Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Profunctors.Core


Set-valued profunctors


  • Definition
  • Dinatural transformations
    • Dinatural transformation from a natural transformation
  • (Co)ends
    • Wedges
    • Ends
      • Accessors/coercions
    • Cowedges
    • Coends


A profunctor (or distributor) C D is a functor D^op × C HSET.
Definition profunctor (C D : precategory) : UU :=
  functor (precategory_binproduct (opp_precat D) C) HSET_univalent_category.

Identity Coercion profunctor_coercion : profunctor >-> functor.

Infix "↛" := profunctor (at level 99, only parsing) : cat.
Local Notation "A ⊗ B" := (make_precatbinprod A B).

Local Open Scope cat.

Map over the first argument contravariantly. Inspired by Data.Profunctor in Haskell.
Definition lmap {C D : precategory} (F : C D) {a : ob C} {b b' : ob D} (g : b' --> b) :
  F (opp_ob b a) --> F (opp_ob b' a).
  refine (# F _ · _).
  - use precatbinprodmor.
    + exact (opp_ob b').
    + exact a.
    + assumption.
    + apply identity.
  - apply identity.

Map over the second argument covariantly. Inspired by Data.Profunctor in Haskell.
Definition rmap {C D : precategory} (F : C D) {a a' : ob C} {b : ob D} (f : a --> a') :
  F (opp_ob b a) --> F (opp_ob b a').
  refine (_ · # F _).
  - apply identity.
  - use precatbinprodmor.
    × apply identity.
    × assumption.

Dinatural transformations

Section Dinatural.

  Context {C : precategory}.

  Definition dinatural_transformation_data (f : C C) (g : C C) : UU :=
     a : C, f (a a) --> g (a a).

  Definition is_dinatural {F : C C} {G : C C}
             (data : dinatural_transformation_data F G) : hProp.
    use make_hProp.
    - exact ( (a b : ob C) (f : a --> b),
               lmap F f · data a · rmap G f = rmap F f · data b · lmap G f).
    - abstract (do 3 (apply impred; intro); apply setproperty).

  Definition dinatural_transformation (f : C C) (g : C C) : UU :=
     d : dinatural_transformation_data f g, is_dinatural d.

The second projection is made opaque for efficiency. Nothing is lost because it's an hProp.
  Definition make_dinatural_transformation {F : C C} {G : C C}
      (data : dinatural_transformation_data F G)
      (is_dinat : is_dinatural data) : dinatural_transformation F G.
    use tpair.
    - assumption.
    - abstract assumption.

  Section Accessors.
    Context {f : C C} {g : C C} (d : dinatural_transformation f g).

    Definition dinatural_transformation_get_data :
       a : C, f (a a) --> g (a a) := pr1 d.

    Definition dinatural_transformation_is_dinatural :
      is_dinatural dinatural_transformation_get_data := pr2 d.
  End Accessors.

  Coercion dinatural_transformation_get_data : dinatural_transformation >-> Funclass.

See below for the non-local notation
  Local Notation "F ⇏ G" := (dinatural_transformation F G) (at level 39) : cat.

Dinatural transformation from a natural transformation

  Lemma nat_trans_to_dinatural_transformation {f : C C} {g : C C}
        (alpha : nat_trans f g) : f g.
    use make_dinatural_transformation.
    - intro; apply alpha.
    - intros a b h.
Have: F (i, j) F(a, b) --------> F(c, d) | | | alpha a b | alpha c d V V G(a, b) --------> G(c, d) G (i, j)
Want: F(a, a) -- alpha --> G(a, a) lmap / \ rmap F(b, a) G(a, b) rmap \ / lmap F(b, b) -- alpha --> G(b, b)
      unfold lmap, rmap.
      do 2 rewrite id_left.
      do 2 rewrite id_right.
      refine (maponpaths (fun zz · _) (pr2 alpha _ _ _) @ _).
      refine (_ @ maponpaths (fun z_ · z) (pr2 alpha _ _ _)).
      refine (!assoc _ _ _ @ _).
      refine (_ @ !assoc _ _ _).
      refine (!maponpaths (fun z_ · z) (functor_comp g _ _) @ _).
      refine (_ @ maponpaths (fun zz · _) (functor_comp f _ _)).
      unfold compose at 2; simpl.
      unfold compose at 5; simpl.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite id_right.

      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite id_left.
      apply (pr2 alpha).
End Dinatural.

Notation "F ⇏ G" := (dinatural_transformation F G) (at level 39) : cat.


Section Ends.

  Context {C : precategory} (F : C C).


Wedge diagram: w -----> F(a, a) | | | F(f, id) | F(id, f) V V F(b, b) --> F(a, b)

  Definition is_wedge (w : ob HSET_univalent_category) (pi : a : ob C, w --> F (a a)) : hProp.
    use make_hProp.
    - exact ( (a b : ob C) (f : a --> b), pi a · rmap F f = pi b · lmap F f).
    - abstract (do 3 (apply impred; intro); apply setproperty).

Following the convention for limits, the tip is explicit in the type.
  Definition wedge (w : ob HSET_univalent_category) : UU :=
     pi : ( a : ob C, w --> F (a a)), is_wedge w pi.

  Definition make_wedge (w : hSet) (pi : ( a : ob C, (w : ob HSET_univalent_category) --> F (a a))) :
   ( (a b : ob C) (f : a --> b), pi a · rmap F f = pi b · lmap F f) wedge w.
    use tpair.
    - assumption.
    - abstract assumption.

  Definition wedge_pr (w : ob HSET_univalent_category) (W : wedge w) :
     a : ob C, w --> F (a a) := (pr1 W).

  Coercion wedge_pr : wedge >-> Funclass.


  Definition is_end (w : ob HSET_univalent_category) (W : wedge w) : hProp.
    use make_hProp.
    - exact ( v (V : wedge v),
               iscontr ( f : v --> w, a, f · W a = V a)).
    - abstract (do 2 (apply impred; intro); apply isapropiscontr).

This must be capitalized because 'end' is a Coq keyword. It also matches the convention for limits.
  Definition End : UU := w W, is_end w W.


  Definition end_ob (e : End) : ob HSET_univalent_category := pr1 e.
  Coercion end_ob : End >-> ob.

  Definition end_wedge (e : End) : wedge e := pr1 (pr2 e).
  Coercion end_wedge : End >-> wedge.



End Ends.

Notation "∫↓ F" := (End F) (at level 40) : cat.