Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Prod


Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi February 2018
Various basic constructions of displayed and non displayed bicategories:
  • Unit displayed bicategory of a displayed 1-category.
  • Full subbicategory of a bicategory.
  • Direct product of bicategories.

Direct product of two displayed structures over a bicategory.

Section Disp_PreDirprod.
  Context {C : bicat}.
  Variable (D1 D2 : disp_prebicat C).

  Definition disp_dirprod_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells : disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells C.
     (dirprod_disp_cat_data D1 D2).
    intros c c' f g x d d' f' g'.
    cbn in ×.
    exact ( (pr1 f' ==>[ x ] pr1 g') × (pr2 f' ==>[ x ] pr2 g')).

  Definition disp_dirprod_prebicat_ops : disp_prebicat_ops disp_dirprod_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells.
    repeat (use tpair).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_id2 _ ) (disp_id2 _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_lunitor _ ) (disp_lunitor _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_runitor _ ) (disp_runitor _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_linvunitor _ ) (disp_linvunitor _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_rinvunitor _ ) (disp_rinvunitor _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_rassociator _ _ _ ) (disp_rassociator _ _ _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_lassociator _ _ _ ) (disp_lassociator _ _ _)).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_vcomp2 (pr1 X) (pr1 X0)) (disp_vcomp2 (pr2 X) (pr2 X0))).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_lwhisker (pr1 ff) (pr1 X)) (disp_lwhisker (pr2 ff) (pr2 X))).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply (dirprodpair (disp_rwhisker (pr1 gg) (pr1 X)) (disp_rwhisker (pr2 gg) (pr2 X))).

  Definition disp_dirprod_prebicat_data : disp_prebicat_data C := _ ,, disp_dirprod_prebicat_ops.

  Definition disp_dirprod_brebicat_laws : disp_prebicat_laws disp_dirprod_prebicat_data.
    repeat split; intro.
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_id2_left _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_id2_right _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_vassocr _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_lwhisker_id2 _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_id2_rwhisker _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_lwhisker_vcomp _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_rwhisker_vcomp _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_vcomp_lunitor _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_vcomp_runitor _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_lwhisker_lwhisker _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_rwhisker_lwhisker _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_rwhisker_rwhisker _ _ _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_vcomp_whisker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_lunitor_linvunitor _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_linvunitor_lunitor _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_runitor_rinvunitor _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_rinvunitor_runitor _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_lassociator_rassociator _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_rassociator_lassociator _ _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_runitor_rwhisker _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).
    - cbn. intros.
      apply dirprod_paths; cbn; use (disp_lassociator_lassociator _ _ _ _ @ _ ); apply pathsinv0.
      + exact (@pr1_transportf (_ ==> _) _ (λ a _ , _ ) _ _ _ _ ).
      + apply (@pr2_transportf (_ ==> _) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) (λ a, _ ==>[a]_ ) ).

  Definition disp_dirprod_prebicat : disp_prebicat C := _ ,, disp_dirprod_brebicat_laws.
End Disp_PreDirprod.

Section Disp_Dirprod.
  Context {C : bicat}.
  Variable (D1 D2 : disp_bicat C).

  Definition disp_dirprod_bicat
    : disp_bicat C.
    refine (disp_dirprod_prebicat D1 D2 ,, _).
    intros a b f g x aa bb ff gg.
    apply isasetdirprod.
    - apply D1.
    - apply D2.

Local Univalence of the poduct
  Definition pair_is_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x (pr1 xx) × is_disp_invertible_2cell x (pr2 xx)
      is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx.
    intros H.
    induction H as [H1 H2].
    use tpair.
    - split.
      + exact (disp_inv_cell (_ ,, H1)).
      + exact (disp_inv_cell (_ ,, H2)).
    - split.
      + refine (total2_paths2 (disp_vcomp_rinv (_ ,, H1)) (disp_vcomp_rinv (_ ,, H2)) @ _).
        refine (!(transportb_dirprod (f ==> f)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                     (vcomp_rinv x)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_rinv _) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_rinv _) (disp_id2 _)).
      + refine (total2_paths2 (disp_vcomp_linv (_ ,, H1)) (disp_vcomp_linv (_ ,, H2)) @ _).
        refine (!(transportb_dirprod (g ==> g)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                     (vcomp_lid x)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_lid _) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_lid _) (disp_id2 _)).

  Definition pair_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
    : disp_invertible_2cell x (pr1 ff) (pr1 gg) × disp_invertible_2cell x (pr2 ff) (pr2 gg)
      disp_invertible_2cell x ff gg.
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - split.
      + apply H.
      + apply H.
    - apply pair_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
      + exact (pr2 (pr1 H)).
      + exact (pr2 (pr2 H)).

