Library TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_SplitTypeCat_Maps
Part of the TypeTheory library (Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015–present).
Main contents:
- definition of compatibility between term-structures and q-morphism structures iscompatible_term_qq
- construction, from any term-structure, of a compatible q-morphism structure compatible_qq_from_term
- construction, from any q-morphism structure, of a compatible term-structure compatible_term_from_qq
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_SplitTypeCat_Defs.
Local Set Automatic Introduction.
Section Fix_Base_Category.
Context {C : category} {X : obj_ext_structure C}.
Local Notation "Γ ◂ A" := (comp_ext _ Γ A) (at level 30).
Local Notation "'Ty'" := (fun X Γ => (TY X : functor _ _) Γ : hSet) (at level 10).
Local Notation "A [ f ]" := (# (TY X : functor _ _ ) f A) (at level 4). Local Notation "'Tm'" := (fun Y Γ => (TM Y : functor _ _) Γ : hSet) (at level 10).
Local Notation Δ := comp_ext_compare.
Compatibility between term-structures and q-morphism structures
Definition iscompatible_term_qq
(Y : term_fun_structure C X)
(Z : qq_morphism_structure X)
: UU
:= ∏ Γ Γ' A (f : C⟦Γ', Γ⟧),
te Y A[f] = # (TM _ : functor _ _) (qq Z f A) (te Y A).
Lemma isaprop_iscompatible_term_qq
(Y : term_fun_structure C X)
(Z : qq_morphism_structure X)
: isaprop (iscompatible_term_qq Y Z).
do 4 (apply impred; intro).
apply setproperty.
Definition compatible_term_structure (Z : qq_morphism_structure X)
: UU
:= ∑ Y : term_fun_structure _ X, iscompatible_term_qq Y Z.
Coercion term_structure_of_compatible {Z : qq_morphism_structure X}
: compatible_term_structure Z -> term_fun_structure _ X
:= pr1.
Definition compatible_qq_morphism_structure (Y : term_fun_structure _ X)
: UU
:= ∑ Z : qq_morphism_structure X, iscompatible_term_qq Y Z.
Coercion qq_morphism_structure_of_compatible {Y : term_fun_structure _ X}
: compatible_qq_morphism_structure Y -> qq_morphism_structure X
:= pr1.
Definition iscompatible'_term_qq
(Y : term_fun_structure C X)
(Z : qq_morphism_structure X)
: UU
:= ∏ Γ Γ' A (f : C⟦Γ', Γ⟧) , Q Y A[f] = #Yo (qq Z f A) ;; Q Y A.
Definition iscompatible_iscompatible'
(Y : term_fun_structure C X)
(Z : qq_morphism_structure X)
: iscompatible_term_qq Y Z
<-> iscompatible'_term_qq Y Z.
unfold iscompatible_term_qq, iscompatible'_term_qq.
split; intros H Γ Γ' A f; specialize (H Γ Γ' A f).
- apply nat_trans_eq. { apply homset_property. }
intros Γ''. cbn. unfold yoneda_objects_ob, yoneda_morphisms_data.
apply funextsec; intros g.
etrans. apply maponpaths, H.
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (!functor_comp (TM Y) _ _) _).
- assert (H' := nat_trans_eq_pointwise H); clear H.
assert (H'' := toforallpaths _ _ _ (H' _) (identity _)); clear H'.
cbn in H''; unfold yoneda_morphisms_data in H''.
refine (_ @ H'' @ _).
+ refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (!functor_id (TM Y) _) _).
+ apply maponpaths_2, id_left.
End Compatible_Structures.
Lemma map_from_term_recover
{Y} {Z} (W : iscompatible_term_qq Y Z)
{Γ' Γ : C} {A : Ty X Γ} (f : Γ' --> Γ ◂ A)
{e : (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) Γ' ((Q Y A : nat_trans _ _) Γ' f)
= A [ f ;; π A ]}
: pr1 (term_to_section ((Q Y A : nat_trans _ _) Γ' f)) ;; Δ e ;; qq Z (f ;; π A) A
= f.
assert (W' : iscompatible'_term_qq Y Z).
apply iscompatible_iscompatible'; assumption.
unfold iscompatible'_term_qq in W'.
apply (Q_pp_Pb_unique Y).
