Library UniMath.Combinatorics.WellOrderedSets

Well Ordered Sets

In this file our goal is to prove Zorn's Lemma and Zermelo's Well-Ordering Theorem.

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.OrderedSets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.DecidablePropositions.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Propositions.

Local Open Scope logic.
Local Open Scope prop.
Local Open Scope set.
Local Open Scope subtype.
Local Open Scope poset.

Delimit Scope tosubset with tosubset. Local Open Scope tosubset.

Delimit Scope wosubset with wosubset. Local Open Scope wosubset.

Totally ordered subsets of a set

Definition TotalOrdering (S:hSet) : hSet := (R : hrel_set S), hProp_to_hSet (isTotalOrder R).

Definition TOSubset_set (X:hSet) : hSet := (S:subtype_set X), TotalOrdering (carrier_set S).

Definition TOSubset (X:hSet) : UU := TOSubset_set X.

Definition TOSubset_to_subtype {X:hSet} : TOSubset X hsubtype X
  := pr1.

Coercion TOSubset_to_subtype : TOSubset >-> hsubtype.

Local Definition TOSrel {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : hrel (carrier_set S) := pr12 S.

Notation "s ≤ s'" := (TOSrel _ s s') : tosubset.

Definition TOtotal {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : isTotalOrder (TOSrel S) := pr22 S.

Definition TOtot {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : istotal (TOSrel S) := pr222 S.

Definition TOanti {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : isantisymm (TOSrel S) := pr2 (pr122 S).

Definition TOrefl {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : isrefl (TOSrel S) := pr211 (pr22 S).

Definition TOeq_to_refl {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : s t : carrier_set S, s = t s t.
  intros s t e. induction e. apply TOrefl.

Definition TOeq_to_refl_1 {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : s t : carrier_set S, pr1 s = pr1 t s t.
  intros s t e. induction (subtypeEquality_prop e). apply TOrefl.

Definition TOtrans {X:hSet} (S : TOSubset X) : istrans (TOSrel S).
  apply (pr2 S).

Local Lemma h1'' {X:hSet} {S:TOSubset X} {r s t u:S} : (r t pr1 r = pr1 s pr1 t = pr1 u s u)%tosubset.
  intros le p q. induction (subtypeEquality_prop p). induction (subtypeEquality_prop q). exact le.

Definition tosub_order_compat {X:hSet} {S T : TOSubset X} (le : S T) : hProp
  := s s' : S, s s' subtype_inc le s subtype_inc le s'.

Definition tosub_le (X:hSet) (S T : TOSubset X) : hProp
  := ( le : S T, tosub_order_compat le)%prop.

Notation "S ≼ T" := (tosub_le _ S T) (at level 70) : tosubset.

Definition sub_initial {X:hSet} {S : hsubtype X} {T : TOSubset X} (le : S T) : hProp
  := (s t : X) (Ss : S s) (Tt : T t), TOSrel T (t,,Tt) (s,,le s Ss) S t.

Definition same_induced_ordering {X:hSet} {S T : TOSubset X} {B : hsubtype X} (BS : B S) (BT : B T)
  := x y : B,
             subtype_inc BS x subtype_inc BS y
             subtype_inc BT x subtype_inc BT y.

Definition common_initial {X:hSet} (B : hsubtype X) (S T : TOSubset X) : hProp
  := ( (BS : B S) (BT : B T), sub_initial BS sub_initial BT same_induced_ordering BS BT)%prop.

Definition max_common_initial {X:hSet} (S T : TOSubset X) : hsubtype X
  := λ x, (B : hsubtype X), B x common_initial B S T.

Lemma max_common_initial_is_max {X:hSet} (S T : TOSubset X) (A : hsubtype X) :
  common_initial A S T A max_common_initial S T.
  intros c x Ax. exact (hinhpr (A,,Ax,,c)).

Lemma max_common_initial_is_sub {X:hSet} (S T : TOSubset X) :
  max_common_initial S T S
  max_common_initial S T T.
  - intros x m. apply (squash_to_hProp m); intros [B [Bx [BS [_ _]]]]; clear m. exact (BS _ Bx).
  - intros x m. apply (squash_to_hProp m); intros [B [Bx [_ [BT _]]]]; clear m. exact (BT _ Bx).

Lemma max_common_initial_is_common_initial {X:hSet} (S T : TOSubset X) :
  common_initial (max_common_initial S T) S T.
   (pr1 (max_common_initial_is_sub S T)).
   (pr2 (max_common_initial_is_sub S T)).
  { intros x s M Ss le.
    apply (squash_to_hProp M); intros [B [Bx [BS [BT [BSi [BTi BST]]]]]].
    unfold sub_initial in BSi.
    apply hinhpr.
    + apply (BSi x s Bx Ss). now apply (h1'' le).
    + exact (BS,,BT,,BSi,,BTi,,BST). }
  { intros x t M Tt le.
    apply (squash_to_hProp M); intros [B [Bx [BS [BT [BSi [BTi BST]]]]]].
    unfold sub_initial in BSi.
    apply hinhpr.
    + apply (BTi x t Bx Tt). now apply (h1'' le).
    + exact (BS,,BT,,BSi,,BTi,,BST). }
  intros x y.
  { intros le. induction x as [x xm], y as [y ym].
    apply (squash_to_hProp xm); intros [B [Bx [BS [BT [BSi [BTi BST]]]]]].
    apply (squash_to_hProp ym); intros [C [Cy [CS [CT [CSi [CTi CST]]]]]].
    assert (Cx : C x).
    { apply (CSi y x Cy (BS x Bx)). now apply (h1'' le). }
    assert (Q := pr1 (CST (x,,Cx) (y,,Cy))); simpl in Q.
    assert (E : subtype_inc CS (x,, Cx) subtype_inc CS (y,, Cy)).
    { now apply (h1'' le). }
    clear le. now apply (h1'' (Q E)). }
  { intros le. induction x as [x xm], y as [y ym].
    apply (squash_to_hProp xm); intros [B [Bx [BS [BT [BSi [BTi BST]]]]]].
    apply (squash_to_hProp ym); intros [C [Cy [CS [CT [CSi [CTi CST]]]]]].
    assert (Cx : C x).
    { apply (CTi y x Cy (BT x Bx)). now apply (h1'' le). }
    assert (Q := pr2 (CST (x,,Cx) (y,,Cy))); simpl in Q.
    assert (E : subtype_inc CT (x,, Cx) subtype_inc CT (y,, Cy)).
    { now apply (h1'' le). }
    clear le. now apply (h1'' (Q E)). }

Lemma tosub_fidelity {X:hSet} {S T:TOSubset X} (le : S T)
      (s s' : S) : s s' subtype_inc (pr1 le) s subtype_inc (pr1 le) s'.
  { exact (pr2 le s s'). }
  { intro l. apply (squash_to_hProp (TOtot S s s')). intros [c|c].
    - exact c.
    - apply (TOeq_to_refl S s s'). assert (k := pr2 le _ _ c); clear c.
      assert (k' := TOanti T _ _ l k); clear k l.
      apply subtypeEquality_prop. exact (maponpaths pr1 k'). }

Adding a point on top of a totally ordered subset

We proceed directly. An indirect way would be to form the corresponding totally ordered set, add a point to it, set up an equivalence between that and the union of our subset and the new point (assuming decidability of equality), and transport the ordering along the equivalence.

