Library UniMath.Combinatorics.OrderedSets

partially ordered sets and ordered sets

Definition isTotalOrder {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : hProp
  := hProppair (isPartialOrder R × istotal R)
               (isapropdirprod _ _ (isaprop_isPartialOrder R) (isaprop_istotal R)).

Section A.

  Open Scope logic.

  Lemma tot_nge_to_le {X:hSet} (R:hrel X) : istotal R x y, ¬ (R x y) R y x.
    intros tot ? ? nle.
    now apply (hdisjtoimpl (tot x y)).

  Lemma tot_nle_iff_gt {X:hSet} (R:hrel X) :
    isTotalOrder R x y, ¬ (R x y) R y x ¬ (y = x).
if R x y is x y, then this shows the equivalence of two definitions for y < x
    intros i.
    assert (tot := pr2 i); simpl in tot.
    assert (refl := pr2 (pr1 (pr1 i))); simpl in refl.
    assert (anti := pr2 (pr1 i)); simpl in anti.
    { intros nle. split.
      - now apply tot_nge_to_le.
      - intros ne. induction ne. exact (nle (refl y)). }
    { intros yltx xley. induction yltx as [ylex neq]. exact (neq (anti _ _ ylex xley)). }

End A.

Definition isSmallest {X : Poset} (x : X) : UU := y, x y.

Definition isBiggest {X : Poset} (x : X) : UU := y, y x.

Definition isMinimal {X : Poset} (x : X) : UU := y, y x x = y.

Definition isMaximal {X : Poset} (x : X) : UU := y, x y x = y.

Definition consecutive {X : Poset} (x y : X) : UU := x < y × z, ¬ (x < z × z < y).

Lemma isaprop_isSmallest {X : Poset} (x : X) : isaprop (isSmallest x).
  intros. unfold isSmallest. apply impred_prop.

Lemma isaprop_isBiggest {X : Poset} (x : X) : isaprop (isBiggest x).
  intros. unfold isBiggest. apply impred_prop.

Definition Poset_univalence_map {X Y:Poset} : X=Y PosetEquivalence X Y.
Proof. intros e. induction e. apply identityPosetEquivalence.

Local Arguments isPosetEquivalence : clear implicits.
Local Arguments isaposetmorphism : clear implicits.

Lemma posetStructureIdentity {X:hSet} (R S:PartialOrder X) :
  @isPosetEquivalence (X,,R) (X,,S) (idweq X) R=S.
  intros. split.
  { intros e.
    apply subtypeEquality. { intros T. apply isaprop_isPartialOrder. }
    induction R as [R r]; induction S as [S s]; simpl.
    apply funextfun; intro x; apply funextfun; intro y.
    unfold isPosetEquivalence in e.
    unfold isaposetmorphism in e; simpl in e.
    induction e as [e e'].
    unfold posetRelation in ×. unfold invmap in *; simpl in ×.
    apply hPropUnivalence. { apply e. } { apply e'. } }
  { intros p. induction p. apply isPosetEquivalence_idweq. }

Local Lemma posetTransport_weq (X Y:Poset) : XY XY.
  intros. simple refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
  { apply hSet_univalence. }
  intros e. apply invweq. induction X as [X R], Y as [Y S]; simpl in e.
  induction e; simpl. apply weqimplimpl.
  { exact (pr1 (posetStructureIdentity R S)). }
  { exact (pr2 (posetStructureIdentity R S)). }
  { exact (isaprop_isPosetEquivalence _). }
  { exact (isaset_PartialOrder _ _ _). }

Local Theorem Poset_univalence_0 (X Y:Poset) : X=Y XY.
  intros. intermediate_weq (XY).
  - apply total2_paths_equiv.
  - apply posetTransport_weq.

Lemma Poset_univalence_compute {X Y:Poset} (e:X=Y) :
  Poset_univalence_0 X Y e = Poset_univalence_map e.
  try reflexivity. Abort.

Theorem Poset_univalence (X Y:Poset) : X=Y XY.
  assert (k : pr1weq (Poset_univalence_0 X Y) ¬ @Poset_univalence_map X Y).
  { intro e. apply isinj_pr1_PosetEquivalence. induction e. reflexivity. }
  exact (remakeweq k).

