Library UniMath.Combinatorics.ZFstructures

  • Some auxilliary lemmas which which are useful stated in this form for this file.

Lemma contr_to_pr1contr (X : UU) (P : X hProp) (T : x, P x) (C : iscontr (T = T)) :
  iscontr ((pr1 T) = (pr1 T)).
  exact (@isofhlevelweqf 0 (T = T) (pr1 T = pr1 T) (@total2_paths_hProp_equiv _ _ T T) C).

Lemma pr1contr_to_contr (X : UU) (P : X hProp) (T : x, P x) (C : iscontr (pr1 T = pr1 T)) :
  iscontr (T = T).
  exact (@isofhlevelweqb 0 (T = T) (pr1 T = pr1 T) (@total2_paths_hProp_equiv _ _ T T) C).

Lemma substructure_univalence (S : UU) (iso : S S UU) (u : (X Y : S), (X = Y) (iso X Y))
      (Q : S hProp) (A B : ( (X : S), Q X)) : (A = B) (iso (pr1 A) (pr1 B)).
  intermediate_weq (pr1 A = pr1 B).
  apply (total2_paths_hProp_equiv Q A B).
  apply (u (pr1 A) (pr1 B)).

  • Transitive reflexive rooted graph TRRGraph
  • Tree Tree
  • Up and Down Well-founded tree Tree_isWellFounded
  • Rigid tree (no non-trivial automorphisms) isrigid
  • ZF structures as rigid well-founded trees ZFStructures
  • Proof that ZFStructures is an h-set isaset_ZFStruc
The definition of transitive reflexive rooted graphs TRRGraph

Definition PointedGraph := (V : hSet) (E : hrel V), V.

Definition isaroot {V : hSet} (E : hrel V) (r : V) : UU := ( w : V, E r w).

Lemma isaprop_isaroot {V : hSet} (E : hrel V) (r : V) : isaprop (isaroot E r).
  repeat (apply impred ; intros). apply propproperty.

Definition isTRR (V : hSet) (E : hrel V) (r : V) : UU :=
  isrefl E × istrans E × isaroot E r.

Lemma isaprop_isTRR (V : hSet) (E : hrel V) (r : V) : isaprop (isTRR V E r).
  apply isapropdirprod.
  - apply (isaprop_isrefl E).
  - apply isapropdirprod.
    -- apply (isaprop_istrans E).
    -- apply (isaprop_isaroot E r).

Definition TRRGraphData (V : hSet) : UU := (E : hrel V) (r : V), isTRR V E r.

Lemma isaset_TRRGraphData (V : hSet) : isaset (TRRGraphData V).
  unfold TRRGraphData.
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  - apply isaset_hrel.
  - intros x.
     apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
     -- apply setproperty.
     -- intros. apply hlevelntosn. apply isaprop_isTRR.

Definition TRRGraph : UU := (V : hSet), TRRGraphData V.

Definition TRRG_edgerel (G : TRRGraph) : hrel (pr1 G) := pr12 G.

Local Notation "x ≤ y" := (TRRG_edgerel _ x y)(at level 70).

Definition TRRG_root (G : TRRGraph) : pr1 G := pr122 G.

Definition TRRG_transitivity (G : TRRGraph) : istrans (TRRG_edgerel G) := pr12 (pr222 G).

Definition selfedge (G : TRRGraph) (x : pr1 G) : pr1 (pr2 G) x x :=
  (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 G))) x).

Definition of TRRGraph homomorphisms isTRRGhomo, isomorphisms TRRGraphiso, and a proof that isomorphisms are equivalent to identities TRRGraph_univalence

Definition isTRRGhomo {G H : TRRGraph} (f : pr1 G pr1 H) : UU :=
  ( (x y : pr1 G), (x y) (f x f y)) × (f (TRRG_root G) = TRRG_root H).

Lemma isaprop_isTRRGhomo {G H : TRRGraph} (f : pr1 G pr1 H) : isaprop (isTRRGhomo f).
  apply isapropdirprod.
  - repeat (apply impred ; intros). apply isapropdirprod.
    -- repeat (apply impred; intros; apply propproperty).
    -- repeat (apply impred; intros; apply propproperty).
  - apply setproperty.

