Library UniMath.Ktheory.AffineLine

Unset Kernel Term Sharing.

Construction of affine lines

We show that the propositional truncation of a ℤ-torsor, where ℤ is the additive group of the integers, behaves like an affine line. It's a contractible type, but maps from it to another type Y are determined by specifying where the points of T should go, and where the paths joining consecutive points of T should go.


Require UniMath.Ktheory.Nat.
Require Export UniMath.Foundations.Sets.

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.

Require Import UniMath.Ktheory.Utilities

Local Notation "g * x" := (ac_mult _ g x) : action_scope.
Local Open Scope hz_scope.
Local Open Scope transport.

Recursion for ℤ

Definition ℤRecursionData0 (P:Type) (p0:P zero)
      (IH : n, P( toℤ n) P( toℤ (S n)))
      (IH': n, P(- toℤ n) P(- toℤ (S n))) := fun
          f: i, P i
            (f zero = p0) ×
            ( n, f( toℤ (S n)) = IH n (f ( toℤ n))) ×
            ( n, f(- toℤ (S n)) = IH' n (f (- toℤ n))).

Definition ℤRecursionData (P:Type)
      (IH : n, P( toℤ n) P( toℤ (S n)))
      (IH': n, P(- toℤ n) P(- toℤ (S n))) := fun
             f: i, P i
               ( n, f( toℤ (S n)) = IH n (f ( toℤ n))) ×
               ( n, f(- toℤ (S n)) = IH' n (f (- toℤ n))).

Lemma ℤRecursionUniq (P:Type) (p0:P zero)
      (IH : n, P( toℤ n) P( toℤ (S n)))
      (IH': n, P(- toℤ n) P(- toℤ (S n))) :
  iscontr (total2 (ℤRecursionData0 P p0 IH IH')).
Proof. intros.
       unfold ℤRecursionData0.
       apply (iscontrweqb (Y :=
             f: w, P (negpos w),
              (f (ii2 O) = p0) ×
              ( n : nat, f (ii2 (S n)) = IH n (f (ii2 n))) ×
              (f (ii1 O) = IH' O (f (ii2 O))) ×
              ( n : nat, f (ii1 (S n)) = IH' (S n) (f (ii1 n))))).
       { apply (weqbandf (weqonsecbase _ negpos)). intro f.
         simple refine (weqpair _ (isweq_iso _ _ _ _)).
         { intros [h0 [hp hn]]. simple refine (_,,_,,_,,_).
           { exact h0. } { exact hp. }
           { exact (hn O). } { intro n. exact (hn (S n)). } }
         { intros [h0 [hp [h1' hn]]]. simple refine (_,,_,,_).
           { exact h0. } { exact hp. }
           { intros [|n']. { exact h1'. } { exact (hn n'). } } }
         { intros [h0 [hp hn]]. simpl. apply paths3.
           { reflexivity. } { reflexivity. }
           { apply funextsec; intros [|n']; reflexivity; reflexivity. } }
         { intros [h0 [h1' [hp hn]]]. reflexivity. } }
       intermediate_iscontr (
              f : ( n, P (negpos (ii1 n))) ×
                 ( n, P (negpos (ii2 n))),
                (pr2 f O = p0) ×
                ( n : nat, pr2 f (S n) = IH n (pr2 f n)) ×
                (pr1 f O = IH' O (pr2 f O)) ×
                ( n : nat, pr1 f (S n) = IH' (S n) (pr1 f n))).
       { apply (weqbandf (weqsecovercoprodtoprod (λ w, P (negpos w)))).
         intro f. apply idweq. }
       intermediate_iscontr (
               f : ( n, P (negpos (ii2 n))) ×
                    ( n, P (negpos (ii1 n))),
                (pr1 f O = p0) ×
                ( n : nat, pr1 f (S n) = IH n (pr1 f n)) ×
                (pr2 f O = IH' O (pr1 f O)) ×
                ( n : nat, pr2 f (S n) = IH' (S n) (pr2 f n))).
       { apply (weqbandf (weqdirprodcomm _ _)). intro f. apply idweq. }
       intermediate_iscontr (
                 (f2 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii2 n)))
                  (f1 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii1 n))),
                     (f2 O = p0) ×
                     ( n : nat, f2 (S n) = IH n (f2 n)) ×
                     (f1 O = IH' O (f2 O)) ×
                     ( n : nat, f1 (S n) = IH' (S n) (f1 n))).
       { apply weqtotal2asstor. }
       intermediate_iscontr (
             f2 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii2 n)),
                 (f2 O = p0) ×
             f1 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii1 n)),
                 ( n : nat, f2 (S n) = IH n (f2 n)) ×
                 (f1 O = IH' O (f2 O)) ×
                 ( n : nat, f1 (S n) = IH' (S n) (f1 n))).
       { apply weqfibtototal; intro f2. apply weq_total2_prod. }
       intermediate_iscontr (
             f2 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii2 n)),
                 (f2 O = p0) ×
                 ( n : nat, f2 (S n) = IH n (f2 n)) ×
             f1 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii1 n)),
                 (f1 O = IH' O (f2 O)) ×
                 ( n : nat, f1 (S n) = IH' (S n) (f1 n))).
       { apply weqfibtototal; intro f2. apply weqfibtototal; intro.
         apply weq_total2_prod. }
       intermediate_iscontr (
             f2 : n : nat, P (negpos (ii2 n)),
                 (f2 O = p0) ×
                 ( n : nat, f2 (S n) = IH n (f2 n))).
       { apply weqfibtototal; intro f2. apply weqfibtototal; intro h0.
         apply weqpr1; intro ih2.
         exact (Nat.Uniqueness.hNatRecursionUniq
                   (λ n, P (negpos (ii1 n)))
                   (IH' O (f2 O))
                   (λ n, IH' (S n))). }
       apply Nat.Uniqueness.hNatRecursionUniq.

