Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles

Displayed invertible 2-cells

This file contains:
  • Proof that being an displayed invertible 2-cell is a proposition
  • The classification of invertible 2-cells in the total category in terms of displayed
invertible 2-cells.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.Bicategories.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat. Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.Bicategories.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.Bicategories.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Bicategories.Bicategories.Invertible_2cells.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.

Definition transportf_subtypeEquality'
           {A : UU}
           {B : A UU}
           (Bprop : (a : A), isaprop (B a))
           {C : A UU}
           {a : A}
           (b₁ : B a) (b₂ : B a)
           (x : C a)
  : transportf (λ (z : (x : A), B x), C (pr1 z))
               (@subtypeEquality' A B (a ,, b₁) (a ,, b₂) (idpath _) (Bprop _))
  induction (Bprop a b₁ b₂) as [p q].
  induction p.

Definition transportf_cell_from_invertible_2cell_eq
           {C : bicat}
           {a b : C}
           {f g : Ca,b}
           (Y : f ==> g UU)
           {α : f ==> g}
           (H₁ : is_invertible_2cell α) (H₂ : is_invertible_2cell α)
           (y : Y α)
  : transportf (λ (z : invertible_2cell f g), Y (pr1 z))
               (@cell_from_invertible_2cell_eq C _ _ _ _
                                               (α ,, H₁) (α ,, H₂)
                                               (idpath α))
  apply transportf_subtypeEquality'.

The displayed identity 2-cells are invertible
Definition disp_id2_invertible_2cell
           {C : bicat}
           {D : disp_prebicat C}
           {a b : C}
           {f : Ca, b}
           {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
           (ff : aa -->[ f ] bb)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ff ff.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_id2 ff).
  - use tpair.
    + cbn.
      exact (disp_id2 ff).
    + split ; cbn.
      × exact (disp_id2_left (disp_id2 ff)).
      × exact (disp_id2_left (disp_id2 ff)).

Being a displayed invertible 2-cell is a proposition

The proof of this fact is a bit tricky, and used an intermediate datastructure disp_iso_total.
Section Prop_disp_invertible_2cell.
  Context {C : bicat}.
  Context {D : disp_bicat C}.

  Definition disp_iso_total
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : UU
    := (zz : gg ==>[ x^-1 ] ff),
       (@vcomp2 (total_bicat D)
                (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb)
                (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (f ,, ff)
                (pr1 x ,, xx) (x^-1 ,, zz)
        @id2 (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff))
         (@vcomp2 (total_bicat D)
                  (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb)
                  (g ,, gg) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg)
                  (x^-1 ,, zz) (pr1 x ,, xx)
          @id2 (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (g ,, gg)).

  Definition disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx
      disp_iso_total xx.
    intros p.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr1 p).
    - split ; cbn.
      + use total2_paths2_b.
        × apply vcomp_rinv.
        × apply p.
      + use total2_paths2_b.
        × apply vcomp_lid.
        × apply p.

  Definition disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_inv
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : disp_iso_total xx
      is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr1 z).
    - split ; cbn.
      + cbn in ×.
        apply (@transportf_transpose _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr1 (pr2 z))).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        apply C.
      + apply (@transportf_transpose _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr2 (pr2 z))).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        apply C.

  Definition disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_weq
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx disp_iso_total xx.
     (disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso xx).
    use isweq_iso.
    - apply disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_inv.
    - intros z.
      apply subtypeEquality'.
      + reflexivity.
      + apply isapropdirprod ; apply D.
    - intros z.
      apply subtypeEquality'.
      + reflexivity.
      + apply isapropdirprod ; apply (total_bicat D).

  Definition disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : disp_iso_total xx
      @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (pr1 x ,, xx).
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair.
      + exact (x^-1).
      + exact (pr1 z).
    - split ; cbn.
      + use total2_paths_f ; cbn.
        × apply vcomp_rinv.
        × refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr1 (pr2 z))) ; cbn.
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
          apply C.
      + use total2_paths_f ; cbn.
        × apply vcomp_lid.
        × refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr2 (pr2 z))) ; cbn.
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
          apply C.

  Definition pr1_invertible_2cell_total
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : f ==> g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (x ,, xx)
      is_invertible_2cell x.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr11 z).
    - split.
      + exact (base_paths _ _ (pr12 z)).
      + exact (base_paths _ _ (pr22 z)).

  Definition disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_inv
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (pr1 x ,, xx)
      disp_iso_total xx.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - refine (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) _ (pr2 (pr1 z))).
      exact (base_paths _ _
                        (pr1 (isaprop_is_invertible_2cell
                                (pr1 x) (pr2 x)
                                (pr1_invertible_2cell_total xx z)))).
    - split ; cbn.
      + use total2_paths_b.
        × apply vcomp_rinv.
        × cbn.
          induction z as [inv Hz].
          induction inv as [inv1 inv2].
          induction Hz as [H1 H2].
          cbn in H1, H2.
          pose (fiber_paths H1) as p.
          cbn in p.
          rewrite <- p ; clear p.
          rewrite transport_b_f.
          unfold transportb.
          rewrite (@disp_mor_transportf_prewhisker).
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ z, ff ==>[ z ] ff)).
          apply C.
      + use total2_paths_b.
        × apply vcomp_lid.
        × cbn.
          induction z as [inv Hz].
          induction inv as [inv1 inv2].
          induction Hz as [H1 H2].
          cbn in H1, H2.
          pose (fiber_paths H2) as p.
          cbn in p.
          rewrite <- p ; clear p.
          rewrite transport_b_f.
          unfold transportb.
          rewrite (@disp_mor_transportf_postwhisker).
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ z, gg ==>[ z ] gg)).
          apply C.