Lemma TRRGhomo_frompath (X Y : hSet) (G : TRRGraphData X) (H : TRRGraphData Y) (p : X = Y) :
  transportf (λ x : hSet, TRRGraphData x) p G = H
  @isTRRGhomo (X ,, G) (Y ,, H) (pr1weq (hSet_univalence _ _ p)).
  induction p.
  unfold isTRRGhomo.
  intros q.
  - intros x y.
    rewriteidpath_transportf in q.
    intros P ; apply P.
    intros P ; apply P.
  - rewriteidpath_transportf in q.
    induction q.

Local Lemma helper (X : hSet) (E E' : X X hProp) (r r' : X) (isE : isTRR X E r)
      (isE' : isTRR X E' r') (q : E = E') (σ : r = r') :
  transportf (λ x : X X hProp, r : X, isTRR X x r) q (r ,, isE) = (r' ,, isE').
  induction q.
  rewrite idpath_transportf.
  apply total2_paths_equiv.
  apply (isaprop_isTRR X E r').

Lemma TRRGhomo_topath (X Y : hSet) (G : TRRGraphData X) (H : TRRGraphData Y) (p : X = Y) :
  @isTRRGhomo (X ,, G) (Y ,, H) (pr1weq (hSet_univalence _ _ p))
  transportf (λ x : hSet, TRRGraphData x) p G = H.
  induction p.
  intros P.
  unfold isTRRGhomo in P.
  simpl in P.
  destruct P as [π σ].
  assert (q : pr1 G = pr1 H).
    use funextfun.
    unfold homot.
    intros x.
    use funextfun.
    unfold homot.
    intros y.
    apply (hPropUnivalence (pr1 G x y) (pr1 H x y) (pr1x y)) (pr2x y))).
  apply total2_paths_equiv.
  apply (helper X (pr1 G) (pr1 H) (pr12 G) (pr12 H) _ _ q σ).

Definition TRRGraphiso (G H : TRRGraph) : UU := (f : pr1 G pr1 H), isTRRGhomo f.

Local Notation "G ≅ H" := (TRRGraphiso G H).

Definition id_TRRGraphiso (G : TRRGraph) : TRRGraphiso G G.
   (idweq (pr1 G)).
  - intros. use isrefl_logeq.
  - reflexivity.

Definition TRRGraph_univalence_map (G H : TRRGraph) : (G = H) (G H).
  intro p.
  induction p.
  exact (id_TRRGraphiso G).

Definition TRRGraph_univalence_weq1 (G H : TRRGraph) : G = H G H :=
  total2_paths_equiv _ G H.

Definition TRRGraph_univalence_weq2 (G H : TRRGraph) : G H G H.
  use weqbandf.
  - exact (hSet_univalence (pr1 G) (pr1 H)).
  - intro p. simpl. use weqimplimpl.
    × intros q. exact (TRRGhomo_frompath (pr1 G) (pr1 H) (pr2 G) (pr2 H) p q).
    × intros q. exact (TRRGhomo_topath (pr1 G) (pr1 H) (pr2 G) (pr2 H) p q).
    × exact (isaset_TRRGraphData (pr1 H) ((p # pr2 G)%transport) (pr2 H)).
    × exact (isaprop_isTRRGhomo (hSet_univalence_map (pr1 G) (pr1 H) p)).

Lemma TRRGraph_univalence_weq2_idpath (G : TRRGraph) :
  TRRGraph_univalence_weq2 G G (idpath (pr1 G) ,, idpath (((idpath (pr1 G)) # pr2 G)%transport)) =
  id_TRRGraphiso G.
  apply total2_paths_equiv.
   (idpath (idweq (pr1 G))).
  apply isaprop_isTRRGhomo.

Lemma TRRGraph_univalence_weq1_idpath (G : TRRGraph) :
  ((TRRGraph_univalence_weq1 G G) (idpath G)) =
  (idpath (pr1 G) ,, idpath (((idpath (pr1 G)) # pr2 G)%transport)).
  apply total2_paths_equiv.
   (idpath (idpath (pr1 G))).