Definition TOSubset_plus_point_rel {X:hSet} (S:TOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) :
  hrel (carrier_set (subtype_plus S z)).
  intros [s i] [t j]. unfold subtype_plus in i,j. change hPropset.
  use (squash_to_hSet_2' _ _ i j); clear i j.
  { intros [Ss|ezs] [St|ezt].
    { exact (TOSrel S (s,,Ss) (t,,St)). } { exact htrue. }
    { exact hfalse. } { exact htrue. } }
  { split.
    { intros [Ss|ezs] [Ss'|ezs'] [St|ezt]. repeat split.
      - now induction_hProp Ss Ss'.
      - reflexivity.
      - apply fromempty. induction ezs'. exact (nSz Ss).
      - reflexivity.
      - apply fromempty. induction ezs. exact (nSz Ss').
      - reflexivity.
      - reflexivity.
      - reflexivity. }
    { intros [Ss|ezs] [St|ezt] [St'|ezt']. repeat split.
      - now induction_hProp St St'.
      - apply fromempty. induction ezt'. exact (nSz St).
      - apply fromempty. induction ezt. exact (nSz St').
      - reflexivity.
      - reflexivity.
      - apply fromempty. induction ezt'. exact (nSz St).
      - apply fromempty. induction ezt. exact (nSz St').
      - reflexivity. } }

Lemma isTotalOrder_TOSubset_plus_point {X:hSet} (S:TOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) :
  isTotalOrder (TOSubset_plus_point_rel S z nSz).
  { split.
    { split.
        intros [w Ww] [x Wx] [y Wy] wx xy.
        apply (squash_to_hProp Wy); intros [Sy|ezy].
        - induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sy) Wy).
          apply (squash_to_hProp Ww); intros [Sw|ezw].
          + induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sw) Ww).
            apply (squash_to_hProp Wx); intros [Sx|ezx].
            × induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sx) Wx);
              change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (w,,Sw) (x,,Sx))) in wx;
              change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (x,,Sx) (y,,Sy))) in xy;
              change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (w,,Sw) (y,,Sy))).
              exact (TOtrans _ _ _ _ wx xy).
            × induction ezx;
              induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wx);
              change empty in xy.
              exact (fromempty xy).
          + induction ezw.
            induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Ww).
            change hfalse.
            apply (squash_to_hProp Wx); intros [Sx|ezx].
            × induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sx) Wx);
              change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (x,,Sx) (y,,Sy))) in xy;
              change empty in wx.
              exact wx.
            × induction ezx;
              induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wx);
              change unit in wx; change empty in xy.
              exact xy.
        - induction ezy. apply (squash_to_hProp Ww); intros [Sw|ezw].
          + induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sw) Ww), (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wy).
            exact tt.
          + induction ezw, (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wy).
            induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Ww).
            exact tt.
        intros [x Wx].
        apply (squash_to_hProp Wx); intros [Sx|ezx].
        - induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sx) Wx).
          change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (x,,Sx) (x,,Sx))).
          apply TOrefl.
        - induction ezx.
          induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wx); change unit.
          exact tt. } }
      intros [x Wx] [y Wy] xy yx.
      apply eqset_to_path.
      apply (squash_to_hProp Wx); intros [Sx|ezx].
      - induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sx) Wx).
        apply (squash_to_hProp Wy); intros [Sy|ezy].
        + induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sy) Wy);
          change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (x,,Sx) (y,,Sy))) in xy;
          change (hProptoType (TOSrel S (y,,Sy) (x,,Sx))) in yx.
          apply subtypeEquality_prop; change (x=y).
          exact (maponpaths pr1 (TOanti S _ _ xy yx)).
        + induction ezy.
          induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wy);
          change unit in xy;
          change empty in yx.
          apply subtypeEquality_prop; change (x=z).
          exact (fromempty yx).
      - induction ezx.
        induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wx).
        apply (squash_to_hProp Wy); intros [Sy|ezy].
        + induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sy) Wy);
          change unit in yx;
          change empty in xy.
          apply subtypeEquality_prop; change (z=y).
          exact (fromempty xy).
        + induction ezy.
          apply subtypeEquality_prop; change (z=z).
          reflexivity. } }
    intros [x Wx] [y Wy].
    apply (squash_to_hProp Wx); intros [Sx|ezx].
    - induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sx) Wx).
      apply (squash_to_hProp Wy); intros [Sy|ezy].
      + induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sy) Wy).
        generalize (TOtot S (x,,Sx) (y,,Sy)); apply hinhfun; intros [xy|yx].
        × apply ii1. exact xy.
        × apply ii2. exact yx.
      + induction ezy. induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wy);
        change (htrue hfalse).
        exact (hinhpr (ii1 tt)).
    - induction ezx. induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wx).
      apply (squash_to_hProp Wy); intros [Sy|ezy].
      + induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 Sy) Wy); change (hfalse htrue).
        exact (hinhpr (ii2 tt)).
      + induction ezy.
        induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Wy); change (htrue htrue).
        exact (hinhpr (ii2 tt)). }

Definition TOSubset_plus_point {X:hSet} (S:TOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) : TOSubset X
  := subtype_plus S z,,
      TOSubset_plus_point_rel S z nSz,,
      isTotalOrder_TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz.

Lemma TOSubset_plus_point_incl {X:hSet} (S:TOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) :
  S TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz.
  apply subtype_plus_incl.

Lemma TOSubset_plus_point_le {X:hSet} (S:TOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) :
  S TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz.
  use tpair.
  - apply TOSubset_plus_point_incl.
  - intros s t le. exact le.

Lemma TOSubset_plus_point_initial {X:hSet} (S:TOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) :
  sub_initial (TOSubset_plus_point_incl S z nSz).
  intros s t Ss Tt le.
  apply (squash_to_hProp Tt); intros [St|ezt].
  - exact St.
  - induction ezt, (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) Tt); change empty in le.
    exact (fromempty le).

Well ordered subsets of a set

Definition hasSmallest {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : hProp
  := S : hsubtype X, ( x, S x) x:X, S x y:X, S y R x y.

Definition isWellOrder {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : hProp := isTotalOrder R hasSmallest R.

Definition WellOrdering (S:hSet) : hSet := (R : hrel_set S), hProp_to_hSet (isWellOrder R).

Definition WOSubset_set (X:hSet) : hSet := (S:subtype_set X), WellOrdering (carrier_set S).

Definition WOSubset (X:hSet) : UU := WOSubset_set X.

Definition WOSubset_to_subtype {X:hSet} : WOSubset X hsubtype X
  := pr1.

Definition WOSrel {X:hSet} (S : WOSubset X)
  : hrel (carrier_set (WOSubset_to_subtype S))
  := pr12 S.

Definition WOStotal {X:hSet} (S : WOSubset X) : isTotalOrder (WOSrel S) := pr122 S.

Definition WOSubset_to_TOSubset {X:hSet} : WOSubset X TOSubset X
  := λ S, WOSubset_to_subtype S,, WOSrel S,, WOStotal S.

Coercion WOSubset_to_TOSubset : WOSubset >-> TOSubset.

Definition WOSwo {X:hSet} (S : WOSubset X) : WellOrdering (carrier_set S) := pr2 S.

Notation "s ≤ s'" := (WOSrel _ s s') : wosubset.

Local Definition lt {X:hSet} {S : WOSubset X} (s s' : S) := ¬ (s' s)%wosubset.

Notation "s < s'" := (lt s s') : wosubset.

Definition WOS_hasSmallest {X:hSet} (S : WOSubset X) : hasSmallest (WOSrel S)
  := pr222 S.

Lemma wo_lt_to_le {X:hSet} {S : WOSubset X} (s s' : S) : s < s' s s'.
  unfold lt.
  intros lt.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (TOtot S s s')); intros [c|c].
  - exact c.
  - exact (fromempty (lt c)).

