Library UniMath.Induction.W.Naturals
Natural numbers
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Preamble.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.functor_categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.Types.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.
Require Import UniMath.Ktheory.Utilities.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.PolynomialFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.W.Core.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.W.Fibered.
Local Notation ℕ := nat.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.functor_categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.Types.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.
Require Import UniMath.Ktheory.Utilities.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.PolynomialFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.W.Core.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.W.Fibered.
Local Notation ℕ := nat.
The signature for the nat functor is (bool, false ↦ empty; true ↦ unit)
since the naturals have two constructors: one for zero and one for successor.
Definition nat_functor : functor type_precat type_precat :=
polynomial_functor bool (bool_rect (λ _, UU) empty unit).
polynomial_functor bool (bool_rect (λ _, UU) empty unit).
The functor deals with functions from ∅ and unit; these lemmas will come in
handy in several proofs.
Lemma eqfromempty {X : UU} (f : empty → X) : f = fromempty.
Proof. apply proofirrelevance, isapropifcontr, iscontrfunfromempty. Defined.
Lemma eta_unit {X : UU} (f : unit → X) : f = λ _, f tt.
Proof. apply funextfun; intros ?; induction _; reflexivity. Defined.
Proof. apply proofirrelevance, isapropifcontr, iscontrfunfromempty. Defined.
Lemma eta_unit {X : UU} (f : unit → X) : f = λ _, f tt.
Proof. apply funextfun; intros ?; induction _; reflexivity. Defined.
Simplifying the action of the functor on arrows
Lemma nat_functor_arr_true {X Y : UU} (f : X → Y) g :
(functor_on_morphisms nat_functor) f (true,, g) = (true,, fromempty).
cbn; unfold polynomial_functor_arr; cbn.
apply maponpaths, eqfromempty.
Lemma nat_functor_arr_false {X Y : UU} (f : X → Y) g :
(functor_on_morphisms nat_functor) f (false,, g) = (false,, λ _, f (g tt)).
cbn; unfold polynomial_functor_arr; cbn.
apply maponpaths, eta_unit.
Here's how to prove two functions from a nat_functor are equal:
check both cases.
Lemma from_nat_functor_eq {X Y : UU} :
∏ f g : nat_functor X → Y,
(f (true,, fromempty) = g (true,, fromempty)) →
(∏ h, f (false,, λ _, h tt) = g (false,, λ _, h tt)) → f = g.
intros f g ? eqfalse.
apply funextsec; intro pair.
induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b.
- refine (maponpaths (λ z, f (true,, z)) (eqfromempty bfun) @ _).
refine (_ @ !maponpaths (λ z, g (true,, z)) (eqfromempty bfun)).
- cbn in eqfalse.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, f (false,, z)) (eta_unit bfun) @ _).
refine (_ @ !maponpaths (λ z, g (false,, z)) (eta_unit bfun)).
apply eqfalse.
∏ f g : nat_functor X → Y,
(f (true,, fromempty) = g (true,, fromempty)) →
(∏ h, f (false,, λ _, h tt) = g (false,, λ _, h tt)) → f = g.
intros f g ? eqfalse.
apply funextsec; intro pair.
induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b.
- refine (maponpaths (λ z, f (true,, z)) (eqfromempty bfun) @ _).
refine (_ @ !maponpaths (λ z, g (true,, z)) (eqfromempty bfun)).
- cbn in eqfalse.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, f (false,, z)) (eta_unit bfun) @ _).
refine (_ @ !maponpaths (λ z, g (false,, z)) (eta_unit bfun)).
apply eqfalse.
The intuition is that an algebra X for this functor is given by a constant
x : X and a function X → X. The following equivalence verifies this.
Definition nat_functor_equiv :
∏ {X : UU}, (X × (X → X)) ≃ (nat_functor X → X).
intro X.
use weq_iso.
× intros dprodpair.
intros pairfun.
induction pairfun as [b bfun]; induction b.
