Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Structures

Other structures in HSET


Written by: Benedikt Ahrens, Anders Mörtberg
October 2015 - January 2016

Natural numbers object (NNO_HSET)

Lemma isNNO_nat : isNNO TerminalHSET natHSET (λ _, 0) S.
  intros X z s.
  use unique_exists.
  + intros n.
    induction n as [|_ n].
    × exact (z tt).
    × exact (s n).
  + now split; apply funextfun; intros [].
  + now intros; apply isapropdirprod; apply setproperty.
  + intros q [hq1 hq2].
    apply funextfun; intros n.
    induction n as [|n IH].
    × now rewrite <- hq1.
    × cbn in *; now rewrite (toforallpaths _ _ _ hq2 n), IH.

Definition NNO_HSET : NNO TerminalHSET.
  use mk_NNO.
  - exact natHSET.
  - exact (λ _, 0).
  - exact S.
  - exact isNNO_nat.

Exponentials (Exponentials_HSET)

Section exponentials.

Define the functor: A -> _^A
Definition exponential_functor (A : HSET) : functor HSET HSET.
use tpair.
+ (hset_fun_space A); simpl.
  intros b c f g; apply (λ x, f (g x)).
+ abstract (use tpair;
  [ intro x; now (repeat apply funextfun; intro)
  | intros x y z f g; now (repeat apply funextfun; intro)]).

This checks that if we use constprod_functor2 the flip is not necessary
Lemma are_adjoints_constprod_functor2 A :
  are_adjoints (constprod_functor2 BinProductsHSET A) (exponential_functor A).
use tpair.
- use tpair.
  + use tpair.
    × intro x; simpl; apply dirprodpair.
    × abstract (intros x y f; apply idpath).
  + use tpair.
    × intros X fx; apply (pr1 fx (pr2 fx)).
    × abstract (intros x y f; apply idpath).
- abstract (use tpair;
  [ intro x; simpl; apply funextfun; intro ax; reflexivity
  | intro b; apply funextfun; intro f; apply idpath]).

Lemma Exponentials_HSET : Exponentials BinProductsHSET.
intro a.
(exponential_functor a).
use tpair.
- use tpair.
  + use tpair.
    × intro x; simpl; apply flip, dirprodpair.
    × abstract (intros x y f; apply idpath).
  + use tpair.
    × intros x xf; simpl in *; apply (pr2 xf (pr1 xf)).
    × abstract (intros x y f; apply idpath).
- abstract (use tpair;
  [ now intro x; simpl; apply funextfun; intro ax; reflexivity
  | now intro b; apply funextfun; intro f]).

End exponentials.

Construction of exponentials for functors into HSET

This section defines exponential in C,HSET following a slight variation of Moerdijk-MacLane (p. 46, Prop. 1).
The formula for C,Set is G^F(f)=Hom(Hom(f,−)×id(F),G) taken from:
Section exponentials_functor_cat.

Variable (C : precategory) (hsC : has_homsets C).

Let CP := BinProducts_functor_precat C _ BinProductsHSET has_homsets_HSET.
Let cy := covyoneda _ hsC.

Local Definition exponential_functor_cat (P Q : functor C HSET) : functor C HSET.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
  + intro c.
    use hSetpair.
    × apply (nat_trans (BinProduct_of_functors C _ BinProductsHSET (cy c) P) Q).
    × abstract (apply (isaset_nat_trans has_homsets_HSET)).
  + simpl; intros a b f alpha.
    apply (BinProductOfArrows _ (CP (cy a) P) (CP (cy b) P)
                           (# cy f) (identity _) · alpha).
- abstract (
      [ intros c; simpl; apply funextsec; intro a;
        apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET); cbn; unfold prodtofuntoprod; intro x;
        apply funextsec; intro f;
        destruct f as [cx Px]; simpl; unfold covyoneda_morphisms_data;
        now rewrite id_left
      | intros a b c f g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro alpha;
        apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET); cbn; unfold prodtofuntoprod; intro x;
        apply funextsec; intro h;
        destruct h as [cx pcx]; simpl; unfold covyoneda_morphisms_data;
        now rewrite assoc ]).

