make_pb_2cell.
- exact (pr1 α).
- abstract
(pose (pr12 α) as q ;
cbn ;
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ;
cbn ;
exact q).
- exact (pr22 α).
Definition pb_2cell_weq_cone_cell
: pb_2cell cell₁ cell₂ ≃ lift_2cell_cone.
use make_weq.
- exact pb_2cell_to_cone_cell.
- use gradth.
+ exact cone_cell_to_pb_2cell.
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
Definition is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_2cell
: lift_2cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh'.
use (iscontrweqf cone_cell_weq_lift_2cell).
use (iscontrweqf pb_2cell_weq_cone_cell).
apply pb_2cell_contr.
apply pb_sqr.
End Lift2CellConeCell.
Definition is_pb_to_cartesian_1cell
: cartesian_1cell (cod_disp_bicat B) (π ,, p).
- exact @is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_1cell.
- exact @is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_2cell.
End PullbackToCartesian.
Section CartesianToPullback.
Context {x y : B}
{f : x --> y}
{hx : cod_disp_bicat B x}
{hy : cod_disp_bicat B y}
(π : pr1 hx --> pr1 hy)
(p : invertible_2cell (pr2 hx · f) (π · pr2 hy))
(Hp : cartesian_1cell (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p)).
Let pb := make_pb_cone (pr1 hx) (pr2 hx) π p.
Definition cartesian_1cell_pb_ump_1
: pb_ump_1 pb.
intro q.
pose (pr1 Hp x (make_ar (pb_cone_pr1 q)) (id₁ _)
(pb_cone_pr2 q ,, comp_of_invertible_2cell
(lunitor_invertible_2cell _))
(pb_cone_cell q))) as w.
pose (lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell π p _ w).
cbn in p0.
use make_pb_1cell.
- exact p0.
- pose (pb_1cell_pr1 p0).
cbn in i.
refine (comp_of_invertible_2cell i (runitor_invertible_2cell _)).
- exact (pb_1cell_pr2 p0).
- refine (pb_1cell_eq p0 @ _) ; cbn.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
apply lunitor_lwhisker.
Section PbUMP2AndEq.
Context {q : pb_cone f (pr2 hy)}
(φ ψ : pb_1cell q pb).
Let g : cod_disp_bicat B x := (make_ar (pb_cone_pr1 q)).
Let χ : g -->[ id₁ x · f] hy
:= make_disp_1cell_cod
(dX := g) (dY := hy)
(pb_cone_pr2 q)
(lunitor_invertible_2cell _))
(pb_cone_cell q)).
Local Definition pχ
: χ ==>[ id₂ (id₁ x) ▹ f] χ.
use make_disp_2cell_cod.
- apply id2.
- abstract
(unfold coherent_homot ; cbn ;
rewrite !id2_rwhisker, lwhisker_id2, id2_left, id2_right ;
apply idpath).
Local Definition lift_1cell_of_pb_1cell
(ζ : pb_1cell q pb)
: lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) χ.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, _)).
- exact (pr1 ζ).
- exact (comp_of_invertible_2cell
(runitor_invertible_2cell _)
(inv_of_invertible_2cell (pb_1cell_pr1 ζ))).
- exact (pr1 (pb_1cell_pr2 ζ)).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pb_1cell_eq ζ) as r ;
cbn in r ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 (use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ]) ;
cbn ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z • _) r @ _) ;
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 2 apply maponpaths ;
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ • (_ • z)) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
rewrite id2_left ;
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite vcomp_linv ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
rewrite id2_right ;
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ • z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
rewrite id2_left ;
apply idpath).
- apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod.
apply (pb_1cell_pr2 ζ).
Let lift_φ : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) χ
:= lift_1cell_of_pb_1cell φ.
Let lift_ψ : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) χ
:= lift_1cell_of_pb_1cell ψ.
Definition cartesian_ump_2
: pb_2cell φ ψ.
pose (pr2 Hp _ g (id₁ _) (id₁ _) χ χ (id2 _) pχ lift_φ lift_ψ) as l.
use make_pb_2cell.