- unfold yoneda_morphisms_data; cbn.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
etrans. apply assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition, comp_ext_compare_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. Focus 2. apply id_left. apply cancel_postcomposition.
exact (pr2 (term_to_section _)).
- etrans. refine (!toforallpaths _ _ _ (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (W' _ _ _ _) _) _).
etrans. apply Q_comp_ext_compare.
apply term_to_section_recover.
Term-structures from q-morphism structures
Definition tm_from_qq_carrier (Γ : C) : UU :=
∑ A : Ty X Γ,
∑ s : C⟦Γ, Γ ◂ A⟧, s ;; π _ = identity _ .
Lemma isaset_tm_from_qq Γ : isaset (tm_from_qq_carrier Γ).
apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
- apply setproperty.
- intro. apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
+ apply homset_property.
+ intro. apply isasetaprop. apply homset_property.
Definition tm_from_qq_functor_ob Γ : hSet := hSetpair _ (isaset_tm_from_qq Γ).
Definition tm_from_qq_functor_mor Γ Γ' (f : C⟦Γ',Γ⟧) : tm_from_qq_carrier Γ → tm_from_qq_carrier Γ'.
intro Ase.
exists ((pr1 Ase) [f]).
eapply pb_of_section.
- apply (qq_π_Pb Z).
- apply (pr2 (pr2 Ase)).
Definition tm_from_qq_functor_data : functor_data C^op HSET.
exists tm_from_qq_functor_ob.
refine tm_from_qq_functor_mor.
Lemma section_eq_from_tm_from_qq_eq {Γ}
{t t' : (tm_from_qq_functor_data Γ : hSet)}
(e : t = t')
: pr1 (pr2 t) ;; Δ (maponpaths pr1 e)
= pr1 (pr2 t').
destruct e; simpl.
etrans. apply maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_id_general.
apply id_right.
Lemma tm_from_qq_eq {Γ} (t t' : (tm_from_qq_functor_data Γ : hSet))
(eA : pr1 t = pr1 t')
(es : (pr1 (pr2 t)) ;; Δ eA = (pr1 (pr2 t')))
: t = t'.
destruct t as [A [s e]], t' as [A' [s' e']]; simpl in *.
use total2_paths_f; simpl.
apply eA.
apply subtypeEquality. intro; apply homset_property.
simpl. eapply pathscomp0. refine (pr1_transportf _ _ _ _ _ eA _).
simpl. eapply pathscomp0. apply functtransportf.
eapply pathscomp0. eapply pathsinv0. apply idtoiso_postcompose.
exact es.
Lemma tm_from_qq_eq' {Γ : C} (A : Ty X Γ)
{Γ'} {f f' : Γ' --> Γ} (e_ff' : f = f')
{s : Γ' --> Γ' ◂ A[f]} (es : s ;; π _ = identity _)
{s' : Γ' --> Γ' ◂ A[f']} (es' : s' ;; π _ = identity _)
(e_ss' : s' = s ;; Δ (maponpaths (fun f => A[f]) e_ff'))
: (( A[f] ,, (s,, es)) : tm_from_qq_functor_data Γ' : hSet)
= (A[f'] ,, (s',, es')).
destruct e_ff'; simpl in *.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite id_right in e_ss'.
destruct e_ss'.
apply maponpaths. apply homset_property.
Lemma is_functor_tm_from_qq : is_functor tm_from_qq_functor_data.
split; [unfold functor_idax | unfold functor_compax].
- intro Γ; apply funextsec; intro t. destruct t as [A [s e]]; cbn.
use tm_from_qq_eq; simpl.
+ exact (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id (TY X) _ ) A).
+ etrans. apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0, qq_id.
etrans. apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
apply id_left.
- intros Γ Γ' Γ'' f g; apply funextsec; intro t.
destruct t as [A [s e]]; cbn in *.
use tm_from_qq_eq; simpl.
+ exact (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp (TY X) _ _) A).
+ {
apply PullbackArrowUnique; cbn.
- rewrite <- assoc.
rewrite @comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
- apply (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual (qq_π_Pb Z _ _)).
