Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks_slice_products_equiv

Matthew Weaver, 2017
Contents : Equivalence of binary products in C/Z to pullbacks of pairs of arrows to Z in C

Proof that the types of binary products in C/Z and pullbacks of pairs of arrows to Z in C are equivalent

Section pullbacks_slice_products_equiv.

  Definition some_pullback (C : precategory) (Z : C) : UU :=
     A B (f : A --> Z) (g : B --> Z) , Pullback f g.

  Definition some_binprod (C : precategory) : UU :=
     A B , BinProduct C A B.

  Context {C : precategory} (hsC : has_homsets C).
  Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_precat C X hsC).

  Lemma isPullback_to_isBinProduct {Z : C} {AZ BZ PZ : C / Z} {l : PZ --> AZ} {r : PZ --> BZ} :
     isPullback (pr2 AZ) (pr2 BZ) (pr1 l) (pr1 r) (! (pr2 l) @ (pr2 r)) isBinProduct (C / Z) AZ BZ PZ l r.
    induction AZ as [A f].
    induction BZ as [B g].
    induction PZ as [P h].
    induction l as [l leq].
    induction r as [r req].
    intros isPull [Y i] [j jeq] [k keq]; simpl in ×.
    unfold isPullback in isPull. specialize isPull with Y j k.
    use unique_exists.
    + use tpair.
      ++ apply isPull.
         abstract (simpl; now rewrite <- jeq , keq).
      ++ abstract (simpl; now rewrite leq, assoc, (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (isPull _)))), jeq).
    + abstract (split; apply (eq_mor_slicecat hsC); simpl;
                [apply (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (isPull _)))) | apply (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (isPull _))))]).
    + abstract (now intros q; apply isapropdirprod; apply (has_homsets_slice_precat hsC)).
    + abstract (intros q [H1 H2]; apply (eq_mor_slicecat hsC);
                use (maponpaths pr1 ((pr2 (isPull _)) ((pr1 q) ,, (_ ,, _))));
                [apply (maponpaths pr1 H1) | apply (maponpaths pr1 H2)]).

  Lemma slice_isBinProduct_to_isPullback
        {A B Z P : C} {f : A --> Z} {g : B --> Z} {l : P --> A} {r : P --> B} {e : l · f = r · g} :
    isBinProduct (C / Z) (A ,, f) (B ,, g) (P ,, l · f) (l ,, idpath _) (r ,, e) isPullback f g l r e.
    intros PisProd Y j k Yeq.
    use unique_exists.
    + exact (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))))).
    + abstract (exact (maponpaths pr1 (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))))) ,,
                                  maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))))))).
    + abstract (intros x; apply isofhleveldirprod; apply (hsC _ _)).
    + intros t teqs.
      use (maponpaths pr1 (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))
                                                  ((t ,, (maponpaths (λ x, x · f) (!(pr1 teqs)) @ !(assoc _ _ _) @ maponpaths (λ x, t · x) (idpath _))) ,, _)))).
      abstract (split; apply eq_mor_slicecat; [exact (pr1 teqs) | exact (pr2 teqs)]).

equivalence of function taking proof of isPullback to proof of isBinProduct

  Lemma isweq_isPullback_to_isBinProduct {Z : C} {AZ BZ PZ : C / Z} {l : PZ --> AZ} {r : PZ --> BZ} :
    isweq (@isPullback_to_isBinProduct Z AZ BZ PZ l r).
    apply isweqimplimpl.
    + induction AZ as [A f].
      induction BZ as [B g].
      induction PZ as [P h].
      induction l as [l leq].
      induction r as [r req].
      simpl in ×. induction (! leq).
      assert (H : leq = idpath (l · f)) by apply hsC.
      intros PisProd.
      apply slice_isBinProduct_to_isPullback; simpl.
      rewrite <- H.
      exact PisProd.
    + apply isaprop_isPullback.
    + apply isaprop_isBinProduct.

equivalence of function taking proof of isBinProduct to proof of isPullback

  Lemma isweq_slice_isBinProduct_to_isPullback
        {A B Z P : C} {f : A --> Z} {g : B --> Z} {l : P --> A} {r : P --> B} {e : l · f = r · g} :
    isweq (@slice_isBinProduct_to_isPullback A B Z P f g l r e).
    apply isweqimplimpl.
    + intros isPull.
      now apply isPullback_to_isBinProduct.
    + now apply isaprop_isBinProduct.
    + now apply isaprop_isPullback.

