Library UniMath.Algebra.Universal.TermAlgebras

The ground term algebra and the proof it is initial.

Gianluca Amato, Marco Maggesi, Cosimo Perini Brogi 2019-2021

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.

Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Universal.Algebras.
Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Universal.Terms.

Local Open Scope sorted.
Local Open Scope hom.

Section TermAlgebra.

  Definition term_algebra (σ: signature): algebra σ
    := make_algebra (gtermset σ) build_gterm.

  Context {σ: signature}.

  Definition geval (a: algebra σ): term_algebra σ s a
    := @fromgterm σ a (ops a).

  Lemma gevalstep {a: algebra σ} (nm: names σ) (v: (gterm σ)⋆ (arity nm))
    : geval a _ (build_gterm nm v) = ops a nm (h1map (geval a) v).
    unfold geval.
    apply fromtermstep.

  Lemma ishomgeval (a: algebra σ): ishom (geval a).
    unfold starfun.
    apply gevalstep.

  Definition gevalhom (a: algebra σ): term_algebra σ a
    := make_hom (ishomgeval a).

  Definition iscontrhomsfromgterm (a: algebra σ): iscontr (term_algebra σ a).
     (gevalhom a).
    intro f.
    induction f as [f fishom].
    apply subtypePairEquality'.
    2: apply isapropishom.
    apply funextsec.
    intro s.
    apply funextfun.
    intro t.
    apply (term_ind (λ s t, f s t = geval a s t)).
    unfold term_ind_HP.
    change (build_gterm nm v) with (ops (term_algebra σ) nm v) at 1.
    rewrite fishom.
    rewrite gevalstep.
    apply maponpaths.
    unfold starfun.
    apply h1map_path.
    exact IH.

End TermAlgebra.