Lemma Poset_univalence_compute {X Y:Poset} (e:X=Y) :
  Poset_univalence X Y e = Poset_univalence_map e.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Theorem PosetEquivalence_rect (X Y : Poset) (P : X Y UU) :
  ( e : X = Y, P (Poset_univalence_map e)) f, P f.
  intros ih ?.
  set (p := ih (invmap (Poset_univalence _ _) f)).
  set (h := homotweqinvweq (Poset_univalence _ _) f).
  exact (transportf P h p).

Ltac poset_induction f e :=
  generalize f; apply PosetEquivalence_rect; intro e; clear f.

Lemma isMinimal_preserved {X Y:Poset} {x:X} (is:isMinimal x) (f:X Y) :
  isMinimal (f x).
  poset_induction f e. induction e. simpl. exact is.

Lemma isMaximal_preserved {X Y:Poset} {x:X} (is:isMaximal x) (f:X Y) :
  isMaximal (f x).
Proof. intros. poset_induction f e. induction e. simpl. exact is.

Lemma consecutive_preserved {X Y:Poset} {x y:X} (is:consecutive x y) (f:X Y) : consecutive (f x) (f y).
Proof. intros. poset_induction f e. induction e. simpl. exact is.

Ordered sets

see Bourbaki, Set Theory, III.1, where they are called totally ordered sets

Definition OrderedSet := X:Poset, istotal (posetRelation X).

Ltac unwrap_OrderedSet X :=
  induction X as [X total];
  induction X as [X _po_];
  induction _po_ as [R _i_];
  unwrap_isPartialOrder _i_;
  unfold posetRelation in total;
  simpl in total.

Local Definition underlyingPoset (X:OrderedSet) : Poset := pr1 X.
Coercion underlyingPoset : OrderedSet >-> Poset.

Delimit Scope oset with oset.

Definition Poset_lessthan {X:Poset} (x y:X) := x y × x != y .

Notation "X ≅ Y" := (PosetEquivalence X Y) (at level 60, no associativity) : oset.
Notation "m ≤ n" := (posetRelation _ m n) (no associativity, at level 70) : oset.
Notation "m <= n" := (posetRelation _ m n) (no associativity, at level 70) : oset.
Notation "m < n" := (Poset_lessthan m n) :oset.
Notation "n ≥ m" := (posetRelation _ m n) (no associativity, at level 70) : oset.
Notation "n >= m" := (posetRelation _ m n) (no associativity, at level 70) : oset.
Notation "n > m" := (Poset_lessthan m n) :oset.

Close Scope poset.
Local Open Scope oset.

Definition OrderedSet_isrefl {X:OrderedSet} (x:X) : x x.
Proof. intros. unwrap_OrderedSet X; simpl in x. apply refl. Defined.

Definition OrderedSet_isantisymm {X:OrderedSet} (x y:X) : x y y x x = y.
Proof. intros r s. unwrap_OrderedSet X; simpl in x, y. now apply antisymm. Defined.

Definition OrderedSet_istotal {X:OrderedSet} (x y:X): x y y x :=
  pr2 X x y.

Lemma isdeceq_isdec_ordering (X:OrderedSet) : isdeceq X isdec_ordering X.
  intros deceq ? ?.
  assert (tot := OrderedSet_istotal x y).
  induction (deceq x y) as [j|j].
  - apply ii1. induction j. unwrap_OrderedSet X. apply refl.
  - assert (c : (y x) ⨿ (x y)).
    { assert (d : isaprop ((y x) ⨿ (x y))).
      { apply isapropcoprod.
        × apply propproperty.
        × apply propproperty.
        × intros r s. apply j; clear j. unwrap_OrderedSet X. now apply antisymm. }
      apply (squash_to_prop tot).
      + exact d.
      + intro e. exact e.
    induction c as [c|c'].
    + now apply ii1.
    + apply ii2. intro le. apply j. now apply OrderedSet_isantisymm.

Corollary isfinite_isdec_ordering (X:OrderedSet) : isfinite X isdec_ordering X.
Proof. intros i ? ?. apply isdeceq_isdec_ordering. now apply isfinite_isdeceq.

Corollary isdeceq_isdec_lessthan (X:OrderedSet) :
  isdeceq X (x y:X), decidable (x < y).
  intros i ? ?. unfold Poset_lessthan. apply decidable_ishinh. apply decidable_dirprod.
  - now apply isdeceq_isdec_ordering.
  - apply neg_isdecprop.
    apply isdecpropif.
    × apply setproperty.
    × apply i.

Corollary isfinite_isdec_lessthan (X:OrderedSet) : isfinite X (x y:X), decidable (x < y).
Proof. intros i ? ?. apply isdeceq_isdec_lessthan. now apply isfinite_isdeceq.

