Library UniMath.Induction.M.Limits
Limits in the precategory of types
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.functor_categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.Types.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.colimits.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section StandardLimits.
Context {g : graph} (d : diagram g type_precat).
Definition standard_limit : UU :=
∑ (x : ∏ (v : vertex g), dob d v),
∏ (u v : vertex g) (e : edge u v), dmor d e (x u) = x v.
The condition that standard_limit is a cone is basically a rephrasing of
its definition.
Lemma type_cone : cone d standard_limit.
use mk_cone; cbn.
- exact (λ n l, pr1 l n).
- intros u v f.
apply funextsec; intro l; unfold funcomp; cbn.
apply (pr2 l).
End StandardLimits.
Section StandardLimitHomot.
Context {g : graph} {d : diagram g type_precat} (x y : standard_limit d).
use mk_cone; cbn.
- exact (λ n l, pr1 l n).
- intros u v f.
apply funextsec; intro l; unfold funcomp; cbn.
apply (pr2 l).
End StandardLimits.
Section StandardLimitHomot.
Context {g : graph} {d : diagram g type_precat} (x y : standard_limit d).
A homotopy of cones
Definition standard_limit_homot : UU :=
∑ h : pr1 x ¬ pr1 y,
∏ (u v : vertex g) (ed : edge u v),
(maponpaths (dmor d ed) (h u) @ (pr2 y _ _) ed = pr2 x _ _ ed @ (h v)).
∑ h : pr1 x ¬ pr1 y,
∏ (u v : vertex g) (ed : edge u v),
(maponpaths (dmor d ed) (h u) @ (pr2 y _ _) ed = pr2 x _ _ ed @ (h v)).
Such homotopies can be made into paths
Lemma type_cone_homot_to_path (h : standard_limit_homot) : x = y.
apply (total2_paths_f (funextsec _ _ _ (pr1 h))).
apply (total2_paths_f (funextsec _ _ _ (pr1 h))).
transport_lemma in peterlefanulumsdaine/hott-limits/Limits1.v.
assert (transport_lemma :
∏ p : pr1 x = pr1 y,
transportf _ p (pr2 x) = λ u v (ed : edge u v),
maponpaths (dmor d ed) (!(toforallpaths _ _ _ p u))
@ pr2 x _ _ ed
@ toforallpaths _ _ _ p v).
intros p; induction p; cbn; unfold idfun.
do 3 (apply funextsec; intro).
exact (!(pathscomp0rid _)).
refine (transport_lemma _ @ _).
apply funextsec; intro u; apply funextsec; intro v; apply funextsec; intro ed.
rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
replace (pr2 y u v ed) with (idpath _ @ (pr2 y u v ed)) by reflexivity.
refine (_ @ maponpaths (λ p, p @ _) (pathsinv0l (maponpaths _ (pr1 h u)))).
refine (_ @ (path_assoc (! maponpaths _ _) (maponpaths _ _) _)).
rewrite maponpathsinv0.
apply maponpaths, pathsinv0.
exact (pr2 h u v ed).
End StandardLimitHomot.
∏ p : pr1 x = pr1 y,
transportf _ p (pr2 x) = λ u v (ed : edge u v),
maponpaths (dmor d ed) (!(toforallpaths _ _ _ p u))
@ pr2 x _ _ ed
@ toforallpaths _ _ _ p v).
intros p; induction p; cbn; unfold idfun.
do 3 (apply funextsec; intro).
exact (!(pathscomp0rid _)).
refine (transport_lemma _ @ _).
apply funextsec; intro u; apply funextsec; intro v; apply funextsec; intro ed.
rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
replace (pr2 y u v ed) with (idpath _ @ (pr2 y u v ed)) by reflexivity.
refine (_ @ maponpaths (λ p, p @ _) (pathsinv0l (maponpaths _ (pr1 h u)))).
refine (_ @ (path_assoc (! maponpaths _ _) (maponpaths _ _) _)).
rewrite maponpathsinv0.
apply maponpaths, pathsinv0.
exact (pr2 h u v ed).