  Definition pr1_is_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx
      is_disp_invertible_2cell x (pr1 xx).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr1 (pr1 H)).
    - split.
      + refine (maponpaths pr1
                           (@disp_vcomp_rinv C disp_dirprod_bicat
                                             a b f g
                                             aa bb
                                             ff gg
                                             (_ ,, H))
                           @ _).
        refine (maponpaths pr1 ((transportb_dirprod
                                   (f ==> f)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (vcomp_rinv x)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_rinv _) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_rinv _) (disp_id2 _)).
      + refine (maponpaths pr1
                           (@disp_vcomp_linv C disp_dirprod_bicat
                                             a b f g
                                             aa bb
                                             ff gg
                                             (_ ,, H))
                           @ _).
        refine (maponpaths pr1
                               (g ==> g)
                               (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                               (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                               (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                               (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                               (vcomp_lid x)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_lid _) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_lid _) (disp_id2 _)).

  Definition pr1_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[ f ] bb)
             (gg : aa -->[ g ] bb)
    : disp_invertible_2cell x ff gg
      disp_invertible_2cell x (pr1 ff) (pr1 gg).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - apply H.
    - refine (pr1_is_disp_invertible_2cell _ _ _).
      apply H.

  Definition pr2_is_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx is_disp_invertible_2cell x (pr2 xx).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr2 (pr1 H)).
    - split.
      + refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2
                           (@disp_vcomp_rinv C disp_dirprod_bicat
                                             a b f g
                                             aa bb
                                             ff gg
                                             (_ ,, H))
                           @ _).
        refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2
                               (f ==> f)
                               (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                               (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                               (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                               (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                               (vcomp_rinv x)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_rinv _) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_rinv _) (disp_id2 _)).
      + refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2
                           (@disp_vcomp_linv C disp_dirprod_bicat
                                             a b f g
                                             aa bb
                                             ff gg
                                             (_ ,, H))
                           @ _).
        refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2
                               (g ==> g)
                               (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                               (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                               (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                               (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                               (vcomp_lid x)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_lid _) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (vcomp_lid _) (disp_id2 _)).

  Definition pr2_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[ f ] bb)
             (gg : aa -->[ g ] bb)
    : disp_invertible_2cell x ff gg disp_invertible_2cell x (pr2 ff) (pr2 gg).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - apply H.
    - refine (pr2_is_disp_invertible_2cell _ _ _).
      apply H.

  Definition pair_disp_invertible_2cell_weq
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (x : invertible_2cell f g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[ f ] bb)
             (gg : aa -->[ g ] bb)
    : (disp_invertible_2cell x (pr1 ff) (pr1 gg) × disp_invertible_2cell x (pr2 ff) (pr2 gg))
        disp_invertible_2cell x ff gg.
    use weqpair.
    - exact (pair_disp_invertible_2cell x).
    - use isweq_iso.
      + intros H.
        × apply pr1_disp_invertible_2cell.
          exact H.
        × apply pr2_disp_invertible_2cell.
          exact H.
      + intros H ; cbn.
        use total2_paths2.
        × use subtypeEquality.
          ** intro ; simpl.
             apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
          ** reflexivity.
        × use subtypeEquality.
          ** intro ; simpl.
             apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
          ** reflexivity.
      + intros H ; cbn.
        use subtypeEquality.
        × intro xx ; simpl.
          apply (@isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell C disp_dirprod_bicat).
        × reflexivity.

  Definition prod_idtoiso_2_1
             {a b : C}
             {f : a --> b} {g : a --> b}
             (p : f = g)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[f] bb)
             (gg : aa -->[g] bb)
             (HD1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
    : (transportf (λ z : C a, b , aa -->[ z] bb) p ff = gg)
        disp_invertible_2cell (idtoiso_2_1 f g p) ff gg.
    refine (pair_disp_invertible_2cell_weq (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ p) ff gg _)%weq.
    refine (weqdirprod
              (_ ,, HD1 a b f g p (pr1 aa) (pr1 bb) (pr1 ff) (pr1 gg))
              (_ ,, HD2 a b f g p (pr2 aa) (pr2 bb) (pr2 ff) (pr2 gg))
    induction p ; cbn ; unfold idfun.
    apply WeakEquivalences.pathsdirprodweq.

  Definition is_univalent_2_1_dirprod_bicat
             (HD1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
    : disp_locally_univalent disp_dirprod_bicat.
    intros a b f g p aa bb ff gg.
    use weqhomot.
    - exact (prod_idtoiso_2_1 p ff gg HD1 HD2).
    - intros q.
      induction p, q.
      use subtypeEquality.
      + intro.
        apply (@isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell C disp_dirprod_bicat).
      + reflexivity.