Lemma isincl_underlyingPoset : isincl underlyingPoset.
Proof. apply isinclpr1. intros X. apply isaprop_istotal. Defined.

Definition underlyingPoset_weq (X Y:OrderedSet) :
  X=Y (underlyingPoset X)=(underlyingPoset Y).
  Set Printing Coercions.
  intros. simple refine (weqpair _ _).
  { apply maponpaths. }
  apply isweqonpathsincl. apply isincl_underlyingPoset.
  Unset Printing Coercions.

Lemma smallestUniqueness (X:OrderedSet) (x y:X) : isSmallest x isSmallest y x = y.
  intros i j. assert (q := OrderedSet_istotal x y). apply (squash_to_prop q).
  { apply setproperty. }
  intro c. induction c as [xley|ylex].
  - apply OrderedSet_isantisymm.
    + assumption.
    + now apply j.
  - apply OrderedSet_isantisymm.
    + now apply i.
    + assumption.

Lemma biggestUniqueness (X:OrderedSet) (x y:X) : isBiggest x isBiggest y x = y.
  intros i j. assert (q := OrderedSet_istotal x y). apply (squash_to_prop q).
  { apply setproperty. }
  intro c. induction c as [xley|ylex].
  - apply OrderedSet_isantisymm.
    + assumption.
    + now apply i.
  - apply OrderedSet_isantisymm.
    + now apply j.
    + assumption.

Theorem OrderedSet_univalence (X Y:OrderedSet) : X=Y XY.
Proof. intros. exact ((Poset_univalence _ _) (underlyingPoset_weq _ _))%weq.

Theorem OrderedSetEquivalence_rect (X Y : OrderedSet) (P : X Y UU) :
  ( e : X = Y, P (OrderedSet_univalence _ _ e)) f, P f.
  intros ih ?.
  set (p := ih (invmap (OrderedSet_univalence _ _) f)).
  set (h := homotweqinvweq (OrderedSet_univalence _ _) f).
  exact (transportf P h p).

Ltac oset_induction f e := generalize f; apply OrderedSetEquivalence_rect; intro e; clear f.

Definition FiniteOrderedSet := X:OrderedSet, isfinite X.
Definition underlyingOrderedSet (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : OrderedSet := pr1 X.
Coercion underlyingOrderedSet : FiniteOrderedSet >-> OrderedSet.
Definition finitenessProperty (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : isfinite X := pr2 X.
Definition underlyingFiniteSet : FiniteOrderedSet FiniteSet.
Proof. intros. X. apply finitenessProperty. Defined.
Coercion underlyingFiniteSet : FiniteOrderedSet >-> FiniteSet.

Lemma istotal_FiniteOrderedSet (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : istotal (posetRelation X).
Proof. intros. exact (pr2 (pr1 X)). Defined.

Lemma FiniteOrderedSet_isdeceq {X:FiniteOrderedSet} : isdeceq X.
Proof. intros. apply isfinite_isdeceq. apply finitenessProperty. Defined.

Lemma FiniteOrderedSet_isdec_ordering {X:FiniteOrderedSet} : isdec_ordering X.
Proof. intros. apply isfinite_isdec_ordering. apply finitenessProperty. Defined.

Definition FiniteOrderedSetDecidableOrdering (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : DecidableRelation X :=
  λ (x y:X), decidable_to_DecidableProposition (FiniteOrderedSet_isdec_ordering x y).

Definition FiniteOrderedSetDecidableEquality (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : DecidableRelation X :=
  λ (x y:X), @decidable_to_DecidableProposition (eqset x y) (FiniteOrderedSet_isdeceq x y).

Definition FiniteOrderedSetDecidableInequality (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : DecidableRelation X.
  intros x y.
  apply (@decidable_to_DecidableProposition (¬ (x = y)))%logic.
  unfold decidable; simpl.
  apply neg_isdecprop.
  apply decidable_to_isdecprop_2.
  { apply setproperty. }
  apply FiniteOrderedSet_isdeceq.

Definition FiniteOrderedSetDecidableLessThan (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : DecidableRelation X.
  intros x y. simple refine (decidable_to_DecidableProposition _).
  - exact (x < y).
  - apply isfinite_isdec_lessthan. apply finitenessProperty.

