Library UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.GenMendlerIteration
Benedikt Ahrens, Ralph Matthes
Contents :
- Derivation of Generalized Iteration in Mendler-style
- Instantiation to a special case, Specialized Mendler Iteration
- Proof of a fusion law à la Bird-Paterson (Generalised folds for nested datatypes) for Generalized Iteration in Mendler-style
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.yoneda.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Arguments functor_composite {_ _ _} _ _ .
Arguments nat_trans_comp {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ .
Local Notation "G ∙ F" := (functor_composite F G : [ _ , _ , _ ]) (at level 35).
Local Notation "C '^op'" := (opp_precat C) (at level 3, format "C ^op").
Local Notation "↓ f" := (mor_from_algebra_mor _ _ _ f) (at level 3, format "↓ f").
Goal: derive Generalized Iteration in Mendler-style and a fusion law
Generalized Iteration in Mendler-style
Section GenMenIt.
Variable C : precategory.
Variable hsC : has_homsets C.
Variable F : functor C C.
Let AF := FunctorAlg F hsC.
Definition AlgConstr (A : C) (α : F A --> A) : AF.
∃ A.
exact α.
Notation "⟨ A , α ⟩" := (AlgConstr A α).
Variable μF_Initial : Initial AF.
Let μF : C := alg_carrier _ (InitialObject μF_Initial).
Let inF : F μF --> μF := alg_map _ (InitialObject μF_Initial).
Let iter {A : C} (α : F A --> A) : μF --> A :=
↓(InitialArrow μF_Initial ⟨A,α⟩).
Variable C' : precategory.
Variable hsC' : has_homsets C'.
Section the_iteration_principle.
Variable X : C'.
Let Yon : functor C'^op HSET := yoneda_objects C' hsC' X.
Variable L : functor C C'.
Variable is_left_adj_L : is_left_adjoint L.
Let φ := @φ_adj _ _ _ _ (pr2 is_left_adj_L).
Let φ_inv := @φ_adj_inv _ _ _ _ (pr2 is_left_adj_L).
Let R : functor _ _ := right_adjoint is_left_adj_L.
Let η : nat_trans _ _ := unit_from_left_adjoint is_left_adj_L.
Let ε : nat_trans _ _ := counit_from_left_adjoint is_left_adj_L.
Arguments φ {_ _} _ .
Arguments φ_inv {_ _} _ .
Definition ψ_source : functor C^op HSET := functor_composite (functor_opp L) Yon.
Definition ψ_target : functor C^op HSET := functor_composite (functor_opp F) ψ_source.
Section general_case.
Variable ψ : ψ_source ⟹ ψ_target.
Definition preIt : L μF --> X := φ_inv (iter (φ (ψ (R X) (ε X)))).
Lemma ψ_naturality (A B: C)(h: B --> A)(f: L A --> X): ψ B (#L h· f) = #L (#F h)· ψ A f.
assert (ψ_is_nat := nat_trans_ax ψ);
assert (ψ_is_nat_inst1 := ψ_is_nat _ _ h).
assert (ψ_is_nat_inst2 := toforallpaths _ _ _ ψ_is_nat_inst1 f).
apply ψ_is_nat_inst2.
Lemma truth_about_ε (A: C'): ε A = φ_inv (identity (R A)).
unfold φ_inv, φ_adj_inv.
rewrite functor_id.
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_left.
Lemma φ_ψ_μF_eq (h: L μF --> X): φ (ψ μF h) = #F (φ h) · φ(ψ (R X) (ε X)).
rewrite <- (φ_adj_natural_precomp (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
apply maponpaths.
eapply pathscomp0.
2: apply ψ_naturality.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite truth_about_ε.
rewrite <- (φ_adj_inv_natural_precomp (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
rewrite id_right.
apply pathsinv0.
change (φ_inv(φ h) = h).
apply φ_adj_inv_after_φ_adj.
Lemma cancel_φ {A: C}{B: C'} (f g : L A --> B): φ f = φ g → f = g.
intro Hyp.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (adjunction_hom_weq (pr2 is_left_adj_L) _ _)).
exact Hyp.
Lemma preIt_ok : # L inF· preIt = ψ μF preIt.
apply cancel_φ.
rewrite φ_ψ_μF_eq.
rewrite (φ_adj_natural_precomp (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
unfold preIt.
rewrite (φ_adj_after_φ_adj_inv (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
rewrite (φ_adj_after_φ_adj_inv (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
assert (iter_eq := algebra_mor_commutes _ _ _ (InitialArrow μF_Initial ⟨_,φ (ψ (R X) (ε X))⟩)).
exact iter_eq.
