
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

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Library TypeTheory.OtherDefs.TypeCat_to_CwF_Pitts

Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015
  • Construction of a precategory with Families from Comprehension precat

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.total2_paths.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.TypeCat.
Require Import TypeTheory.OtherDefs.CwF_Pitts.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.

Lemma idtoiso_q_typecat {CC : precategory} {C : typecat_structure CC}
      {Γ : CC} (A : C Γ) {Γ' : CC} {f f' : Γ' --> Γ} (e : f = f') :
      q_typecat A f
      = (idtoiso (maponpaths (fun f => ext_typecat Γ' (reind_typecat A f)) e))
          ;; q_typecat A f'.
  intros. destruct e; simpl. sym. apply id_left.

wF structure from (split) comprehension structure on a precategory

Every pre-(split)-Comp-cat gives rise to a pre-category with families.
Since the components of the pre-cat with Families structure are highly successively dependent, we construct most of them individually, before putting them together in cwf_of_type_precat.

Section CwF_of_Comp.

Context (CC : precategory) (C : split_typecat_structure CC) (homs_sets : has_homsets CC).

Definition tt_structure_of_typecat : tt_structure CC.
  unfold tt_structure.
  exists (ty_typecat C).
  intros Γ A.
  exact ( f : Γ --> Γ A, f ;; dpr_typecat _ = identity _ ).

Definition reindx_struct_of_typecat : reindx_structure tt_structure_of_typecat.
  unfold reindx_structure.
  unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
  - intros Γ Γ'.
    unfold tt_structure_of_typecat.
    intros A γ.
    exact (reind_typecat A γ).
  - intros Γ Γ' A H. unfold tt_structure_of_typecat in *.
    simpl in *.
    intro γ.
    unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
    + eapply (map_into_Pb _ _ γ (dpr_typecat A)).
      * apply reind_pb_typecat.
      * etrans. apply id_left.
        apply @pathsinv0.
        etrans. eapply pathsinv0. apply assoc.
        etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (pr2 H).
        apply id_right.
    + simpl.
      apply Pb_map_commutes_1.

Definition tt_reindx_from_typecat : tt_reindx_struct CC.
  exists tt_structure_of_typecat.
  exact reindx_struct_of_typecat.

Lemma reindx_laws_type_of_typecat : reindx_laws_type tt_reindx_from_typecat.
  - unfold tt_reindx_from_typecat. simpl.
    intros Γ A.
    apply reind_id_type_typecat. apply (pr2 C).
  - intros.
    apply reind_comp_type_typecat. apply (pr2 C).
Lemma reindx_law_1_term_of_typecat
  (Γ : CC)
  (A : tt_reindx_from_typecat Γ )
  (a : tt_reindx_from_typecat Γ A ) :
   a identity Γ =
   transportf (λ B : C Γ, f : Γ --> Γ B, f;; dpr_typecat B = identity Γ)
              (! reind_id_type_typecat (pr2 C) Γ A) a.
  intros. simpl. unfold tt_reindx_from_typecat in *. simpl in *.
  apply subtypeEquality.
  intro; apply homs_sets. simpl.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply PullbackArrowUnique.
  + destruct a as [f H]; simpl in *.
    rewrite <- H.
    assert (T:=@transportf_total2).
    assert (T':= T (C Γ) (λ B, Γ --> Γ B)). simpl in T'.
    assert (T'' := T' (λ B f0, f0 ;; dpr_typecat B = f ;; dpr_typecat A)).
    simpl in *.
    assert (T3 := T'' _ _ (! (reind_id_type_typecat (pr2 C) Γ A))).
    assert (T4 := T3 (tpair (λ f0 : Γ --> Γ A, f0;; dpr_typecat A = f;; dpr_typecat A) f
                               (idpath (f;; dpr_typecat A)))).
    clear T3 T'' T'. simpl in T4.
    assert (T5:= base_paths _ _ T4). clear T4; simpl in *.
    cancel_postcomposition. apply T5.
    clear T5.

    apply transportf_dpr_typecat.

