Library UniMath.Ktheory.Utilities
Require Export UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Export UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Export UniMath.Ktheory.Tactics.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Local Open Scope transport.
Definition nullHomotopyTo {X Y} (f:X→Y) (y:Y) := ∏ x:X, f x = y.
Definition NullHomotopyTo {X Y} (f:X→Y) := total2 (nullHomotopyTo f).
Definition NullHomotopyTo_center {X Y} (f:X→Y) : NullHomotopyTo f → Y := pr1.
Definition NullHomotopyTo_path {X Y} {f:X→Y} (r:NullHomotopyTo f) := pr2 r.
Definition nullHomotopyFrom {X Y} (f:X→Y) (y:Y) := ∏ x:X, y = f x.
Definition NullHomotopyFrom {X Y} (f:X→Y) := total2 (nullHomotopyFrom f).
Definition NullHomotopyFrom_center {X Y} (f:X→Y) : NullHomotopyFrom f → Y := pr1.
Definition NullHomotopyFrom_path {X Y} {f:X→Y} (r:NullHomotopyFrom f) := pr2 r.
Definition nullHomotopyTo_transport {X Y} {f:X→Y} {y:Y} (h : nullHomotopyTo f y)
{y':Y} (p:y = y') (x:X) : (p # h) x = h x @ p.
Proof. intros. induction p. apply pathsinv0. apply pathscomp0rid. Defined.
Lemma isaset_NullHomotopyTo {X Y} (i:isaset Y) (f:X→Y) : isaset (NullHomotopyTo f).
Proof. intros. apply (isofhleveltotal2 2). { apply i. }
intros y. apply impred; intros x. apply isasetaprop. apply i. Defined.
Lemma isaprop_nullHomotopyTo {X Y} (is:isaset Y) (f:X→Y) (y:Y) :
isaprop (nullHomotopyTo f y).
Proof. apply impred; intros x. apply is. Defined.
Lemma isaprop_NullHomotopyTo_0 {X} {Y} (is:isaset Y) (f:X→Y) :
X → isaprop (NullHomotopyTo f).
The point of X is needed, for when X is empty, then NullHomotopyTo f is
equivalent to Y.
Proof. intros x. apply invproofirrelevance. intros [r i] [s j].
apply subtypePairEquality.
- intros n. apply (isaprop_nullHomotopyTo is).
- exact (!i x @ j x).
apply subtypePairEquality.
- intros n. apply (isaprop_nullHomotopyTo is).
- exact (!i x @ j x).
Definition paths_from {X} (x:X) := coconusfromt X x.
Definition point_to {X} {x:X} : paths_from x → X := coconusfromtpr1 _ _.
Definition paths_from_path {X} {x:X} (w:paths_from x) := pr2 w.
Definition paths' {X} (x:X) := λ y, y = x.
Definition idpath' {X} (x:X) := idpath x : paths' x x.
Definition paths_to {X} (x:X) := coconustot X x.
Definition point_from {X} {x:X} : paths_to x → X := coconustotpr1 _ _.
Definition paths_to_path {X} {x:X} (w:paths_to x) := pr2 w.
Lemma iscontr_paths_to {X} (x:X) : iscontr (paths_to x).
Proof. apply iscontrcoconustot. Defined.
Lemma iscontr_paths_from {X} (x:X) : iscontr (paths_from x).
Proof. apply iscontrcoconusfromt. Defined.
Definition paths_to_prop {X} (x:X) :=
hProppair (paths_to x) (isapropifcontr (iscontr_paths_to x)).
Definition paths_from_prop {X} (x:X) :=
hProppair (paths_from x) (isapropifcontr (iscontr_paths_from x)).
Notation squash_fun := hinhfun (only parsing).
Notation squash_fun2 := hinhfun2 (only parsing).
Notation squash_element := hinhpr (only parsing).
Lemma squash_path {X} (x y:X) : squash_element x = squash_element y.
Proof. intros. apply propproperty. Defined.
Lemma isaprop_NullHomotopyTo {X} {Y} (is:isaset Y) (f:X→Y) :
∥ X ∥ → isaprop (NullHomotopyTo f).
Proof. apply factor_through_squash.
apply isapropisaprop.
apply isaprop_NullHomotopyTo_0. exact is. Defined.