- exact (pr1 dprodpair).
- exact (pr2 dprodpair (bfun tt)).
× intro pairfun.
exact (dirprodpair (pairfun (true,, fromempty))
(λ x, pairfun (false,, λ _, x))).
× reflexivity.
× intro Y; apply from_nat_functor_eq; reflexivity.
∏ {X : UU}, (X × (X → X)) ≃ (nat_functor X → X).
intro X.
use weq_iso.
× intros dprodpair.
intros pairfun.
induction pairfun as [b bfun]; induction b.
- exact (pr1 dprodpair).
- exact (pr2 dprodpair (bfun tt)).
× intro pairfun.
exact (dirprodpair (pairfun (true,, fromempty))
(λ x, pairfun (false,, λ _, x))).
× reflexivity.
× intro Y; apply from_nat_functor_eq; reflexivity.
Using our equivalence, we can consisely define the algebra corresponding to
ℕ. Any choice of zero results in an isomorphic algebra.
Definition nat_alg (n : ℕ) : algebra_ob nat_functor :=
(ℕ,, nat_functor_equiv (dirprodpair n S)).
Definition nat_alg_z : algebra_ob nat_functor := nat_alg 0.
(ℕ,, nat_functor_equiv (dirprodpair n S)).
Definition nat_alg_z : algebra_ob nat_functor := nat_alg 0.
We may also define it directly. This will be judgmentally equal
to nat_alg_z.
Example nat_alg' : algebra_ob nat_functor.
unfold algebra_ob, nat_functor; cbn; unfold polynomial_functor_obj; cbn.
refine (ℕ,, λ pair, _).
induction pair as [b rect].
induction b; cbn in rect.
- exact 0.
- exact (S (rect tt)).
Lemma nat_algs_eq : nat_alg_z = nat_alg'. Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
unfold algebra_ob, nat_functor; cbn; unfold polynomial_functor_obj; cbn.
refine (ℕ,, λ pair, _).
induction pair as [b rect].
induction b; cbn in rect.
- exact 0.
- exact (S (rect tt)).
Lemma nat_algs_eq : nat_alg_z = nat_alg'. Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
An algebra morphism between algebras for the nat functor is a
function that respects all the relevant structure.
Definition mk_nat_functor_algebra_mor {X Y : algebra_ob nat_functor} :
let X' := invmap nat_functor_equiv (pr2 X) in
let Y' := invmap nat_functor_equiv (pr2 Y) in
∏ (f : pr1 X → pr1 Y),
(f (pr1 X') = (pr1 Y')) × (f ∘ (pr2 X') = (pr2 Y') ∘ f)
→ is_algebra_mor _ X Y f.
intros X' Y' f p.
apply from_nat_functor_eq.
+ unfold funcomp.
refine (_ @ !maponpaths _ (nat_functor_arr_true f _)).
refine (pr1 p @ _).
apply (maponpaths (pr2 Y)), maponpaths.
+ intros ?; apply (eqtohomot (pr2 p)).
let X' := invmap nat_functor_equiv (pr2 X) in
let Y' := invmap nat_functor_equiv (pr2 Y) in
∏ (f : pr1 X → pr1 Y),
(f (pr1 X') = (pr1 Y')) × (f ∘ (pr2 X') = (pr2 Y') ∘ f)
→ is_algebra_mor _ X Y f.
intros X' Y' f p.
apply from_nat_functor_eq.
+ unfold funcomp.
refine (_ @ !maponpaths _ (nat_functor_arr_true f _)).
refine (pr1 p @ _).
apply (maponpaths (pr2 Y)), maponpaths.
+ intros ?; apply (eqtohomot (pr2 p)).
Define the unique algebra morphism out of ℕ
X has a "zero" and a "successor", just like ℕ, given by the algebra
structure. We use these to define the unique morphism ℕ -> X
by induction.