  Definition disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_weq
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : disp_iso_total xx
                     @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (pr1 x ,, xx).
     (disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell xx).
    use isweq_iso.
    - apply disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_inv.
    - intros z.
      use subtypeEquality'.
      + cbn.
        apply (transportf_set (λ z, gg ==>[ z ] ff)).
        apply C.
      + apply isapropdirprod ; apply (total_bicat D).
    - intros z.
      use subtypeEquality'.
      + use total2_paths_b.
        × cbn.
          exact (base_paths _ _ (pr1
                                      (pr1 x) (pr2 x)
                                      (pr1_invertible_2cell_total xx z)))).
        × cbn.
      + apply isapropdirprod ; apply (total_bicat D).

  Definition isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : isaprop (is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx)
    := isofhlevelweqb
         ((disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_weq xx)
             disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_weq xx)%weq
         (isaprop_is_invertible_2cell _).

End Prop_disp_invertible_2cell.

Classification of invertible 2-cells in the total bicategory

Section Total_invertible_2cells.
  Context {C : bicat}.
  Context {D : disp_bicat C}.
  Local Definition E := (total_bicat D).

If a 2-cell is invertible in the total category, then it is invertible in the base category

  Definition is_invertible_total_to_base
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)
       is_invertible_2cell α.
    intros Hz.
    induction Hz as [inv Hz].
    induction inv as [i ii].
    induction Hz as [Hz1 Hz2].
    cbn in ×.
    use tpair.
    - exact i.
    - cbn.
       + exact (base_paths _ _ Hz1).
       + exact (base_paths _ _ Hz2).

If a 2-cell is invertible in the total category, then it is invertible in the fiber

  Definition is_invertible_total_to_fiber
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg) :
      @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)),
        (is_invertible_total_to_base _ _ Hαα)
    intros Hz.
    induction Hz as [inv Hz].
    induction inv as [i ii].
    induction Hz as [Hz1 Hz2].
    cbn in ×.
    use tpair.
    - exact ii.
    - cbn.
      × apply (@transportf_transpose _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths Hz1).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        apply pathsinv0inv0.
      × apply (@transportf_transpose _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths Hz2).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        apply pathsinv0inv0.

  Definition is_invertible_total_to_disp
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)
       ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
           is_disp_invertible_2cell αα.
    intros Hαα.
    refine (is_invertible_total_to_base _ _ Hαα,,
            is_invertible_total_to_fiber _ _ Hαα).

If the displayed 2-cell is invertible, then the corresponding 2-cell in the total bicategory is also invertible.

  Definition is_invertible_disp_to_total
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : ( ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
         is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
       (@is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)).
    intros H.
    pose ( := pr1 H).
    pose (Hαα := pr2 H). cbn in Hαα.
    pose (αα' := (αα,,Hαα) : disp_invertible_2cell (α,,) _ _).
    use tpair.
    - use tpair.
      + exact (inv_cell ).
      + exact (disp_inv_cell αα').
    - split.
      + cbn.
        use total2_paths_b.
        ** apply vcomp_rinv.
        ** apply (disp_vcomp_rinv αα').
      + cbn.
        use total2_paths_b.
        ** apply vcomp_lid.
        ** apply (disp_vcomp_linv αα').

those maps form a weak equivalence
  Definition is_invertible_total_to_disp_weq
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)
       ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
           is_disp_invertible_2cell αα.
    apply weqimplimpl.
    3: apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
    3: { apply isofhleveltotal2.
         apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
         intro .
         pose (α' := (α,,) : invertible_2cell _ _).
         apply (isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell (x:=α') αα). }
    apply is_invertible_total_to_disp.
    apply is_invertible_disp_to_total.

Now we add some data in front of the is_(disp)_invertible_2cell, and massage it a bit to get an equivalence between (disp)_invertible_2cell.
  Lemma step1
        {x y : C}
        {xx : D x}
        {yy : D y}
        {f g : Cx,y}
        {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
        {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy} :
    @invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg)

    ( (α : f ==> g) (αα : ff ==>[α] gg),
        ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
            is_disp_invertible_2cell αα).
    eapply weqcomp. {
      apply weqfibtototal.
      intros ?. apply is_invertible_total_to_disp_weq. }
    eapply weqcomp. {
      apply weqinvweq.
      apply weqtotal2asstol. }
    apply idweq.

  Lemma step2
        {x y : C}
        {xx : D x}
        {yy : D y}
        {f g : Cx,y}
        {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
        {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy} :
    ( (α : f ==> g) (αα : ff ==>[α] gg),
        ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
            is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
    ( (i : invertible_2cell f g), disp_invertible_2cell i ff gg).
    eapply weqcomp. 2: {
      apply weqtotal2asstol. }
    unfold disp_invertible_2cell.
    eapply weqfibtototal. intros α.
    apply weqtotal2comm.

Finally we combine all of the above into a single theorem
  Definition iso_in_E_weq
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
             (gg : xx -->[ g ] yy)
    : ( (i : invertible_2cell f g), disp_invertible_2cell i ff gg)
        (@invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg)).
    apply weqinvweq.
    eapply weqcomp.
    - apply step1.
    - apply step2.

End Total_invertible_2cells.