Theorem isweq_TRRGraph_univalence_map (G H : TRRGraph) : isweq (TRRGraph_univalence_map G H).
  use isweqhomot.
  - exact (weqcomp (TRRGraph_univalence_weq1 G H) (TRRGraph_univalence_weq2 G H)).
  - intros e.
    induction e.
    use (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app).
    rewrite TRRGraph_univalence_weq1_idpath.
    rewrite TRRGraph_univalence_weq2_idpath.
  - use weqproperty.

Definition TRRGraph_univalence (G H : TRRGraph) : (G = H) (G H).
  use weqpair.
  - exact (TRRGraph_univalence_map G H).
  - exact (isweq_TRRGraph_univalence_map G H).

Lemma TRRGraph_univalence_compute (G H : TRRGraph) :
  pr1 (TRRGraph_univalence G H) = TRRGraph_univalence_map G H.

Definition of trees as a subtype Tree of TRRGraph and proof of univalence for trees Tree_univalence

Definition DownwardClosure {G : TRRGraph} (x : pr1 G) : UU :=
   y : pr1 G, y x.

Definition antisymmetric {G :TRRGraph} (y z : pr1 G) : UU :=
  (y z) × (z y) (z = y).

Definition total {G : TRRGraph} (y z : pr1 G) : hProp :=
  (y z) (z y).

Definition isatree (G : TRRGraph) : UU :=
   (x : pr1 G) (y z : DownwardClosure x), antisymmetric (pr1 y) (pr1 z) × total (pr1 y) (pr1 z).

Lemma isaprop_isatree (G : TRRGraph) : isaprop (isatree G).
  apply impred.
  intros t ; apply impred.
  intros x ; apply impred.
  intros y ; apply isapropdirprod.
  - apply impred.
    intros P.
    apply setproperty.
  - apply propproperty.

Definition Tree : UU := G : TRRGraph, isatree G.

Definition Tree_iso (T1 T2 : Tree) : UU := pr1 T1 pr1 T2.

Theorem Tree_univalence (T1 T2 : Tree) : (T1 = T2) (Tree_iso T1 T2).
  set (P := λ G, λ H, TRRGraph_univalence G H).
  set (Q := λ G, (isatree G ,, isaprop_isatree G)).
  apply (substructure_univalence _ _ P Q T1 T2).

Definition of branches ("upward closures") for Trees as a tree Up x for a point x of T

Definition Upw_underlying (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) := (y : pr11 T), x y.

Lemma isaset_Upw_underlying (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) : isaset (Upw_underlying T x).
  apply isaset_total2.
  apply setproperty.
  intros y.
  apply hProp_to_hSet.

Definition Upw (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) : hSet :=
  ( (y : pr11 T), pr121 T x y) ,, (isaset_Upw_underlying T x).

Definition Upw_E (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) (y z : Upw T x) : hProp :=
  pr121 T (pr1 y) (pr1 z).

Definition Upw_to_PointedGraph (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) : PointedGraph :=
  Upw T x ,, Upw_E T x ,, (x ,, selfedge (pr1 T) x).

Lemma Upw_reflexive (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) :
   (y : pr1 (Upw_to_PointedGraph T x)), pr12 (Upw_to_PointedGraph T x) y y.
  intros y.
  unfold Upw_E.
  exact (selfedge (pr1 T) (pr1 y)).

Lemma Upw_transitive (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) :
   y z w, (Upw_E T x) y z (Upw_E T x) z w (Upw_E T x) y w.
  intros y z w P Q.
  unfold Upw_E in P. simpl in P.
  exact (TRRG_transitivity (pr1 T) (pr1 y) (pr1 z) (pr1 w) P Q).

Lemma Upw_rooted (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) : y, (Upw_E T x) (x ,, selfedge (pr1 T) x) y.
  intros y.
  exact (pr2 y).

Definition Upw_to_TRRGraph (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) : TRRGraph :=
  pr1 (Upw_to_PointedGraph T x) ,, pr12 (Upw_to_PointedGraph T x) ,, pr22 (Upw_to_PointedGraph T x)
                                ,, Upw_reflexive T x ,, Upw_transitive T x ,, Upw_rooted T x.