+ etrans. Focus 2. apply assoc.
etrans. Focus 2.
apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. Focus 2. apply @pathsinv0, id_right.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. eapply maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. Focus 2. apply id_left.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
rewrite @comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
+ repeat rewrite <- assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths. rewrite assoc.
apply @pathsinv0, qq_comp_general.
etrans. apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply @pathsinv0.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)). }
Definition tm_from_qq : functor _ _
:= tpair _ _ is_functor_tm_from_qq.
Arguments tm_from_qq : simpl never.
Lemma tm_from_qq_eq_reindex
{Γ Γ' : C} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
(Ase : tm_from_qq Γ : hSet) (Ase' : tm_from_qq Γ' : hSet)
(eA : pr1 Ase' = # (TY X : functor _ _) f (pr1 Ase))
(es : pr1 (pr2 Ase') ;; Δ eA ;; qq Z f _ = f ;; pr1 (pr2 Ase))
: Ase' = # tm_from_qq f Ase.
use tm_from_qq_eq.
- exact eA.
- cbn. apply PullbackArrowUnique; cbn.
+ etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (pr2 (pr2 Ase')).
+ apply es.
Lemma pr2_tm_from_qq_paths
{Γ : C} {t t' : tm_from_qq Γ : hSet} (e : t = t')
: pr1 (pr2 t) = pr1 (pr2 t') ;; (Δ (maponpaths pr1 (!e))) .
destruct e. apply pathsinv0, id_right.
Definition pp_from_qq_data (Γ : C^op)
: tm_from_qq Γ --> Ty X Γ.
exact pr1.
Lemma is_nat_trans_pp_from_qq
: is_nat_trans _ _ pp_from_qq_data.
intros Γ Γ' f.
apply idpath.
Definition pp_from_qq : preShv C ⟦tm_from_qq, TY X⟧
:= tpair _ _ is_nat_trans_pp_from_qq.
Arguments pp_from_qq : simpl never.
Definition te_from_qq {Γ:C} (A : Ty X Γ)
: (tm_from_qq : functor _ _) (Γ ◂ A) : hSet.
exists A [π A].
apply (section_from_diagonal _ (qq_π_Pb Z _ _)).
exists (identity _). apply id_left.
Definition term_from_qq_data : term_fun_structure_data C X.
exists tm_from_qq.
exists pp_from_qq.
intros; apply te_from_qq.
Section Tm_fun_axioms_from_qq.
Variable Γ : C.
Variable A : Ty X Γ.
Definition Q_from_qq : Yo (Γ ◂ A) --> tm_from_qq.
simpl in A.
apply yy, te_from_qq.
Definition pp_te_from_qq
: (pp_from_qq : nat_trans _ _) _ (te_from_qq A) = A [ π A ].
apply idpath.
Definition Q_pp_from_qq
: # Yo (π _) ;; yy A = Q_from_qq ;; pp_from_qq.
apply (@term_fun_str_square_comm _ _ term_from_qq_data).
apply pp_te_from_qq.
Definition section_qq_π (Γ' : C) (f : C⟦ Γ', Γ⟧)
(s : C ⟦ Γ', Γ' ◂ A[f] ⟧)
(e : s ;; π (A[f]) = identity Γ')
: s ;; qq Z f A ;; π A = f.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. exact e.
apply id_left.
Lemma Q_from_qq_reconstruction
{Γ' : C} ( ft : C ⟦ Γ', Γ ◂ A ⟧ )
: ft = pr1 (pr2 ((Q_from_qq : nat_trans _ _) Γ' ft)) ;; qq Z ft _ ;; qq Z (π _) A.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. {
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)). }
refine (_ @ id_right _).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
Lemma isPullback_Q_pp_from_qq : isPullback _ _ _ _ Q_pp_from_qq.
apply pb_if_pointwise_pb. intros Γ'.
apply isPullback_HSET. intros f [A' [s e]] e_A_A'; simpl in e_A_A'.
destruct e_A_A'.
use tpair.
- exists (s ;; qq Z f A).
simpl; unfold yoneda_morphisms_data.
split. { apply (section_qq_π _ _ _ e). }
use tm_from_qq_eq. cbn.
+ etrans.
apply @pathsinv0.
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp (TY X) _ _ ) A).
apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2, e.
apply id_left.
+ use (map_into_Pb_unique _ (qq_π_Pb Z _ _ )).
* cbn.
refine (_ @ !e).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
* etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
simple refine (maponpaths _ _ @ _).