Lemma A (P:Type) (p0:P zero)
      (IH : n, P( toℤ n) P( toℤ (S n)))
      (IH': n, P(- toℤ n) P(- toℤ (S n))) :
  weq (total2 (ℤRecursionData0 P p0 IH IH'))
         (total2 (ℤRecursionData P IH IH'))
         (P zero)
         (λ fh, pr1 fh zero)
Proof. intros.
       simple refine (weqpair _ (isweq_iso _ _ _ _)).
       { intros [f [h0 h]]. exact ((f,,h),,h0). }
       { intros [[f h] h0]. exact (f,,(h0,,h)). }
       { intros [f [h0 h]]. reflexivity. }
       { intros [[f h] h0]. reflexivity. } Defined.

Lemma ℤRecursion_weq (P:Type)
      (IH : n, P( toℤ n) P( toℤ (S n)))
      (IH': n, P(- toℤ n) P(- toℤ (S n))) :
  weq (total2 (ℤRecursionData P IH IH')) (P 0).
Proof. intros. (λ f, pr1 f zero). intro p0.
       apply (iscontrweqf (A _ _ _ _)). apply ℤRecursionUniq. Defined.

Lemma ℤRecursion_weq_compute (P:Type)
      (IH : n, P( toℤ n) P( toℤ (S n)))
      (IH': n, P(- toℤ n) P(- toℤ (S n)))
      (fh : total2 (ℤRecursionData P IH IH')) :
  ℤRecursion_weq P IH IH' fh = pr1 fh zero.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Bidirectional recursion for ℤ

Definition ℤBiRecursionData (P:Type) (IH : i, P(i) P(1+i)) :=
  fun f: i, P i i, f(1+i)=IH i (f i).