Global Univalence of the product
  Definition pair_left_adjoint_equivalence
             {a b : C}
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[ f] bb)
    : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f (pr1 ff) × disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f (pr2 ff)
      disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f ff.
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair ; repeat split.
      + exact (disp_left_adjoint_right_adjoint f (pr1 H)).
      + exact (disp_left_adjoint_right_adjoint f (pr2 H)).
      + exact (disp_left_adjoint_unit f (pr1 H)).
      + exact (disp_left_adjoint_unit f (pr2 H)).
      + exact (disp_left_adjoint_counit f (pr1 H)).
      + exact (disp_left_adjoint_counit f (pr2 H)).
    - refine ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _)) ; cbn.
      + refine (total2_paths2 (disp_internal_triangle1 _ (pr1 H))
                              (disp_internal_triangle1 _ (pr2 H)) @ _).
        refine (!(transportb_dirprod (f ==> f)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle1 f) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle1 f) (disp_id2 _)).
      + refine (total2_paths2 (disp_internal_triangle2 _ (pr1 H))
                              (disp_internal_triangle2 _ (pr2 H)) @ _).
        refine (!(transportb_dirprod (_ ==> _)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                     (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle2 f) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle2 f) (disp_id2 _)).
      + apply (pair_is_disp_invertible_2cell (_ ,, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f))))).
        × apply (pr1 H).
        × apply (pr2 H).
      + cbn.
        apply (pair_is_disp_invertible_2cell
                 (left_adjoint_counit (pr1 (pr2 f))
                                      ,, pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f))))).
        × apply (pr1 H).
        × apply (pr2 H).

  Definition pair_adjoint_equivalence
             {a b : C}
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             (aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a)
             (bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b)
    : disp_adjoint_equivalence f (pr1 aa) (pr1 bb) × disp_adjoint_equivalence f (pr2 aa) (pr2 bb)
      disp_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb.
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - split.
      + apply (pr1 H).
      + apply (pr2 H).
    - apply pair_left_adjoint_equivalence.
      + apply (pr1 H).
      + apply (pr2 H).

  Definition pr1_left_adjoint_equivalence
             {a b : C}
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[ f] bb)
    : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f ff
      disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f (pr1 ff).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair ; repeat split.
      + exact (pr1 (disp_left_adjoint_right_adjoint f H)).
      + exact (pr1 (disp_left_adjoint_unit f H)).
      + exact (pr1 (disp_left_adjoint_counit f H)).
    - refine ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _)) ; cbn.
      + refine (maponpaths pr1 (pr1(pr1(pr2 H))) @ _).
        refine (maponpaths pr1 ((transportb_dirprod
                                   (f ==> f)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (internal_triangle1 f)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle1 f) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle1 f) (disp_id2 _)).
      + refine (maponpaths pr1 (pr2(pr1(pr2 H))) @ _).
        refine (maponpaths pr1 ((transportb_dirprod
                                   (_ ==> _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle2 f) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle2 f) (disp_id2 _)).
      + apply (pr1_is_disp_invertible_2cell
                 (left_adjoint_unit f ,, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f))))
                 (disp_left_adjoint_unit (pr1 (pr2 f)) (pr1 H))
        apply H.
      + apply (pr1_is_disp_invertible_2cell
                 (left_adjoint_counit f ,, pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f))))
                 (disp_left_adjoint_counit (pr1 (pr2 f)) (pr1 H))
        apply H.

  Definition pr1_adjoint_equivalence
             {a b : C}
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             (aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a)
             (bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b)
    : disp_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb
      disp_adjoint_equivalence f (pr1 aa) (pr1 bb).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - apply H.
    - apply pr1_left_adjoint_equivalence.
      apply H.

  Definition pr2_left_adjoint_equivalence
             {a b : C}
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             {aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a}
             {bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b}
             (ff : aa -->[ f] bb)
    : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f ff
      disp_left_adjoint_equivalence f (pr2 ff).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair ; repeat split.
      + exact (pr2 (disp_left_adjoint_right_adjoint f H)).
      + exact (pr2 (disp_left_adjoint_unit f H)).
      + exact (pr2 (disp_left_adjoint_counit f H)).
    - refine ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _)) ; cbn.
      + refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2 (pr1(pr1(pr2 H))) @ _).
        refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2 ((transportb_dirprod
                                   (f ==> f)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (internal_triangle1 f)
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle1 f) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle1 f) (disp_id2 _)).
      + refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2 (pr2(pr1(pr2 H))) @ _).
        refine (maponpaths dirprod_pr2 ((transportb_dirprod
                                   (_ ==> _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (λ α, _ ==>[α] _)
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
                                   (_ ,, (_ ,, _))
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle2 f) (disp_id2 _)).
        × exact (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[z] _) (internal_triangle2 f) (disp_id2 _)).
      + apply (pr2_is_disp_invertible_2cell
                 (left_adjoint_unit f ,, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f))))
                 (disp_left_adjoint_unit (pr1 (pr2 f)) (pr1 H))
        apply H.
      + apply (pr2_is_disp_invertible_2cell
                 (left_adjoint_counit f ,, pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f))))
                 (disp_left_adjoint_counit (pr1 (pr2 f)) (pr1 H))
        apply H.

