
This coq library aims to formalize a substantial body of mathematics using the univalent point of view.

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When one works with coq, there are many tactics that one learns to wield. Here is a list of some useful tactics:

The introduction tactics

The tactic intro a, will try to unfold the current goal to the form ∏ (a : A), G and will then bring a : A into the context as a variable.

There is also the variant intro (without the a), in which case coq will come up with a name for the variable. You should only do this if you do not use the variable anywhere, because the name that coq gives the variable may change in the future, and you do not want your proof to break by such a change.

There is also the multi-variable version intros a1 a2 ... an, which is equivalent to intro a1; ...; intro an. The tactic intros (without a1 ... an), when applied to a goal of the form ∏ (a1 : A1) ... (an : An), G will bring a1, …, an as variables into the context. However, it will not do any unfolding.

The “apply this proof term” tactics

There are four tactics that have similar purposes: exact, apply, refine and use. You give these a proof term, and they will try to match that term to the goal.

  Does not allow for holes Allows for holes
Needs the entire proof term exact refine
Does not need the entire proof term apply use

Two of them need the entire proof term, whereas the two others don’t. For example, with a hypothesis like H1 : ∏ (x : unit), x = tt and a goal y = tt, one can apply H1, but not exact H1. The latter should be exact (H1 y) or exact (H1 _). The other difference is that two of the tactics allow one to give holes that need to be filled in later, whereas the others don’t. For example

Definition example1 (A B C : UU) (f : A -> B -> C) (g : A -> B) (a : A) : C.
  refine (f (g _) _).
  - exact a.
  - exact a.

We could also use (f (g _)) instead of the line with refine, but for example apply (f (g _)) would not work.

One common application of refine is to show an equality in small steps, rewriting one part at a time with statements like

refine (maponpaths (λ x, _ (_ x) _) (H1 _ p) @ _).

This replaces the left hand side of the equality H1 _ p with the right hand side, in some part (specified by the _ (_ x) _) of the left hand side of the goal.


Induction is a useful tool for a couple of use cases:

Higher-level tactics

These tactics act on a (sequence of) tactics t.

The tactic now t will execute t and then close the goal if it has become trivial (and else it will fail).

If t closes the goal, the tactic abstract t will execute t and make the proof term produced by t opaque (see On Opaqueness). This is useful if you are, for example, defining a (not too complicated) functor, which needs two pieces of data, but also two proofs, and you don’t want to split it yet into two (or one) proofs with Defined and two (or one) proofs with Qed.

The tactic do n t will try to execute t exactly n times (and fail if t fails before n executions are reached).

The tactic repeat t will repeat t as many times as possible. Its use is discouraged in favor of do n t because the behaviour of repeat t is in some sense “less predictable”, which means that changes in a definition or lemma upstream can result in repeat t performing less (or more) repetitions, which can cause problems in the rest of the proof in which the repeat occurs.

pose and assert

For building a proof term piece by piece, as well as for inspecting (the type of) a term, pose is a very useful tactic. For example, in

Definition example2 (A B C : UU) (f : A -> B -> C) (g : A -> B) (a : A) : C.
  pose (b := g a).
  exact (f a b).

A very similar tactic is assert, but it allows one to write a kind of “sublemma” instead of giving the full proof term at once. For example:

Definition example3 (A B C : UU) (f : A -> B -> C) (g : A -> B) (a : A) : C.
  assert (b : B).
    apply g.
    exact a.
  exact (f a b).


The command Locate x will show in which package the definition for x can be found. Often, the definition of an object or function (for example transportf, isaset) is followed by lemmas that prove properties about it.

The command Search (pattern) will show all definitions that contain pattern (very useful if you are looking for the name of that one lemma). For example

Search (transportf). (* Just show all definitions and lemmas about transports *)
Search (_ < 0). (* when trying to find the lemma that shows that a natural number cannot be less than 0 *)
Search ((_  _)  (_  _)  (_  _)). (* when trying to find out what functor composition is called *)

The command Time x (for example Time apply H1 or Time Qed) will execute x and then show how much time elapsed. Very useful to check whether your optimization actually made your code run faster.

The commands Set and Unset influence the behaviour of coq in the rest of the document. When debugging, setting some of these flags might come in handy:

Unset Printing Notations.
Set Printing Coercions.
Set Printing Implicit.