We can get a map from '∥ X ∥' to any type 'Y' provided paths
are given that allow us to map first into a cone in 'Y'.
Definition cone_squash_map {X Y} (f:X→Y) (y:Y) :
nullHomotopyTo f y → ∥ X ∥ → Y.
Proof. intros e h.
exact (point_from (h (paths_to_prop y) (λ x, f x,,e x))). Defined.
Goal ∏ X Y (y:Y) (f:X→Y) (e:∏ m:X, f m = y),
f = funcomp squash_element (cone_squash_map f y e).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma squash_uniqueness {X} (x:X) (h:∥ X ∥) : squash_element x = h.
Proof. intros. apply propproperty. Qed.
Goal ∏ X Q (i:isaprop Q) (f:X → Q) (x:X),
factor_through_squash i f (squash_element x) = f x.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
Lemma factor_dep_through_squash {X} {Q:∥ X ∥→UU} :
(∏ h, isaprop (Q h)) →
(∏ x, Q(squash_element x)) →
(∏ h, Q h).
intros i f ?. apply (h (hProppair (Q h) (i h))).
intro x. simpl. induction (squash_uniqueness x h). exact (f x).
Lemma factor_through_squash_hProp {X} : ∏ hQ:hProp, (X → hQ) → ∥ X ∥ → hQ.
Proof. intros [Q i] f h. refine (h _ _). assumption. Defined.
Lemma funspace_isaset {X Y} : isaset Y → isaset (X → Y).
Proof. intros is. apply (impredfun 2). assumption. Defined.
Lemma squash_map_uniqueness {X S} (ip : isaset S) (g g' : ∥ X ∥ → S) :
g ∘ squash_element ¬ g' ∘ squash_element → g ¬ g'.
intros h.
set ( Q := λ y, g y = g' y ).
unfold homot.
apply (@factor_dep_through_squash X). intros y. apply ip.
intro x. apply h.
Lemma squash_map_epi {X S} (ip : isaset S) (g g' : ∥ X ∥ → S) :
g ∘ squash_element = g'∘ squash_element → g = g'.
intros e.
apply funextsec.
apply squash_map_uniqueness. exact ip.
intro x. induction e. apply idpath.
Notation ap := maponpaths.
Definition funcomp' { X Y Z : UU } ( g : Y → Z ) ( f : X → Y ) := λ x : X, g ( f x ) .
Local Open Scope transport.
Goal ∏ X (i:isaprop X) (x x':X), x = x'.
Proof. apply proofirrelevance. Defined.
Goal ∏ X (i:iscontr X) (x x':X), x = x'.
Proof. intros. apply proofirrelevancecontr. assumption. Defined.
Definition an_inclusion_is_injective {X Y} (f:X→Y) (inj:isincl f) x x': f x = f x' → x = x'.
Proof. exact (invmaponpathsincl _ inj _ _). Defined.
Definition confun T {Y} (y:Y) := λ _:T, y.
Definition path_type {X} {x x':X} (p:x = x') := X.
Definition path_start {X} {x x':X} (p:x = x') := x.
Definition path_end {X} {x x':X} (p:x = x') := x'.
Definition thePoint {T} : iscontr T → T.
Proof. intros is. exact (pr1 is). Defined.
Definition uniqueness {T} (i:iscontr T) (t:T) : t = thePoint i.
Proof. intros. exact (pr2 i t). Defined.
Definition uniqueness' {T} (i:iscontr T) (t:T) : thePoint i = t.
Proof. intros. exact (! (pr2 i t)). Defined.
Definition path_inverse_to_right {X} {x y:X} (p q:x = y) : p = q → !q@p = idpath _.
Proof. intros e. induction e. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition path_inverse_to_right' {X} {x y:X} (p q:x = y) : p = q → p@!q = idpath _.
Proof. intros e. induction e. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition cast {T U:Type} : T = U → T → U.
Proof. intros p t. induction p. exact t. Defined.
Definition app {X} {P:X→Type} {x x':X} {e e':x = x'} (q:e = e') (p:P x) :
e#p = e'#p.
Proof. intros. induction q. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition pathsinv0_to_right {X} {x y z:X} (p:y = x) (q:y = z) (r:x = z) :
q = p @ r → !p @ q = r.
Proof. intros e. induction p, q. exact e. Defined.
