Library UniMath.Folds.from_precats_to_folds_and_back

Univalent FOLDS
Benedikt Ahrens, following notes by Michael Shulman
Contents of this file:

Require Import UniMath.Folds.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.total2_paths.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.

Require Import UniMath.Folds.aux_lemmas.
Require Import UniMath.Folds.folds_precat.

Local Open Scope cat.

Local Notation "a ⇒ b" := (precategory_morphisms a b).

From precategories to FOLDS precategories

Section from_precats_to_folds.

Section data.

Variable C : precategory_data.
Variable hsC : has_homsets C.

identity as a predicate
Definition id_pred {a : C} : a a hProp :=
   λ f, hProppair (f = identity _ ) (hsC a a _ _) .

Lemma id_pred_id (a : C) : id_pred (identity a).
  apply idpath.

composition as a predicate
Definition comp_pred {a b c : C} : a b b c a c hProp :=
  λ f g fg, hProppair (compose f g = fg) (hsC _ _ _ _ ).

Lemma comp_pred_comp (a b c : C) (f : a b) (g : b c) : comp_pred f g (compose f g).
  apply idpath.

Definition folds_id_comp_from_precat_data : folds_id_T :=
  tpair (λ C : folds_ob_mor, ( a : C, a a hProp)
                           × ( (a b c : C), (a b) (b c) (a c) hProp))
        (pr1 C) (dirprodpair (@id_pred) (@comp_pred)).

End data.

Variable C : precategory.
Hypothesis hs: has_homsets C.

FOLDS precategory from precategory

Definition folds_precat_from_precat : folds_precat.
   (folds_id_comp_from_precat_data C hs).
  repeat split.
  - intro a.
    apply hinhpr.
     (identity a).
    apply idpath.
  - intros; unfold T; simpl.
    intermediate_path (compose f (identity _ )).
    + apply maponpaths; assumption.
    + apply id_right.
 - intros; unfold T; simpl.
   intermediate_path (compose (identity _ ) f).
   + rewrite X. apply idpath.
   + apply id_left.
 - intros a b c f g.
   apply hinhpr.
    (compose f g).
   apply idpath.
 - simpl.
   intros a b c f g h k H1 H2.
   intermediate_path (compose f g).
   + apply pathsinv0. apply H1.
   + apply H2.
 - simpl. intros a b c d f g h fg gh fg_h f_gh H1 H2 H3 H4.
   rewrite <- H4, <- H3, <- H2, <- H1.
   apply assoc.

End from_precats_to_folds.

From FOLDS precategories to precategories

Section from_folds_to_precats.

Variable C : folds_precat.

precategory from FOLDS precategory

From FOLDS precats to precats to FOLDS precats

Lemma folds_precat_from_precat_precat_from_folds_precat
  (C : folds_precat)(hs:has_folds_homsets C):
    folds_precat_from_precat (precat_from_folds_precat C) hs = C.
  apply subtypeEquality'.
  2: { intro a; apply isapropdirprod.
    + apply isaprop_folds_ax_id.
    + apply isaprop_folds_ax_T. apply hs.
  set (Hid := I_contr C).
  set (Hcomp := T_contr C).
  destruct C as [Cd CC]; simpl in ×.
  destruct Cd as [Ca Cb]; simpl in ×.
  unfold folds_id_comp_from_precat_data.
  apply maponpaths.
  destruct CC as [C1 C2]. simpl in ×.
  destruct Cb as [Cid Ccomp]. simpl in ×.
  apply pathsdirprod.
  + apply funextsec. intro a.
     apply funextsec. intro f. unfold id_pred. simpl.
     apply subtypeEquality.
     { intro. apply isapropisaprop. }
     apply weqtopaths.
     apply weqimplimpl.
     × intro H. rewrite H.
       set (Hid' := pr1 (Hid a)).
       apply (pr2 (Hid')).
     × intro H. unfold precategory_morphisms in f.
       set (H2 := pr2 (Hid a)). simpl in H2.
       apply (path_to_ctr). assumption.
     × apply hs.      × apply (pr2 (Cid a f)).
  + apply funextsec; intro a.
    apply funextsec; intro b.
    apply funextsec; intro c.
    apply funextsec; intro f.
    apply funextsec; intro g.
    apply funextsec; intro fg.
    clear Hid.
    apply subtypeEquality.
    { intro; apply isapropisaprop. }
    apply weqtopaths. apply weqimplimpl.
    × intro H. simpl in ×. rewrite <- H.
      apply (pr2 (pr1 (Hcomp a b c f g))).
    × simpl. intro H. apply pathsinv0. apply path_to_ctr.
    × simpl in ×. apply hs.     × apply (pr2 (Ccomp _ _ _ _ _ _ )).

From precats to FOLDS precats to precats

Lemma precat_from_folds_precat_folds_precat_from_precat (C : precategory)(hs: has_homsets C) :
     precat_from_folds_precat (folds_precat_from_precat C hs) = C.
  apply subtypeEquality'.
  2: { intro; apply isaprop_is_precategory. assumption. }
  destruct C as [Cdata Cax]; simpl in ×.
  destruct Cdata as [Cobmor Cidcomp]; simpl in ×.
  unfold precat_from_folds_data.
  apply maponpaths.
  destruct Cidcomp as [Cid Ccomp]; simpl in ×.
  apply pathsdirprod.
  - apply funextsec; intro a.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply path_to_ctr.
    apply idpath.
  - apply funextsec; intro a.
    apply funextsec; intro b.
    apply funextsec; intro c.
    apply funextsec; intro f.
    apply funextsec; intro g.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply path_to_ctr.
    apply idpath.

Some lemmas to pass from comp to compose and back

Local Notation "C ^" := (folds_precat_from_precat C) (at level 3).
Local Notation "C ^^" := (precat_from_folds_precat C) (at level 3).

Lemma comp_compose {C : precategory} (hs: has_homsets C) {a b c : C} {f : a b} {g : b c} {h : a c} :
   f · g = h T (C:=C^hs) f g h.
   apply (λ x, x).
Lemma comp_compose' {C : precategory} (hs: has_homsets C){a b c : C} {f : a b} {g : b c} {h : a c} :
    T (C:=C^hs) f g h f · g = h.
   apply (λ x, x).

Lemma comp_compose2 {C : folds_precat} {a b c : C}
  {f : folds_morphisms a b} {g : folds_morphisms b c} {h : folds_morphisms a c} :
   compose (C:= C^^) f g = h T f g h.
  intro H; rewrite <- H. apply T_func_T.

Lemma comp_compose2' {C : folds_precat} {a b c : C}
  {f : folds_morphisms a b} {g : folds_morphisms b c} {h : folds_morphisms a c} :
  T f g h compose (C:=C^^) f g = h.
  intro H. apply pathsinv0. apply path_to_ctr. assumption.

Some lemmas to pass from id to identity and back

Lemma id_identity {C : precategory} (hs: has_homsets C){a : C} {f : a a} : f = identity _ I (C:=C^hs) f.
  apply (λ x, x).

Lemma id_identity' {C : precategory} (hs: has_homsets C){a : C} {f : a a} : I (C:=C^hs) f f = identity _ .
  apply (λ x, x).

Lemma id_identity2 {C : folds_precat} {a : C} {f : a a} : f = identity (C:=C^^) _ I f.
  intro H; rewrite H.
  apply I_func_I.

Lemma id_identity2' {C : folds_precat} {a : C} {f : a a} : I f f = identity (C:=C^^) _ .
  intro H. apply path_to_ctr; assumption.