{ refine (qq Z _ _ ;; qq Z _ _). }
{ etrans. Focus 2. {
eapply iso_inv_on_right.
etrans. Focus 2. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply qq_comp. } Unfocus.
apply @pathsinv0, iso_inv_on_right.
apply @pathsinv0.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2, @pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_comp.
apply comp_ext_compare_qq_general.
apply (section_qq_π _ _ _ e). }
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2,
(PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)). }
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
apply id_right.
- idtac. intros ft. apply subtypeEquality.
{ intro. apply isapropdirprod.
+ apply homset_property.
+ apply setproperty. }
cbn. destruct ft as [ ft [ e1 e2 ] ]. cbn; cbn in e1.
unfold yoneda_morphisms_data in e1.
etrans. apply Q_from_qq_reconstruction.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths_2, (pr2_tm_from_qq_paths e2).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
apply @pathsinv0, iso_inv_on_right.
refine (_ @ !assoc _ _ _).
apply qq_comp.
etrans. Focus 2.
exact (comp_ext_compare_qq Z (!e1) _).
etrans. apply assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_inv.
apply pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_comp_general.
Time Qed.
End Tm_fun_axioms_from_qq.
Arguments Q_from_qq { _ } _ : simpl never.
Arguments tm_from_qq : simpl never.
Arguments pp_from_qq : simpl never.
Variable Γ : C.
Variable A : Ty X Γ.
Definition Q_from_qq : Yo (Γ ◂ A) --> tm_from_qq.
simpl in A.
apply yy, te_from_qq.
Definition pp_te_from_qq
: (pp_from_qq : nat_trans _ _) _ (te_from_qq A) = A [ π A ].
apply idpath.
Definition Q_pp_from_qq
: # Yo (π _) ;; yy A = Q_from_qq ;; pp_from_qq.
apply (@term_fun_str_square_comm _ _ term_from_qq_data).
apply pp_te_from_qq.
Definition section_qq_π (Γ' : C) (f : C⟦ Γ', Γ⟧)
(s : C ⟦ Γ', Γ' ◂ A[f] ⟧)
(e : s ;; π (A[f]) = identity Γ')
: s ;; qq Z f A ;; π A = f.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. exact e.
apply id_left.
Lemma Q_from_qq_reconstruction
{Γ' : C} ( ft : C ⟦ Γ', Γ ◂ A ⟧ )
: ft = pr1 (pr2 ((Q_from_qq : nat_trans _ _) Γ' ft)) ;; qq Z ft _ ;; qq Z (π _) A.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. {
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)). }
refine (_ @ id_right _).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
Lemma isPullback_Q_pp_from_qq : isPullback _ _ _ _ Q_pp_from_qq.
apply pb_if_pointwise_pb. intros Γ'.
apply isPullback_HSET. intros f [A' [s e]] e_A_A'; simpl in e_A_A'.
destruct e_A_A'.
use tpair.
- exists (s ;; qq Z f A).
simpl; unfold yoneda_morphisms_data.
split. { apply (section_qq_π _ _ _ e). }
use tm_from_qq_eq. cbn.
+ etrans.
apply @pathsinv0.
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp (TY X) _ _ ) A).
apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2, e.
apply id_left.
+ use (map_into_Pb_unique _ (qq_π_Pb Z _ _ )).
* cbn.
refine (_ @ !e).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
* etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
simple refine (maponpaths _ _ @ _).
{ refine (qq Z _ _ ;; qq Z _ _). }
{ etrans. Focus 2. {
eapply iso_inv_on_right.
etrans. Focus 2. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply qq_comp. } Unfocus.
apply @pathsinv0, iso_inv_on_right.
apply @pathsinv0.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2, @pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_comp.
apply comp_ext_compare_qq_general.
apply (section_qq_π _ _ _ e). }
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2,
(PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)). }
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
apply id_right.
- idtac. intros ft. apply subtypeEquality.
{ intro. apply isapropdirprod.
+ apply homset_property.
+ apply setproperty. }
cbn. destruct ft as [ ft [ e1 e2 ] ]. cbn; cbn in e1.
unfold yoneda_morphisms_data in e1.
etrans. apply Q_from_qq_reconstruction.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths_2, (pr2_tm_from_qq_paths e2).