Definition pathsinv0_to_right' {X} {x y:X} (p:y = x) (r:x = y) :
idpath _ = p @ r → !p = r.
Proof. intros e. induction p. exact e. Defined.
Definition pathsinv0_to_right'' {X} {x:X} (p:x = x) :
idpath _ = p → !p = idpath _.
Proof. intros e. apply pathsinv0_to_right'. rewrite pathscomp0rid.
exact e. Defined.
Definition loop_power_nat {Y} {y:Y} (l:y = y) (n:nat) : y = y.
Proof. intros. induction n as [|n p].
{ exact (idpath _). } { exact (p@l). } Defined.
Definition pathscomp0_linj {X} {x y z:X} {p:x = y} {q q':y = z} (r:p@q = p@q') : q = q'.
Proof. intros. induction p. exact r. Defined.
Definition pathscomp0_rinj {X} {x y z:X} {p p':x = y} {q:y = z} (r:p@q = p'@q) : p = p'.
Proof. intros. induction q. exact (! pathscomp0rid p @ r @ pathscomp0rid p').
Lemma irrel_paths {X} (irr:∏ x y:X, x = y) {x y:X} (p q:x = y) : p = q.
Proof. intros.
assert (k : ∏ z:X, ∏ r:x = z, r @ irr z z = irr x z).
{ intros. induction r. reflexivity. }
exact (pathscomp0_rinj (k y p @ !k y q)). Defined.
Definition path_inv_rotate_2 {X} {a b c d:X} (p:a = b) (p':c = d) (q:a = c) (q':b = d) :
q @ p' = p @ q' → p' @ ! q' = !q @ p.
Proof. induction q,q'. simpl.
repeat rewrite pathscomp0rid. apply idfun. Defined.
Definition maponpaths_naturality {X Y : UU} {f : X → Y}
{x x' x'' : X} {p : x = x'} {q : x' = x''}
{p': f x = f x'} {q': f x' = f x''}
(r : maponpaths f p = p') (s : maponpaths f q = q') :
maponpaths f (p @ q) = p' @ q'.
intros. induction r, s. apply maponpathscomp0.
Definition maponpaths_naturality' {X Y : UU} {f : X → Y}
{x x' x'' : X} {p : x' = x} {q : x' = x''}
{p' : f x' = f x} {q' : f x' = f x''}
(r : maponpaths f p = p') (s : maponpaths f q = q') :
maponpaths f (!p @ q) = (!p') @ q'.
intros. induction r, s, p, q. reflexivity.
Definition pr2_of_hfiberpair {X Y} {f:X→Y} {x:X} {y:Y} {e:f x = y} :
pr2 (hfiberpair f x e) = e.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition pr2_of_pair {X} {P:X→Type} (x:X) (p:P x) : pr2 (tpair P x p) = p.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition pr2_of_weqpair {X Y} (f:X→Y) (i:isweq f) : pr2 (weqpair f i) = i.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition pair_path_props {X} {P:X→Type} {x y:X} {p:P x} {q:P y} :
x = y → (∏ z, isaprop (P z)) → x,,p = y,,q.
Proof. intros e is. now apply subtypePairEquality. Abort.
Definition pair_path2 {A} {B:A→UU} {a a1 a2} {b1:B a1} {b2:B a2}
(p:a1 = a) (q:a2 = a) (e:p#b1 = q#b2) : a1,,b1 = a2,,b2.
Proof. intros. induction p,q; compute in e. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Lemma simple_pair_path {X Y} {x x':X} {y y':Y} (p : x = x') (q : y = y') :
x,,y = x',,y'.
Proof. intros. induction p. induction q. apply idpath. Defined.
Definition pair_path_in2_comp1 {X} (P:X→Type) {x:X} {p q:P x} (e:p = q) :
ap pr1 (maponpaths (tpair P _) e) = idpath x.
Proof. intros. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition total2_paths2_comp1 {X} {Y:X→Type} {x} {y:Y x} {x'} {y':Y x'}
(p:x = x') (q:p#y = y') : ap pr1 (two_arg_paths_f (f := tpair Y) p q) = p.
Proof. intros. induction p. induction q. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition total2_paths2_comp2 {X} {Y:X→Type} {x} {y:Y x} {x'} {y':Y x'}
(p:x = x') (q:p#y = y') :
! app (total2_paths2_comp1 p q) y @ fiber_paths (two_arg_paths_f p q) = q.