Local Definition eval (P Q : functor C HSET) :
  nat_trans (BinProductObject _ (CP P (exponential_functor_cat P Q)) : functor _ _) Q.
use tpair.
- intros c ytheta; set (y := pr1 ytheta); set (theta := pr2 ytheta);
  simpl in ×.
  use (theta c).
  exact (identity c,,y).
- abstract (
    intros c c' f; simpl;
    apply funextfun; intros ytheta; destruct ytheta as [y theta];
    cbn; unfold prodtofuntoprod;
    unfold covyoneda_morphisms_data;
    assert (X := nat_trans_ax theta);
    assert (Y := toforallpaths _ _ _ (X c c' f) (identity c,, y));
    eapply pathscomp0; [|apply Y]; cbn; unfold prodtofuntoprod;
    now rewrite id_right, id_left).

Lemma Exponentials_functor_HSET : Exponentials CP.
intro P.
use left_adjoint_from_partial.
- apply (exponential_functor_cat P).
- intro Q; simpl; apply eval.
- intros Q R φ; simpl in ×.
  use tpair.
  + use tpair.
    × { use mk_nat_trans.
        - intros c u; simpl.
          use mk_nat_trans.
          + simpl; intros d fx.
            applyd (dirprodpair (pr2 fx) (# R (pr1 fx) u))).
          + intros a b f; simpl; cbn; unfold prodtofuntoprod.
            apply funextsec; intro x.
              [|apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (nat_trans_ax φ _ _ f)
                                     (dirprodpair (pr2 x) (# R (pr1 x) u)))]; cbn.
              repeat (apply maponpaths).
              assert (H : # R (pr1 x · f) = # R (pr1 x) · #R f).
              { apply functor_comp. }
              unfold prodtofuntoprod.
              simpl (pr1 _); simpl (pr2 _).
              apply maponpaths.
              apply (eqtohomot H u).
        - intros a b f; cbn.
          apply funextsec; intros x; cbn.
          apply subtypeEquality;
            [intros xx; apply (isaprop_is_nat_trans _ _ has_homsets_HSET)|].
          apply funextsec; intro y; apply funextsec; intro z; cbn.
          repeat apply maponpaths; unfold covyoneda_morphisms_data.
          assert (H : # R (f · pr1 z) = # R f · # R (pr1 z)).
          { apply functor_comp. }
          apply pathsinv0.
          now etrans; [apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ H x)|].
    × abstract (
        apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET); cbn; intro x;
        apply funextsec; intro p;
        apply maponpaths;
        assert (H : # R (identity x) = identity (R x));
          [apply functor_id|];
        induction p as [t p]; apply maponpaths; simpl;
        now apply pathsinv0; eapply pathscomp0; [apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ H p)|]).
  + abstract (
    intros [t p]; apply subtypeEquality; simpl;
    [intros x; apply (isaset_nat_trans has_homsets_HSET)|];
    apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET); intros c;
    apply funextsec; intro rc;
    apply subtypeEquality;
    [intro x; apply (isaprop_is_nat_trans _ _ has_homsets_HSET)|]; simpl;
    rewrite p; cbn; clear p; apply funextsec; intro d; cbn;
    apply funextsec; intros [t0 pd]; simpl;
    assert (HH := toforallpaths _ _ _ (nat_trans_ax t c d t0) rc);
    cbn in HH; rewrite HH; cbn; unfold covyoneda_morphisms_data;
    unfold prodtofuntoprod;
    now rewrite id_right).

End exponentials_functor_cat.

