
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

This project is maintained by UniMath

Library TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary

Part of the TypeTheory library (Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015–present).
Auxiliary background lemmas for the Ahrens/Lumsdaine/Voevodsky “Systems” project. Possibly some should be upstreamed to “UniMath” eventually.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.StandardFiniteSets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.category_hset_structures.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Undelimit Scope transport.

Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (dirprodpair .. (dirprodpair x y) .. z) : core_scope.
Replaces builtin notation for pair, since we use dirprod, dirprodpair instead of prod, pair.
Redeclare this notation, along with a new scope.
Notation "ff ;; gg" := (compose ff gg)
  (at level 50, left associativity, format "ff ;; gg")
  : mor_scope.
Delimit Scope mor_scope with mor.
Bind Scope mor_scope with precategory_morphisms.
Open Scope mor_scope.

Some tactics

Tactic Notation "etrans" := eapply pathscomp0.
Tactic Notation "rew_trans_@" := repeat (etrans ; [ apply transport_f_f |]).
Tactic Notation "sym" := apply pathsinv0.
Tactic Notation "assoc" := apply @pathsinv0, path_assoc.
Tactic Notation "cancel_postcomposition" := apply cancel_postcomposition.

Some argument settings

Arguments functor_on_inv_from_iso {_ _} _ {_ _} f.

Path-algebra: general lemmas about transport, equivalences, etc.

A useful lemma for binary functions, generalising e.g. cancel_postcomposition:
Definition maponpaths_2 {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y -> Z) {x x'} (e : x = x') y
  : f x y = f x' y
:= maponpaths (fun x => f x y) e.

TODO: see https://github.com/UniMath/UniMath/issues/677
Lemma pr1_issurjective' {X : UU} {P : X -> UU} :
  ( x : X, P x ) -> issurjective (pr1 : ( x, P x) -> X).
  intros ne x. simple refine (hinhuniv _ (ne x)).
  intros p. apply hinhpr.
  exact ((x,,p),,idpath _).

Lemma fibers_inhab_if_pr1_issurjective {X : UU} {P : X -> UU} :
  ( x : X, P x ) <- issurjective (pr1 : ( x, P x) -> X).
  intros ne x. simple refine (hinhuniv _ (ne x)).
  intros p. apply hinhpr.
  cbn in p.
  destruct p as [[a b] c].
  cbn in *.
  induction c.

Lemma isaprop_fiber_if_isinclpr1
  : (X : UU) (isasetX : isaset X) (P : X UU), ( x : X, isaprop (P x)) <- isincl (pr1 : ( x, P x) -> X).
  intros X isasetX P H x.
  unfold isincl in H. unfold isofhlevelf in H.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros p p'.
  assert (X0 : x,,p = x,,p').
  { specialize (H x).
    assert (H1 : (x,,p),, idpath _ = ((x,,p'),,idpath _ : hfiber pr1 x)).
    { apply proofirrelevance. apply H. }
    apply (base_paths _ _ H1).
  set (XR := fiber_paths X0). cbn in XR.
  etrans. Focus 2. apply XR.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply (isasetX _ _ _ (idpath x)).
  apply idpath_transportf.

Lemma weqhomot {A B : UU} (f : A -> B) (w : A B) (H : w ~ f) : isweq f.
  apply isweqhomot with w. apply H. apply weqproperty.

Lemma pr1_transportf (A : UU) (B : A -> UU) (P : a, B a -> UU)
   (a a' : A) (e : a = a') (xs : b : B a, P _ b):
   pr1 (transportf (fun x => b : B x, P _ b) e xs) =
     transportf (fun x => B x) e (pr1 xs).
  destruct e; apply idpath.

Lemma transportf_const (A B : UU) (a a' : A) (e : a = a') (b : B) :
   transportf (fun _ => B) e b = b.
  induction e.
  apply idpath.

Lemma transportf_forall {A B} (C : A -> B -> UU)
  {x0 x1 : A} (e : x0 = x1) (f : forall y:B, C x0 y)
  : transportf (fun x => forall y, C x y) e f
  = fun y => transportf (fun x => C x y) e (f y).
  destruct e; apply idpath.

Definition transportf_forall_var :
   (A : UU) (B : A -> UU) (C : UU)
    (a1 a2 : A) (e : a1 = a2)
    (f : B a1 -> C),
  transportf (λ x : A, y : B x, C) e f =
  (λ y : B a2 , f (transportb B e y)).
  intros A B D a1 a2 e f.
  induction e.
  apply idpath.

Definition transportf_forall_var2 :
   (A : UU) (B C : A -> UU)
    (a1 a2 : A) (e : a1 = a2)
    (f : B a1 -> C a1),
  transportf (λ x : A, y : B x, C x) e f =
  (λ y : B a2 , transportf _ e (f (transportb B e y))).
  intros A B D a1 a2 e f.
  induction e.
  apply idpath.

Lemma maponpaths_apply {A B} {f0 f1 : A -> B} (e : f0 = f1) (x : A)
  : maponpaths (fun f => f x) e
  = toforallpaths _ _ _ e x.
  destruct e; apply idpath.

Lemma maponpaths_eq_idpath
  : (T1 T2 : UU) (f : T1 -> T2) (t1 : T1) (e : t1 = t1)
      (H : e = idpath _ ), maponpaths f e = idpath _ .
  exact (maponpaths (maponpaths f) H).

Lemma transportf_comp_lemma (X : UU) (B : X -> UU) {A A' A'': X} (e : A = A'') (e' : A' = A'')
  (x : B A) (x' : B A')
  : transportf _ (e @ !e') x = x'
  -> transportf _ e x = transportf _ e' x'.
  intro H.
  eapply pathscomp0. Focus 2.
    apply maponpaths. exact H.
  eapply pathscomp0. Focus 2.
    symmetry. apply transport_f_f.
  apply (maponpaths (fun p => transportf _ p x)).
  apply pathsinv0.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  - apply @pathsinv0, path_assoc.
  - eapply pathscomp0.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply pathsinv0l.
    apply pathscomp0rid.

Lemma transportf_comp_lemma_hset (X : UU) (B : X -> UU) (A : X) (e : A = A)
  {x x' : B A} (hs : isaset X)
  : x = x'
  -> transportf _ e x = x'.
  intros ex.
  apply @pathscomp0 with (transportf _ (idpath _) x).
  - apply (maponpaths (fun p => transportf _ p x)).
    apply hs.
  - exact ex.

Lemma transportf_pair {A B} (P : A × B -> UU) {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
      (eA : a = a') (eB : b = b') (p : P (a,,b))
      : transportf P (pathsdirprod eA eB) p =
        transportf (fun bb => P(a',,bb) ) eB (transportf (fun aa => P(aa,,b)) eA p).
  induction eA. induction eB. apply idpath.

Lemma transportf_ext (X : UU) (B : X -> UU) (A A' : X) (e e' : A = A') p :
  e = e' -> transportf _ e p = transportf B e' p.
  intro H; induction H; apply idpath.

Lemmas on equivalences

Lemma invmap_eq {A B : UU} (f : A B) (b : B) (a : A)
  : b = f a invmap f b = a.
  intro H.
  apply (invmaponpathsweq f).
  etrans. apply homotweqinvweq. apply H.

Definition isweqpathscomp0l {X : UU} {x x' : X} (x'' : X) (e: x = x') :
   isweq (fun (e' : x' = x'') => e @ e').
  apply (gradth _ (fun e'' => !e @ e'')).
  - intro p. rewrite path_assoc. rewrite pathsinv0l.
    apply idpath.
  - intro p. rewrite path_assoc. rewrite pathsinv0r.
    apply idpath.