Definition wosub_le (X:hSet) : hrel (WOSubset X)
  := (λ S T : WOSubset X, (le : S T), tosub_order_compat le sub_initial le)%prop.

Notation "S ≼ T" := (wosub_le _ S T) (at level 70) : wosubset.

Definition wosub_le_inc {X:hSet} {S T : WOSubset X} : S T S T := pr1.

Definition wosub_le_comp {X:hSet} {S T : WOSubset X} (le : S T) : tosub_order_compat (pr1 le)
  := pr12 le.

Definition wosub_le_subi {X:hSet} {S T : WOSubset X} (le : S T) : sub_initial (pr1 le)
  := pr22 le.

Lemma wosub_le_isrefl {X:hSet} : isrefl (wosub_le X).
  intros S.
  use tpair.
  + intros x xinS. exact xinS.
  + split.
    × intros s s' le. exact le.
    × intros s s' Ss Ss' le. exact Ss'.

Definition wosub_equal {X:hSet} : hrel (WOSubset X) := λ S T, S T T S.

Notation "S ≣ T" := (wosub_equal S T) (at level 70) : wosubset.

Definition wosub_comparable {X:hSet} : hrel (WOSubset X) := λ S T, S T T S.

Definition hasSmallest_WOSubset_plus_point {X:hSet} (S:WOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) :
  LEM hasSmallest (TOSrel (TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz)).
  intros lem T ne.
  set (S' := TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz).
  assert (S'z := subtype_plus_has_point S z : S' z).
  set (z' := (z,,S'z) : carrier S').
  set (j := TOSubset_plus_point_incl S z nSz). fold S' in j.
  set (jmap := subtype_inc j).
  set (SiT := λ s:S, T (subtype_inc j s)).
  induction (lem ( s, SiT s)) as [q|q].
    assert (SiTmin := WOS_hasSmallest _ _ q).
    apply (squash_to_hProp SiTmin); clear SiTmin; intros [m [SiTm min]].
    apply hinhpr. set (m' := jmap m). m'. split.
    + exact SiTm.
    + intros [t S't] Tt.
      apply (squash_to_hProp S't); intros [St|etz].
      × induction (ishinh_irrel (ii1 St) S't); change (m (t,,St)). exact (min (t,,St) Tt).
      × induction etz; induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) S't); change unit.
        exact tt.
    apply hinhpr. z'. split.
      apply (squash_to_hProp ne); clear ne; intros [[t SiTt] Tt].
      apply (squash_to_hProp SiTt); intros [St|ezt].
      × apply fromempty.
        apply q. apply hinhpr. (t,,St).
        change (T (t,, j t St)).
        induction (proofirrelevance_hProp _ SiTt (j t St)).
        exact Tt.
      × induction ezt. unfold z'.
        induction (proofirrelevance_hProp _ SiTt S'z).
        exact Tt.
      intros [t S't] Tt.
      apply (squash_to_hProp S't); intros [St|ezt].
      × apply fromempty.
        apply q; clear q. apply hinhpr.
        change (T (t,, j t St)).
        induction (proofirrelevance_hProp _ S't (j t St)).
        exact Tt.
      × induction ezt.
        change (TOSrel S' (z,,S'z) (z,,S't)).
        induction (proofirrelevance_hProp _ S'z S't).
        exact (TOrefl S' _).

Definition WOSubset_plus_point {X:hSet}
           (S:WOSubset X) (z:X) (nSz : ¬ S z) : LEM WOSubset X
  := λ lem, subtype_plus S z,,
            TOSrel (TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz),,
            TOtotal (TOSubset_plus_point S z nSz),,
            hasSmallest_WOSubset_plus_point S z nSz lem.

Definition wosub_univalence_map {X:hSet} (S T : WOSubset X) : (S = T) (S T).
  intros e. induction e. unfold wosub_equal.
  simple refine ((λ L, dirprodpair L L) _).
  use tpair.
  + intros x s. assumption.
  + split.
    × intros s s' le. assumption.
    × intros s t Ss St le. assumption.

Theorem wosub_univalence {X:hSet} (S T : WOSubset X) : (S = T) (S T).
  simple refine (remakeweq _).
  { unfold wosub_equal.
    intermediate_weq (S T).
    - apply total2_paths_equiv.
    - intermediate_weq ( e : S T, S T T S)%prop.
      + apply weqbandf.
        × apply hsubtype_univalence.
        × intro p. induction S as [S v], T as [T w]. simpl in p. induction p.
          change (v=w (S,, v S,, w S,, w S,, v)).
          induction v as [v i], w as [w j].
          intermediate_weq (v=w)%type.
          { apply subtypeInjectivity. change (isPredicate (λ R : hrel (carrier_set S), isWellOrder R)).
            intros R. apply propproperty. }
          apply weqimplimpl.
          { intros p. induction p. split.
            { use tpair.
              { intros s. change (S s S s). exact (idfun _). }
              { split.
                { intros s s' le. exact le. }
                { intros s t Ss St le. exact St. } } }
            { use tpair.
              { intros s. change (S s S s). exact (idfun _). }
              { split.
                { intros s s' le. exact le. }
                { intros s t Ss St le. exact St. } } } }
          { simpl. unfold WOSrel. simpl. intros [[a [b _]] [d [e _]]].
            assert (triv : (f: x : X, S x S x) (x:carrier_set S), subtype_inc f x = x).
            { intros f s. apply subtypeEquality_prop. reflexivity. }
            apply funextfun; intros s. apply funextfun; intros t.
            apply hPropUnivalence.
            { intros le. assert (q := b s t le). rewrite 2 triv in q. exact q. }
            { intros le. assert (q := e s t le). rewrite 2 triv in q. exact q. } }
          { apply setproperty. }
          { apply propproperty. }
      + apply weqimplimpl.
        { intros k. split ; apply k. }
        { intros c. split.
          { intros x. exact (wosub_le_inc (pr1 c) x,,wosub_le_inc (pr2 c) x). }
          { exact c. } }
        { apply propproperty. }
        { apply propproperty. } }
  { apply wosub_univalence_map. }
  { intros e. induction e. reflexivity. }

Lemma wosub_univalence_compute {X:hSet} (S T : WOSubset X) (e : S = T) :
  wosub_univalence S T e = wosub_univalence_map S T e.

Definition wosub_inc {X:hSet} {S T : WOSubset X} : (S T) S T.
  intros le s. exact (subtype_inc (pr1 le) s).

Lemma wosub_fidelity {X:hSet} {S T:WOSubset X} (le : S T)
      (s s' : S) : s s' wosub_inc le s wosub_inc le s'.
  set (Srel := WOSrel S).
  assert (Stot : istotal Srel).
  { apply (WOSwo S). }
  set (Trel := WOSrel T).
  assert (Tanti : isantisymm Trel).
  { apply (WOSwo T). }
  { intro l. exact (wosub_le_comp le s s' l). }
  { intro l. apply (squash_to_hProp (Stot s s')).
    change ((s s') ⨿ (s' s) s s').
    intro c. induction c as [c|c].
    - exact c.
    - induction le as [le [com ini]].
      assert (k := com s' s c).
      assert (k' := Tanti _ _ l k); clear k.
      assert (p : s = s').
      { apply subtypeEquality_prop. exact (maponpaths pr1 k'). }
      induction p. apply (pr2 S). }

Local Lemma h1 {X} {S:WOSubset X} {s t u:S} : s = t t u s u.
  intros p le. induction p. exact le.

