Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.SliceFamEquiv

Matthew Weaver, 2016
  • Proof that Set / X and Set ^ X are equivalent as categories

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets
Local Open Scope cat.

Section set_slice_fam_equiv.

  Variable X : hSet.

  Local Definition slice (A : hSet) : precategory := slice_precat HSET A has_homsets_HSET.
  Local Definition discrete (A : hSet) : discrete_category := discrete_category_hset A.
  Local Definition discrete_has_homsets (A : hSet) :
    has_homsets (discrete_category_hset A) := homset_property _.
  Local Definition fam (A : hSet) : precategory :=
    functor_precategory (discrete A) HSET has_homsets_HSET.
  Local Definition mkfam (f : X hSet) : functor (discrete X) HSET :=
    functor_path_pregroupoid (f : X ob HSET).

  Definition slice_to_fam_fun (a : slice X) : fam X :=
    mkfam (λ x : X, hfiber_hSet (pr2 a) x).

  Local Notation s_to_f := slice_to_fam_fun.

  Definition slice_to_fam_mor_fun {a b : slice X} (f : a --> b) (x : X) :
    (s_to_f a : functor (discrete X) HSET) x --> (s_to_f b : functor (discrete X) HSET) x :=
    λ p, hfibersgftog (pr1 f) (pr2 b) _ (transportf (λ p, hfiber p x) (pr2 f) p).

  Definition is_nat_trans_slice_to_fam_mor {a b : slice X} (f : a --> b) :
    is_nat_trans (s_to_f a : functor (discrete X) HSET)
                 (s_to_f b : functor (discrete X) HSET)
                 (slice_to_fam_mor_fun f)
    := is_nat_trans_discrete_precategory has_homsets_HSET (slice_to_fam_mor_fun f).

  Definition slice_to_fam_mor {a b : slice X} (f : a --> b) : s_to_f a --> s_to_f b :=
    (slice_to_fam_mor_fun f) ,, (is_nat_trans_slice_to_fam_mor f).

  Definition slice_to_fam_data : functor_data (slice X) (fam X) :=
    functor_data_constr _ _ slice_to_fam_fun (@slice_to_fam_mor).

  Lemma is_functor_slice_to_fam : is_functor slice_to_fam_data.
    split; [ intro a | intros a b c f g];
      apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET);
      intro x;
      apply funextsec; intro p;
        apply (invmaponpathsincl pr1); simpl;
          try (apply isofhlevelfpr1;
               intros ?; exact (pr2 (eqset _ _)));
          repeat (unfold hfiber; rewrite transportf_total2; simpl);
          repeat (rewrite transportf_const);

  Definition slice_to_fam : functor (slice X) (fam X) :=
    slice_to_fam_data ,, is_functor_slice_to_fam.

  Definition fam_to_slice_fun (f : fam X) : slice X :=
    (total2_hSet (pr1 f)) ,, pr1.

  Local Notation f_to_s := fam_to_slice_fun.

  Definition fam_to_slice_mor {a b : fam X} (f : a --> b) : f_to_s a --> f_to_s b :=
  (λ h, pr1 h ,, (pr1 f) (pr1 h) (pr2 h)) ,, (idpath (pr2 (f_to_s a))).

  Definition fam_to_slice_data : functor_data (fam X) (slice X) :=
    functor_data_constr _ _ fam_to_slice_fun (@fam_to_slice_mor).

  Theorem is_functor_fam_to_slice : is_functor fam_to_slice_data.
    split; [intro f | intros f f' f'' F F'];
      apply eq_mor_slicecat.
    + apply funextsec. intro p. reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.

  Definition fam_to_slice : functor (fam X) (slice X) :=
    fam_to_slice_data ,, is_functor_fam_to_slice.

  Definition slice_counit_fun (f : slice X) :
    (functor_composite_data slice_to_fam_data fam_to_slice_data) f --> (functor_identity_data _) f.
     (fun h : ( x : X, hfiber (pr2 f) x) ⇒ pr1 (pr2 h)).
    apply funextsec.
    intro p.
    exact (!pr2 (pr2 p)).

  Definition is_nat_trans_slice_counit : is_nat_trans _ _ slice_counit_fun.
    intros f f' F.
    apply eq_mor_slicecat.
    unfold slice_counit_fun. simpl.
    unfold compose. simpl.
    apply funextsec. intro p.
    unfold hfiber. rewrite transportf_total2.
    simpl. rewrite transportf_const.