Lemma preIt_uniq (t : ∑ h : L μF --> X, # L inF· h = ψ μF h):
t = tpair (λ h : L μF --> X, # L inF· h = ψ μF h) preIt preIt_ok.
destruct t as [h h_rec_eq]; simpl.
assert (same: h = preIt).
2: {
apply subtypePath.
+ intro.
apply hsC'.
+ simpl.
exact same.
apply cancel_φ.
unfold preIt.
rewrite (φ_adj_after_φ_adj_inv (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
assert(φh_is_alg_mor: inF · φ h = #F(φ h) · φ (ψ (R X) (ε X))).
+ rewrite <- φ_ψ_μF_eq.
rewrite <- (φ_adj_natural_precomp (pr2 is_left_adj_L)).
apply maponpaths.
exact h_rec_eq.
use (let X : AF ⟦ InitialObject μF_Initial, ⟨ R X, φ (ψ (R X) (ε X)) ⟩ ⟧ := _ in _).
× apply (tpair _ (φ h)); assumption.
× apply (maponpaths pr1 (InitialArrowUnique _ _ X0)).
Theorem GenMendlerIteration : iscontr (∑ h : L μF --> X, #L inF · h = ψ μF h).
use tpair.
- ∃ preIt.
exact preIt_ok.
- exact preIt_uniq.
Definition It : L μF --> X := pr1 (pr1 GenMendlerIteration).
Lemma It_is_preIt : It = preIt.
apply idpath.
End general_case.
Section special_case.
Variable G : functor C' C'.
Variable ρ : G X --> X.
Variable θ : functor_composite F L ⟹ functor_composite L G.
Lemma is_nat_trans_ψ_from_comps
: is_nat_trans ψ_source ψ_target
(λ (A : C^op) (f : yoneda_objects_ob C' X (L A)), θ A· # G f· ρ).
intros A B h.
apply funextfun.
intro f.
unfold compose at 1 5; simpl.
rewrite functor_comp.
repeat rewrite assoc.
assert (θ_nat_trans_ax := nat_trans_ax θ).
unfold functor_composite in θ_nat_trans_ax.
simpl in θ_nat_trans_ax.
rewrite <- θ_nat_trans_ax.
apply idpath.
Definition ψ_from_comps : ψ_source ⟹ ψ_target.
use tpair.
- intro A. simpl. intro f.
unfold yoneda_objects_ob in ×.
exact (θ A · #G f · ρ).
- apply is_nat_trans_ψ_from_comps.
Definition SpecialGenMendlerIteration :
(∑ h : L μF --> X, # L inF · h = θ μF · #G h · ρ)
:= GenMendlerIteration ψ_from_comps.
End special_case.
End the_iteration_principle.
Variable X X': C'.
Let Yon : functor C'^op HSET := yoneda_objects C' hsC' X.
Let Yon' : functor C'^op HSET := yoneda_objects C' hsC' X'.
Variable L : functor C C'.
Variable is_left_adj_L : is_left_adjoint L.
Variable ψ : ψ_source X L ⟹ ψ_target X L.
Variable L' : functor C C'.
Variable is_left_adj_L' : is_left_adjoint L'.
Variable ψ' : ψ_source X' L' ⟹ ψ_target X' L'.
Variable Φ : functor_composite (functor_opp L) Yon ⟹ functor_composite (functor_opp L') Yon'.
Section fusion_law.
Variable H : ψ μF · Φ (F μF) = Φ μF · ψ' μF.
Theorem fusion_law : Φ μF (It X L is_left_adj_L ψ) = It X' L' is_left_adj_L' ψ'.
apply pathsinv0.
apply pathsinv0.
apply path_to_ctr.
assert (Φ_is_nat := nat_trans_ax Φ).
assert (Φ_is_nat_inst1 := Φ_is_nat _ _ inF).
assert (Φ_is_nat_inst2 := toforallpaths _ _ _ Φ_is_nat_inst1 (It X L is_left_adj_L ψ)).
unfold compose in Φ_is_nat_inst2; simpl in Φ_is_nat_inst2.
rewrite <- Φ_is_nat_inst2.
assert (H_inst := toforallpaths _ _ _ H (It X L is_left_adj_L ψ)).
unfold compose in H_inst; simpl in H_inst.
rewrite <- H_inst.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite It_is_preIt.
apply preIt_ok.
End fusion_law.
End GenMenIt.