Notation "x ≐ y" := (FiniteOrderedSetDecidableEquality _ x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset. Notation "x ≠ y" := (FiniteOrderedSetDecidableInequality _ x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset. Notation " x ≤ y " := ( FiniteOrderedSetDecidableOrdering _ x y ) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset. Notation " x <= y " := ( FiniteOrderedSetDecidableOrdering _ x y ) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset.
Notation " x ≥ y " := ( FiniteOrderedSetDecidableOrdering _ y x ) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset. Notation " x >= y " := ( FiniteOrderedSetDecidableOrdering _ y x ) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset.
Notation " x < y " := ( FiniteOrderedSetDecidableLessThan _ x y ) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset.
Notation " x > y " := ( FiniteOrderedSetDecidableLessThan _ y x ) (at level 70, no associativity) : foset.

Delimit Scope foset with foset.

Definition FiniteOrderedSet_segment {X:FiniteOrderedSet} (x:X) : FiniteSet.
  intros. apply (@subsetFiniteSet X); intro y. exact (y < x)%foset.

Definition height {X:FiniteOrderedSet} : X nat.
  intros x. exact (cardinalityFiniteSet (FiniteOrderedSet_segment x)).

Definition height_stn {X:FiniteOrderedSet} : X stn (cardinalityFiniteSet X).
  intros x.
   (height x).


making finite ordered sets in various ways

Definition standardFiniteOrderedSet (n:nat) : FiniteOrderedSet.
  intros. simple refine (_,,_).
  - (stnposet n). intros x y; apply istotalnatleh.
  - apply isfinitestn.

Notation "⟦ n ⟧" := (standardFiniteOrderedSet n) : foset.

Lemma inducedPartialOrder {X Y} (f:XY) (incl:isInjective f) (R:hrel Y) (po:isPartialOrder R) :
  isPartialOrder (λ x x' : X, R (f x) (f x')).
  - split.
    × intros x y z a b. exact (pr1 (pr1 po) (f x) (f y) (f z) a b).
    × intros x. exact (pr2 (pr1 po) (f x)).
  - intros x y a b. apply incl. exact (pr2 po (f x) (f y) a b).

Corollary inducedPartialOrder_weq {X Y} (f:XY) (R:hrel Y) (po:isPartialOrder R) :
  isPartialOrder (λ x x' : X, R (f x) (f x')).
Proof. intros. exact (inducedPartialOrder f (incl_injectivity f (weqproperty f)) R po). Defined.

Local Open Scope foset.
Definition transportFiniteOrdering {n} {X:UU} : X n FiniteOrderedSet.
  intros w.
  simple refine (_,,_).
  - simple refine (_,,_).
    × simple refine (_,,_).
    + X. apply (isofhlevelweqb 2 w). apply setproperty.
      + unfold PartialOrder; simpl. simple refine (_,,_).
        { intros x y. exact (w x w y). }
        apply inducedPartialOrder_weq.
        exact (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 ( n ))))).
    × intros x y. apply (pr2 (pr1 ( n ))).
  - simpl.
    apply (isfiniteweqb w).
    exact (pr2 ( n )).
Close Scope foset.

concatenating finite ordered families of finite ordered sets

Definition lexicographicOrder
           (X:hSet) (Y:XhSet)
           (R:hrel X) (S : x, hrel (Y x)) : hrel ( x, Y x)%set.
  intros u u'.
  set (x := pr1 u). set (y := pr2 u). set (x' := pr1 u'). set (y' := pr2 u').
  exact ((x != x' × R x x') ( e : x = x', S x' (transportf Y e y) y')).

Lemma lex_isrefl (X:hSet) (Y:XhSet) (R:hrel X) (S : x, hrel (Y x)) :
  ( x, isrefl(S x)) isrefl (lexicographicOrder X Y R S).
  intros Srefl u. induction u as [x y]. apply hdisj_in2; simpl.
   (idpath x). apply Srefl.