Lemma isatree_Upw (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) : isatree (Upw_to_TRRGraph T x).
  unfold isatree. intros a. intros y z. simpl.
  set (zzz := ((pr1 (pr1 z)))). set (zz := (pr1 z)).
  set (yyy := ((pr1 (pr1 y)))). set (yy := (pr1 y)).
  assert (Eya : pr121 T yyy (pr1 a)).
       unfold DownwardClosure in y. destruct y as [y σ]. simpl. apply σ.
     assert (Eza : pr121 T zzz (pr1 a)).
       unfold DownwardClosure in z. destruct z as [z σ]. simpl. apply σ.
  - simpl.
     unfold antisymmetric.
     intros X.
     destruct X as [yz zy].
     assert (L1 : zzz = yyy).
       simpl in a.
       apply (pr1 (pr2 (T) (pr1 a) (yyy ,, Eya) (zzz ,, Eza)) (yz ,, zy)).
     assert (p : pr1 zz = pr1 yy).
       apply L1.
     unfold Upw_to_TRRGraph in zz.
     unfold Upw_to_TRRGraph in yy.
     simpl in zz.
     simpl in yy.
     assert (q : pr2 zz = transportb (λ w, pr121 T x w) p (pr2 yy)).
       apply proofirrelevance.
       apply (pr2 (pr121 T x (pr1 zz))).
     apply (total2_paths_b p q).
  - assert (L : pr121 T yyy zzz pr121 T zzz yyy).
       apply (pr2 ((pr2 (T)) (pr1 a) (yyy ,, Eya) (zzz ,, Eza))).
     apply L.

Definition Up {T : Tree} (x : pr11 T) : Tree := (Upw_to_TRRGraph T x ,, isatree_Upw T x).

Definition of rigid isrigid and superrigid issuperrigid trees

Definition isrigid (T : Tree) : UU
  := iscontr (T = T).

Lemma isaprop_isrigid (T : Tree) : isaprop (isrigid T).
  unfold isrigid.
  apply isapropiscontr.

Definition issuperrigid (T : Tree) : UU :=
  isrigid T × ( (x : pr11 T), isrigid (Up x)).

Lemma isaprop_issuperrigid (T : Tree) : isaprop (issuperrigid T).
  unfold issuperrigid.
  apply isapropdirprod.
  apply isaprop_isrigid.
  apply impred.
  intros t.
  apply isaprop_isrigid.

Definition of bi-well-founded trees (well-founded both "up" and "down") Tree_isWellFounded

Definition isWellFoundedUp (T : Tree) : hProp :=
  hasSmallest (pr121 T).

Definition hasLargest {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : hProp :=
   S : hsubtype X, ( x, S x) x:X, S x y:X, S y R y x.

Definition isWellFoundedDown (T : Tree) := hasLargest (pr121 T).

Definition Tree_isWellFounded (T : Tree) := (isWellFoundedUp T) × (isWellFoundedDown T).

Lemma isaprop_Tree_isWellFounded (T : Tree) : isaprop (Tree_isWellFounded T).
  apply isapropdirprod.
  apply propproperty.
  apply propproperty.

The definition of pre-ZF structures preZFS.
preZFS is classically equivalent to the ZFS we define below but, as far as we can tell, constructively inequivalent.

Definition ispreZFS (T : Tree) : UU := (Tree_isWellFounded T) × (issuperrigid T).

Lemma isaprop_ispreZFS (T : Tree) : isaprop (ispreZFS T).
  apply isapropdirprod.
  apply (isaprop_Tree_isWellFounded T).
  apply (isaprop_issuperrigid T).

Definition preZFS : UU := (T : Tree), ispreZFS T.

Definition Ve (X : preZFS) : hSet := pr111 X.
Coercion Ve : preZFS >-> hSet.

Definition Ed (X : preZFS) : (Ve X) (Ve X) hProp := pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 X))).

Definition root (X : preZFS) : Ve X := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 X)))).

Lemma preZFS_isrigid (X : preZFS) : iscontr (X = X).
  apply (pr1contr_to_contr _ (λ x, (ispreZFS x ,, isaprop_ispreZFS x)) X).
  exact (pr122 X).