Definition ℤBiRecursion_weq (P:Type) (IH : i, weq (P i) (P(1+i))) :
  weq (total2 (ℤBiRecursionData P IH)) (P 0).
Proof. intros.
       assert (k : n, one + toℤ n = toℤ (S n)).
       { intro. rewrite nattohzandS. reflexivity. }
       set (l := λ n : nat, weq_transportf P (k n)).
       assert (k' : n, - toℤ n = one + (- toℤ (S n))).
       { intros. unfold one, toℤ. rewrite nattohzand1.
         rewrite nattohzandS. rewrite hzminusplus. rewrite <- (hzplusassoc one).
         rewrite (hzpluscomm one). rewrite hzlminus. rewrite hzplusl0.
         reflexivity. }
       set (l' := λ n, weq_transportf P (k' n)).
       set (ih := λ n, weqcomp (IH (toℤ n)) (l n)).
       set (ih':= λ n, (weqcomp (l' n) (invweq (IH (- toℤ (S n)))))).
       set (G := ℤRecursion_weq P ih ih'). simple refine (weqcomp _ G).
       apply weqfibtototal. intro f. unfold ℤRecursionData, ℤBiRecursionData.
       simple refine (weqcomp (weqonsecbase _ negpos) _).
       simple refine (weqcomp (weqsecovercoprodtoprod _) _).
       simple refine (weqcomp (weqdirprodcomm _ _) _). apply weqdirprodf.
       { apply weqonsecfibers; intro n. simple refine (weqonpaths2 _ _ _).
         { change (negpos (ii2 n)) with (toℤ n). exact (l n). }
         { unfold l. apply weq_transportf_comp. }
         { reflexivity. } }
       { apply weqonsecfibers; intro n. simpl.
         simple refine (weqcomp (weqpair _ (isweqpathsinv0 _ _)) _).
         simple refine (weqonpaths2 _ _ _).
         { apply invweq. apply IH. }
         { simpl. rewrite homotinvweqweq. reflexivity. }
         { simpl. change (natnattohz 0 (S n)) with (- toℤ (S n)).
           unfold l'. rewrite weq_transportf_comp.
           reflexivity. } } Defined.

Definition ℤBiRecursion_weq_compute (P:Type)
           (IH : i, weq (P i) (P(1+i)))
      (fh : total2 (ℤBiRecursionData P IH)) :
  ℤBiRecursion_weq P IH fh = pr1 fh 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Notation "n + x" := (ac_mult _ n x) : action_scope.
Notation "n - m" := (quotient _ n m) : action_scope.
Local Open Scope action_scope.

Bidirectional recursion for ℤ-torsors

Definition GuidedSection {T:Torsor }
           (P:TType) (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t))) := fun
     f: t, P t
        t, f (one + t) = IH t (f t).

Definition ℤTorsorRecursion_weq {T:Torsor } (P:TType)
      (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t))) (t0:T) :
  weq (total2 (GuidedSection P IH)) (P t0).
Proof. intros. (λ fh, pr1 fh t0). intro q.
       set (w := triviality_isomorphism T t0).
       assert (k0 : i, one + w i = w (1+i)%hz).
       { intros. simpl. unfold right_mult, ac_mult. rewrite act_assoc.
         reflexivity. }
       set (l0 := (λ i, eqweqmap (ap P (k0 i)))
               : i, weq (P(one + w i)) (P(w(1+i)%hz))).
       assert( e : right_mult t0 zero = t0 ). { apply act_unit. }
       set (H := λ f, t : T, f (one + t) = (IH t) (f t)).
       set ( IH' := (λ i, weqcomp (IH (w i)) (l0 i))
                    : i:, weq (P (w i)) (P (w(1+i)%hz))).
       set (J := λ f, i : , f (1 + i)%hz = (IH' i) (f i)).
       simple refine (iscontrweqb (@weq_over_sections T w 0 t0 e P q (e#'q) _ H J _) _).
       { apply transportfbinv. }
       { intro. apply invweq. unfold H,J,maponsec1. simple refine (weqonsec _ _ w _).
         intro i. simple refine (weqonpaths2 _ _ _).
         { exact (invweq (l0 i)). }
         { unfold l0. rewrite (k0 i). reflexivity. }
         { unfold IH'. unfold weqcomp; simpl.
           rewrite (homotinvweqweq (l0 i)). reflexivity. } }
       exact (pr2 (ℤBiRecursion_weq (λ i, P(w i)) IH') (e #' q)).

Definition ℤTorsorRecursion_compute {T:Torsor } (P:TType)
      (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t))) t h :
  ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t h = pr1 h t.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition ℤTorsorRecursion_inv_compute {T:Torsor } (P:TType)
      (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t)))
      (t0:T) (h0:P t0) :
  pr1 (invmap (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t0) h0) t0 = h0.
Proof. intros.
       exact (! ℤTorsorRecursion_compute P IH t0
                (invmap (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t0) h0)
                homotweqinvweq (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t0) h0). Defined.