Lemma lex_istrans (X:hSet) (Y:XhSet) (R:hrel X) (S : x, hrel (Y x)) :
  isantisymm R istrans R ( x, istrans(S x)) istrans (lexicographicOrder X Y R S).
  intros Ranti Rtrans Strans u u' u'' p q.
  induction u as [x y]. induction u' as [x' y']. induction u'' as [x'' y''].
  refine (p _ _); clear p; intro p; simpl in p.
  induction p as [p|p].
  - induction p as [pn pl].
    refine (q _ _); clear q; intro q; simpl in q.
    induction q as [q|q].
    + apply hinhpr; simpl.
      induction q as [qn ql].
      apply ii1. split. intro ne. induction ne.
      assert (k := Ranti x x' pl ql).
      contradicts pn k.
      exact (Rtrans x x' x'' pl ql).
    + induction q as [e l].
      apply hinhpr; simpl.
      apply ii1.
      induction e.
      exact (pn,,pl).
  - induction p as [e s].
    induction e; unfold transportf in s; simpl in s; unfold idfun in s.
    refine (q _ _); clear q; intro q; simpl in q.
    induction q as [q|q].
    + induction q as [n r].
      apply hdisj_in1; simpl.
      exact (n,,r).
    + induction q as [e' s']. induction e'.
      unfold transportf in s'; simpl in s'; unfold idfun in s'.
      apply hdisj_in2; simpl.
       (idpath x).
      exact (Strans x y y' y'' s s').

Local Ltac unwrap a := apply (squash_to_prop a);
    [ apply isaset_total2_hSet | simpl; clear a; intro a; simpl in a ].

Lemma lex_isantisymm (X:hSet) (Y:XhSet) (R:hrel X) (S : x, hrel (Y x)) :
  isantisymm R ( x, isantisymm(S x)) isantisymm (lexicographicOrder X Y R S).
  intros Ranti Santi u u' a b.
  induction u as [x y]; induction u' as [x' y'].
  unwrap a. unwrap b. induction a as [[m r]|a].
  - induction b as [[n s]|b].
    + assert (eq := Ranti x x' r s). contradicts m eq.
    + induction b as [eq s]. contradicts (!eq) m.
  - induction a as [eq s]. induction b as [[n r]|b].
    { contradicts n (!eq). }
    induction b as [eq' s']. assert ( c : eq = !eq' ).
    { apply setproperty. }
    induction (!c); clear c. induction eq'. assert ( t : y = y' ).
    { apply (Santi x' y y' s s'). }
    induction t. reflexivity.

Lemma lex_istotal (X:hSet) (Y:XhSet) (R:hrel X) (S : x, hrel (Y x)) :
  isdeceq X istotal R ( x, istotal(S x)) istotal (lexicographicOrder X Y R S).
  intros Xdec Rtot Stot u u'. induction u as [x y]. induction u' as [x' y'].
  induction (Xdec x x') as [eq|ne].
  { refine (Stot x' (transportf Y eq y) y' _ _); intro P. induction P as [P|P].
    { apply hdisj_in1. unfold lexicographicOrder; simpl. apply hdisj_in2. exact (eq,,P). }
    { apply hdisj_in2. unfold lexicographicOrder; simpl. apply hdisj_in2.
      induction eq. exact (idpath _,,P). }}
  { refine (Rtot x x' _ _); intro P. induction P as [P|P].
    { apply hdisj_in1. apply hdisj_in1. simpl. exact (ne,,P). }
    { apply hdisj_in2. apply hdisj_in1. simpl. exact (ne pathsinv0,,P). }}

Definition concatenateFiniteOrderedSets
           {X:FiniteOrderedSet} (Y:XFiniteOrderedSet) : FiniteOrderedSet.
  simple refine (_,,_).
    simple refine (_,,_).
    { simple refine (_,,_).
      { exact ( x, Y x)%set. }
      simple refine (_,,_).
      { apply lexicographicOrder. apply posetRelation. intro. apply posetRelation. }
      { split.
        { apply lex_istrans.
          { apply isantisymm_posetRelation. }
          { apply istrans_posetRelation. }
          { intro. apply istrans_posetRelation. } }
        apply lex_isrefl.
        intro; apply isrefl_posetRelation. }
      apply lex_isantisymm.
      { apply isantisymm_posetRelation. }
      intro. apply isantisymm_posetRelation. }
    apply lex_istotal.
    { apply FiniteOrderedSet_isdeceq. }
    { apply istotal_FiniteOrderedSet. }
    intro; apply istotal_FiniteOrderedSet. }
  apply isfinitetotal2.
  { apply finitenessProperty. }
  intro; apply finitenessProperty.

Notation "'∑' x .. y , P" := (concatenateFiniteOrderedSets (λ x, .. (concatenateFiniteOrderedSets (λ y, P)) ..))
  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : foset.

sorting finite ordered sets

Definition FiniteStructure (X:OrderedSet) := n, n %foset X.

Local Lemma std_auto n : iscontr ( n n ) %foset.
  intros. (identityPosetEquivalence _). intros f.
  apply subtypeEquality.
  { intros g. apply isaprop_isPosetEquivalence. }
  simpl. apply isinjpr1weq. simpl. apply funextfun. intros i.


