Library UniMath.Induction.W.Fibered
Fibered algebras
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.functor_categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.PolynomialFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.Induction.W.Core.
Local Open Scope Cat.
Section Fibered.
Context {A : UU} {B : A → UU}.
Local Notation "X ⇒ Y" := (algebra_mor (polynomial_functor _ _) X Y).
Local Notation F := (polynomial_functor A B).
A fibered P-algebra.
(Definition 4.5 in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova)
Definition fibered_alg (X : algebra_ob F) : UU :=
(∑ (E : (alg_carrier _ X) → UU),
∏ (x : F (alg_carrier _ X)),
(∏ (b : B (pr1 x)), E ((pr2 x) b)) → E ((pr2 X) x)).
(∑ (E : (alg_carrier _ X) → UU),
∏ (x : F (alg_carrier _ X)),
(∏ (b : B (pr1 x)), E ((pr2 x) b)) → E ((pr2 X) x)).
Any P-algebra can be made into a fibered P-algebra.
Definition alg2fibered_alg {X : algebra_ob F} :
algebra_ob F → fibered_alg X.
intro Alg.
split with (fun _ ⇒ pr1 Alg).
intros f.
exact (fun g ⇒ (pr2 Alg) (pr1 f,, g)).
algebra_ob F → fibered_alg X.
intro Alg.
split with (fun _ ⇒ pr1 Alg).
intros f.
exact (fun g ⇒ (pr2 Alg) (pr1 f,, g)).
Any fibered P-algebra can be made into a 'total' P-algebra.
Definition fibered_alg2alg {X : algebra_ob F} :
fibered_alg X → algebra_ob F.
intro E.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supe := pr2 E).
split with (∑ x : pr1 X, pr1 E x).
intro z; cbn in z; unfold polynomial_functor_obj in ×.
pose (z' := ((pr1 z),, pr1 ∘ (pr2 z)) : (∑ a : A, B a → pr1 X)).
refine (supx z',, supe z' (λ b, (pr2 (pr2 z b)))).
fibered_alg X → algebra_ob F.
intro E.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supe := pr2 E).
split with (∑ x : pr1 X, pr1 E x).
intro z; cbn in z; unfold polynomial_functor_obj in ×.
pose (z' := ((pr1 z),, pr1 ∘ (pr2 z)) : (∑ a : A, B a → pr1 X)).
refine (supx z',, supe z' (λ b, (pr2 (pr2 z b)))).
A P-algebra section.
(Definition 4.6 in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova)
Definition algebra_section {X : algebra_ob F} : ∏ (Y : fibered_alg X), UU.
intro E.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supe := pr2 E).
exact ((∑ (f : ∀ x : pr1 X, pr1 E x),
∀ a, f (supx a) = supe a (f ∘ (pr2 a)))).
intro E.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supe := pr2 E).
exact ((∑ (f : ∀ x : pr1 X, pr1 E x),
∀ a, f (supx a) = supe a (f ∘ (pr2 a)))).
A P-algebra section homotopy.
(Definition 4.7 in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova)
Definition algebra_sec_homot {X : algebra_ob F} :
∀ {Y : fibered_alg X} (i j : algebra_section Y), UU.
intros E.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supe := pr2 E).
intros f g.
refine (∑ (n : pr1 f ¬ pr1 g), ∏ x, pr2 f x @ maponpaths (supe x) _ = n (supx x) @ pr2 g x).
exact (funextsec _ _ _ (@funhomotsec _ _ _ (pr2 x) (pr1 f) (pr1 g) n)).
Definition algebra_mor_to_algsec {X Y : algebra_ob F}
(f : X ⇒ Y) : @algebra_section X (alg2fibered_alg Y).
unfold algebra_section; cbn.
refine (pr1 f,, _).
exact (eqtohomot (pr2 f)).
∀ {Y : fibered_alg X} (i j : algebra_section Y), UU.
intros E.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supe := pr2 E).
intros f g.
refine (∑ (n : pr1 f ¬ pr1 g), ∏ x, pr2 f x @ maponpaths (supe x) _ = n (supx x) @ pr2 g x).
exact (funextsec _ _ _ (@funhomotsec _ _ _ (pr2 x) (pr1 f) (pr1 g) n)).
Definition algebra_mor_to_algsec {X Y : algebra_ob F}
(f : X ⇒ Y) : @algebra_section X (alg2fibered_alg Y).
unfold algebra_section; cbn.
refine (pr1 f,, _).
exact (eqtohomot (pr2 f)).
A P-algebra homotopy.
(Definition 4.7 in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova)
Definition algebra_mor_homot {X Y : algebra_ob F} (i j : X ⇒ Y) : UU :=
algebra_sec_homot (algebra_mor_to_algsec i) (algebra_mor_to_algsec j).
algebra_sec_homot (algebra_mor_to_algsec i) (algebra_mor_to_algsec j).