Definition ℤTorsorRecursion_transition {T:Torsor } (P:TType)
      (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t)))
      (h:total2 (GuidedSection P IH)) :
  ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH (one+t) h
  IH t (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t h).
Proof. intros. rewrite 2!ℤTorsorRecursion_compute. exact (pr2 h t). Defined.

Definition ℤTorsorRecursion_transition_inv {T:Torsor } (P:TType)
      (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t)))
      (t:T) :
  invmap (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t) h0
  invmap (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH (one+t)) (IH t h0).
Proof. intros.
       assert (a := ℤTorsorRecursion_transition P IH t
                    (invmap (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t) h0)).
       rewrite homotweqinvweq in a. rewrite <- a.
       rewrite homotinvweqweq. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition ℤTorsorRecursion {T:Torsor } (P:TType)
      (IH: t, weq (P t) (P (one + t)))
      (t t':T) :
  (P t) (P t').
Proof. intros.
       exact (weqcomp (invweq (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t))
                      (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq P IH t')). Defined.

Guided null-homotopies from ℤ-torsors

Let f be a map from a ℤ-torsor T to a type Y, and let s be a collection of target paths, connecting the images under f of consecutive points of T.
A null-homotopy for f is a point y of Y, together with paths from y to each point in the image of f. We say that it is "guided" by s if all the consecutive triangles commute.
The main fact is that the type of guided null-homotopies for f is contractible.

Definition target_paths {Y} {T:Torsor } (f:TY) := t, f t=f(one + t).

Definition GHomotopy {Y} {T:Torsor } (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) := fun
        y:Y h:nullHomotopyFrom f y, n, h(one + n) = h n @ s n.

Definition GuidedHomotopy {Y} {T:Torsor } (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :=
  total2 (GHomotopy f s).

Definition GH_to_cone {Y} {T:Torsor }
           {f:TY} {s:target_paths f} (t:T) :
  GuidedHomotopy f s coconustot Y (f t).
Proof. intros [y hp]. exact (y,,pr1 hp t). Defined.

Definition GH_point {Y} {T:Torsor } {f:TY} {s:target_paths f}
           (yhp : GuidedHomotopy f s) := pr1 yhp : Y.

Definition GH_homotopy {Y} {T:Torsor } {f:TY} {s:target_paths f}
           (yhp : GuidedHomotopy f s)
     := pr1 (pr2 yhp)
     : nullHomotopyFrom f (GH_point yhp).

Definition GH_equations {Y} {T:Torsor } (f:TY) (s:target_paths f)
           (yhp : GuidedHomotopy f s)
     := pr2 (pr2 yhp)
     : let h := GH_homotopy yhp in
        n, h(one + n) = h n @ s n.

Theorem iscontrGuidedHomotopy {Y} (T:Torsor ) (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
  iscontr (GuidedHomotopy f s).
Proof. intros. apply (squash_to_prop (torsor_nonempty T)).
       { apply isapropiscontr. } intro t0.
       apply ( iscontrweqb (Y := y:Y, y = f t0)).
       { apply weqfibtototal; intro y.
         exact (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq _ (λ t, weq_pathscomp0r _ _) t0). }
       apply iscontrcoconustot. Defined.

Corollary proofirrGuidedHomotopy {Y} (T:Torsor ) (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
   v w : GuidedHomotopy f s, v=w.
Proof.        intros. apply proofirrelevancecontr. apply iscontrGuidedHomotopy. Defined.

