Library UniMath.MoreFoundations.Subtypes

Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.Propositions.

Delimit Scope subtype with subtype.

Local Open Scope subtype.

Local Open Scope logic.

The powerset, or set of all subsets, of a set.
Definition subtype_set X : hSet := hSetpair (hsubtype X) (isasethsubtype X).

Definition subtype_isIn {X:UU} {S:hsubtype X} (s:S) (T:hsubtype X) : hProp := T (pr1 s).

Notation " s ∈ T " := (subtype_isIn s T) (at level 70) : subtype.

Notation " s ∉ T " := (¬ (subtype_isIn s T) : hProp) (at level 70) : subtype.

Definition subtype_containedIn {X:UU} : hrel (subtype_set X) := λ S T, x:X, S x T x.

Notation " S ⊆ T " := (subtype_containedIn S T) (at level 70) : subtype.

Definition subtype_notContainedIn {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : hProp := x:X, S x ¬ (T x).

Definition subtype_inc {X:UU} {S T : hsubtype X} : S T S T.
  intros le s. exact (pr1 s,, le (pr1 s) (pr2 s)).

Notation " S ⊈ T " := (subtype_notContainedIn S T) (at level 70) : subtype.

Definition subtype_smallerThan {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : hProp := (S T) (T S).

Notation " S ⊊ T " := (subtype_smallerThan S T) (at level 70) : subtype.

Local Open Scope logic.

Definition subtype_equal {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : hProp := x, S x T x.

Notation " S ≡ T " := (subtype_equal S T) (at level 70) : subtype.

Definition subtype_notEqual {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : hProp := (S T) (T S).

Notation " S ≢ T " := (subtype_notEqual S T) (at level 70) : subtype.

Lemma subtype_notEqual_containedIn {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : S T S T T S.
  intros ci ne. apply (squash_to_hProp ne); clear ne; intros [n|n].
  - apply (squash_to_hProp n); clear n; intros [x [p q]]. apply fromempty.
    change (neg (T x)) in q. apply q; clear q. apply (ci x). exact p.
  - exact n.

Lemma subtype_notEqual_to_negEqual {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : S T ¬ (S T).
  intros n. apply (squash_to_prop n).
  + apply isapropneg.   + intros [c|c].
    × apply (squash_to_prop c).
      ** apply isapropneg.       ** intros [x [Sx nTx]] e. use nTx; clear nTx. exact (pr1 (e x) Sx).
    × apply (squash_to_prop c).
      ** apply isapropneg.       ** intros [x [Tx nSx]] e. use nSx; clear nSx. exact (pr2 (e x) Tx).

Lemma subtype_notEqual_from_negEqual {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : LEM (S T <- ¬ (S T)).
  intros lem ne. unfold subtype_equal in ne.
  assert (q := negforall_to_existsneg _ lem ne); clear ne.
  apply (squash_to_hProp q); clear q; intros [x n].
  unfold subtype_notEqual.
  assert (r := weak_fromnegdirprod _ _ n); clear n. unfold dneg in r.
  assert (s := proof_by_contradiction lem r); clear r.
  apply (squash_to_hProp s); clear s. intros s. apply hinhpr. induction s as [s|s].
  + apply ii1, hinhpr. x. now apply negimpl_to_conj.
  + apply ii2, hinhpr. x. now apply negimpl_to_conj.

Definition subtype_difference {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : hsubtype X := λ x, S x ¬ (T x).

Notation " S - T " := (subtype_difference S T) : subtype.

Definition subtype_difference_containedIn {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : (S - T) S.
  intros x u. exact (pr1 u).

Lemma subtype_equal_cond {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : S T T S S T.
  - intros c x. induction c as [st ts].
    + intro s. exact (st x s).
    + intro t. exact (ts x t).
  - intro e. split.
    + intros x s. exact (pr1 (e x) s).
    + intros x t. exact (pr2 (e x) t).

Definition subtype_union {X I:UU} (S : I hsubtype X) : hsubtype X := λ x, i, S i x.

Notation "⋃ S" := (subtype_union S) (at level 100, no associativity) : subtype.

Definition carrier_set {X : hSet} (S : hsubtype X) : hSet :=
  hSetpair (carrier S) (isaset_carrier_subset _ S).

Definition subtype_union_containedIn {X:hSet} {I:UU} (S : I hsubtype X) i : S i S
  := λ x s, hinhpr (i,,s).

Given a family of subtypes of X indexed by a type I, an element x : X is in their intersection if it is an element of each subtype.

Definition subtype_intersection {X I:UU} (S : I hsubtype X) : hsubtype X := λ x, i, S i x.

Notation "⋂ S" := (subtype_intersection S) (at level 100, no associativity) : subtype.

Theorem hsubtype_univalence {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) : (S = T) (S T).
  intros. intermediate_weq ( x, S x = T x).
  - apply weqtoforallpaths.
  - unfold subtype_equal. apply weqonsecfibers; intro x.
    apply weqlogeq.

Theorem hsubtype_rect {X:UU} (S T : hsubtype X) (P : S T UU) :
  ( e : S=T, P (hsubtype_univalence S T e)) f, P f.
  intros. apply weqinvweq, weqonsecbase.

Ltac hsubtype_induction f e := generalize f; apply hsubtype_rect; intro e; clear f.

Lemma subtype_containment_isPartialOrder X : isPartialOrder (@subtype_containedIn X).
  repeat split.
  - intros S T U i j x. exact (j x i x).
  - intros S x s. exact s.
  - intros S T i j. apply (invmap (hsubtype_univalence S T)). apply subtype_equal_cond.
    split; assumption.

Lemma subtype_inc_comp {X:UU} {S T U : hsubtype X} (i:ST) (j:TU) (s:S) :
  subtype_inc j (subtype_inc i s) = subtype_inc (λ x, j x i x) s.

Lemma subtype_deceq {X} (S:hsubtype X) : isdeceq X isdeceq (carrier S).
  intro i. intros s t. induction (i (pr1 s) (pr1 t)) as [eq|ne].
  - apply ii1, subtypeEquality_prop, eq.
  - apply ii2. intro eq. apply ne. apply maponpaths. exact eq.

Definition isDecidablePredicate {X} (S:XhProp) := x, decidable (S x).

Definition subtype_plus {X} (S:hsubtype X) (z:X) : hsubtype X := λ x, S x z = x.

Definition subtype_plus_incl {X} (S:hsubtype X) (z:X) : S subtype_plus S z.
  intros s Ss. now apply hinhpr,ii1.

Definition subtype_plus_has_point {X} (S:hsubtype X) (z:X) : subtype_plus S z z.
  now apply hinhpr, ii2.

Definition subtype_plus_in {X} {S:hsubtype X} {z:X} {T:hsubtype X} :
  S T T z subtype_plus S z T.
  intros le Tz x S'x. apply (squash_to_hProp S'x). intros [Sx|e].
  - exact (le x Sx).
  - induction e. exact Tz.