Kernel pairs (kernel_pair_HSET)

Lemma pullback_HSET_univprop_elements {P A B C : HSET}
    {p1 : HSET P, A } {p2 : HSET P, B }
    {f : HSET A, C } {g : HSET B, C }
    (ep : p1 · f = p2 · g)
    (pb : isPullback f g p1 p2 ep)
  : ( a b (e : f a = g b), ∃! ab, p1 ab = a × p2 ab = b).
  intros a b e.
  set (Pb := (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ pb)).
  apply iscontraprop1.
  - apply invproofirrelevance; intros [ab [ea eb]] [ab' [ea' eb']].
    apply subtypeEquality; simpl.
      intros x; apply isapropdirprod; apply setproperty.
    use (@toforallpaths unitset _ (λ _, ab) (λ _, ab') _ tt).
    use (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual pb);
    apply funextsec; intros []; cbn;
    (eapply @pathscomp0; [ eassumption | apply pathsinv0; eassumption]).
  - use (_,,_).
    use (_ tt).
    use (PullbackArrow Pb (unitset : HSET)
      (λ _, a) (λ _, b)).
    apply funextsec; intro; exact e.
    simpl; split.
    + generalize tt; apply toforallpaths.
      apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb unitset).
    + generalize tt; apply toforallpaths.
      apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb unitset).

Section kernel_pair_Set.

  Context {A B:HSET}.
  Variable (f: HSET A,B).

  Definition kernel_pair_HSET : kernel_pair f.
    apply PullbacksHSET.

  Local Notation g := kernel_pair_HSET.

Formulation in the categorical language of the universal property enjoyed by surjections (univ_surj)
  Lemma isCoeqKernelPairSet (hf:issurjective f) :
    isCoequalizer _ _ _ (PullbackSqrCommutes g).
    intros C u equ.
    assert (hcompat : x y : pr1 A, f x = f y u x = u y).
      intros x y eqfxy.
      assert (hpb:=pullback_HSET_univprop_elements
                     (PullbackSqrCommutes g) (isPullback_Pullback g) x y eqfxy).
      assert( hpb' := pr2 (pr1 hpb)); simpl in hpb'.
      eapply pathsinv0.
      apply maponpaths.
      exact (pr1 hpb').
      eapply pathscomp0.
      apply toforallpaths in equ.
      apply equ.
      apply maponpaths.
      exact (pr2 hpb').
    use (unique_exists (univ_surj (setproperty C) _ _ _ hf)).
    - exact u.
    - exact hcompat.
    - simpl.
      apply funextfun.
      intros ?.
      apply univ_surj_ax.
    - intros ?. apply has_homsets_HSET.
    - intros ??; simpl.
      apply funextfun.
      use univ_surj_unique.
      simpl in X.
      apply toforallpaths in X.
      exact X.
End kernel_pair_Set.

Effective epis (EffectiveEpis_HSET)

Lemma EffectiveEpis_HSET : EpisAreEffective HSET.
  intros A B f epif.
   (kernel_pair_HSET f).
  apply isCoeqKernelPairSet.
  now apply EpisAreSurjective_HSET.

Split epis with axiom of choice (SplitEpis_HSET)

Lemma SplitEpis_HSET : AxiomOfChoice_surj EpisAreSplit HSET.
  intros axC A B f epif.
  apply EpisAreSurjective_HSET,axC in epif.
  unshelve eapply (hinhfun _ epif).
  intro h.
   (pr1 h).
  apply funextfun.
  exact (pr2 h).

Forgetful functor to type_precat

Definition forgetful_HSET : functor HSET type_precat.
  use mk_functor.
  - use mk_functor_data.
    + exact pr1.
    + exact (λ _ _, idfun _).
  - split.
    + intro; reflexivity.
    + intros ? ? ? ? ?; reflexivity.

This functor is conservative; it reflects isomorphisms.

Lemma conservative_forgetful_HSET : conservative forgetful_HSET.
  unfold conservative.
  intros a b f is_iso_forget_f.
  refine (hset_equiv_is_iso a b (weqpair f _)).
  apply (type_iso_is_equiv _ _ (isopair _ is_iso_forget_f)).