Library UniMath.Ktheory.Representation

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Preamble.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope Cat.

Definition isUniversal {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} {c:C} (x:c X)
  := (c':C), isweq (λ f : c' --> c, x f).

Definition Universal {C:category} (X:[C^op,SET]) (c:C)
  := (x:c X), isUniversal x.

Lemma iso_Universal_weq {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (c:C) :
  iso X Y Universal X c Universal Y c.
  intro i.
  set (I := (functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso
             C^op SET (homset_property SET) X Y (pr1 i) (pr2 i))).
  unshelve refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
  - apply hset_iso_equiv_weq. unfold arrow, functor_object_application. exact (I c).
  - simpl; intros x. apply weqonsecfibers; intro b. apply weqiff.
    + unshelve refine (twooutof3c_iff_1_homot _ _ _ _ _).
      × exact (pr1 i opp_ob b).
      × intro f; unfold funcomp; simpl.
        exact (eqtohomot (nat_trans_ax (pr1 i) _ _ f) x).
      × exact (hset_iso_is_equiv _ _ (I b)).
    + apply isapropisweq.
    + apply isapropisweq.

Definition Representation {C:category} (X:[C^op,SET]) : UU
  := (c:C), Universal X c.

Definition isRepresentable {C:category} (X:[C^op,SET]) := Representation X .

Lemma isaprop_Representation {C: univalent_category} (X:[C^op,SET]) :
  isaprop (@Representation C X).


Definition iso_Representation_weq {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} :
  iso X Y Representation X Representation Y.
  intros i. apply weqfibtototal; intro c. apply iso_Universal_weq; assumption.

Definition RepresentedFunctor (C:category) : category
  := categoryWithStructure [C^op,SET] Representation.

Definition toRepresentation {C:category} (X : RepresentedFunctor C) :
  Representation (pr1 X)
  := pr2 X.

Definition RepresentableFunctor (C:category) : category
  := categoryWithStructure [C^op,SET] isRepresentable.

Definition toRepresentableFunctor {C:category} :
  RepresentedFunctor C RepresentableFunctor C :=
  functorWithStructures (λ c, hinhpr).

Definition makeRepresentation {C:category} {c:C} {X:[C^op,SET]} (x:c X) :
  ( (c':C), UniqueConstruction (λ f : c' --> c, x f)) Representation X.
  intros bij. c. x. intros c'. apply set_bijection_to_weq.
  - exact (bij c').
  - apply setproperty.

Definition universalObject {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) : C
  := pr1 r.

Definition universalElement {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) :
  universalObject r X
  := pr1 (pr2 r).

Coercion universalElement : Representation >-> pr1hSet.

Definition universalProperty {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) (c:C) :
  c --> universalObject r (c X)
  := weqpair (λ f : c --> universalObject r, r f)
             (pr2 (pr2 r) c).

Definition universalMap {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) {c:C} :
  c X c --> universalObject r
  := invmap (universalProperty _ _).

Notation "r \\ x" := (universalMap r x) (at level 50, left associativity) : cat.

Definition universalMap' {C:category} {X:[C^op^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) {c:C} :
  X c c <-- universalObject r
  := invmap (universalProperty _ _).

Notation "x // r" := (universalMap' r x) (at level 50, left associativity) : cat.

Definition universalMapProperty {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X)
      {c:C} (x : c X) :
  r (r \\ x) = x
  := homotweqinvweq (universalProperty r c) x.

Definition mapUniqueness {C:category} (X:[C^op,SET]) (r : Representation X) (c:C)
           (f g: c --> universalObject r) :
  r f = r g f = g
  := invmaponpathsweq (universalProperty _ _) _ _.

Definition universalMapUniqueness {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} {r:Representation X}
      {c:C} (x : c X) (f : c --> universalObject r) :
  r f = x f = r \\ x
  := pathsweq1 (universalProperty r c) f x.

Definition universalMapIdentity {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) :
  r \\ r = identity _.
Proof. apply pathsinv0. apply universalMapUniqueness. apply arrow_mor_id. Qed.

Definition universalMapUniqueness' {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} {r:Representation X}
      {c:C} (x : c X) (f : c --> universalObject r) :
  f = r \\ x r f = x
  := pathsweq1' (universalProperty r c) f x.

Lemma univ_arrow_mor_assoc {C:category} {a b:C} {Z:[C^op,SET]}
      (f : a --> b) (z : b Z) (t : Representation Z) :
  (t \\ z) f = t \\ (z f).
  apply universalMapUniqueness.
  unshelve refine (arrow_mor_mor_assoc _ _ _ @ _).
  apply maponpaths.
  apply universalMapProperty.

Lemma uOF_identity {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} (r:Representation X) :
  r \\ (identity X r) = identity _.
  unfold nat_trans_id; simpl.
  unshelve refine (transportb (λ k, _ \\ k = _) (identityFunction' _ _) _).
  apply universalMapIdentity.