  + simpl.
    rewrite id_left.
    destruct a as [f H]; simpl in *.
    assert (X:= reind_id_term_typecat (pr2 C)).
    eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths. apply X.
    assert (T:=@transportf_total2).
    assert (T':= T (C Γ) (λ B, Γ --> Γ B)). simpl in T'.
    assert (T'' := T' (λ B f, f ;; dpr_typecat B = identity Γ)).
    simpl in *.
    assert (T3 := T'' _ _ (! (reind_id_type_typecat (pr2 C) Γ A))).
    assert (T4 := T3 (tpair (λ f0 : Γ --> Γ A, f0;; dpr_typecat A = identity Γ) f H)).
    clear T3 T'' T'. simpl in T4.
    assert (T5:= base_paths _ _ T4). clear T4; simpl in *.
    cancel_postcomposition. apply T5.

    clear T5.

    rewrite idtoiso_postcompose.
    eapply pathsinv0. apply functtransportf.
    rewrite transport_f_f.
    match goal with |[|- transportf _ ?e _ = _ ] =>
                     assert (He : e = idpath _ ) end .
    apply (pr1 (pr2 C)).
    rewrite He. apply idpath.

Lemma foo
  (Γ Γ' Γ'' : CC)
  (γ : Γ' --> Γ)
  (γ' : Γ'' --> Γ')
  (A : ( tt_reindx_from_typecat) Γ )
  (a : ( tt_reindx_from_typecat) Γ A )
   a γ';; γ =
     (λ B : C Γ'', f : Γ'' --> Γ'' B, f;; dpr_typecat B = identity Γ'')
     (! reind_comp_type_typecat (pr2 C) Γ A Γ' γ Γ'' γ')
     ((a γ ⟧) γ' ).
  unfold tt_reindx_from_typecat in *. simpl.
  apply subtypeEquality.
  intro; apply homs_sets. simpl.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply PullbackArrowUnique.
  + match goal with |[|- pr1 (transportf ?P' ?e' ?x') ;; _ = _ ] =>
                       set (P:=P') ; set (e := e') ; set (x := x') end.
    assert (T:=@transportf_total2).
    assert (T':= T (C Γ'') (λ B, Γ'' --> Γ'' B)); clear T; simpl in T'.
    assert (T'' := T' (λ B f0, f0 ;; dpr_typecat B = identity Γ''));
      clear T'.
    assert (T3:= T'' _ _ e x); clear T''.
    assert (T5:= base_paths _ _ T3); clear T3; simpl in *.
    etrans. cancel_postcomposition. apply T5.
    clear T5.
    etrans. apply transportf_dpr_typecat.
    apply (@Pb_map_commutes_1).

  + destruct a as [f H]; simpl in *.
    assert (X := reind_comp_term_typecat (pr2 C)).
    eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths. apply X.
    clear X.

    assert (T:=@transportf_total2).
    assert (T':= T (C Γ'') (λ B, Γ'' --> Γ'' B)); clear T; simpl in T'.
    assert (T'' := T' (λ B f0, f0 ;; dpr_typecat B = identity Γ''));
      clear T'.
    simpl in T''.
    assert (T3 := T'' _ _ (! (reind_comp_type_typecat (pr2 C) Γ A Γ' γ Γ'' γ'))); clear T''.
    rewrite assoc.
    match goal with | [ |- pr1 (transportf _ _ ?e ) ;; _ ;; _ = _ ] => set (E:=e) end.
    assert (T4 := T3 E); clear T3.
    assert (T5:= base_paths _ _ T4); clear T4; simpl in *.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    etrans. cancel_postcomposition. apply T5.

    clear T5.
    clear E.

    etrans. apply assoc.
    etrans. cancel_postcomposition. apply assoc.
    rewrite idtoiso_postcompose.

    etrans. eapply pathsinv0. cancel_postcomposition.
      cancel_postcomposition. apply functtransportf.
    rewrite transport_f_f.

    match goal with |[|- transportf ?a ?b ?c ;; _ ;; _ = _ ] =>
           set (a':=a); set (b':=b); set (c':=c) end.
    assert (b' = idpath _ ).
    { apply (pr1 (pr2 C)). }
    rewrite X; clear X.
    etrans. cancel_postcomposition. apply (@Pb_map_commutes_2).
    etrans. eapply pathsinv0. apply assoc.
    etrans. Focus 2. apply assoc. apply maponpaths. apply (@Pb_map_commutes_2).