Theorem isaset_preZFS : isaset preZFS.
  unfold isaset.
  unfold isaprop.
  intros x y p.
  induction p.
  intros q.
  apply (hlevelntosn 0 (x = x) (preZFS_isrigid x) (idpath x) q).

Definition preZFS_iso (X Y : preZFS) : UU := Tree_iso (pr1 X) (pr1 Y).

Theorem preZFS_univalence (X Y : preZFS) : (X = Y) (preZFS_iso X Y).
  set (P := λ x, λ y, Tree_univalence x y).
  set (Q := λ x, (ispreZFS x ,, isaprop_ispreZFS x)).
  exact (substructure_univalence _ _ P Q X Y).

  • Upward Closure ("Branch") of a node x in a pre-ZF structure T
  • Proof that it is a pre-ZF structure Branch

Definition preZFS_Branch (T : preZFS) (x : T) : Tree := Up x.

Definition preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype (T : preZFS) (x : T)
           (S : hsubtype (pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x))) : hsubtype (pr111 T) :=
  λ t, e, S (t ,, e).

REMARK : The definition preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype probably does not need to be truncated. One can define it without truncation and prove the lemmas that it is a proposition.

Definition hsubtype_to_preZFS_Branch_hsubtype (T : preZFS) (x : T) (S : hsubtype (pr111 T)) :
  hsubtype (pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x)) := λ z, S (pr1 z) Ed T x (pr1 z).

Lemma Branch_to_subtype (T : preZFS) (x : T) (S : hsubtype (pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x)))
  : hsubtype_to_preZFS_Branch_hsubtype T x (preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype T x S) = S.
  set (H := (hsubtype_to_preZFS_Branch_hsubtype T x (preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype T x S))).
  apply (funextfunPreliminaryUAH univalenceAxiom (pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x)) hProp H S).
  unfold homot.
  intros y.
  unfold preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype.
  unfold hsubtype_to_preZFS_Branch_hsubtype.
  assert (ES : (( e : Ed T x (pr1 y), S (pr1 y,, e)) Ed T x (pr1 y)) S y).
    intros X.
    destruct X as [ε e].
    apply (ε (S y)).
    intros X.
    destruct y.
    destruct X as [y z].
    simpl in z.
    simpl in y.
    assert ( p : y = pr2 ).
    apply propproperty.
    rewrite <- p.
    apply z.
  assert (SE : (( e : Ed T x (pr1 y), S (pr1 y,, e)) Ed T x (pr1 y)) <- S y).
    intros X.
    unfold ishinh_UU.
    - intros P Q.
      apply Q.
       (pr2 y).
      apply X.
    - apply (pr2 y).
  apply (hPropUnivalence (( e : Ed T x (pr1 y), S (pr1 y,, e)) Ed T x (pr1 y)) (S y) ES SE).

Lemma fromBranch_hsubtype {T : preZFS} {x : T} {S : hsubtype (pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x))}
      {t :pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x)} (s : S t) : preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype T x S (pr1 t).
  unfold preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype.
  unfold ishinh_UU.
  intros P X.
  apply X.
   (pr2 t).
  apply s.

Lemma toBranch_hsubtype {T : preZFS} {x : T} {S : hsubtype (pr111 T)} {t : pr111 T}
      (e : Ed T x t) (s : S t) : hsubtype_to_preZFS_Branch_hsubtype T x S (t ,, e).
  unfold hsubtype_to_preZFS_Branch_hsubtype.
  apply s.
  apply e.