Lemma uOF_comp {C:category} {X Y Z:[C^op,SET]}
      (r:Representation X)
      (s:Representation Y)
      (t:Representation Z)
      (p:X-->Y) (q:Y-->Z) :
    t \\ ((q p) r) = (t \\ (q s)) (s \\ (p r)).
  unshelve refine (transportf (λ k, _ \\ k = _) (nattrans_nattrans_arrow_assoc _ _ _) _).
  unshelve refine (_ @ !univ_arrow_mor_assoc _ _ _).
  apply maponpaths.
  unshelve refine (_ @ nattrans_arrow_mor_assoc _ _ _).
  apply (maponpaths (λ k, q k)).
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply universalMapProperty.

Definition universalObjectFunctor (C:category) : RepresentedFunctor C C.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor _ _ _ _).
  - intro X. exact (universalObject (pr2 X)).
  - intros X Y p; simpl. exact (pr2 Y \\ (p pr2 X)).
  - intros X; simpl. apply uOF_identity.
  - intros X Y Z p q; simpl. apply uOF_comp.

Definition universalObjectFunctor_on_map (C:category) {X Y:RepresentedFunctor C} (p:X-->Y) :
  universalObjectFunctor C p = pr2 Y \\ (p pr2 X).
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Lemma universalObjectFunctor_comm (C:category) {X Y:RepresentedFunctor C} (p:X-->Y) :
  p universalElement (pr2 X) = universalElement (pr2 Y) universalObjectFunctor C p.
  change (universalObjectFunctor C p) with (pr2 Y \\ (p pr2 X)).
  apply pathsinv0, universalMapProperty.

transferring universal properties between isomorphic objects

Definition isUniversal_isom {C:category} {X:[C^op,SET]} {c c':C}
           (x:c X) (f : iso c' c) :
  isUniversal x isUniversal (x f).


transferring representability via embeddings and isomorphisms of categories

Definition embeddingRepresentability {C D:category}
           {X:[C^op,SET]} {Y:[D^op,SET]}
           (s:Representation Y)
           (i:categoryEmbedding C D) :
  iso (Y functorOp (opp_ob (pr1 i))) X
  ( c, i c = universalObject s) Representation X.
  intros j ce.
  apply (iso_Representation_weq j).
   (pr1 ce).
   (transportf (λ d, Y d : hSet) (!pr2 ce) s).
  intro c'. apply (twooutof3c (# i) (λ g, _ g)).
  - apply (pr2 i).
  - induction (! pr2 ce). exact (weqproperty (universalProperty _ _)).

Definition isomorphismRepresentability {C D:category}
           {X:[C^op,SET]} {Y:[D^op,SET]}
           (s:Representation Y)
           (i:categoryIsomorphism C D) :
  iso (Y functorOp (opp_ob (pr1 (pr1 i)))) X Representation X
  := λ j, embeddingRepresentability s i j (iscontrpr1 (pr2 i (universalObject s))).

the functor represented by an object

Definition Hom1 {C:category} (c:C) : [C^op,SET].
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro b. exact (Hom C b c).
  - intros b a f g; simpl. exact (g f).
  - abstract (intros b; simpl; apply funextsec; intro g; apply id_left) using _L_.
  - abstract (intros i j k f g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro h;
              rewrite <- assoc; reflexivity) using _L_.

Lemma Hom1_Representation {C:category} (c:C) : Representation (Hom1 c).
   c. (identity c). intro b. apply (isweqhomot (idweq _)).
  - abstract (intro f; unfold arrow_morphism_composition; unfold Hom1, idfun; simpl;
              apply pathsinv0, id_right) using _R_.
  - abstract (apply weqproperty) using _T_.

maps from Hom1 to functors

Lemma compose_SET {X Y Z:SET} (f:X-->Y) (g:Y-->Z) : gf = λ x, g(f x).
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Definition element_to_nattrans {C:category} (X:[C^op,SET]) (c:C) :
  c X Hom1 c --> X.
  intros x. unshelve refine (makeNattrans_op _ _).
  - unfold Hom1; simpl; intros b f. exact (x f).
  - abstract (intros a b f; apply funextsec; intro g; apply arrow_mor_mor_assoc) using _L_.

representable functors are isomorphic to one represented by an object

Theorem Representation_to_iso {C:category} (X:[C^op,SET]) (r:Representation X) :
  iso (Hom1 (universalObject r)) X.
  apply (functor_iso_from_pointwise_iso _ _ _ _ _ (element_to_nattrans X (universalObject r) (universalElement r))).
  intro b. apply (pr2 (weq_iff_iso_SET _)). exact (pr2 (pr2 r) b).

initial and final objects and zero maps

Definition UnitFunctor (C:category) : [C,SET].
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { (λ c, unitset). exact (λ a b f t, t). }
  { split.
    { intros a. reflexivity. }
    { intros a b c f g. reflexivity. } }

Definition TerminalObject (C:category) := Representation (UnitFunctor C^op).

Definition terminalObject {C} (t:TerminalObject C) : ob C := universalObject t.