Definition reindx_laws_terms_of_typecat : reindx_laws_terms reindx_laws_type_of_typecat.
  - apply reindx_law_1_term_of_typecat.
  - intros. apply foo.

Definition reindx_laws_of_typecat : reindx_laws tt_reindx_from_typecat.
  exists reindx_laws_type_of_typecat.
  exact reindx_laws_terms_of_typecat.
Definition comp_1_struct_of_typecat : comp_1_struct tt_reindx_from_typecat.
  unfold comp_1_struct.
  intros Γ A.
  unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
  - unfold tt_reindx_from_typecat in A. simpl in A.
    exact (ext_typecat Γ A).
  - exact (dpr_typecat A).

Definition tt_reindx_comp_1_of_typecat : tt_reindx_comp_1_struct CC .
  exists tt_reindx_from_typecat.
  exact comp_1_struct_of_typecat.

Definition comp_2_struct_of_typecat : comp_2_struct tt_reindx_comp_1_of_typecat.
  - unfold tt_reindx_comp_1_of_typecat in *.
    simpl in *.
    + unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
      * { unfold comp_obj. simpl.
          eapply map_into_Pb.
          - apply reind_pb_typecat.
          - cancel_postcomposition.
            apply (idpath (identity _ )). }
      * apply Pb_map_commutes_1.
  - intros Γ' γ.
    intro a.
    unfold tt_reindx_comp_1_of_typecat in *.
    simpl in *.
    apply (pr1 a ;; q_typecat _ _ ).

Definition tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat : tt_reindx_type_struct CC.
  exists tt_reindx_comp_1_of_typecat.
  exact comp_2_struct_of_typecat.

Lemma comp_laws_1_2_of_typecat : @comp_laws_1_2 CC
   tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat reindx_laws_of_typecat.
  unfold comp_laws_1_2.
  intros Γ A Γ' γ a. unfold tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat.
  simpl in * .
  unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
  * unfold pairing. simpl.
    destruct a as [a a_sec]; simpl in *.
    etrans. eapply pathsinv0. apply assoc.
    etrans. apply maponpaths. apply dpr_q_typecat.
    etrans. apply assoc.
    etrans. cancel_postcomposition. apply a_sec.
    apply id_left.
  * simpl.
    apply subtypeEquality'.
    + destruct a as [a a_sec]; simpl in *.

      match goal with |[ |- pr1 (transportf _ ?e0' (transportf _ ?e1' _)) = _ ] =>
                         set (e0:=e0'); set (e1:=e1') end.
      unfold pairing in *. simpl in *.
      etrans. apply maponpaths. refine (transportf_total2 e0 _). simpl.
      etrans. apply maponpaths, maponpaths. refine (transportf_total2 e1 _).
      match goal with
        |[ |- transportf _ _ (pr1 (tpair ?P' ?x' _)) = _]
         => set (x:=x'); set (P:=P') end.
      change (pr1 (tpair P x _)) with x. subst x; clear P.

      etrans. refine (functtransportf
                      (@rtype _ tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat _ _ A) _ _ _).
      etrans. apply transportf_reind_typecat.
      etrans. apply maponpaths, transportf_reind_typecat.
      etrans. apply transport_f_f.
      match goal with |[ |- transportf _ ?e' _ = _] => set (e:=e') end.
      etrans. symmetry; apply idtoiso_postcompose.

      eapply map_into_Pb_unique. apply reind_pb_typecat.

      etrans. symmetry;apply assoc.
        apply maponpaths. cancel_postcomposition.
        apply maponpaths, maponpaths. symmetry; apply maponpathscomp0.
      etrans. apply maponpaths. apply idtoiso_dpr_typecat.
      etrans. apply Pb_map_commutes_1.
      symmetry. exact a_sec.

      etrans. symmetry; apply assoc.
      assert (e2 :
      (idtoiso e;; q_typecat A γ)
      = (q_typecat (reind_typecat A (dpr_typecat A)) (a;; q_typecat A γ))
          ;; (q_typecat A (dpr_typecat A))).

      unshelve refine (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
      Focus 4.
        etrans. Focus 2. symmetry; apply assoc.
        etrans. Focus 2. apply q_q_typecat.
      apply pr2.

      etrans. Focus 2. symmetry. apply (idtoiso_q_typecat _ e0).
      etrans. apply assoc. cancel_postcomposition.
      etrans. apply idtoiso_concat_pr.
      apply maponpaths, maponpaths.