Lemma preZFS_Branch_isWellFounded (T : preZFS) (x : T) : Tree_isWellFounded (preZFS_Branch T x).
  unfold Tree_isWellFounded.
  - unfold isWellFoundedUp.
    intros S.
    set (SS := preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype T x S).
    intros X.
    assert (wfunder : Tree_isWellFounded (pr1 T)).
      apply (pr12 T).
    unfold Tree_isWellFounded in wfunder.
    unfold isWellFoundedUp in wfunder.
    unfold hasSmallest in wfunder.
    apply pr1 in wfunder.
    simpl in wfunder.
    set (L1 := wfunder SS).
    assert (L2 : ( x : pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x), S x) ishinh_UU ( y : pr111 T, SS y)).
      intros P.
      simpl in P.
      apply (P (ishinh ( y : pr111 T, SS y))).
      intros X1.
      destruct X1 as [te s].
      destruct te as [t e].
      unfold ishinh_UU.
      intros Q X1.
      apply X1.
      apply (fromBranch_hsubtype s).
    apply L2 in X.
    apply L1 in X.
    apply (X ( x0 : pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x), S x0 ( y : pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x),
                                                          S y pr121 (preZFS_Branch T x) x0 y))).
    intros Y.
    destruct Y as [t [s π]].
    assert (e : Ed T x t).
      unfold SS in s.
      unfold preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype in s.
      apply (s (Ed T x t)).
      intros Y.
      destruct Y asξ].
      apply τ.
    assert (L4 : S (t ,, e)).
      rewrite <- (Branch_to_subtype T x S).
      apply (toBranch_hsubtype e s).
    unfold ishinh_UU.
    intros P Y.
    apply Y.
     (t ,, e).
    -- apply L4.
    -- intros xx Q.
       unfold Upw_E.
       apply π.
       unfold SS.
       unfold ishinh_UU.
       intros R Z.
       apply Z.
        (pr2 xx).
       apply Q.
  - unfold isWellFoundedDown.
    intros S.
    set (SS := preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype T x S).
    intros X.
    set (wfunder := pr212 T).
    unfold isWellFoundedDown in wfunder.
    unfold hasLargest in wfunder.
    simpl in wfunder.
    set (L1 := wfunder SS).
    assert (L2 : ( x : pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x), S x) ishinh_UU ( y : pr111 T, SS y)).
      intros Y.
      simpl in Y.
      apply (Y (ishinh ( y : pr111 T, SS y))).
      intros Z.
      destruct Z as [te s].
      destruct te as [t e].
      unfold ishinh_UU.
      intros P W.
      apply W.
      apply (fromBranch_hsubtype s).
    apply L2 in X.
    apply L1 in X.
    apply (X ( xx : pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x), S xx ( y : pr11 (preZFS_Branch T x),
                                                          S y pr121 (preZFS_Branch T x) y xx))).
    intros Y.
    destruct Y as [t [s π]].
    assert (e : Ed T x t).
      unfold SS in s.
      unfold preZFS_Branch_hsubtype_tohsubtype in s.
      apply (s (Ed T x t)).
      intros Y.
      destruct Y asξ].
      apply τ.
    assert (L4 : S (t ,, e)).
      rewrite <- (Branch_to_subtype T x S).
      apply (toBranch_hsubtype e s).
    unfold ishinh_UU.
    intros P Y.
    apply Y.
     (t ,, e).
    -- apply L4.
    -- intros xx Q.
       unfold Upw_E.
       apply π.
       unfold SS.
       unfold ishinh_UU.
       intros R Z.
       apply Z.
        (pr2 xx).
       apply Q.

Lemma iscontrauto_Tree_TRRGraph (T : Tree) : isrigid T iscontr ((pr1 T) = (pr1 T)).
  apply (@contr_to_pr1contr _ (λ x, (isatree x ,, isaprop_isatree x)) T).

Definition Up_to_Up (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) (y : pr11 (Up x)) :
  pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph T (pr1 y)) pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph (Up x) y).
    intros X.
    induction X as [t π].
    induction y as [y σ].
    exact ((t ,, ((pr122 (pr221 T)) x y t σ π)) ,, π).

Definition Up_to_Up_inv (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) (y : pr11 (Up x)) :
  pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph (Up x) y) pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph T (pr1 y)).
    intros X.
    induction X as [t π].
    induction y as [y σ].
    induction t as [tt θ].
    unfold Upw_E in π.
    simpl in π.
    exact (tt ,, π).