Definition terminalArrow {C} (t:TerminalObject C) (c:ob C) :
  Hom C c (terminalObject t)
  := t \\ tt.

Definition InitialObject (C:category) := TerminalObject C^op.

Definition initialObject {C} (i:InitialObject C) : ob C := universalObject i.

Definition initialArrow {C} (i:InitialObject C) (c:ob C) :
  Hom C (initialObject i) c
  := rm_opp_mor (tt // i).

Definition init_to_opp {C:category} : InitialObject C TerminalObject C^op
  := λ i, i.

Definition term_to_opp {C:category} : TerminalObject C InitialObject C^op.
Proof. intros. unfold InitialObject. now induction (opp_opp_precat C). Defined.

zero objects, as an alternative to ZeroObject.v

Definition ZeroObject (C:category)
  := z:ob C, Universal (UnitFunctor C^op) z × Universal (UnitFunctor C^op^op) z.

Definition zero_to_terminal (C:category) : ZeroObject C TerminalObject C
  := λ z, pr1 z ,, pr1 (pr2 z).

Definition zero_to_initial (C:category) : ZeroObject C InitialObject C
  := λ z, pr1 z ,, pr2 (pr2 z).

Definition zero_opp (C:category) : ZeroObject C ZeroObject C^op.
  intro z. induction z as [z k]. z.
  induction (opp_opp_precat C).
  exact (pr2 k,,pr1 k).

Definition hasZeroObject (C:category) := ZeroObject C .

Definition haszero_opp (C:category) : hasZeroObject C hasZeroObject C^op
  := hinhfun (zero_opp C).

Definition zeroMap' (C:category) (a b:ob C) (o:ZeroObject C) : Hom C a b
  := (zero_to_initial C o \\ tt) (zero_to_terminal C o \\ tt).

Lemma zero_eq_zero_opp (C:category) (a b:ob C) (o:ZeroObject C) :
  zeroMap' C^op (opp_ob b) (opp_ob a) (zero_opp C o)
  opp_mor (zeroMap' C a b o).
  try reflexivity.


binary products and coproducts

Definition HomPair {C:category} (a b:C) : [C^op,SET].
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro c. exact (Hom C c a × Hom C c b) % set.
  - simpl. intros c d f x. exact (pr1 x f ,, pr2 x f).
  - abstract (simpl; intro c; apply funextsec; intro x;
              apply dirprodeq; apply id_left) using _B_.
  - abstract (simpl; intros c d e f g;
              apply funextsec; intro x;
              apply dirprodeq; apply pathsinv0, assoc) using _C_.

Definition HomPair_1 {C:category} (a b c:C) :
  (((HomPair a b : C^op SET) c : hSet) Hom C c a)
  := pr1.

Definition HomPair_2 {C:category} (a b c:C) :
  (((HomPair a b : C^op SET) c : hSet) Hom C c b)
  := pr2.

Definition BinaryProduct {C:category} (a b:C) :=
  Representation (HomPair a b).

Definition BinaryProducts (C:category) := (a b:C), BinaryProduct a b.

Definition pr_1 {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b) :
  universalObject prod --> a
  := pr1 (universalElement prod).

Definition pr_2 {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b) :
  universalObject prod --> b
  := pr2 (universalElement prod).

Definition binaryProductMap {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
           {c:C} : c --> a c --> b c --> universalObject prod
  := λ f g, prod \\ (f,,g).

Definition binaryProduct_pr_1_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
      {c:C} (f : c --> a) (g : c --> b) :
  pr_1 prod binaryProductMap prod f g = f
  := maponpaths (HomPair_1 a b (opp_ob c)) (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 prod) c (f,,g)))).

Definition binaryProduct_pr_2_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
      {c:C} (f : c --> a) (g : c --> b) :
  pr_2 prod binaryProductMap prod f g = g
  := maponpaths (HomPair_2 a b (opp_ob c)) (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 prod) c (f,,g)))).

Lemma binaryProductMapUniqueness {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
      {c:C} (f g : Hom C c (universalObject prod)) :
  pr_1 prod f = pr_1 prod g
  pr_2 prod f = pr_2 prod g f = g.
Proof. intros r s. apply mapUniqueness. apply dirprodeq.
       exact r. exact s.

Definition binaryProductMap_2 {C:category} {a b a' b':C}
           (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
           (prod' : BinaryProduct a' b')
           (f : a --> a')
           (g : b --> b')
           : rm_opp_ob (universalObject prod) --> rm_opp_ob (universalObject prod').
  unshelve refine (binaryProductMap _ _ _).
  { exact (f pr_1 prod). }
  { exact (g pr_2 prod). }

Definition BinarySum {C:category} (a b:C) :=
  BinaryProduct (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b).

Definition BinarySums (C:category) := (a b:C), BinarySum a b.

Lemma binarySumsToProducts {C:category} :
  BinarySums C BinaryProducts C^op.
Proof. intros sum. exact sum. Defined.

Lemma binaryProductToSums {C:category} :
  BinaryProducts C BinarySums C^op.
Proof. intro prod. exact prod. Defined.

