Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoriesWithAbgrops

Precategories with homsets abelian groups (abgrops).

Definition of precategories such that homsets are abgrops.
  Definition categoryWithAbgropsData (PB : precategoryWithBinOps) (hs : has_homsets PB) : UU :=
     (x y : PB), @isabgrop (hSetpair (PBx,y) (hs x y)) (to_binop x y).

  Definition mk_categoryWithAbgropsData {PB : precategoryWithBinOps} (hs : has_homsets PB)
             (H : (x y : PB), @isabgrop (hSetpair (PBx,y) (hs x y)) (to_binop x y)) :
    categoryWithAbgropsData PB hs := H.

  Definition categoryWithAbgrops : UU :=
     PA : ( PB : precategoryWithBinOps, has_homsets PB),
           categoryWithAbgropsData (pr1 PA) (pr2 PA).

  Definition categoryWithAbgrops_precategoryWithBinOps (PB : categoryWithAbgrops) :
    precategoryWithBinOps := pr1 (pr1 PB).
  Coercion categoryWithAbgrops_precategoryWithBinOps :
    categoryWithAbgrops >-> precategoryWithBinOps.

  Definition categoryWithAbgrops_category (PWA : categoryWithAbgrops) : category.
    use tpair.
    - exact PWA.
    - exact (pr2 (pr1 PWA)).
  Coercion categoryWithAbgrops_category : categoryWithAbgrops >-> category.

  Definition mk_categoryWithAbgrops (PB : precategoryWithBinOps) (hs : has_homsets PB)
             (H : categoryWithAbgropsData PB hs) : categoryWithAbgrops.
    exact (tpair _ (tpair _ PB hs) H).

  Variable PA : categoryWithAbgrops.

Definitions to access the structure of a precategory with abelian groups.
  Definition to_has_homsets : has_homsets PA := pr2 (pr1 PA).

  Definition to_homset (x y : PA) : hSet := hSetpair (PAx, y) (to_has_homsets x y).

  Definition to_setwithbinoppair (x y : PA) := setwithbinoppair (to_homset x y) (to_binop x y).

  Definition to_isabgrop (x y : PA) := (pr2 PA) x y.

  Definition to_abgr (x y : PA) : abgr := abgrpair (to_setwithbinoppair x y) (to_isabgrop x y).

  Definition to_unel (x y : PA) := unel (to_abgr x y).

  Definition to_lunax (x y : PA) := lunax (to_abgr x y).

  Definition to_lunax' (x y : PA) (f : x --> y) : to_binop x y (to_unel x y) f = f.
    apply to_lunax.

  Definition to_runax (x y : PA) : isrunit op 1%multmonoid := runax (to_abgr x y).

  Definition to_runax' (x y : PA) (f : x --> y) : to_binop x y f (to_unel x y) = f.
    apply to_runax.

  Definition to_inv {x y : PA} : PAx, y PAx, y := grinv (to_abgr x y).

  Definition to_commax (x y : PA) := commax (to_abgr x y).

  Definition to_commax' {x y : ob PA} (f g : x --> y) : to_binop x y f g = to_binop x y g f.
    apply to_commax.

The following definition gives maps between abgrops homsets by precomposing and postcomposing with a morphism. Note that we have not required these to be abelian group morphisms of abelian groups.
  Definition to_premor {x y : PA} (z : PA) (f : x --> y) : to_abgr y z to_abgr x z :=
    fun (g : (to_abgr y z)) ⇒ f · g.

  Definition to_postmor (x : PA) {y z : PA} (f : y --> z) : to_abgr x y to_abgr x z :=
    fun (g : (to_abgr x y)) ⇒ g · f.

Some equations on inverses
  Lemma inv_inv_eq {x y : PA} (f : PAx, y) : to_inv (to_inv f) = f.
    unfold to_inv.
    apply (grinvinv (to_abgr x y) f).