Lemma isweq_Up_to_Up (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) (y : pr11 (Up x)): isweq (Up_to_Up T x y).
  set (f := Up_to_Up T x y).
  set (g := Up_to_Up_inv T x y).
  assert (L : x, f (g x) = x).
    intros z.
    unfold g ; unfold Up_to_Up_inv.
    unfold f ; unfold Up_to_Up.
    destruct z as [z π].
    apply total2_paths_equiv.
    assert (H : (pr1 z,, pr122 (pr221 T) x (pr1 y) (pr1 z) (pr2 y) π) = z).
      apply total2_paths_equiv.
       (idpath (pr1 z)).
      apply propproperty.
    apply propproperty.
   assert (LL : x, g (f x) = x).
    intros z.
    unfold g ; unfold Up_to_Up_inv.
    unfold f ; unfold Up_to_Up.
  apply (@weq_iso _ _ _ _ LL L).

Lemma isTRRGhomo_Up_to_Up (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) (y : pr11 (Up x)) : isTRRGhomo (Up_to_Up T x y).
  - intros xx yy.
    -- intros P ; apply P.
    -- intros P ; apply P.
  - simpl.
    unfold Up_to_Up.
    unfold selfedge.
    apply total2_paths_equiv.
    destruct y as [y π].
    assert (q : pr122 (pr221 T) x y y π (selfedge (pr1 T) y) = π).
      apply propproperty.
     (idpath (y ,, π)).
    apply propproperty.

Lemma UpUpid (T : Tree) (x : pr11 T) (y : pr11 (Up x)) :
  pr1 (Up (pr1 y)) = Upw_to_TRRGraph (Up x) y.
  apply TRRGraph_univalence.
   (weqpair (Up_to_Up T x y) (isweq_Up_to_Up T x y)).
  apply (isTRRGhomo_Up_to_Up T x y).

Lemma preZFS_Branch_issuperrigid (T : preZFS) (x : T) : issuperrigid (preZFS_Branch T x).
  - apply (pr1contr_to_contr _ (λ x, (isatree x ,, isaprop_isatree x)) (preZFS_Branch T x)).
    apply (iscontrauto_Tree_TRRGraph (Up x) ((pr222 T) x)).
  - intros y.
    apply (pr1contr_to_contr _ (λ x, (isatree x ,, isaprop_isatree x)) (Up y)).
    unfold preZFS_Branch.
    unfold preZFS_Branch in y.
    rewrite <- UpUpid.
    apply (iscontrauto_Tree_TRRGraph (Up (pr1 y)) ((pr222 T) (pr1 y))).

Definition Branch (T : preZFS) (x : T) : preZFS :=
  preZFS_Branch T x ,, preZFS_Branch_isWellFounded T x ,, preZFS_Branch_issuperrigid T x.

The definition of ZFS as a subtype of preZFS consisting of those pre-ZF structures each of whose branches have uniqe representatives hasuniquerepbranch

Definition hasuniquerepbranch (T : preZFS) : UU :=
   (x y : T), (Branch T x) = (Branch T y) x = y.

Lemma isaprop_hasuniquerepbranch (T : preZFS) : isaprop (hasuniquerepbranch T).
  repeat (apply impred ; intros).
  apply setproperty.

Definition ZFS : UU := (X : preZFS), hasuniquerepbranch X.

Definition pr1ZFS (X : ZFS) : preZFS := pr1 X.
Coercion pr1ZFS : ZFS >-> preZFS.

Definition ZFS_iso (x y : ZFS) := preZFS_iso x y.

Theorem ZFS_univalence (x y : ZFS) : (x = y) (ZFS_iso x y).
  set (P := λ x, λ y, preZFS_univalence x y).
  set (Q := λ x, (hasuniquerepbranch x ,, isaprop_hasuniquerepbranch x)).
  apply (substructure_univalence _ _ P Q x y).

Theorem isaset_ZFS : isaset ZFS.
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  - apply isaset_preZFS.
  - intros x.
     apply hlevelntosn.
     apply isaprop_hasuniquerepbranch.


Definition Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch {T : preZFS} (x : T) (y : Branch T x) :
  pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph (preZFS_Branch T x) y) pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph (pr1 T) (pr1 y)).
  intros X.
  induction X as [[e ε] π].
  simpl in e.
  simpl in π.
  unfold Upw_E in π.
  simpl in π.
  exact (e ,, π).