TODO: this should live somewhere else
Lemma funextsec_toforallpaths : ∏ (T : UU) (P : T → UU) (f g : ∏ t : T, P t)
(h : f = g), funextsec _ _ _ (toforallpaths _ _ _ h) = h.
intros ? ? ? ? h.
exact (!homotinvweqweq0 (weqtoforallpaths _ _ _) h).
(h : f = g), funextsec _ _ _ (toforallpaths _ _ _ h) = h.
intros ? ? ? ? h.
exact (!homotinvweqweq0 (weqtoforallpaths _ _ _) h).
The identity homotopy on a P-algebra section.
Definition algebra_sec_homot_id {X : algebra_ob F} {Y : fibered_alg X}
{f : algebra_section Y} : algebra_sec_homot f f.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supy := pr2 Y).
split with (fun _ ⇒ idpath _).
intro x.
transitivity (pr2 f x @ maponpaths (supy x) (idpath _)).
- do 2 (apply maponpaths).
unfold funhomotsec; cbn.
assert (H : (λ x0 : B (pr1 x), idpath (pr1 f (pr2 x x0))) =
(toforallpaths _ (pr1 f ∘ pr2 x) (pr1 f ∘ pr2 x) (idpath _))).
refine ((maponpaths _ H) @ _).
apply funextsec_toforallpaths.
- cbn; apply pathscomp0rid.
{f : algebra_section Y} : algebra_sec_homot f f.
pose (supx := pr2 X).
pose (supy := pr2 Y).
split with (fun _ ⇒ idpath _).
intro x.
transitivity (pr2 f x @ maponpaths (supy x) (idpath _)).
- do 2 (apply maponpaths).
unfold funhomotsec; cbn.
assert (H : (λ x0 : B (pr1 x), idpath (pr1 f (pr2 x x0))) =
(toforallpaths _ (pr1 f ∘ pr2 x) (pr1 f ∘ pr2 x) (idpath _))).
refine ((maponpaths _ H) @ _).
apply funextsec_toforallpaths.
- cbn; apply pathscomp0rid.
The canonical function from the path space between two P-algebra sections
to the type of P-algebra section homotopies.
Definition algebra_section_path_to_homot {X : algebra_ob _} {Y : fibered_alg X}
(i j : algebra_section Y) (p : i = j) : algebra_sec_homot i j.
induction p.
exact algebra_sec_homot_id.
(i j : algebra_section Y) (p : i = j) : algebra_sec_homot i j.
induction p.
exact algebra_sec_homot_id.
The identity homotopy on a P-algebra morphism.
Definition algebra_mor_homot_id {X Y : algebra_ob F}
{i : algebra_mor _ X Y} : algebra_mor_homot i i
:= @algebra_sec_homot_id _ (alg2fibered_alg Y) (algebra_mor_to_algsec i).
{i : algebra_mor _ X Y} : algebra_mor_homot i i
:= @algebra_sec_homot_id _ (alg2fibered_alg Y) (algebra_mor_to_algsec i).
A "(homotopy) uniqueness principle" for a P-algebra X: there exists auto
homotopy (and hence a path) between any two P-algebra morphisms into any
other P-algebra Y.
This is a little different than in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova.
The main difference is that here we relate arbitrary two morphisms i,j
whereas the rules in 5.8 relate an arbitrary morphism i to the canonical
morphism given by the first two rules in 5.8. Our formulation has the
advantage that it does not require the canonical morphism to exist, i.e.,
the type X does not have to satisfy the recursion princple for the
uniqueness principle to make sense.
(Loosely corresponds to the last two rules in Proposition 5.8
in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova)
Definition homotopy_uniqueness_principle (X : algebra_ob F) : UU :=
∀ (Y : algebra_ob F) (i j : algebra_mor F X Y), algebra_mor_homot i j.
∀ (Y : algebra_ob F) (i j : algebra_mor F X Y), algebra_mor_homot i j.
The "induction principle" for a P-algebra X: any fibered P-algebra Y has a
(Definition 5.1 in Awodey, Gambino, and Sojakova)
A "fibered uniqueness principle": there exists a homotopy (and hence a
path) between any two P-algebra sections of any fibered algebra.
(Loosely corresponds to the rules in Proposition 5.3 in Awodey, Gambino,
and Sojakova)
Definition fibered_uniqueness (X : algebra_ob F) : UU :=
∏ (Y : fibered_alg X) (i j : algebra_section Y), algebra_sec_homot i j.
End Fibered.
∏ (Y : fibered_alg X) (i j : algebra_section Y), algebra_sec_homot i j.
End Fibered.