
This coq library aims to formalize a substantial body of mathematics using the univalent point of view.

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In this tutorial, we will take a look at so-called ‘weak equivalences’ between types. We will look at

Intuitively, an equivalence f : X ≃ Y consists of a function f : X → Y and a function g : Y → X such that for all x : X and y : Y, g (f x) = x and f (g y) = y, so f is an ‘isomorphism’. Indeed, if X and Y are sets (see tutorial 4), the isomorphisms X ≅ Y and equivalences X ≃ Y are equivalent (shown in hset_equiv_weq_z_iso). However, for general types X and Y, the proof that f is an isomorphism is not a proposition. In other words: the inverse, together with the proof that it is an inverse, is not unique. Since this is undesirable for a couple of reasons, equivalences for general types have a different definition:

Definition hfiber {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y)
  : UU
  :=  (x : X), f x = y.

Definition isweq {X Y : UU} (f : X  Y)
  : UU
  :=  (y : Y), iscontr (hfiber f y).

Definition weq (X Y : UU) : UU :=  (f : X  Y), isweq f.

In other words: a weak equivalence is a function, such that every term of Y has a contractible preimage (the preimage consists of exactly 1 term).

Using a weak equivalence

Weak equivalences have a couple of accessors, which allow us to treat them as isomorphisms most of the time. The accessors are

pr1weq :  X  Y  X  Y
invmap :  X  Y  Y  X
homotinvweqweq :  (w : X  Y) (x : X), invmap w (w x) = x
homotweqinvweq :  (w : X  Y) (y : Y), w (invmap w y) = y

In this case, pr1weq is a coercion, which means that if you have f : X ≃ Y and need a function, you can usually just write f and let coq figure out that it must use pr1weq to convert from an equivalence to a function.

In the following example, we transfer a binary operation, together with a proof that it is associative, along a weak equivalence:

Definition binop
  (X : UU)
  : UU
  := X  X  X.

Definition is_assoc
  (X : UU)
  (o : binop X)
  : UU
  :=  x y z, o (o x y) z = o x (o y z). (* Associativity means that the order of operations in x ∘ y ∘ z does not matter *)

Definition transfer_binop
  (X Y : UU)
  (f : X  Y)
  : binop Y  binop X.
  intros o x y.         (* This changes the goal to `X` *)
  apply (invmap f).     (* This changes the goal to `Y` *)
  refine (o _ _).       (* This gives the goals `Y` and `Y` *)
  - apply f.            (* This changes the goal to `X` *)
    exact x.
  - apply f.
    exact y.

Lemma transfer_binop_is_assoc
  (X Y : UU)
  (f : X  Y)
  (o : binop Y)
  : is_assoc Y o  is_assoc X (transfer_binop X Y f o).
  intros H x y z.
  unfold transfer_binop.
  rewrite !(homotweqinvweq f).    (* This changes f (invmap f ...) to ... as many times as possible, which is two in this case *)
  apply (maponpaths (invmap f)).  (* This changes the goal to o (o (f x) (f y)) (f z) = o (f x) (o (f y) (f z)) *)
  apply H.

Creating a weak equivalence

The most basic way to construct an equivalence X ≃ Y is using weq_iso, which has the data of an isomorphism as its inputs. If f : X → Y has already been established and the goal is isweq f, there is the related lemma isweq_iso, which has the same inputs.

Definition coprod_swap_weq
  (X Y : UU)
  : X ⨿ Y  Y ⨿ X.
  use make_weq.
  - intro xy.                   (* This brings xy : X ⨿ Y into the context *)
    induction xy as [x | y].
    + exact (inr x).            (* We send inl x to inr x *)
    + exact (inl y).            (* We send inr y to inl y *)
  - use isweq_iso.
    + intro yx.                 (* This brings yx : Y ⨿ X into the context *)
      induction yx as [y | x].
      * exact (inr y).          (* We send inl y to inr y *)
      * exact (inl x).          (* We send inr x to inl x *)
    + intro xy.
      induction xy as [x | y];  (* This splits up the goal in a case for inl x and inr y, *)
        reflexivity.            (* Both of which are trivial *)
    + intro yx.
      induction yx as [y | x];

Another common way to show isweq f is to use the lemma weqhomot, which takes as inputs some f' : X ≃ Y and a proof that f' ~ f (notation for homot f' f, which means ∏ x, f' x = f x). There is also the related lemma isweqhomot, where the input f' : X ≃ Y is split into f' : X → Y and H : isweq f'.

weqhomot is often used in univalence proofs: in those cases, there is a fairly simple function f : X → Y, but the ‘simplest’ way to get an equivalence X ≃ Y is as a complicated composition f4 ∘ f3 ∘ f2 ∘ f1 : X ≃ W ≃ Z ≃ Y. Then, one can show using weqhomot that f is an equivalence as well.

Weak equivalences as an equivalence relation

Just like with paths, there is an identity equivalence idweq X : X ≃ X and for f : X ≃ Y and g : Y ≃ Z, we can invert invweq f : Y ≃ X and compose (g ∘ f)%weq : X ≃ Z (which is notation for weqcomp f g).