
This coq library aims to formalize a substantial body of mathematics using the univalent point of view.

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In this tutorial, we will cover paths. We will talk about how paths can be constructed. Among other things, we will talk about lemmas that are often used for constructing paths.

We will cover

Paths as an equivalence relation

We have already seen the reflexivity tactic, which uses the fact that paths are ‘reflexive’ (because of the existence of idpath). There is also the symmetry tactic, which turns a goal x = y into the goal y = x. Lastly, there is the transitivity a tactic, which splits a goal x = y into x = a and a = y:

Lemma path_inv_transitivity
  (X : UU)
  (x y z : X)
  (p : x = y)
  (q : y = z)
  : z = x.
  symmetry.       (* This turns the goal into x = z *)
  transitivity y. (* This splits the goal into x = y and y = z *)
  - exact p.
  - exact q.

If you do not yet want to provide a, you can use etrans instead. There is also some notation related to this: !p inverts the path p (swaps the sides), and p @ q composes p and q:

Definition path_inv_transitivity'
  (X : UU)
  (x y z : X)
  (p : x = y)
  (q : y = z)
  : z = x
  := !(p @ q).


Suppose that your goal is f x = f x', and you want to show this by proving that x = x'. Then you can use the lemma

maponpaths :  (f : X  Y), x = x'  f x = f x'.

Note that you can provide a ‘custom’ function f for this:

Lemma postcompose_path_path
  (X : UU)
  (x y z : X)
  (p q : x = y)
  (r : y = z)
  (H : p = q)
  : p @ r = q @ r.
  apply (maponpaths (λ e, e @ r)). (* Here, f postcomposes paths with r *)
  exact H.


There is also a series of variants of maponpaths. For example, maponpaths_2 shows that f x y = f x' y from x = x' and maponpaths_12 shows that f x y = f x' y' from x = x' and y = y':

Lemma compose_path_path
  (X : UU)
  (x y z : X)
  (p q : x = y)
  (r s : y = z)
  (H1 : p = q)
  (H2 : r = s)
  : p @ r = q @ s.
  apply maponpaths_12.
  - exact H1.
  - exact H2.

Take a look at MoreFoundations/PartA for more variants, like maponpaths_1234.


Now we will take a look at lemmas for specific type formers. We will start with functions.

If you want to show that two functions are equal, you can use ‘function extensionality’, which shows that functions are equal if for every input, their outputs are equal:

Lemma isaprop_function_to_unit
  (X : UU)
  (f g : X  unit)
  : f = g.
  apply funextfun.        (* This changes the goal to ∏ x, f x = g x *)
  intro x.
  induction (f x), (g x). (* This replaces f x and g x by tt *)

Conversely, if you have an equality of functions, and you want to show that for some input, their inputs are equal, you can either use maponpaths, but there is also a specialized function eqtohomot:

Lemma function_value_path
  (X : UU)
  (f : X  unit)
  (x : X)
  : f x = tt.
  apply (eqtohomot (g := λ _, tt)). (* This changes the goal to f = (λ _, tt) *)
  apply (isaprop_function_to_unit).

Note that in this particular case, induction on f x would have sufficed:

Lemma function_value_path'
  (X : UU)
  (f : X  unit)
  (x : X)
  : f x = tt.
  induction (f x).

Direct products

If you want to show that (x ,, y) (x' ,, y') : X × Y are equal, by showing that x = x' and y = y', you can use

pathsdirprod : x1 = x2  y1 = y2  make_dirprod x1 y1 = make_dirprod x2 y2.

If you have pairs p p' : X × Y, of which you do not yet have the individual components, you can instead use

dirprod_paths : pr1 p = pr1 p'  pr2 p = pr2 p'  p = p'.
Lemma isaprop_unit_pair
  (x y : unit × unit)
  : x = y.
  apply dirprod_paths.  (* This splits up the goal into pr1 x = pr1 y and pr2 x = pr2 y *)
  - induction (pr1 x), (pr1 y).
  - induction (pr2 x), (pr2 y).

Conversely, if you have some proof that p = p' and you want to show that dirprod_pr1 p = dirprod_pr1 p', there is no special lemma, but you can use maponpaths dirprod_pr1. The same goes for dirprod_pr2.

Dependent sums

Since direct products are a special case of dependent sums, their paths behave similarly. If want to show that (x ,, y) (x' ,, y') : ∑ (x : X), Y x are equal, you can use total2_paths_f or total2_paths_b. These split up the goal into H : x = x' and transportf Y H y = y' or y = transportb Y H y'. The transports are because y lives in Y x and y' lives in Y x', and these types are not definitionally equal, so we need to transport over H to compare y and y'.

Definition combine_dependent_sum_paths
  (X : UU)
  (Y : X  UU)
  (x x' : X)
  (y : Y x)
  (y' : Y x')
  (H :  (Hx : x = x'), transportf Y Hx y = y')
  : (x ,, y) = (x' ,, y').
  induction H as [Hx Hy].
  use total2_paths_f.
  - exact Hx.
  - exact Hy.

Conversely, for a proof p : (x ,, y) = (x' ,, y'), there are two specialized lemmas to get paths on the components:

base_paths :  (a b :  y, B y), a = b  pr1 a = pr1 b.
fiber_paths :  (p : u = v), transportf (λ x : A, B x) (base_paths u v p) (pr2 u) = pr2 v.
Definition split_dependent_sum_paths
  (X : UU)
  (Y : X  UU)
  (x x' : X)
  (y : Y x)
  (y' : Y x')
  (H : (x ,, y) = (x' ,, y'))
  :  (H : x = x'), transportf Y H y = y'.
  use tpair.
  - exact (base_paths (x ,, y) (x' ,, y') H).
  - exact (fiber_paths H).


When Y is a predicate, the dependent sum ∑ x, Y x is a subtype of X. In that case, it suffices to show that x = x'. You can use either of the following, depending on whether you have a dependent pair p or two components (x ,, y).

subtypePath :         isPredicate Y  pr1 p = pr1 p'  p = p.
subtypePairEquality : isPredicate Y  x = x'  x,, y = x',, y'.

For example, we can show that iscontr X is a proposition if X is a set. In a set, there is at most one path x = y between any two terms x y : X. See tutorial 4 for more information about sets.

Lemma isaprop_iscontr
  (X : hSet)
  (x x' :  (x : X), ( y, y = x))
  : x = x'.
  apply subtypePath.      (* This splits the goal into `isPredicate is_even` and `pr1 m = pr1 m'` *)
  - intro y.              (* This changes the goal to `isaprop (∏ y', y' = y)` *)
    apply impred_isaprop. (* This uses a lemma to swap the `isaprop` with the `∏ y'` *)
    intro y'.
    apply setproperty.    (* If `X` is a set, `y' = y` is a proposition by definition *)
  - apply (pr2 x').

Dependent products

The lemmas funextfun and eqtohomot are special cases of two lemmas for dependent products:

funextsec :      Y (f g :  x : X, Y x), ( (x : X), f x = g x)  f = g.
toforallpaths :  Y (f g :  x : X, Y x), f = g  ( (x : X), f x = g x).

For example, we can show that any two terms (‘sections’) of a dependent product over the empty type are equal:

Definition isaprop_empty_product (P : empty -> UU)
  (f g : ( x, P x))
  : f = g.
  apply funextsec.
  intro x.
  induction x.