- exact (pr111 l).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pr211 l) as d ;
cbn in d ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left in d ;
rewrite !vassocl in d ;
pose (maponpaths (λ z, rinvunitor _ • z) d) as d' ;
cbn in d' ;
rewrite !vassocr in d' ;
rewrite !rinvunitor_runitor, !id2_left in d' ;
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ apply (pb_1cell_pr1 ψ) | ] ; cbn ;
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ apply (pb_1cell_pr1 φ) | ] ; cbn ;
exact d').
- abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr21 l)) as d ;
simpl in d ;
rewrite pr1_transportf in d ;
rewrite transportf_const in d ;
cbn in d ;
rewrite id2_right in d ;
exact d).
Definition pb_2cell_to_lift
(r : pb_2cell φ ψ)
: lift_2cell_factor_type
(cod_disp_bicat B)
(π ,, p)
lift_φ lift_ψ.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _) ; cbn.
- exact r.
- abstract
(pose (pb_2cell_pr1 r) as w ;
cbn in w ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ • (_ • z)) w @ _) ;
rewrite vcomp_linv ;
rewrite id2_right ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2 ;
rewrite id2_left ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
simpl ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
cbn ;
rewrite id2_right ;
exact (pb_2cell_pr2 r)).
Context (r₁ r₂ : pb_2cell φ ψ).
Definition cartesian_ump_eq
: r₁ = r₂.
pose (pr2 Hp _ g (id₁ _) (id₁ _) χ χ (id2 _) pχ lift_φ lift_ψ) as l.
pose (proofirrelevance
(isapropifcontr l)
(pb_2cell_to_lift r₁)
(pb_2cell_to_lift r₂)) as eq.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property.
exact (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z) eq).
End PbUMP2AndEq.
Definition cartesian_1cell_to_is_pb
: has_pb_ump pb.
use make_has_pb_ump.
- exact cartesian_1cell_pb_ump_1.
- exact @cartesian_ump_2.
- exact @cartesian_ump_eq.
End CartesianToPullback.
Definition cod_global_cleaving
: global_cleaving (cod_disp_bicat B).
intros x y hx f ; cbn in ×.
pose (pb_B _ _ _ f (pr2 hx)) as pb.
pose (pr1 pb) as pb₁.
pose (pr2 pb) as pb₂.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _) ,, _) ; cbn.
- exact pb₁.
- exact (pb_cone_pr1 pb₁).
- exact (pb_cone_pr2 pb₁).
- exact (pb_cone_cell pb₁).
- apply is_pb_to_cartesian_1cell.
exact pb₂.
Definition cod_cleaving_of_bicats
: cleaving_of_bicats (cod_disp_bicat B).
repeat split.
- exact cod_local_cleaving.
- exact cod_global_cleaving.
- intro ; intros.
apply cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell.
apply inv_B.
- intro ; intros.
apply cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell.
apply inv_B.
End CodomainCleaving.
Definition cod_fibration_one_types
: cleaving_of_bicats (cod_disp_bicat one_types).
use cod_cleaving_of_bicats.
- exact one_type_2cell_iso.
- exact has_pb_one_types.
Context {x y : B}
{f : x --> y}
{hx : cod_disp_bicat B x}
{hy : cod_disp_bicat B y}
(π : pr1 hx --> pr1 hy)
(p : invertible_2cell (pr2 hx · f) (π · pr2 hy))
(pb := make_pb_cone (pr1 hx) (pr2 hx) π p)
(pb_sqr : has_pb_ump pb).
Section Lift1CellConeMor.
Context {z : B}
{hz : cod_disp_bicat B z}
{g : z --> x}
(hg : hz -->[ g · f] hy).
Let other_cone : pb_cone f (pr2 hy)
:= make_pb_cone
(pr1 hz)
(pr2 hz · g)
(pr1 hg)
(rassociator_invertible_2cell _ _ _)
(pr2 hg)).
Definition lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell
(Hg : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) hg)
: pb_1cell other_cone pb.
use make_pb_1cell.
- exact (pr11 Hg).
- use inv_of_invertible_2cell.
exact (pr21 Hg).