Proof. intros. induction p, q. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition from_total2 {X} {P:X→Type} {Y} : (∏ x, P x→Y) → total2 P → Y.
Proof. intros f [x p]. exact (f x p). Defined.
Notation homotsec := homot.
Definition evalat {T} {P:T→UU} (t:T) (f:∏ t:T, P t) := f t.
Definition apfun {X Y} {f f':X→Y} (p:f = f') {x x'} (q:x = x') : f x = f' x'.
intros. induction q. exact (eqtohomot p x). Defined.
Definition aptwice {X Y Z} (f:X→Y→Z) {a a' b b'} (p:a = a') (q:b = b') : f a b = f a' b'.
intros. exact (apfun (ap f p) q). Defined.
Definition fromemptysec { X : empty → UU } (nothing:empty) : X nothing.
Proof. induction nothing. Defined.
Definition maponpaths_idpath {X Y} {f:X→Y} {x:X} : ap f (idpath x) = idpath (f x).
Proof. intros. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transport_type_path {X Y:Type} (p:X = Y) (x:X) :
transportf (λ T:Type, T) p x = cast p x.
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transport_fun_path {X Y} {f g:X→Y} {x x':X} {p:x = x'} {e:f x = g x} {e':f x' = g x'} :
e @ ap g p = ap f p @ e' →
transportf (λ x, f x = g x) p e = e'.
Proof. intros k. induction p. rewrite maponpaths_idpath in k. rewrite maponpaths_idpath in k.
rewrite pathscomp0rid in k. exact k. Defined.
Definition transportf_pathsinv0' {X} (P:X→UU) {x y:X} (p:x = y) (u:P x) (v:P y) :
p # u = v → !p # v = u.
Proof. intros e. induction p, e. reflexivity. Defined.
Lemma transport_idfun {X} (P:X→UU) {x y:X} (p:x = y) (u:P x) :
transportf P p u = transportf (idfun UU) (ap P p) u.
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Lemma transport_functions {X} {Y:X→Type} {Z:∏ x (y:Y x), Type}
{f f':∏ x : X, Y x} (p:f = f') (z:∏ x, Z x (f x)) x :
transportf (λ f, ∏ x, Z x (f x)) p z x =
transportf (Z x) (toforallpaths _ _ _ p x) (z x).
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transport_funapp {T} {X Y:T→Type}
(f:∏ t, X t → Y t) (x:∏ t, X t)
{t t':T} (p:t = t') :
transportf _ p ((f t)(x t))
= (transportf (λ t, X t → Y t) p (f t)) (transportf _ p (x t)).
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition helper_A {T} {Y} (P:T→Y→Type) {y y':Y} (k:∏ t, P t y) (e:y = y') t :
transportf (λ y, P t y) e (k t)
(transportf (λ y, ∏ t, P t y) e k) t.
Proof. intros. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition helper_B {T} {Y} (f:T→Y) {y y':Y} (k:∏ t, y = f t) (e:y = y') t :
transportf (λ y, y = f t) e (k t)
(transportf (λ y, ∏ t, y = f t) e k) t.
Proof. intros. exact (helper_A _ k e t). Defined.
Definition transport_invweq {T} {X Y:T→Type} (f:∏ t, (X t) ≃ (Y t))
{t t':T} (p:t = t') :
transportf (λ t, (Y t) ≃ (X t)) p (invweq (f t))
invweq (transportf (λ t, (X t) ≃ (Y t)) p (f t)).
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transport_invmap {T} {X Y:T→Type} (f:∏ t, (X t) ≃ (Y t))
{t t':T} (p:t=t') :
transportf (λ t, Y t → X t) p (invmap (f t))
invmap (transportf (λ t, (X t) ≃ (Y t)) p (f t)).
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transportf2 {X} {Y:X→Type} (Z:∏ x, Y x→Type)
{x x'} (p:x = x')
(y:Y x) (z:Z x y) : Z x' (p#y).
Proof. intros. induction p. exact z. Defined.
Definition transportb2 {X} {Y:X→Type} (Z:∏ x, Y x→Type)
{x x'} (p:x=x')
(y':Y x') (z':Z x' y') : Z x (p#'y').