Definition in_1 {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b) :
  Hom C a (universalObject sum)
  := pr_1 sum.

Definition in_2 {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b) :
  Hom C b (universalObject sum)
  := pr_2 sum.

Definition binarySumProperty {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->c) (g:b-->c) :=
  isUniversal ((f ,, g) : HomPair (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b) c : hSet).

Definition binarySumMap {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
           {c:C} : a --> c b --> c rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum) --> c
  := λ f g, rm_opp_mor (sum \\ (opp_mor f,,opp_mor g)).

Definition binarySum_in_1_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
      {c:C} (f : a --> c) (g : b --> c) :
  binarySumMap sum f g in_1 sum = f
  := maponpaths (HomPair_1 (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b) c) ((pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 sum) c (f,,g))))).

Definition binarySum_in_2_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
      {c:C} (f : a --> c) (g : b --> c) :
  binarySumMap sum f g in_2 sum = g
  := maponpaths (HomPair_2 (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b) c) ((pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 sum) c (f,,g))))).

Lemma binarySumMapUniqueness {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
      {c:C} (f g : Hom C (rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum)) c) :
  f in_1 sum = g in_1 sum
  f in_2 sum = g in_2 sum f = g.
Proof. intros r s. apply opp_mor_eq, mapUniqueness, dirprodeq; assumption. Defined.

Definition binarySumMap_2 {C:category} {a b a' b':C}
           (sum : BinarySum a b)
           (sum' : BinarySum a' b')
           (f : a --> a')
           (g : b --> b')
           : rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum) --> rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum').
  unshelve refine (binarySumMap _ _ _).
  { exact (in_1 sum' f). }
  { exact (in_2 sum' g). }

products and coproducts

Definition HomFamily (C:category) {I} (c:I ob C) : C^op SET.
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  - unshelve refine (_,,_).
    + intros x. exact ( i, Hom C x (c i)) % set.
    + intros x y f p i; simpl; simpl in p.
      exact (compose (C:=C) f (p i)).
  - abstract (split;
    [ intros a; apply funextsec; intros f; apply funextsec; intros i; simpl;
      apply id_left
    | intros x y z p q;
      apply funextsec; intros f; apply funextsec; intros i; simpl;
      apply pathsinv0, assoc]) using _L_.

Definition Product {C:category} {I} (c:I ob C)
  := Representation (HomFamily C c).

Definition pr_ {C:category} {I} {c:I ob C} (prod : Product c) (i:I) :
  universalObject prod --> c i
  := universalElement prod i.

Definition productMapExistence {C:category} {I} {c:I ob C} (prod : Product c)
      {a:C} :
  ( i, Hom C a (c i)) Hom C a (universalObject prod)
  := λ f, prod \\ f.

Lemma productMapUniqueness {C:category} {I} {c:I ob C} (prod : Product c)
      {a:C} (f g : Hom C a (universalObject prod)) :
  ( i, pr_ prod i f = pr_ prod i g) f = g.
  intro e. apply mapUniqueness. apply funextsec; intro i. apply e.

Definition Sum {C:category} {I} (c:I ob C)
  := Representation (HomFamily C^op c).

Definition in_ {C:category} {I} {c:I ob C} (sum : Sum c) (i:I) :
  c i --> universalObject sum
  := rm_opp_mor (universalElement sum i).

Definition sumMapExistence {C:category} {I} {c:I ob C} (sum : Sum c)
      {a:C} :
  ( i, Hom C (c i) a) Hom C (universalObject sum) a
  := λ f, f // sum.

Lemma sumMapUniqueness {C:category} {I} {c:I ob C} (sum : Sum c)
      {a:C} (f g : Hom C (universalObject sum) a) :
  ( i, f in_ sum i = g in_ sum i) f = g.
  intro e. apply opp_mor_eq, mapUniqueness. apply funextsec; intro i. apply e.

equalizers and coequalizers

Definition Equalization {C:category} {c d:C} (f g:c-->d) :
  C^op SET.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro b. unshelve refine (_,,_).
    + exact ( p:b --> c, fp = gp).
    + abstract (apply isaset_total2;
      [ apply homset_property
      | intro; apply isasetaprop; apply homset_property]) using _L_.
  - intros b a e w; simpl in ×. (pr1 w e).
    abstract (rewrite <- 2? assoc; apply maponpaths; exact (pr2 w)) using _M_.
  - abstract (
        intros b; apply funextsec; intro w; apply subtypeEquality;
        [ intro; apply homset_property
        | simpl; apply id_left]) using _N_.
  - abstract (
        intros a'' a' a r s; apply funextsec;
        intro w; apply subtypeEquality;
        [ intro; apply homset_property
        | apply pathsinv0, assoc ]) using _O_.

Definition Equalizer {C:category} {c d:C} (f g:c-->d) :=
  Representation (Equalization f g).

Definition equalizerMap {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (eq : Equalizer f g) :
  universalObject eq --> c
  := pr1 (universalElement eq).