Definition weqpathscomp0l {X : UU} {x x'} (x'' : X) (e : x = x')
  : (x' = x'') (x = x'').
  exact (_ ,, isweqpathscomp0l x'' e).

Definition weqpathscomp0r {X : UU} (x:X) {x' x''} (e' : x' = x'')
  : (x = x') (x = x'').
  exact (_ ,, isweqpathscomp0r x e').

Definition weq_exchange_args {A B} (C : A -> B -> Type)
  : ( a b, C a b) ( b a, C a b).
  use weqgradth.
  - intros f b a; exact (f a b).
  - intros g a b; exact (g b a).
  - intros f; apply idpath.
  - intros g; apply idpath.

Definition isweqbandfmap_var {X Y : UU} (w : X -> Y)
           (P : X UU) (Q : Y UU)
           (fw : x : X, P x -> Q (w x))
: isweq w -> ( x, isweq (fw x)) -> isweq (bandfmap w P Q (λ x : X, fw x)).
  intros Hw Hfw.
  apply (isweqbandfmap (weqpair w Hw) _ _ (fun x => weqpair _ (Hfw x))).

Lemma weqtotal2asstol' {X : UU} (P : X UU) (Q : forall x, P x UU)
  : ( (x : X) (p : P x), Q x p) ( (y : x, P x), Q (pr1 y) (pr2 y)).
  exact (weqtotal2asstol P (fun y => Q (pr1 y) (pr2 y))).

Lemma weqtotal2asstor' {X : UU} (P : X UU) (Q : forall x, P x UU)
  : ( (y : x, P x), Q (pr1 y) (pr2 y)) ( (x : X) (p : P x), Q x p).
  exact (weqtotal2asstor P (fun y => Q (pr1 y) (pr2 y))).

Lemma issurjective_hinhpr (A : UU) : issurjective (@hinhpr A).
  intro a.
  apply (squash_to_prop a).
  - apply propproperty.
  - intro aa. apply hinhpr.
    exists aa.
    apply proofirrelevance.
    apply propproperty.

Lemma issurjective_bandfmap {X Y : UU} (f : X Y) (P : X UU) (Q : Y UU)
      (fx : x : X, P x Q (f x))
      (Hf : issurjective f)
      (Hfx : x, issurjective (fx x))
  : issurjective (bandfmap f _ _ fx).
  intros [y q].
  apply (squash_to_prop (Hf y)).
  { apply propproperty. }
  intros [x Hx].
  induction Hx.
  apply (squash_to_prop (Hfx _ q)).
  { apply propproperty. }
  intros [p Hp].
  destruct Hp.
  apply hinhpr.
  exists (x,,p).
  apply idpath.

Other general lemmas

Lemma eq_equiv_from_retraction {A} {P : A -> A -> UU}
    (w : forall a b, a = b -> P a b)
    (v : forall a b, P a b -> a = b)
  : (forall a b (p : P a b), w _ _ (v _ _ p) = p)
  -> forall a b, isweq (w a b).
  intros wv a.
  apply isweqtotaltofib.   use gradth.
  - intros bp. exists (pr1 bp). apply v, (pr2 bp).
  - intros be; apply connectedcoconusfromt.   - intros bp. use total2_paths_f. apply idpath. apply wv.

Definition truncation_weq (A : UU) (is : isaprop A) : A A .
  apply weqimplimpl.
  - apply hinhpr.
  - intro a. use (squash_to_prop a is). apply idfun.
  - apply is.
  - apply propproperty.

Algebra in (pre)categories

Lemma is_iso_comp_is_iso {C : precategory} {a b c : ob C}
  (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
  : is_iso f -> is_iso g -> is_iso (f ;; g).
  intros Hf Hg.
  apply (is_iso_comp_of_isos (isopair f Hf) (isopair g Hg)).

Lemma functor_is_iso_is_iso {C C' : precategory} (F : functor C C')
    {a b : ob C} (f : C a,b) (fH : is_iso f) : is_iso (#F f).
  apply (functor_on_iso_is_iso _ _ F _ _ (isopair f fH)).

Lemma inv_from_iso_from_is_z_iso {D: precategory} {a b : D}
  (f: a --> b) (g : b --> a) (H : is_inverse_in_precat f g)
: inv_from_iso (f ,, (is_iso_from_is_z_iso _ (g ,, H)))
  = g.
  cbn. apply id_right.

The total type of morphisms of a precategory
Definition mor_total (C : precategory) : UU
  := (ab : C × C), Cpr2 ab, pr1 ab.

Definition morphism_as_total {C : precategory} {a b : C} (f : a --> b) : mor_total C.
  exists (b,,a).
  exact f.

Definition source {C} (X : mor_total C) : C := pr2 (pr1 X).
Definition target {C} (X : mor_total C) : C := pr1 (pr1 X).
Definition morphism_from_total {C} (X : mor_total C)
  : C source X, target X
  := pr2 X.
Coercion morphism_from_total : mor_total >-> precategory_morphisms.

Definition functor_on_mor_total {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D)
           (p : mor_total C) : mor_total D.
  exists (F (pr1 (pr1 p)) ,, F (pr2 (pr1 p)) ).
  exact (#F p).

Definition isweq_left_adj_equivalence_on_mor_total {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D)
           (isC : is_univalent C) (isD : is_univalent D)
           (H : adj_equivalence_of_precats F)
: isweq (functor_on_mor_total F).
  use (gradth _ _ _ _ ).
  - apply (functor_on_mor_total (adj_equivalence_inv H)).
  - intro p.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f].
      apply pathsdirprod; cbn.
      * apply (isotoid _ isC).
        apply iso_inv_from_iso. apply (unit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence H).
      * apply (isotoid _ isC).
        apply iso_inv_from_iso. apply (unit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence H).
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f]. cbn in *.
      etrans. apply (transportf_pair (λ x : C × C, C pr2 x, pr1 x )).
      rewrite transportf_isotoid.
      rewrite transportf_isotoid'.
      cbn. unfold precomp_with. rewrite id_right.
      rewrite assoc. assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (pr1 H)))).
      cbn in XR. rewrite <- XR.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      etrans. apply maponpaths.
      apply (iso_inv_after_iso (unit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence H a)).
      apply id_right.
    - intro p.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f].
      apply pathsdirprod; cbn.
      * apply (isotoid _ isD).
        apply (counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence H).
      * apply (isotoid _ isD).
        apply (counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence H).
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f]. cbn in *.
      etrans. apply (transportf_pair (λ x : D × D, D pr2 x, pr1 x )).
      rewrite transportf_isotoid.
      rewrite transportf_isotoid'.
      cbn. unfold precomp_with.
      assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (pr1 H)))).
      cbn in XR. rewrite XR. clear XR.
      rewrite assoc.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
      apply (iso_after_iso_inv (counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence H _)).
      apply id_left.

Definition iso_ob {C D : precategory} (hsD : has_homsets D)
          {F G : functor C D} (a : iso (C:= [C, D, hsD]) F G)
  : c, iso (F c) (G c).
  intro c.
  use isopair.
  - cbn. apply ((pr1 a : nat_trans _ _ ) c).
  - apply is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso. apply (pr2 a).