  Definition pr2_adjoint_equivalence
             {a b : C}
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             (aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a)
             (bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b)
    : disp_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb
      disp_adjoint_equivalence f (pr2 aa) (pr2 bb).
    intros H.
    use tpair.
    - apply H.
    - apply pr2_left_adjoint_equivalence.
      apply H.

  Definition pair_adjoint_equivalence_weq
             {a b : C}
             (HC : is_univalent_2_1 C)
             (HD1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
             (f : adjoint_equivalence a b)
             (aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a)
             (bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b)
    : (disp_adjoint_equivalence f (pr1 aa) (pr1 bb) × disp_adjoint_equivalence f (pr2 aa) (pr2 bb))
        (disp_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb).
    use tpair.
    - exact (pair_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb).
    - use isweq_iso.
      + intros H.
        × exact (pr1_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb H).
        × exact (pr2_adjoint_equivalence f aa bb H).
      + intros A.
        use total2_paths2.
        × use subtypeEquality.
          ** intro ; simpl.
             apply isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
             *** exact HC.
             *** exact HD1.
          ** reflexivity.
        × use subtypeEquality.
          ** intro ; simpl.
             apply isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
             *** exact HC.
             *** exact HD2.
          ** reflexivity.
      + intros H ; cbn.
        use subtypeEquality.
        × intro xx ; simpl.
          apply (@isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence C disp_dirprod_bicat).
          ** exact HC.
          ** exact (is_univalent_2_1_dirprod_bicat HD1 HD2).
        × reflexivity.

  Definition prod_idtoiso_2_0
             (HC : is_univalent_2_1 C)
             (HD1_0 : disp_univalent_2_0 D1)
             (HD2_0 : disp_univalent_2_0 D2)
             (HD1_1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2_1 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
             {a b : C}
             (p : a = b)
             (aa : disp_dirprod_bicat a)
             (bb : disp_dirprod_bicat b)
    : (transportf (λ z : C, disp_dirprod_bicat z) p aa = bb)
        disp_adjoint_equivalence (idtoiso_2_0 a b p) aa bb.
    refine (pair_adjoint_equivalence_weq HC HD1_1 HD2_1 (idtoiso_2_0 _ _ p) aa bb _)%weq.
    refine (weqdirprod
              (_ ,, HD1_0 a b p (pr1 aa) (pr1 bb))
              (_ ,, HD2_0 a b p (pr2 aa) (pr2 bb))
    induction p ; cbn ; unfold idfun.
    apply WeakEquivalences.pathsdirprodweq.

  Definition is_univalent_2_0_dirprod_bicat
             (HC : is_univalent_2_1 C)
             (HD1_0 : disp_univalent_2_0 D1)
             (HD2_0 : disp_univalent_2_0 D2)
             (HD1_1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2_1 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
    : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_dirprod_bicat.
    intros a b p aa bb.
    use weqhomot.
    - exact (prod_idtoiso_2_0 HC HD1_0 HD2_0 HD1_1 HD2_1 p aa bb).
    - intros q.
      induction p, q.
      use subtypeEquality.
      + intro.
        apply (@isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence C disp_dirprod_bicat).
        × exact HC.
        × exact (is_univalent_2_1_dirprod_bicat HD1_1 HD2_1).
      + reflexivity.

  Definition is_univalent_2_1_total_dirprod
             (HC : is_univalent_2_1 C)
             (HD1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
    : is_univalent_2_1 (total_bicat disp_dirprod_bicat).
    apply total_is_locally_univalent.
    - exact HC.
    - apply is_univalent_2_1_dirprod_bicat.
      × exact HD1.
      × exact HD2.

  Definition is_univalent_2_0_total_dirprod
             (HC_0 : is_univalent_2_0 C)
             (HC_1 : is_univalent_2_1 C)
             (HD1_0 : disp_univalent_2_0 D1)
             (HD2_0 : disp_univalent_2_0 D2)
             (HD1_1 : disp_locally_univalent D1)
             (HD2_1 : disp_locally_univalent D2)
    : is_univalent_2_0 (total_bicat disp_dirprod_bicat).
    apply total_is_univalent_2_0.
    - exact HC_0.
    - apply is_univalent_2_0_dirprod_bicat.
      + exact HC_1.
      + exact HD1_0.
      + exact HD2_0.
      + exact HD1_1.
      + exact HD2_1.
End Disp_Dirprod.