Definition iscontrGuidedHomotopy_comp_1 {Y} :
  let T := trivialTorsor in
  let t0 := 0 : T in
     (f:TY) (s:target_paths f),
      GH_point (thePoint (iscontrGuidedHomotopy T f s)) = f t0.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition iscontrGuidedHomotopy_comp_2 {Y} :
  let T := trivialTorsor in
  let t0 := 0 : T in
     (f:TY) (s:target_paths f),
        (GH_homotopy (thePoint (iscontrGuidedHomotopy T f s)) t0) =
        (idpath (f t0)).
Proof. intros.
       assert (a2 := fiber_paths (iscontrweqb_compute
                      (weqfibtototal (GHomotopy f s) (λ y : Y, y = f t0)
                                     (λ y : Y,
                                        ℤTorsorRecursion_weq (λ t : T, y = f t)
                                                              (λ t : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t)) t0))
                      (iscontrcoconustot Y (f t0)))
                : @paths (GHomotopy f s (f t0)) _ _).
       assert (Q1 := eqtohomot (ap pr1 ((idpath _ :
                                                     (weqfibtototal (GHomotopy f s) (λ y : Y, y = f t0)
                                                                    (λ y : Y,
                                                                       ℤTorsorRecursion_weq (λ t : T, y = f t)
                                                                                            (λ t : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t)) t0))
                                                     (iscontrcoconustot Y (f t0)))))
                                            (path_start a2)) @ a2)) t0).
       assert (Q2 := eqtohomot
                       (ap pr1
                              (λ y : Y,
                                   (λ t : T, y = f t)
                                   (λ t : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t)) t0)
                              (f t0,, idpath (f t0))))
       assert (Q3 := ℤTorsorRecursion_inv_compute
                       (λ t : T,
                                   (weqfibtototal (λ y : Y, y0, GuidedSection (λ t1 : T, y = f t1) (λ t1 : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t1)) y0) (λ y : Y, (λ t1 : T, y = f t1) t0)
                                                  (λ y : Y, ℤTorsorRecursion_weq (λ t1 : T, y = f t1) (λ t1 : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t1)) t0)) (f t0,, idpath (f t0))) =
                              f t)
                       (λ t : T,
                                      (weqfibtototal (λ y : Y, y0, GuidedSection (λ t1 : T, y = f t1) (λ t1 : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t1)) y0)
                                                     (λ y : Y, (λ t1 : T, y = f t1) t0) (λ y : Y, ℤTorsorRecursion_weq (λ t1 : T, y = f t1) (λ t1 : T, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t1)) t0))
                                      (f t0,, idpath (f t0)))) (s t)) t0 (pr2 (f t0,, idpath (f t0)))).

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0:y=f t0) :
  GuidedHomotopy f s.
Proof. intros. exact (y ,, invweq (ℤTorsorRecursion_weq
               (λ t : T, y = f t)
               (λ t, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t))
               t0) h0). Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy1 {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) (t0:T) : GuidedHomotopy f s.
Proof. intros. exact (makeGuidedHomotopy f s t0 (idpath (f t0))). Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_localPath {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0 h0':y=f t0) (q:h0=h0') :
  makeGuidedHomotopy f s t0 h0 = makeGuidedHomotopy f s t0 h0'.
Proof. intros. destruct q. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_localPath_comp {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0 h0':y=f t0) (q:h0=h0') :
  ap pr1 (makeGuidedHomotopy_localPath f s t0 h0 h0' q) = idpath y.
Proof. intros. destruct q. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_verticalPath {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0:y=f t0)
           {y':Y} (p:y' = y) :
  makeGuidedHomotopy f s t0 (p@h0) = makeGuidedHomotopy f s t0 h0.
Proof. intros. apply (two_arg_paths_f p). destruct p. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_verticalPath_comp {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0:y=f t0)
           {y':Y} (p:y' = y) :
  ap pr1 (makeGuidedHomotopy_verticalPath f s t0 h0 p) = p.
Proof. intros. apply total2_paths2_comp1. Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_transPath {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0:y=f t0) :
  makeGuidedHomotopy f s t0 h0 = makeGuidedHomotopy f s (one+t0) (h0 @ s t0).
Proof. intros. apply (maponpaths (tpair _ _)).
       exact (ℤTorsorRecursion_transition_inv
                _ (λ t, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t)) _ _). Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_transPath_comp {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) {y:Y} t0 (h0:y=f t0) :
  ap pr1 (makeGuidedHomotopy_transPath f s t0 h0) = idpath y.
Proof. intros.
       unfold makeGuidedHomotopy_transPath.
       exact (pair_path_in2_comp1 _
                   _ (λ t, weq_pathscomp0r y (s t)) _ _)). Defined.