- use make_invertible_2cell.
+ exact (pr112 Hg).
+ apply inv_B.
- abstract
(pose (pr212 Hg) as q ;
cbn ; cbn in q ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2 in q ;
rewrite id2_left in q ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 (use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn) ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
do 2 (use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn) ;
exact q).
Definition pb_1cell_to_lift_1cell
(Hg : pb_1cell other_cone pb)
: lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) hg.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, _)).
- exact (pb_1cell_1cell Hg).
- exact (inv_of_invertible_2cell (pb_1cell_pr1 Hg)).
- exact (pr1 (pb_1cell_pr2 Hg)).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pb_1cell_eq Hg) as q ;
cbn in q ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 (use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn) ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z • _) q @ _) ; clear q ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 apply maponpaths ;
refine (_ @ id2_right _) ;
apply maponpaths ;
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
rewrite id2_left, id2_right ;
apply idpath).
- use is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod.
exact (pr2 (pb_1cell_pr2 Hg)).
End Lift1CellConeMor.
Definition is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_1cell
{z : B}
{hz : cod_disp_bicat B z}
{g : B ⟦ z, x ⟧}
(hg : hz -->[ g · f] hy)
: lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) hg.
apply pb_1cell_to_lift_1cell.
apply (has_pb_ump_1 pb pb_sqr).
Section Lift2CellConeCell.
Context {c : B}
{cc : cod_disp_bicat B c}
{h h' : c --> x}
{gg : cc -->[ h · f] hy}
{gg' : cc -->[ h' · f] hy}
{δ : h ==> h'}
(σσ : gg ==>[ δ ▹ f] gg')
(Lh : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) gg)
(Lh' : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) gg').
Definition lift_2cell_cone
: UU
:= ∑ (α : pr11 Lh ==> pr11 Lh'),
(pr121 Lh • (α ▹ pr2 hx) = (pr2 cc ◃ δ) • pr121 Lh')
((α ▹ π) • pr112 Lh' = pr112 Lh • pr1 σσ).
Definition cone_cell_to_lift_2cell
(α : pr11 Lh ==> pr11 Lh')
(α_pr1 : pr121 Lh • (α ▹ pr2 hx) = (pr2 cc ◃ δ) • pr121 Lh')
(α_pr2 : (α ▹ π) • pr112 Lh' = pr112 Lh • pr1 σσ)
: lift_2cell_factor_type (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh'.
simple refine ((α ,, α_pr1) ,, _).
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ].
rewrite pr1_transportf.
rewrite transportf_const.
exact α_pr2.
Definition lift_2cell_to_cone_cell
(α : lift_2cell_factor_type (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh')
: lift_2cell_cone.
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact (pr11 α).
- exact (pr21 α).
- abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 α)) as q ;
cbn ;
simpl in q ;
rewrite pr1_transportf in q ;
rewrite transportf_const in q ;
exact q).
Definition cone_cell_weq_lift_2cell
: lift_2cell_cone
lift_2cell_factor_type (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh'.
use make_weq.
- exact (λ z, cone_cell_to_lift_2cell (pr1 z) (pr12 z) (pr22 z)).
- use gradth.
+ exact lift_2cell_to_cone_cell.
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply (cod_disp_bicat B) | ] ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
Let cone : pb_cone f (pr2 hy)
:= make_pb_cone
(pr1 cc) (pr2 cc · h') (pr1 gg')
(rassociator_invertible_2cell (pr2 cc) h' f)
(pr2 gg')).
Let cell₂ : pb_1cell cone pb := lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell _ Lh'.
Local Definition cell₁ : pb_1cell cone pb.
pose (lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell _ Lh) as lift.
use make_pb_1cell.
- exact lift.
- exact (comp_of_invertible_2cell
(pb_1cell_pr1 lift)
(δ ,, inv_B _ _ _ _ _))).
- exact (comp_of_invertible_2cell
(pb_1cell_pr2 lift)
(pr1 σσ ,, inv_B _ _ _ _ _)).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pb_1cell_eq lift) as q ;
cbn in q ;
rewrite q ;
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 2 apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator ;
do 2 apply maponpaths_2 ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn ;
exact (pr2 σσ)).