Proof. intros. induction p. exact z'. Defined.
Definition maponpaths_pr1_pr2 {X} {P:X→UU} {Q:∏ x, P x→Type}
{w w': ∑ x p, Q x p}
(p : w = w') :
transportf P (ap pr1 p) (pr1 (pr2 w)) = pr1 (pr2 w').
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transportf_pair X (Y:X→Type) (Z:∏ x, Y x→Type)
x x' (p:x = x') (y:Y x) (z:Z x y) :
transportf (λ x, total2 (Z x)) p (tpair (Z x) y z)
tpair (Z x') (transportf Y p y) (transportf2 _ p y z).
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition transportb_pair X (Y:X→Type) (Z:∏ x, Y x→Type)
x x' (p:x = x')
(y':Y x') (z':Z x' y')
(z'' : (Z x' y')) :
transportb (λ x, total2 (Z x)) p (tpair (Z x') y' z')
tpair (Z x) (transportb Y p y') (transportb2 _ p y' z').
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Lemma isaprop_wma_inhab X : (X → isaprop X) → isaprop X.
Proof. intros f. apply invproofirrelevance. intros x y. apply (f x). Qed.
Lemma isaprop_wma_inhab' X : (X → iscontr X) → isaprop X.
Proof. intros f. apply isaprop_wma_inhab. intro x. apply isapropifcontr.
apply (f x). Qed.
Goal ∏ (X:hSet) (x y:X) (p q:x = y), p = q.
Proof. intros. apply setproperty. Defined.
Goal ∏ (X:Type) (x y:X) (p q:x = y), isaset X → p = q.
Proof. intros × is. apply is. Defined.
Definition funset X (Y:hSet) : hSet
:= hSetpair (X→Y) (impredfun 2 _ _ (setproperty Y)).
Definition isconnected X := ∏ (x y:X), nonempty (x = y).
Lemma base_connected {X} (t:X) : (∏ y:X, nonempty (t = y)) → isconnected X.
Proof. intros p x y. assert (a := p x). assert (b := p y). clear p.
apply (squash_to_prop a). apply propproperty. clear a. intros a.
apply (squash_to_prop b). apply propproperty. clear b. intros b.
apply hinhpr. exact (!a@b). Defined.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Definition pr1_eqweqmap { X Y } ( e: X = Y ) : cast e = pr1 (eqweqmap e).
Proof. intros. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition pr1_eqweqmap2 { X Y } ( e: X = Y ) :
pr1 (eqweqmap e) = transportf (λ T:Type, T) e.
Proof. intros. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition weqonsec {X Y} (P:X→Type) (Q:Y→Type)
(f:X ≃ Y) (g:∏ x, weq (P x) (Q (f x))) :
(∏ x:X, P x) ≃ (∏ y:Y, Q y).
Proof. intros.
exact (weqcomp (weqonsecfibers P (λ x, Q(f x)) g)
(invweq (weqonsecbase Q f))). Defined.
Definition weq_transportf {X} (P:X→Type) {x y:X} (p:x = y) : (P x) ≃ (P y).
Proof. intros. induction p. apply idweq. Defined.
Definition weq_transportf_comp {X} (P:X→Type) {x y:X} (p:x = y) (f:∏ x, P x) :
weq_transportf P p (f x) = f y.
Proof. intros. induction p. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition weqonpaths2 {X Y} (w:X ≃ Y) {x x':X} {y y':Y} :
w x = y → w x' = y' → (x = x') ≃ (y = y').
Proof. intros p q. induction p,q. apply weqonpaths. Defined.
Definition eqweqmap_ap {T} (P:T→Type) {t t':T} (e:t = t') (f:∏ t:T, P t) :
eqweqmap (ap P e) (f t) = f t'. Proof. intros. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition eqweqmap_ap' {T} (P:T→Type) {t t':T} (e:t = t') (f:∏ t:T, P t) :
invmap (eqweqmap (ap P e)) (f t') = f t. Proof. intros. induction e. reflexivity. Defined.
Definition weqpath_transport {X Y} (w : X ≃ Y) :
transportf (idfun UU) (weqtopaths w) = pr1 w.
Proof. intros. exact (!pr1_eqweqmap2 _ @ ap pr1 (weqpathsweq w)). Defined.
