Library UniMath.Ktheory.Magma

Require Import UniMath.Algebra.BinaryOperations
Local Notation "x * y" := (op x y).
Local Notation "g ∘ f" := (binopfuncomp f g) (only parsing).
Local Notation magma := setwithbinop.
Local Notation Hom := binopfun.
maps between magmas are equal if their underlying functions are equal
Definition funEquality G H (p q : Hom G H)
           (v : pr1 p = pr1 q) : p = q.
  revert p q v; intros [p i] [q j] v. simpl in v. destruct v.
  destruct (pr1 (isapropisbinopfun p i j)). reflexivity. Qed.
the trivial magma
Definition zero : magma.
   unitset. exact (λ _ _, tt). Defined.
product of magmas
See Bourbaki Algebra, Chapter I, page 2
Module Product.
  Lemma i1 {I} (X:Imagma) : isaset( i, X i).
  Proof. intros. apply (impred 2); intros i. apply pr2. Qed.
construction of the product
  Definition make {I} (X:Imagma) : magma.
     (( i, X i),,i1 X). exact (λ v w i, v i × w i). Defined.
the projection maps
  Definition Proj {I} (X:Isetwithbinop) : i:I, Hom (make X) (X i).
    intros. (λ y, y i). intros a b. reflexivity. Defined.
the universal map
  Definition Fun {I} (X:Isetwithbinop) (T:setwithbinop)
             (g: i, Hom T (X i))
             : Hom T (make X).
    intros. (λ t i, g i t).
    intros t u. apply funextsec; intro i. apply (pr2 (g i)). Defined.
  Definition Eqn {I} (X:Isetwithbinop) (T:setwithbinop) (g: i, Hom T (X i))
             : i, Proj X i Fun X T g = g i.
    intros. apply funEquality. reflexivity. Qed.
End Product.