Definition equalizerEquation {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (eq : Equalizer f g) :
  f equalizerMap eq = g equalizerMap eq
  := pr2 (universalElement eq).

Definition Coequalizer {C:category} {c d:C} (f g:c-->d) :=
  Representation (Equalization (opp_mor f) (opp_mor g)).

Definition coequalizerMap {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (coeq : Coequalizer f g) :
  d --> universalObject coeq
  := pr1 (universalElement coeq).

Definition coequalizerEquation {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (coeq : Coequalizer f g) :
  coequalizerMap coeq f = coequalizerMap coeq g
  := pr2 (universalElement coeq).

pullbacks and pushouts

Definition PullbackCone {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->c) (g:b-->c) :
  C^op SET.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intros t. unshelve refine (_,,_).
    + exact ( (p: t --> a × t --> b), f pr1 p = g pr2 p).
    + abstract (apply isaset_total2;
      [ apply isasetdirprod; apply homset_property
      | intro; apply isasetaprop; apply homset_property]) using _L_.
  - intros t u p w; simpl in ×.
     (pr1 (pr1 w) p,, pr2 (pr1 w) p).
    abstract (
        simpl; rewrite <- 2? assoc; apply maponpaths; exact (pr2 w)) using _M_.
  - abstract (intros t; simpl; apply funextsec; intro w;
              induction w as [w eq]; induction w as [p q];
              simpl in *; unshelve refine (two_arg_paths_f _ _);
              [ rewrite 2? id_left; reflexivity
              | apply proofirrelevance; apply homset_property]) using _N_.
  - abstract (
        intros r s t p q; simpl in *; apply funextsec; intro w;
        unshelve refine (total2_paths2_f _ _);
        [ simpl; rewrite 2? assoc; reflexivity
        | apply proofirrelevance; apply homset_property]) using _P_.

Definition Pullback {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->c) (g:b-->c) :=
  Representation (PullbackCone f g).

Definition pb_1 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:b-->c} (pb : Pullback f g) :
  universalObject pb --> a
  := pr1 (pr1 (universalElement pb)).

Definition pb_2 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:b-->c} (pb : Pullback f g) :
  universalObject pb --> b
  := pr2 (pr1 (universalElement pb)).

Definition pb_eqn {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:b-->c} (pb : Pullback f g) :
  f pb_1 pb = g pb_2 pb
  := pr2 (universalElement pb).

Definition Pushout {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->b) (g:a-->c) :=
  Representation (PullbackCone (opp_mor f) (opp_mor g)).

Definition po_1 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->b} {g:a-->c} (po : Pushout f g) :
  b --> universalObject po
  := pr1 (pr1 (universalElement po)).

Definition po_2 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->b} {g:a-->c} (po : Pushout f g) :
  c --> universalObject po
  := pr2 (pr1 (universalElement po)).

Definition po_eqn {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:a-->c} (po : Pushout f g) :
  po_1 po f = po_2 po g
  := pr2 (universalElement po).

kernels and cokernels

Definition Annihilator (C:category) (zero:ZeroMaps C) {c d:C} (f:c --> d) :
  C^op SET.
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { unshelve refine (_,,_).
    { intro b. ( g:Hom C b c, f g = pr1 zero b d).
      abstract (apply isaset_total2; [ apply setproperty |
      intro g; apply isasetaprop; apply homset_property ]) using _L_. }
    { intros a b p ge; simpl.
       (pr1 ge opp_mor p).
      { abstract (
            unshelve refine (! assoc _ _ _ @ _); rewrite (pr2 ge);
            apply (pr2 (pr2 zero) _ _ _ _)) using _M_. } } }
  { abstract (split;
    [ intros x; apply funextsec; intros [r rf0];
      apply subtypeEquality;
      [ intro; apply homset_property
      | simpl; unfold opp_mor; apply id_left ]
    | intros w x y t u; apply funextsec; intros [r rf0];
      apply subtypeEquality;
      [ intro; apply homset_property
      | simpl; unfold opp_mor; apply pathsinv0, assoc ] ]) using _N_. }

Definition Kernel {C:category} (zero:ZeroMaps C) {c d:ob C} (f:c --> d) :=
  Representation (Annihilator C zero f).

Definition Cokernel {C:category} (zero:ZeroMaps C) {c d:ob C} (f:c --> d) :=
  Representation (Annihilator C^op (ZeroMaps_opp C zero) f).

Definition kernelMap {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (r : Kernel zero f) : universalObject r --> c
  := pr1 (universalElement r).

Definition kernelEquation {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (ker : Kernel zero f) :
  f kernelMap ker = pr1 zero _ _
  := pr2 (universalElement ker).

Definition cokernelMap {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (r : Cokernel zero f) : d --> universalObject r
  := pr1 (universalElement r).