End StandardLimitHomot.
The canonical cone given by an arrow X → Y where Y has a cone
Definition into_cone_to_cone {X Y : UU} {g : graph} {d : diagram g _}
(coneY : cone d (Y : ob type_precat)) (f : X → Y) : cone d X.
use mk_cone.
- intro ver.
exact (pr1 coneY ver ∘ (f : type_precat ⟦ X, Y ⟧)).
- intros ver1 ver2 ed; cbn.
apply funextsec; intro x.
apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (pr2 coneY ver1 ver2 ed)).
Section StandardLimitUP.
Context {g : graph} {d : diagram g type_precat}.
A rephrasing of the universal property: the canonical map that makes a
cone out of a map X → L is an equivalence.
Definition is_limit_cone {L} (C : cone d L) :=
∏ (X : UU), isweq (@into_cone_to_cone X L g d C).
Lemma isaprop_isLimCone {L} (C : cone d L) : isaprop (is_limit_cone C).
repeat (apply impred; intro).
apply isapropiscontr.
∏ (X : UU), isweq (@into_cone_to_cone X L g d C).
Lemma isaprop_isLimCone {L} (C : cone d L) : isaprop (is_limit_cone C).
repeat (apply impred; intro).
apply isapropiscontr.
A weak equivalence expressing the above universal property.
Definition limit_up_weq {X L} {C : cone d L} {is : is_limit_cone C} :
(X → L) ≃ cone d X := weqpair (into_cone_to_cone C) (is X).
(X → L) ≃ cone d X := weqpair (into_cone_to_cone C) (is X).
The universal property of a limit.
- Proposition 4.2.8 (limit_universal) in Avigad, Kapulkin, and Lumsdaine
- Generalizes Lemma 10 in Ahrens, Capriotti, and Spadotti
- Generalizes univ-iso in HoTT/M-types
Lemma limit_universal : is_limit_cone (type_cone d).
intro X.
use isweq_iso.
- intros xcone x.
unfold standard_limit.
use tpair.
+ exact (λ ver, pr1 xcone ver x).
+ intros ver1 ver2 ed.
apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (pr2 xcone _ _ _)).
- intros f.
apply funextfun; intro xcone.
use total2_paths_f; cbn; [reflexivity|].
cbn; unfold idfun.
apply funextsec; intro ver1.
apply funextsec; intro ver2.
apply funextsec; intro ed.
do 2 (rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec).
- intro conex.
unfold into_cone_to_cone; cbn.
use total2_paths_f; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply funextsec; intro ver1.
apply funextsec; intro ver2.
apply funextsec; intro ed.
unfold funcomp; cbn; unfold idfun.
rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec; cbn.
rewrite funextsec_toforallpaths.
intro X.
use isweq_iso.
- intros xcone x.
unfold standard_limit.
use tpair.
+ exact (λ ver, pr1 xcone ver x).
+ intros ver1 ver2 ed.
apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (pr2 xcone _ _ _)).
- intros f.
apply funextfun; intro xcone.
use total2_paths_f; cbn; [reflexivity|].
cbn; unfold idfun.
apply funextsec; intro ver1.
apply funextsec; intro ver2.
apply funextsec; intro ed.
do 2 (rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec).
- intro conex.
unfold into_cone_to_cone; cbn.
use total2_paths_f; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply funextsec; intro ver1.
apply funextsec; intro ver2.
apply funextsec; intro ed.
unfold funcomp; cbn; unfold idfun.
rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec; cbn.
rewrite funextsec_toforallpaths.
The above weak equivalence specialized to the case of standard_limits
Definition standard_limit_up_weq {X} : (X → standard_limit d) ≃ cone d X :=
weqpair (into_cone_to_cone (type_cone d)) (limit_universal X).
End StandardLimitUP.
weqpair (into_cone_to_cone (type_cone d)) (limit_universal X).
End StandardLimitUP.