Lemma isapropFiniteStructure X : isaprop (FiniteStructure X).
  apply invproofirrelevance; intros r s.
  destruct r as [m p].
  destruct s as [n q].
  apply subtypePairEquality.
    intros k.
    apply invproofirrelevance; intros [[r b] i] [[s c] j]; simpl in r,s,i,j.

    apply weqtoeqstn.
    exact (weqcomp (pr1 p) (invweq (pr1 q))).

Theorem enumeration_FiniteOrderedSet (X:FiniteOrderedSet) : iscontr (FiniteStructure X).
  simple refine (_,,_).
  { (fincard (finitenessProperty X)).


Theorem isasetFiniteOrderedSet : isaset FiniteOrderedSet.


computably ordered sets

Local Open Scope logic.

Definition isLattice {X:hSet} (le:hrel X) (min max:binop X) :=
   po : isPartialOrder le,
   lub : x y z, le x z le y z le (max x y) z,
   glb : x y t, le t x le t y le t (min x y),

Definition istrans2 {X:hSet} (le lt:hrel X) :=
   transltle: x y z, lt x y le y z lt x z,
   translelt: x y z, le x y lt y z lt x z,

Definition iswklin {X} (lt:hrel X) := x y z, lt x y lt x z lt z y.

Definition isComputablyOrdered {X:hSet}
           (lt:hrel X) (min max:binop X) :=
  let le x y := ¬ lt y x in
   latt: isLattice le min max,
   trans2: istrans2 le lt,
   translt: istrans lt,
   irrefl: isirrefl lt,
   cotrans: iscotrans lt,

Local Ltac expand ic :=
  induction ic as
    [[[[transle reflle]antisymmle][lub[glb _]]]
[[transltle [translelt _]][translt[irrefl[cotrans _]]]]].

Section OtherProperties.

  Variable (X:hSet)
            (lt:hrel X)
            (min max:binop X)
            (ic:isComputablyOrdered lt min max).

  Let le x y := ¬ lt y x.
  Let apart x y := lt y x lt x y.
  Let eq x y := @eqset X x y.
  Let ne x y := hneg (eq x y).

  Local Lemma apart_isirrefl : isirrefl apart.
    expand ic.
    intros x a.
    unfold apart in a.
    apply (a hfalse); clear a; intros b.
    induction b as [b|b]; exact (irrefl _ b).

  Local Lemma lt_implies_le x y : lt x y le x y.
    intros l.
    intro m.
    expand ic.
    assert (n := translt _ _ _ l m).
    exact (irrefl _ n).

  Local Lemma apart_implies_ne x y : apart x y ne x y.
    expand ic.
    intros a e.
    induction e.
    apply (apart_isirrefl _ a).

  Local Lemma tightness x y : ¬ apart x y x = y.
    expand ic.
    - intro m. assert (p := fromnegcoprod_prop m); clear m.
      induction p as [p q]. now apply antisymmle.
    - intro e. induction e. apply apart_isirrefl.

  Local Lemma ne_implies_dnegapart x y : ne x y ¬¬ apart x y.
    intros n m.
    refine (n _); clear n.
    now apply tightness.

  Section ClassicalProperties.

    Variable lem:LEM.

    Local Lemma ne_implies_apart x y : ne x y apart x y.
      intros a.
      apply (dneg_LEM _ lem).
      now apply ne_implies_dnegapart.

    Local Lemma trichotomy x y : lt x y eq x y lt y x.
      induction (lem (eq x y)) as [a|b].
      - apply hdisj_in2; apply hdisj_in1; exact a.
      - assert (l := ne_implies_apart _ _ b); clear b.
        unfold apart in l.
        refine (l _ _); intro m; clear l.
        induction m as [n|o].
        × apply hdisj_in2; apply hdisj_in2; exact n.
        × apply hdisj_in1; exact o.

    Local Lemma le_istotal : istotal le.
      intros x y.
      assert (m := trichotomy x y).
      refine (m _ _); clear m; intro m; induction m as [m|m].
      - apply hdisj_in1. apply lt_implies_le. exact m.
      - refine (m _ _); clear m; intro m; induction m as [m|m].
        × apply hdisj_in1. induction m. unfold le. expand ic. apply irrefl.
        × apply hdisj_in2. apply lt_implies_le. exact m.

  End ClassicalProperties.

End OtherProperties.