Definition isweq_equivalence_on_mor_total {C D : precategory}
           (isC : is_univalent C) (isD : is_univalent D)
           (F : functor C D) (G : functor D C)
           (eta : iso (C:= [_ , _ , pr2 isC ]) (functor_identity C) (F G))
           (eps : iso (C:= [_ , _ , pr2 isD ]) (G F) (functor_identity D))
: isweq (functor_on_mor_total F).
  use (gradth _ _ _ _ ).
  - apply (functor_on_mor_total G).
  - intro p.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f].
      apply pathsdirprod; cbn.
      * apply (isotoid _ isC).
        apply iso_inv_from_iso. apply (iso_ob (pr2 isC) eta).
      * apply (isotoid _ isC).
        apply iso_inv_from_iso. apply (iso_ob (pr2 isC) eta).
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f]. cbn in *.
      etrans. apply (transportf_pair (λ x : C × C, C pr2 x, pr1 x )).
      rewrite transportf_isotoid.
      rewrite transportf_isotoid'.
      cbn. unfold precomp_with. rewrite id_right.
      rewrite assoc. assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (pr1 eta)).
      cbn in XR. rewrite <- XR.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite id_right.
      etrans. apply maponpaths.
      apply (nat_trans_inv_pointwise_inv_after _ _ (pr2 isC) _ _ (pr1 eta)).
      apply id_right.
  - intro p.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f].
      apply pathsdirprod; cbn.
      * apply (isotoid _ isD).
        apply (iso_ob (pr2 isD) eps).
      * apply (isotoid _ isD).
        apply (iso_ob (pr2 isD) eps).
    + cbn. destruct p as [[a b] f]. cbn in *.
      etrans. apply (transportf_pair (λ x : D × D, D pr2 x, pr1 x )).
      rewrite transportf_isotoid.
      rewrite transportf_isotoid'.
      cbn. unfold precomp_with.
      assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (pr1 eps)).
      cbn in XR. rewrite XR. clear XR.
      rewrite assoc.
      rewrite id_right.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
      apply (nat_trans_inv_pointwise_inv_before _ _ (pr2 isD) _ _ (pr1 eps)).
      apply id_left.

Fully faithful on isos

Definition ff_on_isos {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D) : UU
  := c c', isweq (@functor_on_iso _ _ F c c').

Lemma fully_faithful_impl_ff_on_isos {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D)
      : fully_faithful F -> ff_on_isos F.
  intros Fff c c'.
  use gradth.
  - intro XR. exists (invmap (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ )) XR). cbn.
    apply (ff_reflects_is_iso _ _ _ Fff).
    assert (XT := homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ (Fff c c' ))).
    cbn in *.
    apply (transportb (λ i : _ --> _, is_iso i) (XT (pr1 XR) )).
    apply XR.
  - cbn. intro i. apply eq_iso. cbn.
    apply (homotinvweqweq (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ ))).
  - cbn. intro i. apply eq_iso. cbn.
    apply (homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ ))).

Equivalences of categories

Specifically: the composition of (adjoint) equivalences of precats.

Coercion left_adj_from_adj_equiv (X Y : precategory) (K : functor X Y)
         (HK : adj_equivalence_of_precats K)
  : is_left_adjoint K
:= pr1 HK.

Section about_equivalences.

Variables D1 D2 : precategory.
Variable F : functor D1 D2.
Variable GG : adj_equivalence_of_precats F.

Let G : functor D2 D1 := right_adjoint GG.
Let η := unit_from_left_adjoint GG.
Let ε := counit_from_left_adjoint GG.
Let ηinv a := iso_inv_from_iso (unit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence GG a).
Let εinv a := iso_inv_from_iso (counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence GG a).

Lemma right_adj_equiv_is_ff : fully_faithful G.
  intros c d.
  set (inv := (fun f : D1 G c, G d => εinv _ ;; #F f ;; ε _ )).
  simpl in inv.
  apply (gradth _ inv ).
  - intro f. simpl in f. unfold inv.
    assert (XR := nat_trans_ax ε). simpl in XR.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    etrans. apply maponpaths. apply XR.
    rewrite assoc.
    etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply iso_after_iso_inv.
    apply id_left.
  - intro g.
    unfold inv. repeat rewrite functor_comp.
    match goal with |[|- ?f1 ;; ?f2 ;; ?f3 = _ ] =>
       pathvia ((f1 ;; ηinv _ ) ;; (η _ ;; f2) ;; f3) end.
    + repeat rewrite <- assoc. apply maponpaths.
      repeat rewrite assoc.
      etrans. Focus 2. do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition. eapply pathsinv0, iso_after_iso_inv.
      rewrite id_left. apply idpath.
    + assert (XR := nat_trans_ax η). simpl in XR. rewrite <- XR. clear XR.
      repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      etrans. do 3 apply maponpaths. apply triangle_id_right_ad. rewrite id_right.
      rewrite assoc.
      etrans. Focus 2. apply id_left.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply functor_on_inv_from_iso.
      assert (XR := triangle_id_right_ad (pr2 (pr1 GG))).
      simpl in XR.
      unfold ηinv. simpl.
      match goal with |[|- inv_from_iso ?e ;; inv_from_iso ?f = _ ] =>
                       assert (XRR := maponpaths pr1 (iso_inv_of_iso_comp _ _ _ _ f e)) end.
      simpl in XRR.
      etrans. apply (! XRR). clear XRR.
      apply pathsinv0, inv_iso_unique'.
      simpl. cbn. unfold precomp_with.
      rewrite id_right. apply XR.

Lemma right_adj_equiv_is_ess_sur : essentially_surjective G.
  intro d.
  apply hinhpr.
  exists (F d).
  exact (ηinv d).

End about_equivalences.

Section eqv_comp.

Context {A B C : precategory}
        {hsA : has_homsets A}
        {hsB : has_homsets B}
        {hsC : has_homsets C}
        {F : functor A B}
        {F' : functor B C}.

Section adj_comp.

Hypothesis adF : is_left_adjoint F.
Hypothesis adF' : is_left_adjoint F'.

Let η : functor_precategory _ _ hsA _ , _ := unit_from_left_adjoint adF.
Let η' : functor_precategory _ _ hsB _ , _ := unit_from_left_adjoint adF'.
Let ε : functor_precategory _ _ hsB _ , _ := counit_from_left_adjoint adF.
Let ε' : functor_precategory _ _ hsC _ , _ := counit_from_left_adjoint adF'.
Let G := right_adjoint adF.
Let G' := right_adjoint adF'.

Definition unit_comp : (functor_precategory A A hsA)
    functor_identity A,
     functor_composite (functor_composite F F') (functor_composite G' G)
    let Fη' := # (pre_composition_functor _ _ _ hsB hsB F) η' in
    let Fη'G := # (post_composition_functor _ _ _ _ hsA G) Fη' in
  (η ;; Fη'G).

Definition counit_comp : (functor_precategory C C hsC)
    functor_composite (functor_composite G' G) (functor_composite F F'),
     functor_identity C
    let G'ε := # (pre_composition_functor _ _ _ hsB hsB G') ε in
    let G'εF' := # (post_composition_functor _ _ _ _ hsC F') G'ε in
  (G'εF' ;; ε').

Lemma form_adjunction_comp
  : form_adjunction
      (functor_composite F F') (functor_composite G' G)
      unit_comp counit_comp.
  mkpair; cbn in *; simpl in *.
  - intro a.
    assert (T1 := triangle_id_left_ad (pr2 adF) a).
    assert (T1' := triangle_id_left_ad (pr2 adF') (F a)).
    + cbn. etrans. apply assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      etrans. apply @pathsinv0, functor_comp.
      apply maponpaths.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2, functor_comp.
      etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
      apply maponpaths, (nat_trans_ax ε).
    + cbn. etrans.
      * apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths.
        etrans. apply assoc.
        etrans. apply maponpaths_2, T1.
        apply id_left.
      * apply T1'.
  - intro c.
    assert (T2 := triangle_id_right_ad (pr2 adF) (G' c)).
    assert (T2' := triangle_id_right_ad (pr2 adF') c).
    + cbn. etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
      apply maponpaths.
      etrans. apply @pathsinv0, functor_comp.
      apply maponpaths.
      etrans. apply maponpaths, functor_comp.
      etrans. apply assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2, @pathsinv0, (nat_trans_ax η').
    + cbn. etrans.
      * apply maponpaths, maponpaths.
        etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
        etrans. apply maponpaths, T2'.
        apply id_right.
      * apply T2.