Definition Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch_inv {T : preZFS} (x : T) (y : Branch T x) :
  pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph (pr1 T) (pr1 y)) pr1 (Upw_to_TRRGraph (preZFS_Branch T x) y) :=
  λ X, ((pr1 X ,, pr12 (pr222 (pr11 T)) x (pr1 y) (pr1 X) (pr2 y) (pr2 X)) ,, pr2 X).

Definition isweq_Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch {T : preZFS} (x : T) (y : Branch T x) :
  isweq (Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch x y).
  set (f := Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch x y).
  set (g := Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch_inv x y).
  assert (L : x, f (g x) = x).
    intros z.
    unfold f ; unfold Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch.
    unfold g ; unfold Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch_inv.
    induction z as [z π].
    apply idpath.
  assert (LL : x, g (f x) = x).
    intros z.
    unfold f ; unfold Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch.
    unfold g ; unfold Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch_inv.
    induction z as [z π].
    apply total2_paths_equiv.
    assert (H : (pr1 z,, pr122 (pr221 (pr1 T)) x (pr1 y) (pr1 z) (pr2 y) π) = z).
      apply total2_paths_equiv.
       (idpath (pr1 z)).
      apply propproperty.
    apply propproperty.
  apply (@weq_iso _ _ _ _ LL L).

Lemma isTRRGhomo_Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch {T : preZFS} (x : T) (y : Branch T x) :
  isTRRGhomo (Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch x y).
  - intros xx yy.
    -- intros P ; apply P.
    -- intros P ; apply P.
  - simpl.
    unfold Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch.
    unfold selfedge.
    apply total2_paths_equiv.
    destruct y as [y π].
     (idpath y).
    apply propproperty.

Lemma Branch_of_Branch_eq_Branch {T : preZFS} (x : T) (y : Branch T x) :
  Branch (Branch T x) y = Branch T (pr1 y).
  apply preZFS_univalence.
  unfold preZFS_iso.
  unfold Tree_iso.
  exact ((Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch x y ,, isweq_Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch x y)
                                         ,, isTRRGhomo_Branch_of_Branch_to_Branch x y).

Theorem ZFS_Branch_is_ZFS (X : ZFS) (x : X) : hasuniquerepbranch (Branch X x).
  unfold hasuniquerepbranch.
  intros y z.
  rewrite → (Branch_of_Branch_eq_Branch x y).
  rewrite → (Branch_of_Branch_eq_Branch x z).
  intros p.
  set (π := pr2 X).
  simpl in π.
  set (τ := π (pr1 y) (pr1 z) p).
  apply total2_paths_equiv.
  apply propproperty.

Definition ZFS_Branch (X : ZFS) (x : X) : ZFS := (Branch X x ,, ZFS_Branch_is_ZFS X x).

Local Notation "T ↑ x" := (ZFS_Branch T x)(at level 40).

Local Notation "x ⊏ y" := ((pr121 (pr111 _)) x y)(at level 50).

Definition Root (X : ZFS) := pr122 (pr111 X).

Definition isapoint {X : ZFS} (x : X) := ¬ (x = Root X).

Lemma isaprop_isapoint {X : ZFS} (x : X) : isaprop (isapoint x).
  apply impred.
  apply isapropempty.

Definition ZFS_elementof (X Y : ZFS) := (a : Y), (isapoint a) × (X = Y a).

Lemma isaprop_ZFS_elementof (X Y : ZFS) : isaprop (ZFS_elementof X Y).
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  unfold isProofIrrelevant.
  intros z w.
  unfold ZFS_elementof in z.
  unfold ZFS_elementof in w.
  destruct z as [z [ ispp p]].
  destruct w as [w [ ispq q]].
  set (r := (! q) @ p).
  apply total2_paths_equiv in r.
  destruct r as [r ρ].
  set (s := (pr2 Y w z r)).
  simpl in ρ.
  sety := @isapropdirprod _ _ (isaprop_isapoint y) (isaset_ZFS X (Y y))).
  set (P := λ y : Y, (isapoint y × X = Y y) ,, τ y).
  apply (total2_paths_hProp_equiv P (z,, (ispp,, p)) (w,, (ispq,, q))).
  apply (! s).

Local Notation "x ∈ y" := (ZFS_elementof x y)(at level 30).