  Context (Z : C).

pullback_to_slice_binprod is invertible

  Lemma pullback_to_slice_binprod_inv {A B : C} {f : A --> Z} {g : B --> Z} (P : Pullback f g) :
    slice_binprod_to_pullback hsC (pullback_to_slice_binprod hsC P) = P.
    induction P as [[P [l r]] [Peq PisPull]].
    apply (invmaponpathsincl pr1).
    { apply isinclpr1.
      intros ?.
      apply isofhleveltotal2.
      + apply hsC.
      + intros ?.
        apply isaprop_isPullback.

slice_binprod_to_pullback is invertible

  Lemma slice_binprod_to_pullback_inv {AZ BZ : C / Z} (P : BinProduct (C / Z) AZ BZ) :
    pullback_to_slice_binprod hsC (slice_binprod_to_pullback hsC P) = P.
    induction AZ as [A f].
    induction BZ as [B g].
    induction P as [[[P h] [[l leq] [r req]]] PisProd].
    apply (invmaponpathsincl pr1).
    { apply isinclpr1.
      intros ?.
      apply isaprop_isBinProduct.
    simpl in ×.
    use total2_paths2_f.
    + apply (total2_paths2_f (idpath _)).
      rewrite idpath_transportf.
      exact (!leq).
    + induction (!leq). simpl.
      rewrite idpath_transportf.
      use total2_paths2_f.
    - now apply (eq_mor_slicecat hsC).
    - rewrite transportf_const.
      now apply (eq_mor_slicecat hsC).

function taking the type of all binary products in C / Z

to the type of all pullbacks of functions to Z in C
  Definition binprod_to_pullback : some_binprod (C / Z) some_pullback C Z.
    intro P.
    induction P as [AZ BZ].
    induction BZ as [BZ P].
    exact (pr1 AZ ,, pr1 BZ ,, pr2 AZ ,, pr2 BZ ,, slice_binprod_to_pullback hsC P).

function taking the type of all pullbacks of functions to Z in C

to the type of all binary products in C / Z
  Definition pullback_to_binprod : some_pullback C Z some_binprod (C / Z).
    intros [A [B [f [g P]]]].
    use ((A ,, f) ,, (B ,, g) ,, pullback_to_slice_binprod hsC P).

binprod_to_pullback is invertible

  Lemma binprod_to_pullback_inv (P : some_binprod (C / Z)) :
    pullback_to_binprod (binprod_to_pullback P) = P.
    induction P as [[A f] [[B g] P]].
    unfold pullback_to_binprod , binprod_to_pullback.
    repeat (apply (total2_paths2_f (idpath _)); rewrite idpath_transportf).
    exact (slice_binprod_to_pullback_inv P).

pullback_to_binprod is invertible

  Lemma pullback_to_binprod_inv (P : some_pullback C Z) :
    binprod_to_pullback (pullback_to_binprod P) = P.
    induction P as [A [B [f [g P]]]].
    unfold binprod_to_pullback , pullback_to_binprod.
    do 4 (apply (total2_paths2_f (idpath _)); rewrite idpath_transportf).
    exact (pullback_to_slice_binprod_inv P).

  Definition isweq_binprod_to_pullback : isweq binprod_to_pullback :=
    isweq_iso _ _ binprod_to_pullback_inv pullback_to_binprod_inv.

the equivalence of the types of binary products in C/Z

and pullbacks of pairs of arrows to Z in C