Lemma wosub_le_isPartialOrder X : isPartialOrder (wosub_le X).
  repeat split.
  - intros S T U i j.
     (pr11 (subtype_containment_isPartialOrder X) S T U (pr1 i) (pr1 j)).
    + intros s s' l. exact (wosub_le_comp j _ _ (wosub_le_comp i _ _ l)).
    + intros s u Ss Uu l.
      change (hProptoType ((u,,Uu) subtype_inc (pr1 j) (subtype_inc (pr1 i) (s,,Ss)))) in l.
      set (uinT := u ,, wosub_le_subi j s u (pr1 i s Ss) Uu l : T).
      assert (p : subtype_inc (pr1 j) uinT = u,,Uu).
      { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
      assert (q := h1 p l : subtype_inc (pr1 j) uinT subtype_inc (pr1 j) (subtype_inc (pr1 i) (s,,Ss))).
      assert (r := pr2 (wosub_fidelity j _ _) q).
      assert (b := wosub_le_subi i _ _ _ _ r); simpl in b.
      exact b.
  - apply wosub_le_isrefl.
  - intros S T i j. apply (invmap (wosub_univalence _ _)). exact (i,,j).

Definition WosubPoset (X:hSet) : Poset.
   (WOSubset_set X).
   (λ S T, S T).
  exact (wosub_le_isPartialOrder X).

Definition wosub_le_smaller {X:hSet} (S T:WOSubset X) : hProp := (S T) ( t:T, t S).

Notation "S ≺ T" := (wosub_le_smaller S T) (at level 70) : wosubset.

Definition upto {X:hSet} {S:WOSubset X} (s:S) : hsubtype X
  := (λ x, h:S x, (x,,h) < s)%prop.

Lemma upto_eqn {X:hSet} {S T:WOSubset X} (x:X) (Sx : S x) (Tx : T x) :
  S T upto (x,,Sx) = upto (x,,Tx).
  intros ST.
  apply (invmap (hsubtype_univalence _ _)).
  intros y.
  - intros [Sy lt].
     (pr1 ST y Sy).
    generalize lt; clear lt.
    apply negf.
    intros le'.
    apply (pr2 (wosub_fidelity ST (x,, Sx) (y,, Sy))).
    now apply (h1'' (S := T) le').
  - intros [Ty lt].
    assert (Q := wosub_le_subi ST x y Sx Ty); simpl in Q.
    assert (e : pr1 ST x Sx = Tx).
    { apply propproperty. }
    induction e.
    assert (Sy := Q (wo_lt_to_le _ _ lt) : S y); clear Q.
    generalize lt; clear lt.
    apply negf.
    intros le'.
    now apply (h1'' (wosub_le_comp ST _ _ le')).

Definition isInterval {X:hSet} (S:hsubtype X) (T:WOSubset X) (le : S T) :
  LEM sub_initial le T S t:T, S upto t.
  intros lem ini ne.
  set (R := WOSrel T).
  assert (min := WOS_hasSmallest T).
  set (U := (λ t:T, t S) : hsubtype (carrier T)).   assert (neU : nonempty (carrier U)).
  { apply (squash_to_hProp ne); intros [x [Tx nSx]]. apply hinhpr. exact ((x,,Tx),,nSx). }
  clear ne. assert (minU := min U neU); clear min neU.
  apply (squash_to_hProp minU); clear minU; intros [u [Uu minu]].
  apply hinhpr. u. intro y. split.
  - intro Sy. change ( Ty : T y, neg (u y,, Ty)).
     (le y Sy). intro ules. use Uu. exact (ini _ _ _ _ ules).
  - intro yltu. induction yltu as [yinT yltu].
    apply (proof_by_contradiction lem).
    intro bc. use yltu. now use minu.

The union of a chain of totally ordered subsets

Definition is_wosubset_chain {X : hSet} {I : UU} (S : I WOSubset X)
  := i j : I, wosub_comparable (S i) (S j).

Lemma common_index {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
      (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) (i : I) (x : carrier_set ( (λ i, S i))) :
    j, S i S j S j (pr1 x).
  induction x as [x xinU]. apply (squash_to_hProp xinU); intros [k xinSk].
  change ( j : I, S i S j S j x).
  apply (squash_to_hProp (chain i k)). intros c. apply hinhpr. induction c as [c|c].
  - k. split.
    + exact c.
    + exact xinSk.
  - i. split.
    + apply wosub_le_isrefl.
    + exact (pr1 c x xinSk).

Lemma common_index2 {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
      (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) (x y : carrier_set ( (λ i, S i))) :
    i, S i (pr1 x) S i (pr1 y).
  induction x as [x j], y as [y k]. change ( i, S i x S i y).
  apply (squash_to_hProp j). clear j. intros [j s].
  apply (squash_to_hProp k). clear k. intros [k t].
  apply (squash_to_hProp (chain j k)). clear chain. intros [c|c].
  - apply hinhpr. k. split.
    + exact (pr1 c x s).
    + exact t.
  - apply hinhpr. j. split.
    + exact s.
    + exact (pr1 c y t).

Lemma common_index3 {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
      (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) (x y z : carrier_set ( (λ i, S i))) :
    i, S i (pr1 x) S i (pr1 y) S i (pr1 z).
  induction x as [x j], y as [y k], z as [z l]. change ( i, S i x S i y S i z).
  apply (squash_to_hProp j). clear j. intros [j s].
  apply (squash_to_hProp k). clear k. intros [k t].
  apply (squash_to_hProp l). clear l. intros [l u].
  apply (squash_to_hProp (chain j k)). intros [c|c].
  - apply (squash_to_hProp (chain k l)). clear chain. intros [d|d].
    + apply hinhpr. l. repeat split.
      × exact (pr1 d x (pr1 c x s)).
      × exact (pr1 d y t).
      × exact u.
    + apply hinhpr. k. repeat split.
      × exact (pr1 c x s).
      × exact t.
      × exact (pr1 d z u).
  - apply (squash_to_hProp (chain j l)). clear chain. intros [d|d].
    + apply hinhpr. l. repeat split.
      × exact (pr1 d x s).
      × exact (pr1 d y (pr1 c y t)).
      × exact u.
    + apply hinhpr. j. repeat split.
      × exact s.
      × exact (pr1 c y t).
      × exact (pr1 d z u).

Lemma chain_union_prelim_eq0 {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S)
           (x y : X) (i j: I) (xi : S i x) (xj : S j x) (yi : S i y) (yj : S j y) :
  WOSrel (S i) (x ,, xi) (y ,, yi) = WOSrel (S j) (x ,, xj) (y ,, yj).
  apply weqlogeq.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (chain i j)). intros [c|c].
  - split.
    + intro l. assert (q := wosub_le_comp c _ _ l); clear l. now apply (h1'' q).
    + intro l. apply (pr2 ((wosub_fidelity c) (x,,xi) (y,,yi))).
      now apply (@h1'' X (S j) _ _ _ _ l).
  - split.
    + intro l. apply (pr2 ((wosub_fidelity c) (x,,xj) (y,,yj))).
      now apply (@h1'' X (S i) _ _ _ _ l).
    + intro l. assert (q := wosub_le_comp c _ _ l); clear l. now apply (h1'' q).

Definition chain_union_rel {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  hrel (carrier_set ( (λ i, S i))).
  intros x y.
  change (hPropset). simple refine (squash_to_hSet _ _ (common_index2 chain x y)).
  - intros [i [s t]]. exact (WOSrel (S i) (pr1 x,,s) (pr1 y,,t)).
  - intros i j. now apply chain_union_prelim_eq0.