Definition comp_adjunction : is_left_adjoint (functor_composite F F').
  exists (functor_composite G' G).
  exists (unit_comp ,, counit_comp).
  apply form_adjunction_comp.

End adj_comp.

Hypothesis HF : adj_equivalence_of_precats F.
Hypothesis HF' : adj_equivalence_of_precats F'.

Definition comp_adj_equivalence_of_precats
  : adj_equivalence_of_precats (functor_composite F F').
  exists (comp_adjunction HF HF').
  - intro. apply is_iso_comp_is_iso.
    + apply (pr1 (pr2 HF)).
    + simpl. apply functor_is_iso_is_iso, (pr1 (pr2 HF')).
  - intro. apply is_iso_comp_is_iso.
    + apply functor_is_iso_is_iso, (pr2 (pr2 HF)).
    + apply (pr2 (pr2 HF')).

End eqv_comp.

Section eqv_inv.

Context {A B : precategory}
        {hsA : has_homsets A}
        {hsB : has_homsets B}
        {F : functor A B}.

Hypothesis adEquivF : adj_equivalence_of_precats F.

Let η : functor_precategory _ _ hsA _ , _ := unit_from_left_adjoint adEquivF.
Let ε : functor_precategory _ _ hsB _ , _ := counit_from_left_adjoint adEquivF.
Let G := right_adjoint adEquivF.

Let ηiso := unit_iso_from_adj_equivalence_of_precats hsA adEquivF.
Let εiso := counit_iso_from_adj_equivalence_of_precats hsB adEquivF.

Lemma form_adjunction_inv :
 form_adjunction G F (inv_from_iso εiso) (inv_from_iso ηiso).
  - intro b.
    apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (#G ((pr1 εiso : nat_trans _ _ ) b))).
    + apply (functor_is_iso_is_iso G).
      apply is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso. apply pr2.
    + etrans. apply assoc.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2. eapply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply maponpaths.
              apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (iso_inv_after_iso εiso)).
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply functor_id.
      etrans. apply id_left.
      apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (((pr1 ηiso : nat_trans _ _ ) (G b)))).
      * apply is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso. apply pr2.
      * etrans. apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (iso_inv_after_iso ηiso)).
        apply pathsinv0.
        etrans. apply assoc.
        etrans. apply id_right.
        assert (XR := triangle_id_right_ad (pr2 (pr1 adEquivF))).
        apply XR.
  - intro a.
    apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (((pr1 εiso : nat_trans _ _ ) _))).
    * apply is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso. apply pr2.
    * etrans. apply assoc.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
        apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (iso_inv_after_iso εiso)).
      etrans. apply id_left.
      apply (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ (#F ((pr1 ηiso : nat_trans _ _ ) a))).
      { apply (functor_is_iso_is_iso F).
        apply is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso. apply pr2.
      etrans. eapply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp.
      etrans. apply maponpaths. apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (iso_inv_after_iso ηiso )).
      etrans. apply functor_id.
      apply pathsinv0.
      rewrite id_right.
      apply triangle_id_left_ad.

Definition is_left_adjoint_inv : is_left_adjoint G.
  - apply F.
  - mkpair.
    exists (pr1 (iso_inv_from_iso εiso)).
    exact (pr1 (iso_inv_from_iso ηiso)).
    apply form_adjunction_inv.

Definition adj_equivalence_of_precats_inv
  : adj_equivalence_of_precats G.
  exists is_left_adjoint_inv.
  - intro b.
    apply (is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso _ _ hsB _ _
                        (iso_inv_from_iso εiso) (pr2 (iso_inv_from_iso εiso))).
  - intro a.
    apply (is_functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso _ _ hsA _ _
                        (iso_inv_from_iso ηiso) (pr2 (iso_inv_from_iso ηiso))).

End eqv_inv.

Section eqv_from_ess_split_and_ff.

Definition split_ess_surj {A B : precategory}
  (F : functor A B)
  := b : B, a : A, iso (F a) b.

Context {A B : precategory}
        {hsA : has_homsets A}
        {hsB : has_homsets B}
        {F : functor A B}
        (Fff : fully_faithful F)
        (Fses : split_ess_surj F).

Let Fweq {a b} f := (weq_from_fully_faithful Fff a b f).
Let Finv {a b} g := (invweq (weq_from_fully_faithful Fff a b) g).

Definition G_ff_split_data : functor_data B A.
  - intro b. exact (pr1 (Fses b)).
  - intros b b' f'; cbn.
    apply Finv.
    exact (pr2 (Fses b) ;; f' ;; inv_from_iso (pr2 (Fses b'))).

Definition G_ff_split_ax : is_functor G_ff_split_data.
  - intro b. cbn. rewrite id_right. simpl.
    apply invmap_eq. cbn.
    etrans. apply iso_inv_after_iso.
    apply pathsinv0, functor_id.
  - intros b b1 b2 f g.
    apply invmap_eq; cbn.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. apply maponpaths.
       apply (homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ ))).
    etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
       apply (homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ ))).
    repeat rewrite <- assoc. apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths.
    repeat rewrite assoc. apply maponpaths_2.
    etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply iso_after_iso_inv.
    apply id_left.

Definition G_ff_split : functor _ _ := ( _ ,, G_ff_split_ax).

Definition is_nat_trans_ε_ff_split :
 is_nat_trans (functor_composite_data G_ff_split_data F)
    (functor_identity_data B) (λ b : B, pr2 (Fses b)).
  intros b b' g;
  etrans; [ apply maponpaths_2 ; use homotweqinvweq |];
  repeat rewrite <- assoc;
  apply maponpaths;
  rewrite iso_after_iso_inv;
  apply id_right.

Definition ε_ff_split
  : nat_trans (functor_composite G_ff_split F) (functor_identity B).
  - intro b.
    exact (pr2 (Fses b)).
  - apply is_nat_trans_ε_ff_split.

Lemma is_nat_trans_η_ff_split :
 is_nat_trans (functor_identity_data A)
    (functor_composite_data F G_ff_split_data)
    (λ a : A, Finv (inv_from_iso (pr2 (Fses (F ((functor_identity A) a)))))).
  intros a a' f;
  apply (invmaponpathsweq (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ )));
  rewrite functor_comp;
  rewrite functor_comp;
  etrans; [ apply maponpaths; use homotweqinvweq |];
  apply pathsinv0;
  etrans; [ apply maponpaths; use homotweqinvweq |];
  etrans; [ apply maponpaths_2; use homotweqinvweq |];
  repeat rewrite assoc;
  rewrite iso_after_iso_inv;
  rewrite id_left ;
  apply idpath.

Definition η_ff_split : nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G_ff_split).
  - intro a.
     apply Finv.
     apply (inv_from_iso (pr2 (Fses _ ))).
  - apply is_nat_trans_η_ff_split.

Lemma form_adjunction_ff_split
  : form_adjunction F G_ff_split η_ff_split ε_ff_split.
  simpl. split.
  * intro a.
    etrans. apply maponpaths_2. use homotweqinvweq.
    apply iso_after_iso_inv.
  * intro b.
    apply (invmaponpathsweq (weqpair _ (Fff _ _ ))).
    rewrite functor_comp.
    rewrite functor_id.
    etrans. apply maponpaths. use homotweqinvweq.
    etrans. apply maponpaths_2. use homotweqinvweq.
    repeat rewrite assoc.
    rewrite iso_after_iso_inv.
    rewrite id_left.
    apply iso_inv_after_iso.

