Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.total2_paths
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Definition propproperty ( X : hProp ) := pr2 X .
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Definition propproperty ( X : hProp ) := pr2 X .
Paths in total spaces are equivalent to pairs of paths
Lemma total2_paths_UU {B : UU → UU} {s s' : total2 (λ x, B x)}
(p : pr1 s = pr1 s')
(q : transportf (λ x, B x) p (pr2 s) = pr2 s') :
s = s'.
induction s as [a b].
induction s' as [a' b']; simpl in ×.
induction p.
induction q.
apply idpath.
Lemma total2_paths2_UU {B : UU → UU} {A A': UU} {b : B A}
{b' : B A'} (p : A = A') (q : transportf (λ x, B x) p b = b') :
tpair (λ x, B x) A b = tpair (λ x, B x) A' b'.
apply (@total2_paths_f _ _
(tpair (λ x, B x) A b)(tpair (λ x, B x) A' b') p q).
Lemma base_paths_UU {B : UU → UU}(a b : total2 B) : a = b → pr1 a = pr1 b.
apply maponpaths.
Definition fiber_paths_UU {B : UU → UU} {u v : total2 (λ x, B x)}
(p : u = v) : transportf (λ x, B x) (base_paths_UU _ _ p) (pr2 u) = pr2 v.
induction p.
apply idpath.
Lemma total2_fiber_paths_UU {B : UU → UU} {x y : total2 (λ x, B x)}
(p : x = y) : total2_paths_UU _ (fiber_paths_UU p) = p.
induction p.
induction x.
apply idpath.
Lemma base_total2_paths_UU {B : UU → UU} {x y : total2 (λ x, B x)}
{p : pr1 x = pr1 y} (q : transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y) :
(base_paths_UU _ _ (total2_paths_UU _ q)) = p.
induction x as [x H]. induction y as [y K].
simpl in ×.
induction p.
induction q.
apply idpath.
Lemma transportf_fiber_total2_paths_UU (B : UU → UU) (x y : total2 (λ x, B x))
(p : pr1 x = pr1 y) (q : transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y) :
transportf (fun p' : pr1 x = pr1 y ⇒ transportf _ p' (pr2 x) = pr2 y)
(base_total2_paths_UU q) (fiber_paths_UU (total2_paths_UU _ q)) = q.
induction x as [x H].
induction y as [y K].
simpl in ×.
induction p.
induction q.
apply idpath.
Lemma eq_equalities_between_pairs (A : UU)(B : A → UU)(x y : total2 (λ x, B x))
(p q : x = y) (H : base_paths _ _ p = base_paths _ _ q)
(H2 : transportf (fun p : pr1 x = pr1 y ⇒ transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y )
H (fiber_paths p) = fiber_paths q) : p = q.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (total2_paths_equiv _ _ _ )).
apply (total2_paths_f (B:=(fun p : pr1 x = pr1 y ⇒
transportf (λ x : A, B x) p (pr2 x) = pr2 y))
(s:=(total2_paths_equiv B x y) p)
(s':=(total2_paths_equiv B x y) q) H).