  Lemma cancel_inv {x y : PA} (f g : PAx, y) (H : (to_inv f) = (to_inv g)) : f = g.
    apply (grinvmaponpathsinv (to_abgr x y) H).

  Lemma to_apply_inv {x y : PA} (f g : PAx, y) (H : f = g) : (to_inv f) = (to_inv g).
    apply maponpaths. apply H.

  Lemma to_inv_unel {x y : PA} : to_inv (to_unel x y) = to_unel x y.
    unfold to_unel.
    set (tmp := grinvunel (to_abgr x y)). cbn in tmp. unfold to_inv.
    apply tmp.

  Lemma linvax {x y : PA} (f : PAx, y) : to_binop x y (to_inv f) f = to_unel x y.
    apply (grlinvax (to_abgr x y)).

  Lemma rinvax {x y : PA} (f : PAx, y) : to_binop x y f (to_inv f) = to_unel x y.
    apply (grrinvax (to_abgr x y)).

  Lemma to_lcan {x y : PA} {f g : PAx, y} (h : PAx, y) :
    to_binop x y h f = to_binop x y h g f = g.
    intros H.
    apply (grlcan (to_abgr x y) h H).

  Lemma to_rcan {x y : PA} {f g : PAx, y} (h : PAx, y) :
    to_binop x y f h = to_binop x y g h f = g.
    intros H.
    apply (grrcan (to_abgr x y) h H).

  Lemma to_lrw {x y : PA} (f g h : PAx, y) (e : f = g) : to_binop x y f h = to_binop x y g h.
    induction e. apply idpath.

  Lemma to_rrw {x y : PA} (f g h : PAx, y) (e : g = h) : to_binop x y f g = to_binop x y f h.
    apply maponpaths. exact e.

  Lemma to_assoc {x y : PA} (f g h : PAx, y) :
    to_binop _ _ (to_binop _ _ f g) h = to_binop _ _ f (to_binop _ _ g h).
    apply (assocax (to_abgr x y)).

  Lemma to_binop_inv_inv {x y : PA} (f g : PAx, y) :
    to_binop _ _ (to_inv f) (to_inv g) = to_inv (to_binop _ _ f g).
    apply (to_rcan g). rewrite to_assoc. rewrite linvax. rewrite to_runax'.
    apply (to_rcan f). rewrite to_assoc. rewrite linvax. cbn.
    rewrite <- (linvax (to_binop x y f g)). apply maponpaths. apply to_commax'.

  Lemma to_binop_inv_comm_1 {x y : PA} (f g : PAx, y) :
    to_binop _ _ (to_inv f) g = to_inv (to_binop _ _ f (to_inv g)).
    apply (to_rcan (to_binop x y f (to_inv g))). rewrite linvax.
    rewrite (to_commax' f). rewrite to_assoc. rewrite <- (to_assoc g).
    rewrite rinvax. rewrite to_lunax'. rewrite linvax. apply idpath.

  Lemma to_binop_inv_comm_2 {x y : PA} (f g : PAx, y) :
    to_binop _ _ f (to_inv g) = to_inv (to_binop _ _ (to_inv f) g).
    rewrite to_commax'. rewrite (to_commax' _ g). apply to_binop_inv_comm_1.

End def_precategory_with_abgrops.

Arguments to_has_homsets [PA] _ _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments to_homset [PA] _ _.
Arguments to_setwithbinoppair [PA] _ _.
Arguments to_isabgrop [PA] _ _.
Arguments to_abgr [PA] _ _.
Arguments to_unel [PA] _ _.
Arguments to_lunax [PA] _ _ _.
Arguments to_runax [PA] _ _ _.
Arguments to_premor [PA] [x] [y] _ _ _.
Arguments to_postmor [PA] _ [y] [z] _ _.
Arguments to_inv [PA] [x] [y] _.
Arguments inv_inv_eq [PA] [x] [y] _.
Arguments cancel_inv [PA] [x] [y] _ _ _.