Definition adj_equivalence_of_precats_ff_split : adj_equivalence_of_precats F.
  - exists G_ff_split.
    + exists η_ff_split.
      exact ε_ff_split.
    + apply form_adjunction_ff_split.
  - split; cbn.
    + intro a.
      use (fully_faithful_reflects_iso_proof _ _ _ Fff _ _ (isopair _ _ )).
      apply is_iso_inv_from_iso.
    + intro b. apply pr2.

End eqv_from_ess_split_and_ff.

Properties of functors

Definition split_full {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D) : UU
  := c c' (f : F c --> F c'), hfiber (#F) f.

Lemma full_from_split_full {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D)
  : split_full F -> full F.
  intros H c c' f.
  apply hinhpr, H.

Lemma split_full_from_ff {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D)
  : fully_faithful F -> split_full F.
  intros H c c' f.
  exists (fully_faithful_inv_hom H c c' f).
  apply (homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful _ _ _)).

Lemma full_from_ff
  {D D' : precategory} (F : functor D D')
  : fully_faithful F -> full F.
  intros. apply full_from_split_full, split_full_from_ff; assumption.

Lemma right_adj_equiv_is_full {D1 D2 : precategory}
  (F : functor D1 D2) (GG : adj_equivalence_of_precats F)
  : full (right_adjoint GG).
  apply full_from_ff, right_adj_equiv_is_ff.

Misc lemmas/definitions on (pre)categories

Coercion univalent_category_is_univalent : univalent_category >-> is_univalent.

Definition HSET_univalent_category : univalent_category.
  exists HSET; split.
  - apply is_univalent_HSET.
  - apply has_homsets_HSET.

Definition functor_univalent_category (C : precategory) (D : univalent_category)
  : univalent_category.
  exists (functor_precategory C D (homset_property D)); split.
  - apply is_univalent_functor_category.
  - apply functor_category_has_homsets.

Definition preShv C := functor_univalent_category C^op HSET_univalent_category.

Notation "'Yo'" := (yoneda _ (homset_property _) : functor _ (preShv _)).
Notation "'Yo^-1'" := (invweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).

Definition yy {C : precategory} {hsC : has_homsets C}
  {F : preShv C} {c : C} : ((F : functor _ _) c : hSet) _ yoneda _ hsC c, F.
  apply invweq.
  apply yoneda_weq.

Arguments yy {_ _ _ _}.

Lemma yy_natural {C : precategory} {hsC : has_homsets C}
  (F : preShv C) (c : C) (A : (F:functor _ _) c : hSet)
                  c' (f : Cc', c) :
        yy (# (F : functor _ _) f A) = # (yoneda _ hsC) f ;; yy A.
  assert (XTT := is_natural_yoneda_iso_inv _ hsC F _ _ f).
  apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ XTT).

Lemma yy_comp_nat_trans {C : precategory} {hsC : has_homsets C}
      (F F' : preShv C) (p : _ F, F')
      A (v : (F : functor _ _ ) A : hSet)
  : yy (hsC:=hsC) v ;; p = yy ((p : nat_trans _ _ ) _ v).
  apply nat_trans_eq.
  - apply has_homsets_HSET.
  - intro c. simpl.
    apply funextsec. intro f. cbn.
    assert (XR := toforallpaths _ _ _ (nat_trans_ax p _ _ f) v ).
    cbn in XR.
    apply XR.

Lemma transportf_yy {C : precategory} {hsC : has_homsets C}
      (F : preShv C) (c c' : C) (A : (F : functor _ _ ) c : hSet)
      (e : c = c'):
  yy (transportf (fun d => (F : functor _ _ ) d : hSet) e A) =
  transportf (fun d => preShv C yoneda _ hsC d, F) e (yy A).
  induction e.
  apply idpath.

Lemma forall_isotid (A : precategory) (a_is : is_univalent A)
      (a a' : A) (P : iso a a' -> UU) :
  ( e, P (idtoiso e)) i, P i.
  intros H i.
  rewrite <- (idtoiso_isotoid _ a_is).
  apply H.

Lemma transportf_isotoid_functor
  (A X : precategory) (H : is_univalent A)
  (K : functor A X)
   (a a' : A) (p : iso a a') (b : X) (f : K a --> b) :
 transportf (fun a0 => K a0 --> b) (isotoid _ H p) f = #K (inv_from_iso p) ;; f.
  rewrite functor_on_inv_from_iso. simpl. cbn.
  unfold precomp_with. rewrite id_right.
  generalize p.
  apply forall_isotid.
  - apply H.
  - intro e. induction e.
    rewrite functor_id.
    rewrite id_left.
    rewrite isotoid_identity_iso.
    apply idpath.

Lemma idtoiso_transportf_family_of_morphisms (D : precategory)
      (A : UU) (B : A -> UU)
      (F : a, B a -> D)
      (d d' : D) (deq : d = d')
      (R : a (b : B a), D F a b, d)
: transportf (λ x, a b, D F a b, x) deq R
  λ a b, R a b ;; idtoiso deq.
  destruct deq.
  apply funextsec.
  intro. apply funextsec. intro.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply id_right.

Lemma idtoiso_concat_pr (C : precategory) (a a' a'' : ob C)
  (p : a = a') (q : a' = a'') :
  idtoiso p ;; idtoiso q = idtoiso (p @ q).
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (base_paths _ _ (idtoiso_concat _ _ _ _ _ _ )).

Lemma idtoiso_eq_idpath (C : precategory) (a : C) (e : a = a)
    (H : e = idpath _ )
  : identity a = idtoiso e.
  rewrite H.
  apply idpath.

Arguments cancel_postcomposition [C a b c] f f' g _ .

Lemma idtoiso_postcompose_idtoiso_pre {C : precategory} {a b c : C}
      (g : a --> b) (f : a --> c)
      (p : b = c)
  : g = f ;; idtoiso (!p) -> g ;; idtoiso p = f.
  induction p. simpl.
  rewrite id_right.
  induction 1.
  apply id_right.

Lemma postwhisker_isotoid {D : precategory} (H : is_univalent D)
    {a b b' : D} (f : a --> b) (p : iso b b')
  : transportf (fun b0 => a --> b0) (isotoid _ H p) f
  = f ;; p.
  rewrite <- idtoiso_postcompose.
  apply maponpaths, maponpaths, idtoiso_isotoid.

Local Notation "[ C , D , hs ]" := (functor_precategory C D hs).

Lemma inv_from_iso_iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection {C D : precategory}
      (F : functor C D) (HF : fully_faithful F) (a b : C) (i : iso (F a) (F b))
      : inv_from_iso
       (iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection HF i) =
 iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection HF (iso_inv_from_iso i).
  unfold precomp_with.
  apply id_right.

Definition nat_iso_from_pointwise_iso (D E : precategory)
  (hsE : has_homsets E)
  (F G : [D, E, hsE])
  (a : d, iso ((F : functor _ _) d) ((G : functor _ _) d))
  (H : is_nat_trans _ _ a)
  : iso F G.
  use functor_iso_from_pointwise_iso .
  - intro d. apply a.
  - apply H.
  - intro d. apply (pr2 (a d)).