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
apply maponpaths.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
apply @pathsinv0, iso_inv_on_right.
refine (_ @ !assoc _ _ _).
apply qq_comp.
etrans. Focus 2.
exact (comp_ext_compare_qq Z (!e1) _).
etrans. apply assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_inv.
apply pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_comp_general.
Time Qed.
End Tm_fun_axioms_from_qq.
Arguments Q_from_qq { _ } _ : simpl never.
Arguments tm_from_qq : simpl never.
Arguments pp_from_qq : simpl never.
Definition term_from_qq : term_fun_structure C X.
exists term_from_qq_data.
intros ? ?.
exists (pp_te_from_qq _ _).
apply isPullback_Q_pp_from_qq.
Definition iscompatible_term_from_qq
: iscompatible_term_qq term_from_qq Z.
intros ? ? ? ?.
use tm_from_qq_eq; simpl.
- etrans. apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (!functor_comp (TY X) _ _ ) A).
etrans. Focus 2. apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp (TY X) _ _ ) A).
apply maponpaths_2; cbn.
apply @pathsinv0, qq_π.
- apply PullbackArrowUnique.
+ cbn.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
+ apply (map_into_Pb_unique _ (qq_π_Pb Z _ _)).
* cbn.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, qq_π.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_π.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. apply id_left.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
apply id_right.
* cbn.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply comp_ext_compare_comp.
etrans. apply maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_comp.
apply assoc.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
etrans. apply assoc.
apply @pathsinv0. apply qq_comp_general.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths, comp_ext_compare_qq.
etrans. apply maponpaths, qq_comp.
apply assoc.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
etrans. apply assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, comp_ext_compare_comp.
apply comp_ext_compare_id_general.
apply id_left.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. apply id_left.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _)).
apply id_right.
Time Qed.
Definition compatible_term_from_qq : compatible_term_structure Z
:= (term_from_qq,, iscompatible_term_from_qq).
End compatible_term_structure_from_qq.
Arguments tm_from_qq : simpl never.
Arguments tm_from_qq_functor_mor : simpl never.
Arguments pp_from_qq : simpl never.
Arguments te_from_qq : simpl never.
Arguments Q_from_qq _ {_} _ : simpl never.
Defining a (compatible) q-morphism structure, given a term structure
Section compatible_comp_structure_from_term.
Variable Y : term_fun_structure C X.
Section qq_from_term.
Variables Γ Γ' : C.
Variable f : C⟦Γ', Γ⟧.
Variable A : Ty X Γ.
Let Xk := mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ (isPullback_Q_pp Y A).
Groundwork in presheaves
Definition Yo_of_qq : _ ⟦Yo (Γ' ◂ A[f]), Yo (Γ ◂ A) ⟧.
simple refine (PullbackArrow Xk _ _ _ _ ).
- apply (#Yo (π _) ;; #Yo f ).
- apply (Q Y).
- abstract (
clear Xk;
assert (XT := Q_pp Y A[f]);
eapply pathscomp0; try apply XT; clear XT;
rewrite <- assoc; apply maponpaths;
apply pathsinv0, yy_natural
Lemma Yo_of_qq_commutes_1 : # Yo (π _ ) ;; # Yo f = Yo_of_qq ;; # Yo (π _ ) .
apply pathsinv0.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Xk).
Lemma Yo_of_qq_commutes_2 : Yo_of_qq ;; Q _ A = Q Y _ .
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Xk).
Lemma isPullback_Yo_of_qq : isPullback _ _ _ _ Yo_of_qq_commutes_1.
simple refine (isPullback_two_pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ).
- apply homset_property.
- apply (TY X).
- apply (TM Y).
- apply (yy A).
- apply pp.
- apply Q.
- apply Q_pp.
- apply isPullback_Q_pp.
- match goal with [|- isPullback _ _ _ _ ?HH ] => generalize HH end.
rewrite <- (@yy_natural C).
rewrite Yo_of_qq_commutes_2.
apply isPullback_Q_pp.
Definition qq_term : _ ⟦Γ' ◂ A[f] , Γ ◂ A⟧.
apply (invweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).
apply Yo_of_qq.
Lemma Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq : # Yo qq_term = Yo_of_qq.
unfold qq_term.