Delimit Scope abgrcat with abgrcat.
Notation "b <-- a" := (to_abgr a b) : abgrcat.
Notation "a --> b" := (to_abgr a b) : abgrcat.
Notation "1" := (@identity (precategory_data_from_precategory (precategoryWithBinOps_precategory (categoryWithAbgrops_precategoryWithBinOps _))) _) : abgrcat.
Notation "0" := (unel (grtomonoid (abgrtogr _))) : abgrcat.
Notation "0" := (unel (grtomonoid (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _)))) : abgrcat.
Notation "f + g" := (@op (pr1monoid (grtomonoid (abgrtogr _))) f g) : abgrcat.
Notation "f + g" := (@op (pr1monoid (grtomonoid (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _)))) f g) : abgrcat.
Notation " - g" := (@grinv (abgrtogr _) g) : abgrcat.
Notation " - g" := (@grinv (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _)) g) : abgrcat.
Notation "f - g" := (@op (pr1monoid (grtomonoid (abgrtogr _))) f (@grinv (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _)) g)) : abgrcat.
Notation "f - g" := (@op (pr1monoid (grtomonoid (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _)))) f (@grinv (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _)) g)) : abgrcat.
Notation "g ∘ f" := (@compose (precategory_data_from_precategory (precategoryWithBinOps_precategory (categoryWithAbgrops_precategoryWithBinOps _))) _ _ _ f g) : abgrcat.
Notation "f · g" := (@compose (precategory_data_from_precategory (precategoryWithBinOps_precategory (categoryWithAbgrops_precategoryWithBinOps _))) _ _ _ f g) : abgrcat.
Notation "f = g" := (@eqset (pr1setwithbinop (pr1monoid (grtomonoid (abgrtogr (to_abgr _ _))))) f g) : abgrcat.

Section transport_morphisms.

  Variable PA : categoryWithAbgrops.

  Lemma transport_target_to_inv {x y z : ob PA} (f : x --> y) (e : y = z) :
    to_inv (transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e f) =
    transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e (to_inv f).
    induction e. apply idpath.

  Lemma transport_source_to_inv {x y z : ob PA} (f : y --> z) (e : y = x) :
    to_inv (transportf (λ x' : ob PA, precategory_morphisms x' z) e f) =
    transportf (λ x' : ob PA, precategory_morphisms x' z) e (to_inv f).
    induction e. apply idpath.

  Lemma transport_target_to_binop {x y z : ob PA} (f g : x --> y) (e : y = z) :
    to_binop _ _ (transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e f)
             (transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e g) =
    transportf (precategory_morphisms x) e (to_binop _ _ f g).
    induction e. apply idpath.

  Lemma transport_source_to_binop {x y z : ob PA} (f g : y --> z) (e : y = x) :
    to_binop _ _ (transportf (λ x' : ob PA, precategory_morphisms x' z) e f)
             (transportf (λ x' : ob PA, precategory_morphisms x' z) e g) =
    transportf (λ x' : ob PA, precategory_morphisms x' z) e (to_binop _ _ f g).
    induction e. apply idpath.

End transport_morphisms.

Definition oppositeCategoryWithAbgrops (M : categoryWithAbgrops) : categoryWithAbgrops.
  use tpair.
  - (oppositePrecategoryWithBinOps M).
    exact (λ a b, @to_has_homsets M (rm_opp_ob b) (rm_opp_ob a)).
  - exact (λ a b, @to_isabgrop M (rm_opp_ob b) (rm_opp_ob a)).

Definition induced_categoryWithAbgrops (M : categoryWithAbgrops) {X:Type} (j : X ob M)
  : categoryWithAbgrops.
  use tpair.
  - (induced_precategoryWithBinOps M j).
    exact (λ a b, @to_has_homsets M (j a) (j b)).
  - exact (λ a b, @to_isabgrop M (j a) (j b)).