Definition cokernelEquation {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (coker : Cokernel zero f) :
  cokernelMap coker f = pr1 zero _ _
  := pr2 (universalElement coker).

fibers of maps between functors

Definition fiber {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (p : X --> Y) {c:C} (y : c Y) :
  C^op SET.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro b.
     ( fx : (b --> c) × (b X), p pr2 fx = y pr1 fx).
    abstract (apply isaset_total2;
        [ apply isaset_dirprod, setproperty; apply homset_property
        | intros [f x]; apply isasetaprop; apply setproperty ]) using _K_.
  - simpl; intros b b' g fxe.
     (pr1 (pr1 fxe) g,, pr2 (pr1 fxe) g).
    abstract (simpl; rewrite nattrans_arrow_mor_assoc, arrow_mor_mor_assoc;
              apply maponpaths; exact (pr2 fxe)) using _M_.
  - abstract (intro b; apply funextsec; intro w;
              induction w as [w e]; induction w as [f x]; simpl;
              unshelve refine (two_arg_paths_f _ _);
              [ apply dirprodeq; [ apply id_left | apply arrow_mor_id ]
              | apply setproperty]) using _R_.
  - abstract (intros b b' b'' g g''; apply funextsec; intro w;
              induction w as [w e]; induction w as [f x]; simpl;
              unshelve refine (total2_paths2_f _ _);
              [ apply dirprodeq;
                [ apply pathsinv0, assoc | apply arrow_mor_mor_assoc ]
              | apply setproperty ]) using _T_.

Definition Representation_Map {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (p : X --> Y) :=
   (c : C) (y : c Y), Representation (fiber p y).

Definition isRepresentable_Map {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (p : X --> Y) :=
   (c : C) (y : c Y), isRepresentable (fiber p y).

limits and colimits

Definition cone {I C:category} (c:C) (D: [I,C]) : UU
  := (φ : i, Hom C c (D i)),
      i j (e : i --> j), D e φ i = φ j.

Lemma cone_eq {C I:category} (c:C^op) (D: IC) (p q:cone (C:=C) c D) :
  pr1 p ¬ pr1 q p = q.
  intros h. apply subtypeEquality.
  { intro r.
    apply impred_isaprop; intro i;
    apply impred_isaprop; intro j;
    apply impred_isaprop; intro e.
    apply homset_property. }
  apply funextsec; intro i; apply h.

Definition cone_functor {I C:category} : [I,C] [C^op,SET].
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { unshelve refine (_,,_).
    { intros D. unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { unshelve refine (_,,_).
        - intro c. (cone (C:=C) c D).
          abstract (
              apply isaset_total2;
              [ apply impred_isaset; intro i; apply homset_property
              | intros φ;
                apply impred_isaset; intro i;
                apply impred_isaset; intro j;
                apply impred_isaset; intro e; apply isasetaprop;
                apply homset_property]) using LLL.
        - simpl; intros a b f φ.
           (λ i, pr1 φ i f).
          abstract (
              intros i j e; simpl;
              rewrite <- assoc;
              apply maponpaths;
              apply (pr2 φ)) using _M_. }
      { abstract (split;
        [ intro c; simpl;
          apply funextsec; intro p;
          apply cone_eq;
          intro i; simpl;
          apply id_left
        | intros a b c f g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro p;
          apply cone_eq; simpl; intro i; apply pathsinv0, assoc ]) using _N_. } }
    { intros D D' f; simpl.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      - simpl. unfold cone. intros c φ.
        unshelve refine (_,,_).
        + intros i. exact (pr1 f i pr1 φ i).
        + abstract (
              simpl; intros i j e; assert (L := pr2 φ i j e); simpl in L;
              rewrite <- L; rewrite <- assoc; rewrite <- assoc;
              apply maponpaths; apply pathsinv0; apply nat_trans_ax) using _P_.
      - abstract (intros a b g; simpl;
                  apply funextsec; intro p; apply cone_eq; intro i; simpl;
                  apply pathsinv0, assoc) using _Q_. } }
  { abstract (split;
    [ intros D; simpl;
      apply nat_trans_eq;
      [ exact (homset_property SET)
      | intros c; apply funextsec; intro φ; simpl;
      apply cone_eq; intro i; apply id_right]
    | intros D D' D'' p q; apply nat_trans_eq;
      [ apply homset_property
      | intro c; apply funextsec; intro K; apply cone_eq; intros i; apply assoc ]]). }

Definition cocone_functor {I C:category} : [I,C]^op [C^op^op,SET] :=
  cone_functor functorOp.

Definition Limit {C I:category} (D: IC) := Representation (cone_functor D).

Definition Colimit {C I:category} (D: IC) := Representation (cocone_functor D).

Definition proj_ {C I:category} {D: IC} (lim:Limit D) (i:I) : universalObject lim --> D i.
Proof. intros. exact ((pr1 (universalElement lim) i)). Defined.

Definition inj_ {C I:category} {D: IC} (colim:Colimit D) (i:I) : D i --> universalObject colim.
Proof. intros. exact ((pr1 (universalElement colim) i)). Defined.

Definition proj_comm {C I:category} {D: IC} (lim:Limit D) {i j:I} (f:i-->j) :
  # D f proj_ lim i = proj_ lim j.
Proof. intros. exact (pr2 (universalElement lim) _ _ f). Defined.

