
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

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Library TypeTheory.OtherDefs.CwF_Pitts_to_TypeCat

Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015
  • Construction of a type-precategory from a precategory with Families
  • Proof that the constructed type-precategory is split

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.total2_paths.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.TypeCat.
Require Import TypeTheory.OtherDefs.CwF_Pitts.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Local Notation "γ ## a" := (pairing γ a) (at level 75).

Section Prelims.

Definition pairing_transport {CC : precategory} (C : cwf_struct CC) {Γ} {A A' : CΓ} (e : A = A')
  {Γ'} (γ : Γ' --> Γ) (a : C Γ'A{{γ}})
: (γ ## a) ;; idtoiso (maponpaths (fun (B : CΓ) => ΓB) e)
= (γ ## (transportf (fun B => C Γ' B {{γ}}) e a)).
  destruct e; simpl.
  apply id_right.

Lemma transportf_maponpaths {CC : precategory} {C : cwf_struct CC} {Γ} {B B' : CΓ} (e : B = B')
  {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ) (b : C Γ' B{{f}} )
: transportf (term C Γ') (maponpaths (fun D => D{{f}}) e) b
  = transportf (fun D => term C Γ' (D{{f}})) e b.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (@functtransportf _ _ (λ D : C Γ, D {{f}})).

End Prelims.

Type-precat from precat with Families

Every pre-CwF gives rise to a type-precategory.
(TODO: moreover, this type-precat should be split; and there should be a function from split type-precats back to pre-CwFs making the two equivalent.)
Since the components of the type-precat structure are highly successively dependent, we construct most of them individually, before putting them together in type_precat_of_precwf.

Section TypePreCat_of_PreCwF.

Context (CC : precategory) (C : cwf_struct CC) (homs_sets : has_homsets CC).

Definition type_cat1_of_precwf : typecat_structure1 CC.
  unfold typecat_structure1.
  exists (type C).
  exists (comp_obj ).
  exact (fun Γ a Γ' f => a{{f}}).

We can now assemble the components into a type-precategory:

Definition type_cat_of_precwf : typecat_structure CC.
  exists type_cat1_of_precwf.
  unfold typecat_structure2.
  exists (@proj_mor CC C).
  exists (@q_precwf CC C).
  exists (@dpr_q_precwf CC C).
  intros; apply @is_symmetric_isPullback. { apply homs_sets. }
  apply is_pullback_reindx_cwf. apply homs_sets.

Splitness of the constructed TypeCat

Moreover, the type-precat of a pre-CwF is always split.

Definition issplit_type_precat_of_precwf
  : is_split_typecat type_cat_of_precwf.
  unfold is_split_typecat.
  repeat split.
    apply cwf_types_isaset.
    exists (reindx_type_id C).
    intros Γ A.
    unfold q_typecat; simpl. unfold q_precwf.
    eapply pathscomp0. Focus 2. apply id_left.
    eapply pathscomp0. Focus 2.
      refine (maponpaths (fun q => q ;; _) _).
    eapply pathscomp0. Focus 2.
      symmetry. apply pairing_transport.
      Focus 2. apply cwf_law_4.
    eapply pathscomp0.
    apply (pairing_mapeq _ _ (id_right _ )).
    apply maponpaths. simpl.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply transport_f_f.
    unshelve refine (_ @ _).
      exact (transportf (term C (Γ reind_typecat A (identity Γ)))
        (maponpaths (fun B => B {{π (A {{identity Γ}})}}) (reindx_type_id C Γ A))
        (ν (A {{identity Γ}}))).
    apply term_typeeq_transport_lemma.
    apply term_typeeq_transport_lemma_2.
    apply transportf_maponpaths.
    exists (fun Γ A Γ' f Γ'' g => reindx_type_comp C f g A).
    intros Γ A Γ' f Γ'' g.
    unfold q_typecat. simpl.
    match goal with [|- _ = ?e ] =>
           pathvia (identity _ ;; e); [| apply id_left] end.
    rewrite assoc.
    rewrite assoc.
    unfold ext_typecat. simpl.
    rewrite <- cwf_law_4.
    rewrite pairing_transport.
    unfold q_precwf.
    rewrite cwf_law_3.
    match goal with [|- pairing ?b _ = pairing ?e _ ] =>
              set (X := b); set (X' := e) end.
    + refine (pairing_mapeq _ X' _ _ ).
      unfold X; clear X; unfold X'; clear X'.
      etrans. Focus 2. eapply pathsinv0.
            cancel_postcomposition. apply cwf_law_3.
      etrans. Focus 2. eapply pathsinv0. apply assoc.
      etrans. apply assoc.
      etrans. Focus 2. eapply pathsinv0. apply cwf_law_1.
      etrans; [ | eapply pathsinv0; apply assoc ].
      cancel_postcomposition. sym. apply cwf_law_1.
    + apply maponpaths.
      match goal with |[ |- transportf _ ?e _ = transportf _ ?e' _ ] =>
                       generalize e; generalize e' end.
      intros p p'.
      apply term_typeeq_transport_lemma.
      etrans. Focus 2.
      apply rterm_typeeq.
      match goal with |[ |- transportf _ ?e _ = transportf _ ?e' _ ] =>
                       generalize e; generalize e' end.
      clear p p'.
      intros p p'.
      clear X'.
      rewrite (reindx_term_comp C).
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      match goal with |[ |- transportf _ ?e _ = transportf _ ?e' _ ] =>
                       generalize e' end.
      clear p.
      intro p.
      rewrite pre_cwf_law_2'.
      unfold transportb.
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      apply term_typeeq_transport_lemma.
      match goal with |[ |- _ = transportf _ ?e _ _ ] => generalize e end.
      intro q.
      etrans. Focus 2. apply rterm_typeeq.
      rewrite pre_cwf_law_2'.
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      unfold transportb.
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      match goal with |[ |- transportf _ ?e _ = transportf _ ?e' _ ] =>
                       generalize e; generalize e' end.
      intros P P'. clear p q. clear p'.

      match goal with |[ |- _ = transportf _ _ (transportf _ ?e' _ ) ] =>
                       set (Q:=e') end.

      apply term_typeeq_transport_lemma.
      match goal with |[ |- transportf _ ?e _ = transportf _ ?e' _ ] =>
                       generalize e end.
      intro p.
      clear P P'.
      clear X.
      assert (X : p = maponpaths (fun x => x {{π (A {{g ;; f}})}}) Q).
      { apply cwf_types_isaset. }
      rewrite X.
      apply pathsinv0. apply retype_term_pi.

End TypePreCat_of_PreCwF.