  Definition slice_counit : nat_trans (functor_composite slice_to_fam fam_to_slice)
                                      (functor_identity (slice X)) :=
    slice_counit_fun ,, is_nat_trans_slice_counit.

  Definition slice_all_iso : x : slice X, is_iso (slice_counit x).
    intro x.
    apply iso_to_slice_precat_iso.
    change (fun h : total2 (λ x' : X, hfiber (@pr2 _ (λ a : hSet, _ : a, X) x) x')
            ⇒ pr1 (pr2 h))
    with (fromcoconusf (pr2 x)).
    exact (hset_equiv_is_iso (hSetpair (coconusf (pr2 x)) (isaset_total2_hSet X (λ y, (hfiber_hSet (pr2 x) y)))) _ (weqfromcoconusf (pr2 x))).

  Definition slice_unit := nat_trans_inv_from_pointwise_inv _ _
                                                            (has_homsets_slice_precat has_homsets_HSET X) _ _
                                                            slice_counit slice_all_iso.

  Definition fam_unit_fun_fun (f : fam X) (x : X) :
    (pr1 ((functor_identity_data _) f)) x --> (pr1 ((functor_composite_data fam_to_slice_data slice_to_fam_data) f)) x :=
    λ a, ((x ,, a) ,, idpath x).

  Definition is_nat_trans_fam_unit_fun (f : fam X) :
    is_nat_trans (pr1 ((functor_identity_data _) f))
                 (pr1 ((functor_composite_data fam_to_slice_data slice_to_fam_data) f))
                 (fam_unit_fun_fun f) :=
    is_nat_trans_discrete_precategory has_homsets_HSET (fam_unit_fun_fun f).

  Definition fam_unit_fun (f : fam X) :
    (functor_identity_data _) f --> (functor_composite_data fam_to_slice_data slice_to_fam_data) f :=
    (fam_unit_fun_fun f) ,, (is_nat_trans_fam_unit_fun f).

  Definition is_nat_trans_fam_unit : is_nat_trans _ _ fam_unit_fun.
    intros f f' F.
    apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET).
    intro x.
    apply funextsec. intro a.
    apply (invmaponpathsincl pr1).
    + apply isofhlevelfpr1.
      intros ?.
      exact (pr2 (eqset _ _)).
    + reflexivity.

  Definition fam_unit : nat_trans (functor_identity (fam X))
                                  (functor_composite fam_to_slice slice_to_fam) :=
    fam_unit_fun ,, is_nat_trans_fam_unit.

  Lemma fam_iso (F : fam X) : iso ((functor_identity (fam X)) F)
                                  ((functor_composite fam_to_slice slice_to_fam) F).
    apply (functor_iso_from_pointwise_iso _ _ has_homsets_HSET _ _ ((pr1 fam_unit) F)).
    intro x.
    unfold is_iso.
    unfold fam_unit_fun_fun.
    exact (hset_equiv_is_iso ((pr1 F) x)
                             (hSetpair (hfiber pr1 x)
                                       (isaset_hfiber pr1 x
                                                      (isaset_total2_hSet X (λ x, (pr1 F) x)) (pr2 X)))
                             (ezweqpr1 (funcomp (pr1 (pr1 F)) pr1) x)).

  Definition fam_all_iso (F : fam X) : is_iso (fam_unit F) := pr2 (fam_iso F).

  Definition fam_counit := nat_trans_inv_from_pointwise_inv _ _
                                                            (functor_category_has_homsets _ _ has_homsets_HSET) _ _
                                                            fam_unit fam_all_iso.

  Lemma slice_fam_form_adj : form_adjunction fam_to_slice slice_to_fam fam_unit slice_counit.
    unfold form_adjunction.
    + intro f.
      apply eq_mor_slicecat.
      apply funextsec. intro x.
    + intro F.
      apply (nat_trans_eq has_homsets_HSET).
      intro x.
      apply funextsec.
      intro f.
      apply (invmaponpathsincl pr1).
    - apply isofhlevelfpr1.
      intros ?.
      exact (pr2 (eqset _ _)).
    - simpl.
      unfold hfiber. rewrite transportf_total2.
      simpl. rewrite transportf_const.

  Definition are_adjoints_slice_fam : are_adjoints _ _ :=
    (fam_unit ,, slice_counit) ,, slice_fam_form_adj.

  Definition set_slice_fam_equiv : adj_equivalence_of_precats fam_to_slice :=
    (slice_to_fam ,, are_adjoints_slice_fam) ,, (fam_all_iso ,, slice_all_iso) .

End set_slice_fam_equiv.