Definition chain_union_rel_eqn {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S)
           (x y : carrier_set ( (λ i, S i)))
           i (s : S i (pr1 x)) (t : S i (pr1 y)) :
  chain_union_rel chain x y = WOSrel (S i) (pr1 x,,s) (pr1 y,,t).
  unfold chain_union_rel. generalize (common_index2 chain x y); intro h.
  assert (e : hinhpr (i,,s,,t) = h).
  { apply propproperty. }
  now induction e.

Lemma chain_union_rel_istrans {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  istrans (chain_union_rel chain).
  intros x y z l m.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (common_index3 chain x y z)); intros [i [r [s t]]].
  assert (p := chain_union_rel_eqn chain x y i r s).
  assert (q := chain_union_rel_eqn chain y z i s t).
  assert (e := chain_union_rel_eqn chain x z i r t).
  rewrite p in l; clear p.
  rewrite q in m; clear q.
  rewrite e; clear e.
  assert (tot : istrans (WOSrel (S i))).
  { apply (pr2 (S i)). }
  exact (tot _ _ _ l m).

Lemma chain_union_rel_isrefl {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  isrefl (chain_union_rel chain).
  intros x. apply (squash_to_hProp (pr2 x)). intros [i r].
  assert (p := chain_union_rel_eqn chain x x i r r). rewrite p; clear p. apply (pr2 (S i)).

Lemma chain_union_rel_isantisymm {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  isantisymm (chain_union_rel chain).
  intros x y l m.
  change (x=y)%set.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (common_index2 chain x y)); intros [i [r s]].
  apply subtypeEquality_prop.
  assert (p := chain_union_rel_eqn chain x y i r s). rewrite p in l; clear p.
  assert (q := chain_union_rel_eqn chain y x i s r). rewrite q in m; clear q.
  assert (anti : isantisymm (WOSrel (S i))).
  { apply (pr2 (S i)). }
  assert (b := anti _ _ l m); clear anti l m.
  exact (maponpaths pr1 b).

Lemma chain_union_rel_istotal {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  istotal (chain_union_rel chain).
  intros x y.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (common_index2 chain x y)); intros [i [r s]].
  assert (p := chain_union_rel_eqn chain x y i r s). rewrite p; clear p.
  assert (p := chain_union_rel_eqn chain y x i s r). rewrite p; clear p.
  apply (pr2 (S i)).

Lemma chain_union_rel_isTotalOrder {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  isTotalOrder (chain_union_rel chain).
  repeat split.
  - apply chain_union_rel_istrans.
  - apply chain_union_rel_isrefl.
  - apply chain_union_rel_isantisymm.
  - apply chain_union_rel_istotal.

Definition chain_union_TOSubset {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (Schain : is_wosubset_chain S) : TOSubset X.
   ( S).
   (chain_union_rel Schain).
  repeat split.
  - apply chain_union_rel_istrans.
  - apply chain_union_rel_isrefl.
  - apply chain_union_rel_isantisymm.
  - apply chain_union_rel_istotal.

Notation "⋃ chain" := (chain_union_TOSubset chain) (at level 100, no associativity) : tosubset.

The union of a chain of well ordered subsets

Lemma chain_union_tosub_le {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
      (Schain : is_wosubset_chain S) (i:I)
      (inc := subtype_inc (subtype_union_containedIn S i)) :
  ( S i Schain ) % tosubset.
   (subtype_union_containedIn S i).
  intros s s' j.
  set (u := subtype_inc (λ x J, hinhpr (i,, J)) s : Schain).
  set (u':= subtype_inc (λ x J, hinhpr (i,, J)) s': Schain).
  change (chain_union_rel Schain u u').
  assert (q := chain_union_rel_eqn Schain u u' i (pr2 s) (pr2 s')).
  rewrite q; clear q. exact j.

Lemma chain_union_rel_initial {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
      (Schain : is_wosubset_chain S) (i:I)
      (inc := subtype_inc (subtype_union_containedIn S i)) :
    ( s:S i, t: Schain, t inc s t S i)%tosubset.
  intros s t le.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (common_index Schain i t)).
  intros [j [[ij [com ini]] tinSj]]. set (t' := (pr1 t,,tinSj) : S j). unfold sub_initial in ini.
  assert (K := ini (pr1 s) (pr1 t') (pr2 s) (pr2 t')); simpl in K. change (t' subtype_inc ij s t S i) in K.
  apply K; clear K. unfold tosub_order_compat in com.
  apply (pr2 (tosub_fidelity (chain_union_tosub_le Schain j) t' (subtype_inc ij s))).
  clear com ini.
  assert (p : t = subtype_inc (pr1 (chain_union_tosub_le _ j)) t').
  { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
  induction p.
  assert (q : inc s = subtype_inc (pr1 (chain_union_tosub_le Schain j)) (subtype_inc ij s)).
  { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
  induction q.
  exact le.

Lemma chain_union_rel_hasSmallest {X : hSet} {I : UU} {S : I WOSubset X}
           (chain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
  hasSmallest (chain_union_rel chain).
  intros T t'.
  apply (squash_to_hProp t'); clear t'; intros [[x i] xinT].
  apply (squash_to_hProp i); intros [j xinSj].
  induction (ishinh_irrel ( j ,, xinSj ) i).
  set (T' := (λ s, T (subtype_inc (subtype_union_containedIn S j) s))).
  assert (t' := hinhpr ((x,,xinSj),,xinT) : carrier T' ); clear x xinSj xinT.
  assert (min := WOS_hasSmallest (S j) T' t'); clear t'.
  apply (squash_to_hProp min); clear min; intros [t0 [t0inT' t0min]].
  set (t0' := subtype_inc (subtype_union_containedIn S j) t0).
  apply hinhpr. t0'. split.
  - exact t0inT'.
  - intros t tinT.
    apply (hdisj_impl_2 (chain_union_rel_istotal chain _ _)); intro tle.
    set (q := chain_union_rel_initial chain j t0 t tle).
    set (t' := (pr1 t,,q) : S j).
    assert (E : subtype_inc (subtype_union_containedIn S j) t' = t).
    { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
    rewrite <- E. unfold t0'.
    apply (pr2 (chain_union_tosub_le chain j) t0 t'). apply (t0min t').
    unfold T'. rewrite E. exact tinT.

Lemma chain_union_WOSubset {X:hSet} {I:UU} {S : I WOSubset X} (Schain : is_wosubset_chain S)
  : WOSubset X.
   ( Schain). (chain_union_rel Schain).
  repeat split.
  - apply chain_union_rel_istrans.
  - apply chain_union_rel_isrefl.
  - apply chain_union_rel_isantisymm.
  - apply chain_union_rel_istotal.
  - apply chain_union_rel_hasSmallest.

Notation "⋃ chain" := (chain_union_WOSubset chain) (at level 100, no associativity) : wosubset.

Lemma chain_union_le {X:hSet} {I:UU} (S : I WOSubset X) (Schain : is_wosubset_chain S) :
   i, S i Schain.
  intros i. (subtype_union_containedIn S i). split.
  × exact (pr2 (chain_union_tosub_le _ i)).
  × intros s t Ss Tt.
    exact (chain_union_rel_initial Schain i (s,,Ss) (t,,Tt)).

Definition proper_subtypes_set (X:UU) : hSet := S : subtype_set X, hProp_to_hSet ( x, ¬ (S x)).

Definition upto' {X:hSet} {C:WOSubset X} (c:C) : proper_subtypes_set X.
   (upto c). apply hinhpr. (pr1 c). intro n.
  simpl in n. induction n as [n o]. apply o; clear o.
  apply (TOeq_to_refl C _ _). now apply subtypeEquality_prop.

Choice functions

A choice function provides an element not in each proper subset.