Definition pb_2cell_to_cone_cell
(α : pb_2cell cell₁ cell₂)
: lift_2cell_cone.
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact α.
- abstract
(pose (pb_2cell_pr1 α) as q ;
cbn in q ;
refine (!(id2_right _) @ _) ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
refine (!_) ;
exact (vcomp_linv (pr221 Lh'))
| ] ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ • z) q @ _) ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
apply id2_left).
- exact (pb_2cell_pr2 α).
Definition cone_cell_to_pb_2cell
(α : lift_2cell_cone)
: pb_2cell cell₁ cell₂.
use make_pb_2cell.
- exact (pr1 α).
- abstract
(pose (pr12 α) as q ;
cbn ;
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ;
cbn ;
exact q).
- exact (pr22 α).
Definition pb_2cell_weq_cone_cell
: pb_2cell cell₁ cell₂ ≃ lift_2cell_cone.
use make_weq.
- exact pb_2cell_to_cone_cell.
- use gradth.
+ exact cone_cell_to_pb_2cell.
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intro ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
apply idpath).
Definition is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_2cell
: lift_2cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) σσ Lh Lh'.
use (iscontrweqf cone_cell_weq_lift_2cell).
use (iscontrweqf pb_2cell_weq_cone_cell).
apply pb_2cell_contr.
apply pb_sqr.
End Lift2CellConeCell.
Definition is_pb_to_cartesian_1cell
: cartesian_1cell (cod_disp_bicat B) (π ,, p).
- exact @is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_1cell.
- exact @is_pb_to_cartesian_lift_2cell.
End PullbackToCartesian.
Section CartesianToPullback.
Context {x y : B}
{f : x --> y}
{hx : cod_disp_bicat B x}
{hy : cod_disp_bicat B y}
(π : pr1 hx --> pr1 hy)
(p : invertible_2cell (pr2 hx · f) (π · pr2 hy))
(Hp : cartesian_1cell (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p)).
Let pb := make_pb_cone (pr1 hx) (pr2 hx) π p.
Definition cartesian_1cell_pb_ump_1
: pb_ump_1 pb.
intro q.
pose (pr1 Hp x (make_ar (pb_cone_pr1 q)) (id₁ _)
(pb_cone_pr2 q ,, comp_of_invertible_2cell
(lunitor_invertible_2cell _))
(pb_cone_cell q))) as w.
pose (lift_1cell_to_pb_1cell π p _ w).
cbn in p0.
use make_pb_1cell.
- exact p0.
- pose (pb_1cell_pr1 p0).
cbn in i.
refine (comp_of_invertible_2cell i (runitor_invertible_2cell _)).
- exact (pb_1cell_pr2 p0).
- refine (pb_1cell_eq p0 @ _) ; cbn.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
apply lunitor_lwhisker.
Section PbUMP2AndEq.
Context {q : pb_cone f (pr2 hy)}
(φ ψ : pb_1cell q pb).
Let g : cod_disp_bicat B x := (make_ar (pb_cone_pr1 q)).
Let χ : g -->[ id₁ x · f] hy
:= make_disp_1cell_cod
(dX := g) (dY := hy)
(pb_cone_pr2 q)
(lunitor_invertible_2cell _))
(pb_cone_cell q)).
Local Definition pχ
: χ ==>[ id₂ (id₁ x) ▹ f] χ.
use make_disp_2cell_cod.
- apply id2.
- abstract
(unfold coherent_homot ; cbn ;
rewrite !id2_rwhisker, lwhisker_id2, id2_left, id2_right ;
apply idpath).
Local Definition lift_1cell_of_pb_1cell
(ζ : pb_1cell q pb)
: lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) χ.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, _)).
- exact (pr1 ζ).
- exact (comp_of_invertible_2cell
(runitor_invertible_2cell _)
(inv_of_invertible_2cell (pb_1cell_pr1 ζ))).