Definition weqpath_cast {X Y} (w : X ≃ Y) : cast (weqtopaths w) = w.
Proof. intros. exact (pr1_eqweqmap _ @ ap pr1 (weqpathsweq w)). Defined.
Definition switch_weq {X Y} (f:X ≃ Y) {x y} : y = f x → invweq f y = x.
Proof. intros p. exact (ap (invweq f) p @ homotinvweqweq f x). Defined.
Definition switch_weq' {X Y} (f:X ≃ Y) {x y} : invweq f y = x → y = f x.
Proof. intros p. exact (! homotweqinvweq f y @ ap f p). Defined.
Definition weqbandfrel {X Y T}
(e:Y→T) (t:T) (f : X ≃ Y)
(P:X → Type) (Q: Y → Type)
(g:∏ x:X, weq (P x) (Q (f x))) :
weq (hfiber (λ xp:total2 P, e(f(pr1 xp))) t)
(hfiber (λ yq:total2 Q, e( pr1 yq )) t).
Proof. intros. refine (weqbandf (weqbandf f _ _ g) _ _ _).
intros [x p]. simpl. apply idweq. Defined.
Definition weq_over_sections {S T} (w:S ≃ T)
{s0:S} {t0:T} (k:w s0 = t0)
(p0:P t0) (pw0:P(w s0)) (l:k#pw0 = p0)
(H:(∏ t, P t) → UU)
(J:(∏ s, P(w s)) → UU)
(g:∏ f:(∏ t, P t), weq (H f) (J (maponsec1 P w f))) :
weq (hfiber (λ fh:total2 H, pr1 fh t0) p0 )
(hfiber (λ fh:total2 J, pr1 fh s0) pw0).
Proof. intros. simple refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
{ simple refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
{ exact (weqonsecbase P w). }
{ unfold weqonsecbase; simpl. exact g. } }
{ intros [f h]. simpl. unfold maponsec1; simpl.
induction k, l; simpl. unfold transportf; simpl.
unfold idfun; simpl. apply idweq. } Defined.
Definition weq_total2_prod {X Y} (Z:Y→Type) : (∑ y, X × Z y) ≃ (X × ∑ y, Z y).
Proof. intros. simple refine (weqpair _ (isweq_iso _ _ _ _)).
{ intros [y [x z]]. exact (x,,y,,z). }
{ intros [x [y z]]. exact (y,,x,,z). }
{ intros [y [x z]]. reflexivity. }
{ intros [x [y z]]. reflexivity. } Defined.
Definition totalAssociativity {X:UU} {Y: ∏ (x:X), UU} (Z: ∏ (x:X) (y:Y x), UU) : (∑ (x:X) (y:Y x), Z x y) ≃ (∑ (p:∑ (x:X), Y x), Z (pr1 p) (pr2 p)).
Proof. intros. simple refine (_,,isweq_iso _ _ _ _).
{ intros [x [y z]]. exact ((x,,y),,z). }
{ intros [[x y] z]. exact (x,,(y,,z)). }
{ intros [x [y z]]. reflexivity. }
{ intros [[x y] z]. reflexivity. } Defined.
Definition PointedType := ∑ X, X.
Definition pointedType X x := X,,x : PointedType.
Definition underlyingType (X:PointedType) := pr1 X.
Coercion underlyingType : PointedType >-> UU.
Definition basepoint (X:PointedType) := pr2 X.
Definition loopSpace (X:PointedType) :=
pointedType (basepoint X = basepoint X) (idpath _).
Definition underlyingLoop {X:PointedType} (l:loopSpace X) : basepoint X = basepoint X.
Proof. intros. exact l. Defined.
Definition Ω := loopSpace.
Definition paths3 {X Y Z} {x x':X} {y y':Y} {z z':Z} :
x = x' → y = y' → z = z' → @paths (_×_×_) (x,,y,,z) (x',,y',,z').
Proof. intros p q r. induction p, q, r. reflexivity.
Definition paths4 {W X Y Z} {w w':W} {x x':X} {y y':Y} {z z':Z} :
w = w' → x = x' → y = y' → z = z' → @paths (_×_×_×_) (w,,x,,y,,z) (w',,x',,y',,z').
Proof. intros o p q r. induction o, p, q, r. reflexivity.