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_diagonalPath {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) (t0:T) :
  makeGuidedHomotopy1 f s t0 = makeGuidedHomotopy1 f s (one + t0).
Proof. intros.
  assert (b := makeGuidedHomotopy_transPath f s t0 (idpath(f t0))); simpl in b.
  assert (c := makeGuidedHomotopy_localPath f s (one + t0)
                 (s t0)
                 (s t0 @ idpath (f (one + t0)))
                 (! pathscomp0rid (s t0))).
  assert (a := makeGuidedHomotopy_verticalPath f s (one+t0) (idpath(f(one + t0))) (s t0)) .
  exact (b @ c @ a).

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy_diagonalPath_comp {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY)
           (s:target_paths f) (t0:T) :
  ap pr1 (makeGuidedHomotopy_diagonalPath f s t0) = s t0.
Proof. intros.
       unfold makeGuidedHomotopy_diagonalPath.
       simple refine (maponpaths_naturality (makeGuidedHomotopy_transPath_comp _ _ _ _) _).
       simple refine (maponpaths_naturality (makeGuidedHomotopy_localPath_comp _ _ _ _ _ _) _).
       exact (makeGuidedHomotopy_verticalPath_comp _ _ _ _ _).

Definition map {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
   T GuidedHomotopy f s.
Proof. intros t'.
       apply (squash_to_prop t').
       { apply isapropifcontr. apply iscontrGuidedHomotopy. }
       intro t; clear t'.
       exact (makeGuidedHomotopy1 f s t). Defined.

Definition map_path {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
   t, map f s (squash_element t) = map f s (squash_element (one + t)).
Proof. intros. exact (makeGuidedHomotopy_diagonalPath f s t). Defined.

Definition map_path_check {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
   t, p : map f s (squash_element t) =
                       map f s (squash_element (one + t)),
    ap pr1 p = s t.
Proof. intros. set (q := map_path f s t). assert (k : q=p).
       { apply (hlevelntosn 1). apply (hlevelntosn 0).
         apply iscontrGuidedHomotopy. }
       destruct k. exact (makeGuidedHomotopy_diagonalPath_comp f s t). Defined.

From each torsor we get a guided homotopy

Definition makeGuidedHomotopy2 (T:Torsor ) {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
  GuidedHomotopy f s.
Proof. intros. exact (map f s (torsor_nonempty T)). Defined.

The construction of the affine line

Definition affine_line (T:Torsor ) := T .

Definition affine_line_point (T:Torsor ) : affine_line T.
Proof. intros. exact (torsor_nonempty T). Defined.

Lemma iscontr_affine_line (T:Torsor ) : iscontr (affine_line T).
Proof. intros. apply iscontraprop1. { apply propproperty. }
       exact (torsor_nonempty T). Defined.

Lemma affine_line_path {T:Torsor } (t u:affine_line T) : t = u.
Proof. intros. apply proofirrelevance, isapropifcontr, iscontr_affine_line. Defined.

Definition affine_line_map {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) :
  affine_line T Y.
Proof. intros t'. exact (pr1 (map f s t')). Defined.

Definition check_values {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) t :
  affine_line_map f s (squash_element t) = f t.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition check_paths {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) (t:T) :
  ap (affine_line_map f s) (squash_path t (one + t)) = s t.
Proof. intros. unshelve refine (_ @ map_path_check f s t _).
       - apply maponpaths. apply squash_path.
       - apply pathsinv0. apply maponpathscomp. Defined.

Definition check_paths_any {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) (t:T)
           (p : squash_element t = squash_element (one + t)) :
  ap (affine_line_map f s) p = s t.
Proof. intros. set (p' := squash_path t (one + t)).
       assert (e : p' = p). { apply (hlevelntosn 1). apply propproperty. }
       destruct e. apply check_paths. Defined.

Definition add_one {T:Torsor } : affine_line T affine_line T.
Proof. exact (squash_fun (λ t, one + t)). Defined.

The image of the mere point in an affine line

A torsor is nonempty, so it merely has a point, as does the corresponding affine line. Here we name its image in Y.

Definition affine_line_value {T:Torsor } {Y} (f:TY) (s:target_paths f) : Y.
Proof. exact (affine_line_map f s (affine_line_point T)). Defined.