Definition inj_comm {C I:category} {D: IC} (colim:Colimit D) {i j:I} (f:i-->j) :
  inj_ colim j # D f = inj_ colim i.
Proof. intros. exact (pr2 (universalElement colim) _ _ f). Defined.

Definition Limits (C:category) := (I:category) (D: IC), Limit D.

Definition Colimits (C:category) := (I:category) (D: IC), Colimit D.

Definition lim_functor (C:category) (lim:Limits C) (I:category) :
  [I,C] C
  := universalObjectFunctor C addStructure cone_functor (lim I).

Definition colim_functor (C:category) (colim:Colimits C) (I:category) :
  [I,C] C
  := functorRmOp (
         universalObjectFunctor C^op addStructure cocone_functor (colim I)).

Lemma bifunctor_assoc_repn {B C:category} (X : [B, [C^op,SET]]) :
  ( b, Representation (X b)) Representation (bifunctor_assoc X).
  intro r. set (X' := addStructure X r).
  change (categoryWithStructure [C ^op, SET] Representation) with (RepresentedFunctor C) in X'.
  set (F := universalObjectFunctor C X').
   F. unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { unshelve refine (_,,_).
    { intro b. exact (universalElement (r b)). }
    { abstract (intros b b' f; exact (!universalObjectFunctor_comm C (X' f))) using _K_. } }
  { intro F'. apply UniqueConstruction_to_weq.
    { intro x'. unfold arrow in x'.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { unshelve refine (makeNattrans _ _).
        { intro b. exact (r b \\ pr1 x' b). }
        { abstract (intros b b' f; simpl;
                    unshelve refine (univ_arrow_mor_assoc (F' f) (pr1 x' b') (r b') @ _);
                    intermediate_path (r b' \\ (X f pr1 x' b));
                    [ apply maponpaths, (pr2 x' b b' f)
                    | unfold F;
                      rewrite comp_func_on_mor;
                      rewrite (universalObjectFunctor_on_map C (X' f));
                      change (pr2 (X' b')) with (r b');
                      change (pr2 (X' b)) with (r b);
                      change (X' f) with (X f);
                      unshelve refine (_ @ !univ_arrow_mor_assoc _ _ _);
                      apply maponpaths;
                      rewrite <- nattrans_arrow_mor_assoc;
                      apply (maponpaths (λ k, X f k));
                      apply pathsinv0;
                      exact (universalMapProperty (r b) (pr1 x' b)) ]) using _R_. } }
      { abstract (unshelve refine (total2_paths_f _ _);
        [ simpl; apply funextsec; intro b; unshelve refine (universalMapProperty _ _)
        | apply funextsec; intro b;
          apply funextsec; intro b';
          apply funextsec; intro f; simpl; apply setproperty ] ) using _L_. } }
    { abstract (intros p q e; apply nat_trans_eq;
                [ apply homset_property
                | intros b; apply (mapUniqueness _ (r b) _ (p b) (q b));
                  exact (maponpaths (λ k, pr1 k b) e)]) using _M_. } }

Theorem functorcategoryTerminalObject (B C:category) :
  TerminalObject C TerminalObject [B,C].
  intro t.
  apply (@iso_Representation_weq _ (bifunctor_assoc (constantFunctor B (UnitFunctor C^op)))).
  { unshelve refine (makeNatiso _ _).
    { intros F. apply hset_equiv_iso.
      unfold bifunctor_assoc; simpl.
      unshelve refine (weq_iso _ _ _ _).
      - intros _. exact tt.
      - intros x. unshelve refine (_,,_).
        + unfold θ_1; simpl. intro b. exact tt.
        + eqn_logic.
      - simpl. intros w. apply subtypeEquality.
        { intros f. apply impred; intro b; apply impred; intro b'; apply impred; intro g. apply isasetunit. }
        apply funextfun; intro b. apply isapropunit.
      - eqn_logic. }
    { eqn_logic. } }
  { apply bifunctor_assoc_repn; intro b. exact t. }

Goal B C t b,
       universalObject(functorcategoryTerminalObject B C t) b = universalObject t.

Definition binaryProductFunctor {B C:category} (F G:[B,C]) : [B,[C^op,SET]].
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor _ _ _ _).
  - intro b. exact (HomPair (F b) (G b)).
  - intros b b' f.
    unshelve refine (makeNattrans_op _ _).
    + intros c w. exact (F f pr1 w ,, G f pr2 w).
    + abstract (intros c c' g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro v;
                apply dirprodeq; ( simpl; apply pathsinv0, assoc )) using _L_.
  - abstract (intro b; apply nat_trans_eq;
              [ apply homset_property
              | intro c; simpl;
                apply funextsec; intro v;
                apply dirprodeq;
                ( simpl; rewrite functor_on_id; rewrite id_right; reflexivity )]) using _L_.
  - abstract (intros b b' b'' f g; apply nat_trans_eq;
    [ apply homset_property
    | intro c; apply funextsec; intro w; apply dirprodeq ;
      ( simpl; rewrite functor_on_comp; rewrite assoc; reflexivity) ]) using _L_.