Definition choice_fun (X:hSet) : hSet := S : proper_subtypes_set X, x : X, hProp_to_hSet (¬ pr1 S x).

Lemma AC_to_choice_fun (X:hSet) : AxiomOfChoice choice_fun X .
  intros ac.
  exact (squash_to_hProp (ac (proper_subtypes_set X)
                             (λ S, x, hProp_to_hSet (¬ (pr1 S x))) pr2)

Given a choice function g, we single out well ordered subsets C of X that follow the choice functions advice when constructed by adding one element at a time to the top. We may say that C is "guided" by g.

Definition is_guided_WOSubset {X:hSet} (g : choice_fun X) (C : WOSubset X) : hProp
  := c:C, pr1 c = pr1 (g (upto' c)).

Lemma upto'_eqn {X:hSet} (g : choice_fun X) (C D : WOSubset X) (j : C D)
      (c : C) (d : D) :
  pr1 (subtype_inc (pr1 j) c) = pr1 d
  pr1 (g (upto' c)) = pr1 (g (upto' d)).
  intros p. assert (e' : upto' c = upto' d).
  { apply subtypeEquality_prop. change (upto c = upto d).
    assert (q : subtype_inc (pr1 j) c = d).
    { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
    clear p. induction q.
    now apply upto_eqn. }
  now induction e'.

Definition Guided_WOSubset {X:hSet} (g : choice_fun X) := ( C, is_guided_WOSubset g C)%type.

Definition guidedFamily {X:hSet} (g : choice_fun X) : Guided_WOSubset g WOSubset X
  := pr1.

Coercion guidedFamily : Guided_WOSubset >-> WOSubset.

The guided well ordered subsets form a chain

Lemma guided_WOSubset_total {X:hSet} (g : choice_fun X) :
  LEM is_wosubset_chain (guidedFamily g).
  intros lem [C gC] [D gD].
  set (W := max_common_initial C D).
  assert (Q := max_common_initial_is_common_initial C D).
  induction Q as [WC [WD [WCi [WDi WCD]]]]; fold W in WC, WD, WCi, WDi.
  assert (E : W C W D).
  { apply (proof_by_contradiction lem); intro h.
    assert (k := fromnegcoprod_prop h); clear h; induction k as [nc nd].
    assert (nCW : C W).
    { use subtype_notEqual_containedIn.
      - exact WC.
      - now apply subtype_notEqual_from_negEqual. }
    assert (nDW : D W).
    { use subtype_notEqual_containedIn.
      - exact WD.
      - now apply subtype_notEqual_from_negEqual. }
    assert (p : t : C, W upto t). { now use isInterval. }
    assert (q : t : D, W upto t). { now use isInterval. }
    change hfalse.
    apply (squash_to_hProp p); clear p; intros [c cE].
    apply (squash_to_hProp q); clear q; intros [d dE].
    assert (ce : W = upto c).
    { now apply (invmap (hsubtype_univalence _ _)). }
    assert (de : W = upto d).
    { now apply (invmap (hsubtype_univalence _ _)). }
    assert (cd := !ce @ de : upto c = upto d).
    assert (cd' : upto' c = upto' d).
    { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
    assert (p := gC c); simpl in p.
    assert (q := gD d); simpl in q.
    unfold choice_fun in g.
    assert (cd1 : pr1 c = pr1 d).
    { simple refine (p @ _ @ !q). now induction cd'. }
    clear cd'.
    set (W' := subtype_plus W (pr1 c)).
    assert (j := subtype_plus_incl W (pr1 c) : W W').
    assert (W'c := subtype_plus_has_point W (pr1 c) : W' (pr1 c)).
    assert (W'd := transportf W' cd1 W'c : W' (pr1 d)).
    assert (ci : common_initial W' C D).
    { assert (W'C := subtype_plus_in WC (pr2 c));
        assert (W'D := subtype_plus_in WD (transportb (λ x : X, D x) cd1 (pr2 d)));
        fold W' in W'C, W'D.
       W'C, W'D.
      assert (cmax : (v : carrier W') (W'c : W' (pr1 c)),
                     subtype_inc W'C v subtype_inc W'C (pr1 c,,W'c)).
      { intros v W'c'. assert (e : c = subtype_inc W'C (pr1 c,, W'c')).
        { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
        induction e. clear W'c'. induction v as [v W'v]. apply (squash_to_hProp W'v); intros [Wv|k].
        - assert (L := pr1 (cE v) Wv). unfold upto,lt in L.
          assert (Q := @tot_nge_to_le (carrier_set C) (TOSrel C) (TOtot C) _ _ (pr2 L)).
          now apply(h1'' Q).
        - use (TOeq_to_refl C). apply subtypeEquality_prop. simpl. exact (!k). }
      assert (cmax' : (w : carrier W) (W'c : W' (pr1 c)),
                     subtype_inc W'C (subtype_inc j w) < subtype_inc W'C (pr1 c,,W'c)).
      { intros w W'c'. assert (e : c = subtype_inc W'C (pr1 c,, W'c')).
        { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
        induction e. clear W'c'. induction w as [v Wv].
        assert (L := pr1 (cE v) Wv). unfold upto,lt in L.
        assert (Q := @tot_nge_to_le (carrier_set C) (TOSrel C) (TOtot C) _ _ (pr2 L)).
        apply (@tot_nle_iff_gt (carrier_set C) (TOSrel C) (pr122 C)).
        - now apply (h1'' Q).
        - intros e. assert (e' := maponpaths pr1 e); clear e. change (v = pr1 c)%type in e'.
          assert ( L' := pr2 L ). simpl in L'. apply L'; clear L'.
          exact (TOeq_to_refl_1 C c (v,, pr1 L) (!e')). }
      assert (dmax : (v : carrier W') (W'd : W' (pr1 d)),
                     subtype_inc W'D v subtype_inc W'D (pr1 d,,W'd)).
      { intros v W'd'. assert (e : d = subtype_inc W'D (pr1 d,, W'd')).
        { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
        induction e. clear W'd'. induction v as [v W'v]. apply (squash_to_hProp W'v); intros [Wv|k].
        - assert (L := pr1 (dE v) Wv). unfold upto,lt in L.
          assert (Q := @tot_nge_to_le (carrier_set D) (TOSrel D) (TOtot D) _ _ (pr2 L)).
          now apply(h1'' Q).
        - use (TOeq_to_refl D). apply subtypeEquality_prop. simpl. exact (!k @ cd1). }
      assert (dmax' : (w : carrier W) (W'd : W' (pr1 d)),
                     subtype_inc W'D (subtype_inc j w) < subtype_inc W'D (pr1 d,,W'd)).
      { intros w W'd'. assert (e : d = subtype_inc W'D (pr1 d,, W'd')).
        { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
        induction e. clear W'd'. induction w as [v Wv].
        assert (L := pr1 (dE v) Wv). unfold upto,lt in L.
        assert (Q := @tot_nge_to_le (carrier_set D) (TOSrel D) (TOtot D) _ _ (pr2 L)).
        apply (@tot_nle_iff_gt (carrier_set D) (TOSrel D) (pr122 D)).
        - now apply (h1'' Q).
        - intros e. assert (e' := maponpaths pr1 e); clear e. change (v = pr1 d)%type in e'.
          assert ( L' := pr2 L ). simpl in L'. apply L'; clear L'.
          exact (TOeq_to_refl_1 D d (v,, pr1 L) (!e')). }
      { intros w' c' W'w' Cc' le.
        apply (squash_to_hProp W'w'); intros B. induction B as [Ww'|e].
        - apply hinhpr, ii1. apply (WCi w' c' Ww' Cc'). now apply (h1'' le).
        - induction e.
          induction (lem (pr1 c = c')) as [e|ne].
          + induction e. exact W'c.
          + use j. rewrite ce. Cc'. unfold lt. intro le'. apply ne.
            assert (e : c = (c',,Cc')).
            { apply (TOanti C).
              - exact le'.
              - now apply (h1'' le). }
            exact (maponpaths pr1 e). }
      { intros w' d' W'w' Dd' le.
        apply (squash_to_hProp W'w'); intros B. induction B as [Ww'|e].
        - apply hinhpr, ii1. apply (WDi w' d' Ww' Dd'). now apply (h1'' le).
        - induction e.
          induction (lem (pr1 d = d')) as [e|ne].
          + induction e. exact W'd.
          + use j. rewrite de. Dd'. unfold lt. intro le'. apply ne.
            assert (e : d = (d',,Dd')).
            { apply (TOanti D).
              - exact le'.
              - now apply (h1'' le). }
            exact (maponpaths pr1 e). }
        intros [v W'v] [w W'w]. change (hProptoType (W' v)) in W'v; change (hProptoType (W' w)) in W'w.
        apply (squash_to_hProp W'v); intros [Wv|Ev].
        - apply (squash_to_hProp W'w); intros [Ww|Ew].
          + assert (Q := WCD (v,,Wv) (w,,Ww)).
            change (hProptoType (
                        (subtype_inc WC (v,, Wv) subtype_inc WC (w,, Ww))
                          (subtype_inc WD (v,, Wv) subtype_inc WD (w,, Ww))
                      )%tosubset) in Q.
            assert (e : subtype_inc W'C (v,, W'v) = subtype_inc WC (v,, Wv)).
            { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
            induction e.
            assert (e : subtype_inc W'C (w,, W'w) = subtype_inc WC (w,, Ww)).
            { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
            induction e.
            assert (e : subtype_inc W'D (v,, W'v) = subtype_inc WD (v,, Wv)).
            { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
            induction e.
            assert (e : subtype_inc W'D (w,, W'w) = subtype_inc WD (w,, Ww)).
            { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
            induction e.
            exact Q.
          + induction Ew. apply logeq_if_both_true.
            × apply cmax.
            × induction (!cd1). apply dmax.
        - induction Ev. apply (squash_to_hProp W'w); intros [Ww|Ew].
          + apply logeq_if_both_false.
            × assert (Q := cmax' (w,,Ww) W'v). unfold lt in Q.
              assert (e : (w,, W'w) = (subtype_inc j (w,, Ww))).
              { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
              induction e.
              exact Q.
            × assert (Q := dmax' (w,,Ww) W'd). unfold lt in Q.
              assert (e : (w,, W'w) = (subtype_inc j (w,, Ww))).
              { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
              induction e.
              assert (e : subtype_inc W'D (pr1 c,, W'v) = subtype_inc W'D (pr1 d,, W'd)).
              { now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
              induction e.
              exact Q.
          + induction Ew. apply logeq_if_both_true ; now use TOeq_to_refl_1. } }
    assert (K := max_common_initial_is_max C D W' ci); fold W in K.
    assert (Wc : W (pr1 c)).
    { exact (K (pr1 c) W'c). }
    assert (L := pr1 (cE (pr1 c)) Wc). induction L as [Cc Q]. change (neg (c pr1 c,, Cc)) in Q.
    apply Q; clear Q.
    simple refine (transportf (λ c', c c') _ (TOrefl C c)).
    now apply subtypeEquality_prop. }
  change (wosub_comparable C D). unfold wosub_comparable.
  apply (squash_to_hProp E); clear E; intros E. apply hinhpr.
  Set Printing Coercions.
  induction E as [eWC|eWD].
  - apply ii1.
    assert (e : W = C).
    { now apply hsubtype_univalence. }
    unfold W in ×. clear W.
    induction (!e); clear e.
    use tpair.
    { exact WD. }
    { intros x y le. apply (pr1 (WCD x y)). now apply (h1'' le). }
    exact WDi.
  - apply ii2.
    assert (e : W = D).
    { now apply hsubtype_univalence. }
    unfold W in ×. clear W.
    induction (!e); clear e.
    use tpair.
    { exact WC. }
    { intros x y le. apply (pr2 (WCD x y)). now apply (h1'' le). }
    exact WCi.
  Unset Printing Coercions.