Lemma iso_from_iso_with_postcomp (D E E' : precategory) hsE hsE'
  (F G : functor D E) (H : functor E E')
  (Hff : fully_faithful H) :
  iso (C:=[D, E', hsE']) (functor_composite F H) (functor_composite G H)
  iso (C:=[D, E, hsE]) F G.
  intro a.
  use nat_iso_from_pointwise_iso.
  - intro d. simpl.
    apply (iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection Hff).
    apply (functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso _ _ _ _ _ a (pr2 a)).
  - abstract (
    simpl; intros d d' f;
    assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (pr1 a : nat_trans _ _ ));
    simpl in XR;
    apply (invmaponpathsweq (weq_from_fully_faithful Hff _ _ ));
    simpl; rewrite functor_comp; rewrite functor_comp;
    assert (XTT:=homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful Hff (F d') (G d') ));
    simpl in *;
    etrans; [apply maponpaths; apply XTT |];
    clear XTT;
    assert (XTT:=homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful Hff (F d) (G d) ));
    simpl in *;
    etrans; [| apply cancel_postcomposition; apply (!XTT _ )];
    apply XR

Definition functor_assoc_iso (D1 D2 D3 D4 : precategory) hsD4
     (F : functor D1 D2) (G : functor D2 D3) (H : functor D3 D4) :
    iso (C:=[D1,D4,hsD4])
         (functor_composite (functor_composite F G) H)
         (functor_composite F (functor_composite G H)).
  use nat_iso_from_pointwise_iso.
  - intro d. apply identity_iso.
  - abstract (
        intros x x' f;
        rewrite id_left;
        rewrite id_right;
        apply idpath

Definition functor_comp_id_iso (D1 D2 : precategory) hsD2
     (F : functor D1 D2) :
  iso (C:=[D1,D2,hsD2]) (functor_composite F (functor_identity _ )) F.
  use nat_iso_from_pointwise_iso.
  - intro. apply identity_iso.
  - abstract (
       intros x x' f;
       rewrite id_left;
       rewrite id_right;
       apply idpath

Definition functor_precomp_iso (D1 D2 D3 : precategory) hsD3
    (F : functor D1 D2) (G H : functor D2 D3) :
    iso (C:=[D2,D3,hsD3]) G H ->
    iso (C:=[D1,D3,hsD3]) (functor_composite F G)
                          (functor_composite F H).
  intro a.
  use nat_iso_from_pointwise_iso.
  - intro d. apply (functor_iso_pointwise_if_iso _ _ _ _ _ a (pr2 a)).
  - abstract (intros x x' f; apply (nat_trans_ax (pr1 a))).

Definition adj_from_equiv (D1 D2 : precategory) (F : functor D1 D2):
    adj_equivalence_of_precats F is_left_adjoint F := fun x => pr1 x.
Coercion adj_from_equiv : adj_equivalence_of_precats >-> is_left_adjoint.

Lemmas on pullbacks

Definition reflects_pullbacks {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D) : UU
  := {a b c d : C}{f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} {h : Cd, b} {k : Cd,c}
       (H : h · f = k · g),
     isPullback _ _ _ _ (functor_on_square _ _ F H) -> isPullback _ _ _ _ H.

Lemma ff_reflects_pullbacks {C D : category} {F : functor C D}
      (F_ff : fully_faithful F) : reflects_pullbacks F.
  do 10 intro.
  use (isPullback_preimage_square _ _ _ _ _ _ X).
  - apply homset_property.
  - apply F_ff.

Section Square_Transfers.

Definition commutes_and_is_pullback {C : precategory} {a b c d : C}
    (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a) (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c)
  : UU
:= (H : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g), isPullback _ _ _ _ H.

Lemma commuting_square_transfer_iso {C : precategory}
      {a b c d : C}
      {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a} {p1 : d --> b} {p2 : d --> c}
      {a' b' c' d' : C}
      {f' : b' --> a'} {g' : c' --> a'} {p1' : d' --> b'} {p2' : d' --> c'}
      {i_a : a --> a'} {i_b : b --> b'} {i_c : c --> c'} {i_d : iso d d'}
      (i_f : f ;; i_a = i_b ;; f') (i_g : g ;; i_a = i_c ;; g')
      (i_p1 : p1 ;; i_b = i_d ;; p1') (i_p2 : p2 ;; i_c = i_d ;; p2')
   : p1 ;; f = p2;; g
   -> p1' ;; f' = p2' ;; g'.
  intro H.
  refine (pre_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ _ i_d _ _ _ _).
  exact (pr2 i_d).   rewrite 2 assoc.
  rewrite <- i_p1, <- i_p2.
  rewrite <- 2 assoc.
  rewrite <- i_f, <- i_g.
  rewrite 2 assoc.
  apply maponpaths_2, H.

Lemma isPullback_transfer_iso {C : category}
      {a b c d : C}
      {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a} {p1 : d --> b} {p2 : d --> c}
      (H : p1 ;; f = p2;; g)
      {a' b' c' d' : C}
      {f' : b' --> a'} {g' : c' --> a'} {p1' : d' --> b'} {p2' : d' --> c'}
      (H' : p1' ;; f' = p2' ;; g')
      {i_a : iso a a'} {i_b : iso b b'} {i_c : iso c c'} {i_d : iso d d'}
      (i_f : f ;; i_a = i_b ;; f') (i_g : g ;; i_a = i_c ;; g')
      (i_p1 : p1 ;; i_b = i_d ;; p1') (i_p2 : p2 ;; i_c = i_d ;; p2')
   : isPullback _ _ _ _ H
   -> isPullback _ _ _ _ H'.
  intros Hpb.
  apply (mk_isPullback _ ).
  intros X h k H''.
  simple refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
  - simple refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
    { refine ( _ ;; i_d ).
      simple refine (PullbackArrow (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ Hpb) _ _ _ _).
      + exact (h ;; iso_inv_from_iso i_b).
      + exact (k ;; iso_inv_from_iso i_c).
      + abstract (
          apply (post_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ i_a (pr2 _));
          repeat rewrite <- assoc;
          rewrite i_f, i_g;
          eapply @pathscomp0;
          [ apply maponpaths; rewrite assoc;
            apply maponpaths_2, iso_after_iso_inv
          | eapply @pathsinv0, @pathscomp0;
          [ apply maponpaths; rewrite assoc;
            apply maponpaths_2, iso_after_iso_inv
          | rewrite 2 id_left; apply @pathsinv0, H'']] ).
    cbn; split;
    abstract (
      rewrite <- assoc;
      eapply @pathscomp0;
      [ apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0;
        try apply i_p2; try apply i_p1
      | rewrite assoc;
      eapply @pathscomp0;
      [ apply maponpaths_2;
        try apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _));
        try apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _))
      | rewrite <- assoc, iso_after_iso_inv; apply id_right]] ).
  - intros hk'.
    apply subtypeEquality.
      intro; apply isapropdirprod; apply homset_property.
    apply (post_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ (iso_inv_from_iso i_d) (pr2 _)).
    eapply @pathscomp0. Focus 2.
      rewrite <- assoc. cbn. rewrite iso_inv_after_iso. eapply pathsinv0, id_right.
    apply PullbackArrowUnique; cbn.
    + apply (post_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ i_b (pr2 _)).
      repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite i_p1, iso_after_iso_inv, id_right.
      eapply @pathscomp0.
        apply maponpaths. rewrite assoc, iso_after_iso_inv. apply id_left.
      apply (pr1 (pr2 hk')).
    + apply (post_comp_with_iso_is_inj _ _ _ i_c (pr2 _)).
      repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite i_p2, iso_after_iso_inv, id_right.
      eapply @pathscomp0.
        apply maponpaths. rewrite assoc, iso_after_iso_inv. apply id_left.
      apply (pr2 (pr2 hk')).