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq
(weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) (Γ'◂ A[f]) (Γ ◂ A)))).
apply XT.
Lemma qq_commutes_1 : qq_term ;; π _ = π _ ;; f.
assert (XT:= Yo_of_qq_commutes_1).
rewrite <- Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq in XT.
do 2 rewrite <- functor_comp in XT.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).
apply @pathsinv0, XT.
Definition isPullback_qq : isPullback _ _ _ _ (!qq_commutes_1).
use (isPullback_preimage_square _ _ _ Yo).
- apply homset_property.
- apply yoneda_fully_faithful.
- assert (XT:= isPullback_Yo_of_qq).
match goal with |[|- isPullback _ _ _ _ ?HHH] => generalize HHH end.
rewrite Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq.
intro. assumption.
End qq_from_term.
apply (invweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).
apply Yo_of_qq.
Lemma Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq : # Yo qq_term = Yo_of_qq.
unfold qq_term.
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq
(weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) (Γ'◂ A[f]) (Γ ◂ A)))).
apply XT.
Lemma qq_commutes_1 : qq_term ;; π _ = π _ ;; f.
assert (XT:= Yo_of_qq_commutes_1).
rewrite <- Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq in XT.
do 2 rewrite <- functor_comp in XT.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).
apply @pathsinv0, XT.
Definition isPullback_qq : isPullback _ _ _ _ (!qq_commutes_1).
use (isPullback_preimage_square _ _ _ Yo).
- apply homset_property.
- apply yoneda_fully_faithful.
- assert (XT:= isPullback_Yo_of_qq).
match goal with |[|- isPullback _ _ _ _ ?HHH] => generalize HHH end.
rewrite Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq.
intro. assumption.
End qq_from_term.
Definition qq_from_term_data : qq_morphism_data X.
- intros. apply qq_term.
- intros. simpl.
exists (qq_commutes_1 _ _ _ _ ).
apply isPullback_qq.
Lemma is_split_qq_from_term : qq_morphism_axioms qq_from_term_data.
- intros Γ A. simpl.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).
etrans; [ apply (homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))) | idtac ].
apply pathsinv0.
unfold Yo_of_qq.
apply PullbackArrowUnique.
+ etrans. apply maponpaths. cbn. apply idpath.
rewrite <- functor_comp.
etrans. eapply pathsinv0. refine (functor_comp Yo _ _).
apply maponpaths. rewrite (@comp_ext_compare_π _ X).
apply pathsinv0. apply id_right.
+ etrans. apply maponpaths. cbn. apply idpath.
apply comp_ext_compare_Q.
- intros.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))).
etrans; [ apply (homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ (yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property _) _ _ ))) | idtac ].
sym. apply PullbackArrowUnique.
+ etrans. apply maponpaths. cbn. apply idpath.
rewrite <- functor_comp.
etrans. eapply pathsinv0. refine (functor_comp Yo _ _).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- assoc. rewrite qq_commutes_1 .
repeat rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc4.
etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply maponpaths. eapply qq_commutes_1 .
apply cancel_postcomposition.
repeat rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply comp_ext_compare_π.
+ etrans. apply maponpaths. cbn. apply idpath.
etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply functor_comp.
rewrite <- assoc.
rewrite Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq.
rewrite Yo_of_qq_commutes_2 .
etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply functor_comp.
rewrite <- assoc.
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq.
etrans. apply maponpaths. apply Yo_of_qq_commutes_2 .
apply comp_ext_compare_Q.
Definition qq_from_term
: qq_morphism_structure X.
exists qq_from_term_data.
apply is_split_qq_from_term.
Lemma iscompatible'_qq_from_term : iscompatible'_term_qq Y qq_from_term.
intros Γ Γ' A f.
assert (XR:= Yo_of_qq_commutes_2).
apply pathsinv0.
rewrite Yo_qq_term_Yo_of_qq.
apply XR.
Lemma iscompatible_qq_from_term : iscompatible_term_qq Y qq_from_term.
apply (pr2 (iscompatible_iscompatible' _ _)).
apply iscompatible'_qq_from_term.
Definition compatible_qq_from_term : compatible_qq_morphism_structure Y
:= (qq_from_term,, iscompatible_qq_from_term).
End compatible_comp_structure_from_term.
End Fix_Base_Category.