The proof of the well ordering theorem of Zermelo

Theorem ZermeloWellOrdering {X:hSet} : AxiomOfChoice R : hrel X, isWellOrder R.
  intros ac. assert (lem := AC_to_LEM ac).
  apply (squash_to_hProp (AC_to_choice_fun X ac)); intro g.
  set (S := guidedFamily g).
  set (Schain := guided_WOSubset_total g lem).
  set (W := Schain).
  assert (Wguided : is_guided_WOSubset g W).
  { intros [w Ww]. apply (squash_to_hProp Ww); intros [C Cw].
    change (hProptoType (C w)) in Cw. simpl.
    assert (Q := pr2 C (w,,Cw)); simpl in Q.
    simple refine (Q @ _); clear Q.
    assert (CW := chain_union_le S Schain C : C W).
    use upto'_eqn.
    - exact CW.
    - reflexivity. }
  assert (all : x, W x).
    apply (proof_by_contradiction lem); intro n.
    assert (Q := negforall_to_existsneg _ lem n); clear n.
    change hfalse.
    set (znW := g (pr1 W,,Q) : z : X, ¬ pr1 W z).
    set (z := pr1 znW).
    set (nWz := pr2 znW : ¬ pr1 W z).
    set (W' := WOSubset_plus_point W z nWz lem).
    assert (W'z := subtype_plus_has_point W z : W' z).
    set (j := TOSubset_plus_point_incl W z nWz : W W').
    set (jmap := subtype_inc j).
    assert (W'guided : is_guided_WOSubset g W').
    { unfold is_guided_WOSubset.
      intros [x W'x].
      change (x = pr1 (g (@upto' X W' (x,, W'x))))%set.
      apply (squash_to_hProp W'x); intros [Wx|ezx].
      - assert (x_guided := Wguided (x,,Wx)).
        change (x = pr1 (g (@upto' X W (x,, Wx))))%type in x_guided.
        simple refine (x_guided @ _); clear x_guided.
        use upto'_eqn.
          assert (WW' := TOSubset_plus_point_le W z nWz).
          induction WW' as [WW' comp].
          × exact comp.
          × intros w w' Ww W'w' le.
            simple refine (TOSubset_plus_point_initial W z nWz w w' Ww W'w' _).
            now apply (h1'' le).
        + reflexivity.
      - induction ezx.
        change (pr1 (g (pr1 W,, Q)) = pr1 (g (@upto' X W' (z,, W'x)))).
        assert (e : (pr1 W,, Q) = @upto' X W' (z,, W'x)).
        { apply subtypeEquality_prop. apply (invmap (hsubtype_univalence _ _)).
          intros y.
          change (W y @upto X W' (z,, W'x) y).
          - intros Wy.
             (j y Wy). unfold lt. intros le.
            induction (ishinh_irrel (ii2 (idpath z)) W'x).
            change empty in le.
            exact le.
          - intros [W'y yz].
            apply (squash_to_hProp W'y); intros [Wy|ezy].
            + exact Wy.             + induction ezy.               apply fromempty. unfold lt,hneg in yz. apply yz.
              induction (proofirrelevance_hProp _ W'y W'x).
              exact (TOrefl W' (z,, W'y)). }
        now induction e. }
    assert (W'W := chain_union_le S Schain (W',,W'guided) : W' W).
    assert (K := pr2 (subtype_inc (pr1 W'W) (z,,W'z)) : W z).
    exact (nWz K).
  clear Wguided.
  apply hinhpr.
  induction W as [W R'].
  change ( x : X, W x)%type in all.
  change (WellOrdering X).
  assert (e : X = carrier_set W).
  { apply (invmap (hSet_univalence _ _)). apply invweq. apply weqpr1.
    intros x.
    simpl in all.
    apply iscontraprop1.
    - apply propproperty.
    - apply all. }
  induction e. exact R'.

