
This coq library aims to formalize a substantial body of mathematics using the univalent point of view.

View the Project on GitHub UniMath/UniMath


In this part of the wiki, you will find everything you need to get going with writing code in UniMath.


If you are new to UniMath, we recommend to take a look at the tutorials. You can also use them as a cheat sheet to quickly find (the names of) the most important lemmas and definitions for working with a concept.

  1. Type Formers in UniMath
  2. Reasoning with paths
  3. Equivalences between types
  4. Propositions and Sets: homotopy types
  5. Category Theory
  6. Working with transports

In this folder, you will also find guides on a couple of separate topics:


Relevant reading

UniMath has a somewhat complicated theoretical foundation. Here are some links to related reading that may help you understand better how any of this works.