- exact (pr1 (pb_1cell_pr2 ζ)).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pb_1cell_eq ζ) as r ;
cbn in r ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 3 (use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ]) ;
cbn ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z • _) r @ _) ;
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
do 2 apply maponpaths ;
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ • (_ • z)) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
rewrite id2_left ;
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite vcomp_linv ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
rewrite id2_right ;
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ • z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor ;
rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
rewrite id2_left ;
apply idpath).
- apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod.
apply (pb_1cell_pr2 ζ).
Let lift_φ : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) χ
:= lift_1cell_of_pb_1cell φ.
Let lift_ψ : lift_1cell_factor (cod_disp_bicat B) (π,, p) χ
:= lift_1cell_of_pb_1cell ψ.
Definition cartesian_ump_2
: pb_2cell φ ψ.
pose (pr2 Hp _ g (id₁ _) (id₁ _) χ χ (id2 _) pχ lift_φ lift_ψ) as l.
use make_pb_2cell.
- exact (pr111 l).
- abstract
(cbn ;
pose (pr211 l) as d ;
cbn in d ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left in d ;
rewrite !vassocl in d ;
pose (maponpaths (λ z, rinvunitor _ • z) d) as d' ;
cbn in d' ;
rewrite !vassocr in d' ;
rewrite !rinvunitor_runitor, !id2_left in d' ;
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ apply (pb_1cell_pr1 ψ) | ] ; cbn ;
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ apply (pb_1cell_pr1 φ) | ] ; cbn ;
exact d').
- abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (pr21 l)) as d ;
simpl in d ;
rewrite pr1_transportf in d ;
rewrite transportf_const in d ;
cbn in d ;
rewrite id2_right in d ;
exact d).
Definition pb_2cell_to_lift
(r : pb_2cell φ ψ)
: lift_2cell_factor_type
(cod_disp_bicat B)
(π ,, p)
lift_φ lift_ψ.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _) ; cbn.
- exact r.
- abstract
(pose (pb_2cell_pr1 r) as w ;
cbn in w ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ • (_ • z)) w @ _) ;
rewrite vcomp_linv ;
rewrite id2_right ;
rewrite lwhisker_id2 ;
rewrite id2_left ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
simpl ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
cbn ;
rewrite id2_right ;
exact (pb_2cell_pr2 r)).
Context (r₁ r₂ : pb_2cell φ ψ).
Definition cartesian_ump_eq
: r₁ = r₂.
pose (pr2 Hp _ g (id₁ _) (id₁ _) χ χ (id2 _) pχ lift_φ lift_ψ) as l.
pose (proofirrelevance
(isapropifcontr l)
(pb_2cell_to_lift r₁)
(pb_2cell_to_lift r₂)) as eq.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property.
exact (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z) eq).
End PbUMP2AndEq.
Definition cartesian_1cell_to_is_pb
: has_pb_ump pb.
use make_has_pb_ump.
- exact cartesian_1cell_pb_ump_1.
- exact @cartesian_ump_2.
- exact @cartesian_ump_eq.
End CartesianToPullback.
Definition cod_global_cleaving
: global_cleaving (cod_disp_bicat B).
intros x y hx f ; cbn in ×.
pose (pb_B _ _ _ f (pr2 hx)) as pb.
pose (pr1 pb) as pb₁.
pose (pr2 pb) as pb₂.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _) ,, _) ; cbn.
- exact pb₁.
- exact (pb_cone_pr1 pb₁).
- exact (pb_cone_pr2 pb₁).
- exact (pb_cone_cell pb₁).
- apply is_pb_to_cartesian_1cell.
exact pb₂.
Definition cod_cleaving_of_bicats
: cleaving_of_bicats (cod_disp_bicat B).
repeat split.
- exact cod_local_cleaving.
- exact cod_global_cleaving.
- intro ; intros.
apply cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell.
apply inv_B.
- intro ; intros.
apply cod_invertible_is_cartesian_2cell.
apply inv_B.
End CodomainCleaving.
Definition cod_fibration_one_types
: cleaving_of_bicats (cod_disp_bicat one_types).
use cod_cleaving_of_bicats.
- exact one_type_2cell_iso.
- exact has_pb_one_types.