Lemma commutes_and_is_pullback_transfer_iso {C : category}
      {a b c d : C}
      {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a} {p1 : d --> b} {p2 : d --> c}
      {a' b' c' d' : C}
      {f' : b' --> a'} {g' : c' --> a'} {p1' : d' --> b'} {p2' : d' --> c'}
      {i_a : iso a a'} {i_b : iso b b'} {i_c : iso c c'} {i_d : iso d d'}
      (i_f : f ;; i_a = i_b ;; f') (i_g : g ;; i_a = i_c ;; g')
      (i_p1 : p1 ;; i_b = i_d ;; p1') (i_p2 : p2 ;; i_c = i_d ;; p2')
      (H : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g) (P : isPullback _ _ _ _ H)
   : commutes_and_is_pullback f' g' p1' p2'.
  exists (commuting_square_transfer_iso i_f i_g i_p1 i_p2 H).
  exact (isPullback_transfer_iso _ _ i_f i_g i_p1 i_p2 P).

End Square_Transfers.

Section on_pullbacks.

  Variable C : precategory.
  Variable hs : has_homsets C.
  Variables a b c d : C.
  Variables (f : a --> b) (g : a --> c) (k : b --> d) (h : c --> d).

 g |    | k
   |    |

  Variable sqr_comm : f ;; k = g ;; h.
  Variable Pb : isPullback k h f g sqr_comm.

  Lemma square_morphism_equal k' (e : k' = k) : f ;; k' = g ;; h.
    rewrite e. assumption.

  Lemma isPb_morphism_equal k' (e : k' = k) :
        isPullback k' h f g (square_morphism_equal _ e).
    match goal with |[|- isPullback _ _ _ _ ?HH] => generalize HH end.
    rewrite e.
    apply Pb.

  Local Definition Pbb : Pullback k h.
    unshelve refine (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ).
      - apply a.
      - apply f.
      - apply g.
      - apply sqr_comm.
      - apply Pb.

  Definition map_into_Pb {e : C} (x : e --> b) (y : e --> c)
  : x ;; k = y ;; h e --> a.
    intro H.
    unshelve refine (PullbackArrow Pbb _ _ _ _ ).
    - apply x.
    - apply y.
    - apply H.

  Definition Pb_map_commutes_1 {e : C} (x : e --> b) (y : e --> c) H
  : map_into_Pb x y H ;; f = x.
    assert (P:=PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pbb).
    apply P.

  Definition Pb_map_commutes_2 {e : C} (x : e --> b) (y : e --> c) H
  : map_into_Pb x y H ;; g = y.
    assert (P:=PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pbb).
    apply P.

  Lemma map_into_Pb_unique (e : C) (x y : e --> a)
  : x ;; f = y ;; f x ;; g = y ;; g x = y.
    intros H H'.
    set (T:=@map_into_Pb _ (x ;; f)(y ;; g)).
    assert (TH : x ;; f ;; k = y ;; g ;; h).
    { rewrite H. repeat rewrite <- assoc. rewrite sqr_comm. apply idpath. }
    pathvia (T TH).
    apply PullbackArrowUnique. apply idpath. assumption.
    apply pathsinv0. apply PullbackArrowUnique. apply pathsinv0; assumption.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma postcomp_pb_with_iso (y : C) (r : y --> d) (i : iso b y) (Hi : i ;; r = k) :
     H : f ;; i ;; r = g ;; h, isPullback _ _ _ _ H.
    simple refine (@commutes_and_is_pullback_transfer_iso (C,,hs)
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
              _ Pb);
    try apply identity_iso;
    try rewrite id_left;
    try rewrite id_right;
    try apply idpath.
    apply pathsinv0, Hi.

  Lemma isPullback_indepdent_of_path (sqr_comm' : f ;; k = g ;; h)
    : isPullback _ _ _ _ (sqr_comm').
    exact Pb.

  Lemma is_symmetric'_isPullback
    : isPullback _ _ _ _ (!sqr_comm) -> isPullback _ _ _ _ sqr_comm.
    refine (is_symmetric_isPullback hs _).

End on_pullbacks.

Arguments map_into_Pb {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } _ _ {_} _ _ _ .
Arguments map_into_Pb_unique {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} _ _ {_} _ _ _ _ .

Section Pullbacks_hSet.

Lemma isPullback_HSET {P A B C : HSET}
  (p1 : P --> A) (p2 : P --> B) (f : A --> C) (g : B --> C) (ep : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g)
  : ( a b (e : f a = g b), ∃! ab, p1 ab = a × p2 ab = b)
  -> isPullback _ _ _ _ ep.
  intros H X h k ehk.
  set (H_existence := fun a b e => pr1 (H a b e)).
  set (H_uniqueness := fun a b e x x' => base_paths _ _ (proofirrelevancecontr (H a b e) x x')).
  apply iscontraprop1.
  - apply invproofirrelevance.
    intros hk hk'.
    apply subtypeEquality. { intro. apply isapropdirprod; apply setproperty. }
    destruct hk as [hk [eh ek]], hk' as [hk' [eh' ek']]; simpl.
    apply funextsec; intro x.
    refine (H_uniqueness (h x) (k x) _ (_,,_) (_,,_)).
    apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ ehk).
    split. apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ eh). apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ ek).
    split. apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ eh'). apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ ek').
  - mkpair.
    + intros x. refine (pr1 (H_existence (h x) (k x) _)). apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ ehk).
    + simpl.
      split; apply funextsec; intro x.
      apply (pr1 (pr2 (H_existence _ _ _))). apply (pr2 (pr2 (H_existence _ _ _))).

Lemma pullback_HSET_univprop_elements {P A B C : HSET}
    {p1 : HSET P, A } {p2 : HSET P, B }
    {f : HSET A, C } {g : HSET B, C }
    (ep : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g)
    (pb : isPullback f g p1 p2 ep)
  : ( a b (e : f a = g b), ∃! ab, p1 ab = a × p2 ab = b).
  intros a b e.
  set (Pb := (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ pb)).
  apply iscontraprop1.
  - apply invproofirrelevance; intros [ab [ea eb]] [ab' [ea' eb']].
    apply subtypeEquality; simpl.
      intros x; apply isapropdirprod; apply setproperty.
    refine (@toforallpaths unitset _ (fun _ => ab) (fun _ => ab') _ tt).
    refine (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual pb _ _ _ _ );
    apply funextsec; intros []; cbn;
    (eapply @pathscomp0; [ eassumption | apply pathsinv0; eassumption]).
  - simple refine (_,,_).
    refine (_ tt).
    refine (PullbackArrow Pb (unitset : HSET)
      (fun _ => a) (fun _ => b) _).
    apply funextsec; intro; exact e.
    simpl; split.
    + generalize tt; apply toforallpaths.
      apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb unitset).
    + generalize tt; apply toforallpaths.
      apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb unitset).

Lemma pullback_HSET_elements_unique {P A B C : HSET}
    {p1 : HSET P, A } {p2 : HSET P, B }
    {f : HSET A, C } {g : HSET B, C }
    {ep : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g}
    (pb : isPullback f g p1 p2 ep)
    (ab ab' : P : hSet)
    (e1 : p1 ab = p1 ab') (e2 : p2 ab = p2 ab')
  : ab = ab'.
  set (temp := proofirrelevancecontr
    (pullback_HSET_univprop_elements _ pb (p1 ab') (p2 ab')
        (toforallpaths _ _ _ ep ab'))).
  refine (maponpaths pr1 (temp (ab,, _) (ab',, _))).
  - split; assumption.
  - split; apply idpath.

Lemma square_commutes_preShv_to_pointwise {C : precategory} (hsC : has_homsets C)
    {X Y Z W : preShv C}
    {f : Y --> X} {g : Z --> X} {p1 : W --> Y} {p2 : W --> Z}
    (e : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g)
    (c : C)
  : ((p1 : nat_trans _ _) c) ;; ((f : nat_trans _ _) c)
  = ((p2 : nat_trans _ _) c) ;; ((g : nat_trans _ _) c).
  apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise e).

