Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.Type.Structures

Other structures in type_precat



Exponential functor

Section ExponentialFunctor.
  Context (A : UU).
This is the object we're ×-ing and ^-ing with
To show that type_precat has exponentials, we need a right adjoint to the functor Y ↦ X × Y for fixed Y.
  Local Definition exp_functor_ob (X : UU) : UU := A X.
  Local Definition exp_functor_arr (X Y : UU) (f : X Y) :
    (A X) (A Y) := λ g, f g.
  Local Definition exp_functor_data : functor_data type_precat type_precat :=
    functor_data_constr _ _ (exp_functor_ob : type_precat type_precat)

  Lemma exp_functor_is_functor : is_functor exp_functor_data.
    use make_dirprod.
    - intro; reflexivity.
    - intros ? ? ? ? ?; reflexivity.

  Definition exp_functor : functor type_precat type_precat :=
    make_functor exp_functor_data exp_functor_is_functor.
End ExponentialFunctor.

Lemma ExponentialsType : Exponentials BinProductsType.
  intro X.
  unfold is_exponentiable.
  unfold is_left_adjoint.
  refine (exp_functor X,, _).
  unfold are_adjoints.
  use tpair.
  - use make_dirprod.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      × intro Y; cbn.
        unfold exp_functor_ob.
        exact (flip make_dirprod).
      × intros ? ? ?; reflexivity.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      × intro Y; cbn.
        unfold exp_functor_ob.
        exact (λ pair, (pr2 pair) (pr1 pair)).
      × intros ? ? ?; reflexivity.
  - use make_form_adjunction; reflexivity.