The recursor for ℕ gets an extra argument of type ℕ, which we don't pass
to xsucc. Compare to CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.nat_ob_rec.
refine ((nat_rect _ x0 (λ _, xsucc)),, _).
apply mk_nat_functor_algebra_mor; split; reflexivity.
apply mk_nat_functor_algebra_mor; split; reflexivity.
The first projection of the morphism out of ℕ (the actual function)
is unique.
Lemma nat_alg_func_is_unique :
∏ X, ∏ (mor : algebra_mor _ nat_alg_z X), pr1 mor = pr1 (nat_alg_is_preinitial X).
intros X mor.
induction X as [X x]; induction mor as [mor is_mor]; cbn in x.
cbn in mor.
apply funextfun; intros n; induction n; cbn.
- unfold is_algebra_mor in is_mor; cbn in mor, is_mor.
∏ X, ∏ (mor : algebra_mor _ nat_alg_z X), pr1 mor = pr1 (nat_alg_is_preinitial X).
intros X mor.
induction X as [X x]; induction mor as [mor is_mor]; cbn in x.
cbn in mor.
apply funextfun; intros n; induction n; cbn.
- unfold is_algebra_mor in is_mor; cbn in mor, is_mor.
Use the condition that mor is an algebra morphism
refine ((eqtohomot is_mor (true,, fromempty)) @ _).
apply (maponpaths x).
apply nat_functor_arr_true.
apply (maponpaths x).
apply nat_functor_arr_true.
Use the condition that mor is an algebra morphism
refine ((eqtohomot is_mor (false,, _)) @ _); cbn.
apply (maponpaths x).
unfold polynomial_functor_arr; cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec; intros ttt; induction ttt.
apply IHn.
apply (maponpaths x).
unfold polynomial_functor_arr; cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec; intros ttt; induction ttt.
apply IHn.
Since fibered algebras are the "dependent version" of normal algebras,
we need some kind of "dependent version" of the lemmas above.
Lemma sec_fromempty {X : UU} {Y : X → UU}
(f : ∅ → X)
(t : ∏ z : ∅, Y (f z)) : t = λ e, fromempty e.
apply funextsec; intros ?; induction _.
(f : ∅ → X)
(t : ∏ z : ∅, Y (f z)) : t = λ e, fromempty e.
apply funextsec; intros ?; induction _.
A fibered algebra over ℕ consists of a family ℕ → UU, a point x0 : X 0,
and a function from each X n to X (S n).
Definition fibered_algebra_nat :
fibered_alg nat_alg_z ≃ ∑ (X : ∏ n : ℕ, UU), (X 0) × (∏ {n}, X n → X (S n)).
apply weqfibtototal; intro X; cbn in X.
use weq_iso.
- intro x.
apply dirprodpair.
+ exact (x (true,, fromempty) (λ e, fromempty e)).
+ refine (λ n xn, _).
unfold fibered_alg in x; cbn in x.
apply (x (false,, λ _, n) (λ _, xn)).
- intro x.
unfold fibered_alg; cbn.
intros pair from; induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b; cbn in ×.
+ exact (pr1 x).
+ exact (pr2 x (bfun tt) (from tt)).
- cbn. intro g.
apply funextsec; intro pair.
induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b; cbn; cbn in bfun.
+ apply funextsec; intro z.
rewrite (sec_fromempty bfun z).
rewrite (eqfromempty bfun).
+ rewrite (eta_unit bfun).
apply funextsec; intro z.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!eta_unit z).
- reflexivity.
fibered_alg nat_alg_z ≃ ∑ (X : ∏ n : ℕ, UU), (X 0) × (∏ {n}, X n → X (S n)).
apply weqfibtototal; intro X; cbn in X.
use weq_iso.
- intro x.
apply dirprodpair.
+ exact (x (true,, fromempty) (λ e, fromempty e)).
+ refine (λ n xn, _).
unfold fibered_alg in x; cbn in x.
apply (x (false,, λ _, n) (λ _, xn)).