Lemma BinaryProductFunctorAssoc {B C : category}
      (prod : BinaryProducts C)
      (F G : [B, C]) :
  iso (bifunctor_assoc (binaryProductFunctor F G)) (HomPair F G).
  set (ISO := @iso).
  unshelve refine (makeNatiso (C := [B, C]^op) _ _).
  { intro H. apply hset_equiv_iso.
    unshelve refine (weq_iso _ _ _ _).
    { intros w.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { unshelve refine (makeNattrans _ _).
        { intro b. exact (pr1 (pr1 w b)). }
        { abstract (intros b b' f; exact (maponpaths dirprod_pr1 (pr2 w b b' f))) using _L_. } }
      { unshelve refine (makeNattrans _ _).
        { intro b. exact (pr2 (pr1 w b)). }
        { abstract (intros b b' f; exact (maponpaths dirprod_pr2 (pr2 w b b' f))) using _L_. } } }
    { simpl. intros pq.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { intros b. exact (pr1 pq b ,, pr2 pq b). }
      { abstract (intros b b' f; simpl;
                  apply dirprodeq; ( simpl; apply nattrans_naturality )) using _L_. } }
    { abstract (intros w;
                unshelve refine (total2_paths_f _ _);
                [ apply funextsec; intro b; apply pathsinv0; reflexivity
                | (apply funextsec; intro b;
                   apply funextsec; intro b';
                   apply funextsec; intro f;
                   apply isaset_dirprod; apply homset_property) ]) using _M_. }
    { abstract (intros pq; apply dirprodeq;
                ( apply nat_trans_eq;
                  [ apply homset_property | intro b; reflexivity ] )) using _L_. } }
  { abstract (intros H H' p;
              apply funextsec; intros v;
              apply dirprodeq;
              ( simpl; apply nat_trans_eq;
                [ apply homset_property
                | intros b; unfold makeNattrans; simpl; reflexivity ] )) using _L_. }

Theorem functorBinaryProduct {B C:category} :
  BinaryProducts C BinaryProducts [B,C].
  intros prod F G. unshelve refine (iso_Representation_weq _ _).
  { exact (bifunctor_assoc (binaryProductFunctor F G)). }
  { now apply BinaryProductFunctorAssoc. }
  { apply bifunctor_assoc_repn. intro b. apply prod. }

Lemma functorBinaryProduct_eqn {B C:category} (prod : BinaryProducts C)
      (F G : [B,C]) (b:B) :
  universalObject (functorBinaryProduct prod F G) b
  universalObject (prod (F b) (G b)).
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Lemma functorBinaryProduct_map_eqn {B C:category} (prod : BinaryProducts C)
      (F G F' G' : [B,C]) (p:F-->F') (q:G-->G') (b:B) :
  binaryProductMap_2 (functorBinaryProduct prod F G) (functorBinaryProduct prod F' G') p q b
  binaryProductMap_2 (prod (F b) (G b)) (prod (F' b) (G' b)) (p b) (q b).
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Lemma HomPairOp {B C : category} (F G : [B, C]) :
  iso (HomPair (functorOp F) (functorOp G) functorOp')
      (HomPair (opp_ob F) (opp_ob G)).
  unshelve refine (makeNatiso _ _).
  { intros H. apply hset_equiv_iso.
    apply weqdirprodf; exact (invweq (isomorphismOnMor functorOpIso H _)). }
  { abstract (intros H J p; apply funextsec; intro w;
              apply dirprodeq;
              ( apply nat_trans_eq; [ apply homset_property | reflexivity ] )). }

Theorem functorBinarySum {B C:category} :
  BinarySums C BinarySums [B,C].
  intros sum F G.
  exact (isomorphismRepresentability
           (functorBinaryProduct (binarySumsToProducts sum)
                                 (functorOp F) (functorOp G))
           (HomPairOp F G)).

Lemma functorBinarySum_eqn {B C:category} (sum : BinarySums C)
      (F G : [B,C]) (b:B) :
  universalObject (functorBinarySum sum F G) b
  universalObject (sum (F b) (G b)).
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.

Lemma functorBinarySum_map_eqn {B C:category} (sum : BinarySums C)
      (F G F' G' : [B,C]) (p:F-->F') (q:G-->G') (b:B) :
  binarySumMap_2 (functorBinarySum sum F G) (functorBinarySum sum F' G') p q b
  binarySumMap_2 (sum (F b) (G b)) (sum (F' b) (G' b)) (p b) (q b).
  try reflexivity.

Theorem functorLimits (B C:category) : Limits C Limits [B,C].
  intros lim I D.
  unfold Limits, Limit in lim.
  set (D' := bifunctor_comm _ _ _ D).
  assert (M := bifunctor_assoc_repn (cone_functor D') (λ b, lim I (D' b))); clear lim.
   (universalObject M).
  unfold Representation in M.


Theorem functorColimits (B C:category) : Colimits C Colimits [B,C].