Lemma isPullback_preShv_to_pointwise {C : precategory} (hsC : has_homsets C)
    {X Y Z W : preShv C}
    {f : Y --> X} {g : Z --> X} {p1 : W --> Y} {p2 : W --> Z}
    {e : p1 ;; f = p2 ;; g} (pb : isPullback _ _ _ _ e)
    (c : C)
  : isPullback ((f : nat_trans _ _) c) ((g : nat_trans _ _) c)
      ((p1 : nat_trans _ _) c) ((p2 : nat_trans _ _) c)
      (square_commutes_preShv_to_pointwise hsC e c).
  set (XR := @isLimFunctor_is_pointwise_Lim C^op HSET has_homsets_HSET
  set (XT1 := pullback_diagram _ f g).
  specialize (XR XT1).
  transparent assert
       (XH : ( a : C^op,
          (@colimits.diagram_pointwise C^op HSET has_homsets_HSET
             pullback_graph XT1 a))).
    { intro. apply LimConeHSET. }
    specialize (XR XH).
    specialize (XR W).
    set (XT := PullbCone _ _ _ _ p1 p2 e).
    specialize (XR XT).
    transparent assert (XTT : (isLimCone XT1 W XT)).
    { apply @equiv_isPullback_1.
      apply functor_category_has_homsets.
    specialize (XR XTT c).
    intros S h k H.
    specialize (XR S).
    simpl in XR.
    transparent assert (
        HC : (cone
              (@colimits.diagram_pointwise C^op HSET has_homsets_HSET
                                               pullback_graph (pullback_diagram (preShv C) f g) c) S)).
    { use mk_cone.
      apply three_rec_dep; cbn.
      - apply h.
      - simpl. apply (h ;; (pr1 f c)).
      - apply k.
      - use three_rec_dep; use three_rec_dep.
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
        + intro. apply idpath.
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
        + intro; apply (!H).
        + exact (Empty_set_rect _ ).
    specialize (XR HC).
  - exists (pr1 (iscontrpr1 XR)).
    + apply (pr2 (pr1 XR) One).
    + apply (pr2 (pr1 XR) Three).
  - intro t.
    apply subtypeEquality.
    + intro. apply isapropdirprod; apply has_homsets_HSET.
    + simpl.
      apply path_to_ctr.
      destruct t as [t [H1 H2]].
      use three_rec_dep.
      * apply H1.
      * destruct H1.
        apply idpath.
      * apply H2.

End Pullbacks_hSet.

will be an instance of a general lemma to be proved in UniMath
Definition isaprop_Pullback (C : precategory) (H : is_univalent C)
           (a b c : C) (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
: isaprop (Pullback f g).
  unfold Pullback.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  unfold Pullback.
  intros Pb Pb'.
  apply subtypeEquality.
  - intro; apply isofhleveltotal2.
    + destruct H as [H1 H2]. apply H2.
    + intros; apply isaprop_isPullback.
  - apply (total2_paths_f (isotoid _ H (iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb Pb' ))).
    rewrite transportf_dirprod, transportf_isotoid.
    rewrite inv_from_iso_iso_from_Pullback.
    rewrite transportf_isotoid.
    rewrite inv_from_iso_iso_from_Pullback.
    destruct Pb as [Cone bla];
    destruct Pb' as [Cone' bla'];
    simpl in *.
    destruct Cone as [p [h k]];
    destruct Cone' as [p' [h' k']];
    simpl in *.
    unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback;
    rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.
    apply idpath.

Section Pullback_Unique_Up_To_Iso.

  Variable CC : precategory.
  Variables A B C D A' B' : CC.
  Variables (f : A --> B) (g : A --> C) (k : B --> D) (j : C --> D) (H : f ;; k = g ;; j)
            (pb : isPullback _ _ _ _ H).
  Variables (f' : A' --> B') (g' : A' --> C) (r : B' --> D) (h : iso B B').
  Variable (H' : f' ;; r = g' ;; j).
  Variable (pb' : isPullback _ _ _ _ H').
  Variable (T : h ;; r = k).

  Definition map_to_2nd_pb : A --> A'.
    unshelve refine (map_into_Pb H' pb' _ _ _ ).
    - exact (f ;; h).
    - exact g.
    - eapply pathscomp0. Focus 2. apply H.
      eapply pathscomp0. apply (!assoc _ _ _ ).
      apply maponpaths. apply T.

  Definition map_to_1st_pb : A' --> A.
    unshelve refine (map_into_Pb H pb _ _ _ ).
    - exact (f';; inv_from_iso h).
    - exact g'.
    - eapply pathscomp0; [| apply H'].
      eapply pathscomp0; [ apply (!assoc _ _ _ ) |].
      apply maponpaths. apply iso_inv_on_right.
      apply (!T).

  Lemma inv1 : map_to_2nd_pb ;; map_to_1st_pb = identity _ .
    apply (map_into_Pb_unique H pb).
    - rewrite id_left.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      unfold map_to_1st_pb.
      rewrite Pb_map_commutes_1.
      rewrite assoc.
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply iso_inv_on_left.
      unfold map_to_2nd_pb.
      match goal with |[ |- map_into_Pb ?H1 ?pb1 ?x1 ?y1 ?R1 ;; _ = _ ] => assert
           (T1:=@Pb_map_commutes_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H' pb' _ x1 y1 R1) end.
      apply T1.
    - rewrite id_left.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      unfold map_to_1st_pb.
      rewrite Pb_map_commutes_2.
      unfold map_to_2nd_pb.
      apply Pb_map_commutes_2.

  Lemma inv2 : map_to_1st_pb ;; map_to_2nd_pb = identity _ .
    apply (map_into_Pb_unique H' pb').
    - rewrite id_left.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      unfold map_to_2nd_pb.
      rewrite Pb_map_commutes_1.
      rewrite assoc.
      unfold map_to_1st_pb.
      rewrite Pb_map_commutes_1.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite iso_after_iso_inv.
      apply id_right.
    - rewrite id_left.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      unfold map_to_2nd_pb.
      rewrite Pb_map_commutes_2.
      unfold map_to_1st_pb.
      apply Pb_map_commutes_2.

  Definition iso_to_second_pb : iso A A'.
    exists map_to_2nd_pb.
    simple refine (is_iso_qinv _ map_to_1st_pb _ ).
    - apply inv1.
    - apply inv2.

End Pullback_Unique_Up_To_Iso.

Arguments map_into_Pb {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ _ {_} _ _ _ .
Arguments Pb_map_commutes_1 {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ _ {_} _ _ _ .
Arguments Pb_map_commutes_2 {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ _ {_} _ _ _ .

Unorganised lemmas

Section Unorganised.

Lemma transportf_pshf {C : precategory}
    {P P' : preShv C} (e : P = P')
    {c : C} (x : (P : functor _ _) c : hSet)
  : transportf (fun Q : preShv C => (Q : functor _ _) c : hSet) e x
  = ((idtoiso e : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _) c x.
  destruct e; apply idpath.

Lemma transportf_isotoid_pshf {C : precategory}
    {P P' : preShv C} (i : iso P P')
    {c : C} (x : (P : functor _ _) c : hSet)
  : transportf (fun Q : preShv C => (Q : functor _ _) c : hSet)
      (isotoid _ (univalent_category_is_univalent (preShv C)) i) x
  = ((i : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _) c x.
  etrans. apply transportf_pshf.
  refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ _ x).
  refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ _ c).
  apply maponpaths, maponpaths, idtoiso_isotoid.

End Unorganised.