Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DispBicatOfDispCats
Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi February 2018Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfCats.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Definition disp_prebicat_of_disp_cats_cat_data : disp_cat_data bicat_of_cats.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
+ exact (λ C : univalent_category, disp_cat C).
+ intros C C' D D' F.
exact (disp_functor F D D').
- use tpair; cbn.
+ intros C D.
apply disp_functor_identity.
+ cbn. intros C C' C'' F F' D D' D'' G G'.
apply (disp_functor_composite G G').
Definition disp_prebicat_of_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells
: disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells bicat_of_cats.
∃ disp_prebicat_of_disp_cats_cat_data.
cbn. intros C C' F F' a D D' G G'. cbn in ×.
apply (disp_nat_trans a G G').
Definition disp_prebicat_of_disp_cats_data : disp_prebicat_data bicat_of_cats.
∃ disp_prebicat_of_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells.
repeat split.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in ×.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
- intros C D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ss ; cbn in ×.
exact (@disp_nat_trans_comp C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr ss).
- intros C₁ C₂ C₃ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ; cbn in ×.
use tpair.
+ cbn. red. intros A AA.
apply rr.
+ red. cbn. intros A B F AA BB FF.
pose (RR := @disp_nat_trans_ax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr).
× apply RR.
× apply maponpaths_2. apply uip.
apply C₃.
- intros C₁ C₂ C₃ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr.
use tpair.
+ cbn. red. intros A AA.
apply disp_functor_on_morphisms.
apply rr.
+ red. cbn. intros A B F AA BB FF.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (@disp_functor_comp_var (pr1 C₂ ,, _) (pr1 C₃ ,, _)).
2: { apply maponpaths.
apply (@disp_functor_comp_var (pr1 C₂ ,, _) (pr1 C₃ ,, _)). }
apply pathsinv0.
apply transport_f_f.
× apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
pose (RR := @disp_nat_trans_ax_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr).
apply RR.
× etrans.
apply maponpaths.
apply (@disp_functor_transportf (pr1 C₂ ,, _) (pr1 C₃ ,, _)).
apply transport_f_f.
apply maponpaths_2. apply uip. apply C₃.
Lemma DispBicatOfDispCats_laws : disp_prebicat_laws disp_prebicat_of_disp_cats_data.
repeat split ; red
; try (intros C₁ C₂ ; cbn in C₁, C₂ ; intros
; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq (pr1 C₁ ,, _) (pr1 C₂ ,, _))
; intros ; apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb)
; try (intros C₁ C₂ C₃ ; cbn in C₁, C₂, C₃ ; intros
; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq (pr1 C₁ ,, _) (pr1 C₃ ,, _))
; intros ; apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb)
; try (intros C₁ C₂ C₃ C₄ ; cbn in C₁, C₂, C₃, C₄ ; intros
; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq (pr1 C₁ ,, _) (pr1 C₄ ,, _))
; intros ; apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb)
; try (intros C₁ C₂ C₃ C₄ C₅ ; cbn in C₁, C₂, C₃, C₄, C₅ ; intros
; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq (pr1 C₁ ,, _) (pr1 C₅ ,, _))
; intros ; apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb).
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply id_left_disp.
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply id_right_disp.
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply assoc_disp.
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn in C₁, C₂, C₃.
match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
{ apply (@disp_functor_id C₂). }
unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply maponpaths.
apply (@disp_functor_comp C₂ C₃).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply transportf_set. apply C₃.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply maponpaths.
apply (@id_left_disp C₂).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₂).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@id_left_disp C₂).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₂).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply maponpaths.
apply (@id_left_disp C₄).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₄).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@id_left_disp C₄).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₄).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@id_right_disp C₄).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_left_disp C₄).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
set (RR := @disp_nat_trans_ax_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ φφ).
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply RR.
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply transportf_set. apply C₃.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₂).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₂).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₂).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₂).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₄).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_right_disp C₄).
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@id_left_disp C₃).
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@disp_functor_id C₂).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- match goal with |[ |- (_ (_ ?E _ )) _ _ = _ ] ⇒ set (XYZ := E) end;
etrans; [
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XYZ) | ].
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply (@assoc_disp_var C₅).
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@id_left_disp C₅).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@id_left_disp C₅).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@disp_functor_id C₄).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (@id_left_disp C₅).
etrans. apply transport_f_f.
apply maponpaths_2. apply C₅.
Definition DispBicatOfDispCats : disp_prebicat bicat_of_cats := _ ,, DispBicatOfDispCats_laws.