- intro x.
unfold fibered_alg; cbn.
intros pair from; induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b; cbn in ×.
+ exact (pr1 x).
+ exact (pr2 x (bfun tt) (from tt)).
- cbn. intro g.
apply funextsec; intro pair.
induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b; cbn; cbn in bfun.
+ apply funextsec; intro z.
rewrite (sec_fromempty bfun z).
rewrite (eqfromempty bfun).
+ rewrite (eta_unit bfun).
apply funextsec; intro z.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!eta_unit z).
- reflexivity.
A section from ℕ consists of a "point" x : ∏ n, X n such that
x agrees with the function which is a part of the fibered
algebra (see above).
Definition mk_nat_alg_sec :
∏ (FA : fibered_alg nat_alg_z),
let FA' := fibered_algebra_nat FA
in ∏ (x : ∏ n : ℕ, pr1 FA' n)
(p1 : x 0 = pr1 (pr2 FA'))
(p2 : (∏ n, pr2 (pr2 FA') n (x n) = x (S n))),
algebra_section FA.
intros FA FA' x p1 p2.
unfold algebra_section.
refine (x,, _).
intro pair.
induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b; cbn; cbn in bfun.
∏ (FA : fibered_alg nat_alg_z),
let FA' := fibered_algebra_nat FA
in ∏ (x : ∏ n : ℕ, pr1 FA' n)
(p1 : x 0 = pr1 (pr2 FA'))
(p2 : (∏ n, pr2 (pr2 FA') n (x n) = x (S n))),
algebra_section FA.
intros FA FA' x p1 p2.
unfold algebra_section.
refine (x,, _).
intro pair.
induction pair as [b bfun].
induction b; cbn; cbn in bfun.
They are equal at 0 by hypothesis p1, the rest is noise.
refine (p1 @ _).
unfold FA', fibered_algebra_nat; cbn.
rewrite (eqfromempty bfun).
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec.
intro e; induction e.
- refine (!p2 (bfun tt) @ _).
rewrite (eta_unit (bfun)).
unfold FA', fibered_algebra_nat; cbn.
rewrite (eqfromempty bfun).
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec.
intro e; induction e.
- refine (!p2 (bfun tt) @ _).
rewrite (eta_unit (bfun)).
Another way to make an algebra section given different starting data.
Definition mk_nat_alg_sec' {X : ℕ → UU} {ρ : ∏ n, X n → X (S n)}
(x : ∏ n : ℕ, X n) (H : ∏ n : ℕ, x (S n) = ρ n (x n)) :
(invmap fibered_algebra_nat (X,, (x 0,, ρ))).
refine (x,, _).
intros pair; induction pair as [b bfun]; induction b.
- reflexivity.
- apply H.
(x : ∏ n : ℕ, X n) (H : ∏ n : ℕ, x (S n) = ρ n (x n)) :
(invmap fibered_algebra_nat (X,, (x 0,, ρ))).
refine (x,, _).
intros pair; induction pair as [b bfun]; induction b.
- reflexivity.
- apply H.
Define the section out of ℕ, prove it's really a section
Lemma nat_alg_is_preinitial_sec : is_preinitial_sec nat_alg_z.
intro E. pose (x := pr2 E).
unfold is_preinitial, algebra_section.
use mk_nat_alg_sec.
- apply nat_rect.
+ exact (x (true,, fromempty) (empty_rect (pr1 E ∘ fromempty))).
+ intros ? fn.
refine (x (false,, λ _, n) (λ b : unit, fn)).
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec; intro e; induction e.
- reflexivity.
intro E. pose (x := pr2 E).
unfold is_preinitial, algebra_section.
use mk_nat_alg_sec.
- apply nat_rect.
+ exact (x (true,, fromempty) (empty_rect (pr1 E ∘ fromempty))).
+ intros ? fn.
refine (x (false,, λ _, n) (λ b : unit, fn)).
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec; intro e; induction e.
- reflexivity.