      subst e.
      etrans. symmetry. apply maponpaths, maponpathscomp0.
      etrans. symmetry. apply maponpathscomp0.
      etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (pr1 (pr2 C)).
      apply maponpathscomp.

    etrans. apply maponpaths, e2. clear e2.
    etrans. apply assoc.
    etrans. cancel_postcomposition. apply Pb_map_commutes_2.

    etrans. symmetry. apply assoc.
    etrans. apply maponpaths. apply Pb_map_commutes_2.
    etrans. symmetry. apply assoc. apply maponpaths.
    apply id_right.
    + apply homs_sets.

Lemma comp_law_3_of_typecat : @comp_law_3 CC tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat reindx_laws_of_typecat.
  unfold comp_law_3.
  intros Γ A Γ' Γ'' γ γ' a. simpl in *.
  unfold pairing; simpl.
  destruct a as [f H]; simpl in *.
  assert (T:=@transportf_total2).
  assert (T' := T (C Γ'') (λ B, Γ'' --> Γ'' B) ); clear T.
  assert (T2 := T' (λ B f0, f0 ;; dpr_typecat B = identity Γ'')); clear T'. simpl in T2.
  assert (T3 := T2 _ _ (! reindx_type_comp reindx_laws_of_typecat γ γ' A)); clear T2; simpl in T3.
  match goal with |[ |- _ = pr1 (transportf _ _ ?x) ;; _ ] => set (X := x) end.
  assert (T4 := T3 X); clear T3.
  assert (T5:= base_paths _ _ T4). clear T4; simpl in *.
  apply T5.
  clear T5. unfold X; clear X; simpl in *.
  apply functtransportf.
  rewrite <- idtoiso_postcompose.
  rewrite q_q_typecat.
  match goal with |[ |- _ ;; ?B' ;; ?C' = _ ] => set (B:=B'); set (D:=C') end.
  simpl in *.
  match goal with |[ |- map_into_Pb ?B' ?C' ?D' ?E' ?F' ?G' ?Y' ?Z' ?W' ;; _ ;; _ = _ ] =>
                   set (f':=B'); set (g:=C'); set (h:=D'); set (k:=E') end.
  match goal with |[ |- map_into_Pb _ _ _ _ ?F' ?G' ?Y' ?Z' _ ;; _ ;; _ = _ ] =>
   set (x:=F'); set (y:=G');
                   set (Y:=Y'); set (Z:=Z')
  match goal with |[ |- map_into_Pb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?W' ;; _ ;; _ = _ ] => set (W:=W') end.
  assert (T2:=Pb_map_commutes_2 f' g h k x y Y Z W).
  unfold B.
  unfold D.
  repeat rewrite assoc.
  etrans. cancel_postcomposition. cancel_postcomposition. eapply pathsinv0. apply assoc.
  rewrite idtoiso_concat_pr.

  etrans. cancel_postcomposition. cancel_postcomposition. apply maponpaths.
  eapply pathsinv0. apply idtoiso_eq_idpath.
  { rewrite <- maponpathscomp0.
     apply maponpaths_eq_idpath.
     unfold reindx_type_comp.
     apply pathsinv0l. }
  rewrite id_right.
  unfold f'. unfold f' in T2.
  cancel_postcomposition. apply T2.

Lemma comp_law_4_of_typecat : @comp_law_4 _ tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat reindx_laws_of_typecat.
  unfold comp_law_4.
  simpl. intros Γ A.
  unfold pairing; simpl.
  apply Pb_map_commutes_2.

Lemma cwf_laws_of_typecat : cwf_laws tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat .
  repeat split.
  - exists reindx_laws_of_typecat.
    repeat split.
    + apply comp_laws_1_2_of_typecat.
    + apply comp_law_3_of_typecat.
    + apply comp_law_4_of_typecat.
  - assumption.
  - apply isaset_types_typecat. apply (pr2 C).
  - simpl.
    apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
    + apply homs_sets.
    + intros.
      apply hlevelntosn.
      apply homs_sets.

Definition cwf_of_typecat : cwf_struct CC.
  exists tt_reindx_type_struct_of_typecat.
  exact cwf_laws_of_typecat.

End CwF_of_Comp.