Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.TransportMorphisms

Lemmas on transport of morphisms

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.

Local Open Scope cat.

Transport source and target of a morphism

Lemma transport_target_postcompose {C : precategory} {x y z w : ob C} (f : x --> y) (g : y --> z)
      (e : z = w) :
  transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e (f · g) = f · transportf (precategory_morphisms y) e g.
  induction e. apply idpath.

Lemma transport_source_precompose {C : precategory} {x y z w : ob C} (f : x --> y) (g : y --> z)
      (e : x = w) :
  transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' z) e (f · g) =
  transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' y) e f · g.
  induction e. apply idpath.

Lemma transport_compose {C : precategory} {x y z w : ob C} (f : x --> y) (g : z --> w) (e : y = z) :
  transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e f · g =
  f · transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' w) (! e) g.
  induction e. apply idpath.

Lemma transport_compose' {C : precategory} {x y z w : ob C} (f : x --> y) (g : y --> z) (e : y = w) :
  (transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e f)
    · (transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' z) e g) = f · g.
  induction e. apply idpath.

Lemma transport_target_path {C : precategory} {x y z : ob C} (f g : x --> y) (e : y = z) :
  transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e f = transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e g f = g.
  induction e. intros H. apply H.

Lemma transport_source_path {C : precategory} {x y z : ob C} (f g : y --> z) (e : y = x) :
  transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' z) e f =
  transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' z) e g f = g.
  induction e. intros H. apply H.

Lemma transport_source_target {X : UU} {C : precategory} {x y : X} (P : (x' : X), ob C)
      (P' : (x' : X), ob C) (f : (x' : X), (P x') --> (P' x')) (e : x = y) :
  transportf (λ (x' : X), (P x') --> (P' x')) e (f x) =
  transportf (λ (x' : X), precategory_morphisms (P x') (P' y)) e
             (transportf (precategory_morphisms (P x)) (maponpaths P' e) (f x)).
  rewrite <- functtransportf. unfold pathsinv0. unfold paths_rect. induction e.
  apply idpath.

Lemma transport_target_source {X : UU} {C : precategory} {x y : X} (P : (x' : X), ob C)
      (P' : (x' : X), ob C) (f : (x' : X), (P x') --> (P' x')) (e : x = y) :
  transportf (λ (x' : X), (P x') --> (P' x')) e (f x) =
  transportf (precategory_morphisms (P y)) (maponpaths P' e)
             (transportf (λ (x' : X), precategory_morphisms (P x') (P' x)) e (f x)).
  rewrite <- functtransportf. unfold pathsinv0. unfold paths_rect. induction e.
  apply idpath.

Lemma transport_source_target_comm {C : precategory} {x y x' y' : ob C} (f : x --> y) (e1 : x = x')
      (e2 : y = y') :
  transportf (λ (x'' : ob C), precategory_morphisms x'' y') e1
             (transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e2 f) =
  transportf (precategory_morphisms x') e2
             (transportf (λ (x'' : ob C), precategory_morphisms x'' y) e1 f).
  induction e1. induction e2. apply idpath.

Transport a morphism using funextfun

Definition transport_source_funextfun {X : UU} {C : precategory_ob_mor} (F F' : X ob C)
           (H : (x : X), F x = F' x) {x : X} (c : ob C) (f : F x --> c) :
  transportf (λ x0 : X C, x0 x --> c) (funextfun F F' H) f =
  transportf (λ x0 : C, x0 --> c) (H x) f.
  exact (@transportf_funextfun X (ob C) (λ x0 : C, x0 --> c) F F' H x f).

Definition transport_target_funextfun {X : UU} {C : precategory_ob_mor} (F F' : X ob C)
           (H : (x : X), F x = F' x) {x : X} {c : ob C} (f : c --> F x) :
  transportf (λ x0 : X C, c --> x0 x) (funextfun F F' H) f =
  transportf (λ x0 : C, c --> x0) (H x) f.
  use transportf_funextfun.

Lemma transport_mor_funextfun {X : UU} {C : precategory_ob_mor} (F F' : X ob C)
           (H : (x : X), F x = F' x) {x1 x2 : X} (f : F x1 --> F x2) :
  transportf (λ x : X C, x x1 --> x x2) (funextfun F F' H) f =
  transportf (λ x : X C, F' x1 --> x x2)
             (funextfun F F' (λ x : X, H x))
             (transportf (λ x : X C, x x1 --> F x2)
                         ((funextfun F F' (λ x : X, H x))) f).
  induction (funextfun F F' (λ x : X, H x)).
  apply idpath.

Transport of is_iso

Lemma transport_target_is_iso {C : precategory} {x y z : ob C} (f : x --> y) (H : is_iso f)
      (e : y = z) : is_iso (transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e f).
  induction e. apply H.

Lemma transport_source_is_iso {C : precategory} {x y z : ob C} (f : x --> y) (H : is_iso f)
      (e : x = z) : is_iso (transportf (λ x' : ob C, precategory_morphisms x' y) e f).
  induction e. apply H.

Induced precategories

Definition induced_precategory (M : precategory) {X:Type} (j : X ob M) : precategory.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + exact (X,, λ a b, precategory_morphisms (j a) (j b)).
    + split;cbn.
      × exact (λ c, identity (j c)).
      × exact (λ a b c, @compose M (j a) (j b) (j c)).
  - repeat split; cbn.
    + exact (λ a b, @id_left M (j a) (j b)).
    + exact (λ a b, @id_right M (j a) (j b)).
    + exact (λ a b c d, @assoc M (j a) (j b) (j c) (j d)).
    + exact (λ a b c d, @assoc' M (j a) (j b) (j c) (j d)).