Well ordered sets

Definition WellOrderedSet : UU := ( (S:hSet), WellOrdering S)%type.

Definition WellOrderedSet_to_hSet : WellOrderedSet hSet := pr1.

Coercion WellOrderedSet_to_hSet : WellOrderedSet >-> hSet.

Delimit Scope woset with woset.

Local Open Scope woset.

Definition WOrel (X:WellOrderedSet) : hrel X := pr12 X.

Notation "x ≤ y" := (WOrel _ x y) : woset.

Definition WOlt {X:WellOrderedSet} (x y : X) := ¬ (y x).

Notation "x < y" := (WOlt x y) : woset.

Lemma isaprop_theSmallest {X : hSet}
      (R : hrel X) (total : isTotalOrder R) (S : hsubtype X) :
  isaprop ( s:X, hProp_to_hSet (S s t:X, S t R s t)).
  induction total as [[po anti] tot].
  apply invproofirrelevance; intros s t. apply subtypeEquality_prop.
  induction s as [x i], t as [y j], i as [I i], j as [J j]. change (x=y)%set.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (tot x y)); intros [c|c].
  { apply anti. { exact c. } { exact (j x I). } }
  { apply anti. { exact (i y J). } { exact c. } }

Accessor functions
Lemmas about WOlt

Lemma WOlt_istrans (X : WellOrderedSet) : istrans (@WOlt X).
intros x y z H1 H2 H3; simpl in ×.
apply (@squash_to_hProp _ (_,,isapropempty) (WO_istotal X y z)); intros [H|H]; simpl.
- now apply H1, (WO_istrans X y z x H H3).
- now apply H2.

Lemma WOlt_isirrefl (X : WellOrderedSet) : isirrefl (@WOlt X).
now intros x; simpl; intros H; apply H, WO_isrefl.

Equivalent definition (assuming decidable equality) of the WOlt relation
Definition WOlt' (X : WellOrderedSet) (x y : X) : hProp.
((x y) × (x != y))%type.
abstract (now apply isapropdirprod; [ apply propproperty | apply isapropneg ]).

Lemma WOlt'_to_WOlt (X : WellOrderedSet) (x y : X) : WOlt' X x y x < y.
intros [H1 H2] H3.
now use H2; apply (WO_isantisymm X x y H1 H3).

One direction of the equivalence requires decidable equality
Lemma WOlt_to_WOlt' (X : WellOrderedSet) (hX : isdeceq X) (x y : X) : x < y WOlt' X x y.
intros H.
apply (squash_to_hProp (WO_istotal X x y)); intros [Hle|Hle]; simpl.
- induction (hX x y) as [Heq|Hneq].
  + rewrite Heq in H.
    induction (WOlt_isirrefl _ _ H).
  + now split.
- induction (H Hle).

Assuming decidable equality we can prove that < is a trichotomy
Lemma WOlt_trich (X : WellOrderedSet) (hX : isdeceq X) (x y : X) :
  y < x x = y x < y.
induction (hX x y) as [Heq|Hneq].
- now apply hinhpr, inr, hinhpr, inl.
- apply (squash_to_hProp (WO_istotal X x y)); intros [Hle|Hle].
  + now apply hinhpr, inr, hinhpr, inr, WOlt'_to_WOlt.
  + apply hinhpr, inl, WOlt'_to_WOlt; split; trivial.
    now intros H; apply Hneq.

Definition theSmallest {X : WellOrderedSet} (S : hsubtype X) : hProp
  := ( s, S s) hProppair
                ( s:X, S s t:X, S t WOrel X s t)%type
                (isaprop_theSmallest _ (WO_isTotalOrder X) S).

actually get the smallest element:
Lemma WO_theSmallest {X : WellOrderedSet} (S : hsubtype X) : theSmallest S.
  intros ne. apply (squash_to_hProp (WO_hasSmallest X S ne)).
  intro c. exact c.

Lemma WO_theUniqueSmallest {X : WellOrderedSet} (S : hsubtype X) :
 ( s, S s) ∃! s:X, S s t:X, S t s t.
  intros ne. apply iscontraprop1.
  - apply isaprop_theSmallest. apply WO_isTotalOrder.
  - exact (WO_theSmallest S ne).

Local Close Scope set.
Local Close Scope prop.

Functions of well-ordered sets that preserve the ordering and initial segments
Definition iswofun {X Y : WellOrderedSet} (f : X Y) : UU :=
  (iscomprelrelfun (WOrel X) (WOrel Y) f) ×
  ( (x : X) (y : Y), y < f x (z : X), z < x × f z = y).

Lemma isaprop_iswofun {X Y : WellOrderedSet} (f : X Y) : isaprop (iswofun f).
intros h; apply isapropdirprod; do 3 (apply impred_isaprop; intros).
- now apply propproperty.
- now apply isapropishinh.

Definition wofun (X Y : WellOrderedSet) : UU := (f : X Y), iswofun f.

Definition pr1wofun (X Y : WellOrderedSet) : wofun X Y (X Y) := @pr1 _ _.

Lemma wofun_eq {X Y : WellOrderedSet} {f g : wofun X Y} : pr1 f = pr1 g f = g.
intros Heq.
apply subtypeEquality; trivial.
now intros h; apply isaprop_iswofun.

Lemma iswofun_idfun {X : WellOrderedSet} : iswofun (idfun X).
- now intros x.
- intros x y hxy.
  now apply hinhpr; y.

Lemma iswofun_funcomp {X Y Z : WellOrderedSet} (f : wofun X Y) (g : wofun Y Z) :
  iswofun (pr1 g pr1 f).
induction f as [f [h1f h2f]].
induction g as [g [h1g h2g]].
- intros x y hxy.
  exact (h1g _ _ (h1f _ _ hxy)).
- intros x z hf.
  apply (squash_to_hProp (h2g (f x) z hf)); intros [y [h1y h2y]].
  apply (squash_to_hProp (h2f x y h1y)); intros [x' [h1x' h2x']].
  apply hinhpr; x'; cbn.
  now rewrite h2x'.

Local Open Scope set.
Local Open Scope prop.

The empty set is well-ordered
Definition empty_woset : WellOrderedSet.
use tpair.
- intros [].
- abstract (repeat split; try (now intros []);
            now intros T t'; apply (squash_to_hProp t'); intros [[]]).

The unit set is well-ordered
Definition unit_woset : WellOrderedSet.
use tpair.
- intros x y.
   (x = y).
  abstract (apply isapropifcontr, isapropunit).
- repeat split.
  + now intros x y z [].
  + now intros x.
  + intros [] [] H H2.
    now apply H2, inl.
  + intros T t'; apply (squash_to_hProp t'); clear t'; intros [[] H].
    apply hinhpr; tt.
    now split; [|intros []].

Lemma isaset_WellOrderedSet : isaset WellOrderedSet.


Theorem transfiniteRecursion {X:WellOrderedSet} (P : X Type) :
  LEM ( x:X, ( y, y<x P y) P x) ( x, P x).
  intros g.


Lemma bigSet (X:Type) : ( Y:hSet, f : Y X, ¬ isincl f)%type.
