
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

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Library TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_SplitTypeCat_Defs

Part of the TypeTheory library (Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015–present).
In this file, we give the definitions of split type-categories (originally due to Cartmell, here following a version given by Pitts) and categories with families (originally due to Dybjer, here following a formulation given by Fiore).
To facilitate comparing them afterwards, we split up their definitions in a slightly unusual way, starting with the part they share. The key definitions of this file are therefore (all over a fixed base (pre)category C):
  • object-extension structures, obj_ext_structure, the common core of CwF’s and split type-categories;
  • (functional) term structures, term_fun_structure, the rest of the structure of a CwF on C;
  • cwf-structures, cwf_structure, the full structure of a CwF on a precategory C;
  • CwF’s, cwf;
  • q-morphism structures, qq_morphism_structure, for rest of the structure of a split type-category on C;
  • split type-cat structures, split_typecat_structure, the full structure of a split type-category on C.
  • split type-categories, split_typecat.
NB: we follow the convention that category does not include an assumption of saturation/univalence, i.e. means what is sometimes called precategory.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Object-extension structures

We start by fixing the common core of families structures and split type-category structures: an object-extension structure, a presheaf of “types” together with “extension” and “dependent projection” operations.
Components of X : obj_ext_structure C:
Section Obj_Ext_Structures.

Context {C : precategory}.

Definition obj_ext_structure : UU
  := Ty : preShv C,
         (Γ : C) (A : (Ty : functor _ _ ) Γ : hSet ), (ΓA : C), ΓA --> Γ.

Definition TY (X : obj_ext_structure) : preShv _ := pr1 X.
Local Notation "'Ty'" := (fun X Γ => (TY X : functor _ _) Γ : hSet) (at level 10).

Definition comp_ext (X : obj_ext_structure) Γ A : C := pr1 (pr2 X Γ A).
Local Notation "Γ ◂ A" := (comp_ext _ Γ A) (at level 30).

Definition π {X : obj_ext_structure} {Γ} A : Γ A --> Γ := pr2 (pr2 X _ A).

Lemmas: extensions by equal types

Section Comp_Ext_Compare.

Definition comp_ext_compare {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} {A A' : Ty X Γ} (e : A = A')
  : Γ A --> Γ A'
:= idtoiso (maponpaths (comp_ext X Γ) e).

Lemma comp_ext_compare_id {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} (A : Ty X Γ)
  : comp_ext_compare (idpath A) = identity (Γ A).
  apply idpath.

Lemma comp_ext_compare_id_general {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} {A : Ty X Γ} (e : A = A)
  : comp_ext_compare e = identity (Γ A).
  apply @pathscomp0 with (comp_ext_compare (idpath _)).
  apply maponpaths, setproperty.
  apply idpath.

Lemma comp_ext_compare_comp {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} {A A' A'' : Ty X Γ} (e : A = A') (e' : A' = A'')
  : comp_ext_compare (e @ e') = comp_ext_compare e ;; comp_ext_compare e'.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. apply idtoiso_concat_pr.
  unfold comp_ext_compare. apply maponpaths, maponpaths.
  apply pathsinv0, maponpathscomp0.

Lemma comp_ext_compare_inv {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} {A A' : Ty X Γ : hSet} (e : A = A')
  : comp_ext_compare (!e) = inv_from_iso (idtoiso (maponpaths (comp_ext X Γ) e)).
  destruct e; apply idpath.

Lemma comp_ext_compare_π {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} {A A' : Ty X Γ} (e : A = A')
  : comp_ext_compare e ;; π A' = π A.
  destruct e; cbn. apply id_left.

Lemma comp_ext_compare_comp_general {X : obj_ext_structure}
    {Γ : C} {A A' A'' : Ty X Γ} (e : A = A') (e' : A' = A'') (e'' : A = A'')
  : comp_ext_compare e'' = comp_ext_compare e ;; comp_ext_compare e'.
  refine (_ @ comp_ext_compare_comp _ _).
  apply maponpaths, setproperty.

End Comp_Ext_Compare.

End Obj_Ext_Structures.

Arguments obj_ext_structure _ : clear implicits.

Local Notation "Γ ◂ A" := (comp_ext _ Γ A) (at level 30).
Local Notation "'Ty'" := (fun X Γ => (TY X : functor _ _) Γ : hSet) (at level 10).

The definitions of term structures and split type-category structures will all be relative to a fixed base category and object-extension structure.

Section Families_Structures.

Context {C : category} {X : obj_ext_structure C}.

Families structures

We now define the extra structure, over an object-extension structure, which constitutes a category with families in the sense of Fiore a reformulation of Dybjer’s original definition, replacing the functor C --> FAM with an arrow in preShv C.
We call this term structure, or a functional term structure term_fun when necessary to disambiguate from Dybjer-style familial term structures.
Components of Y : term_fun_structure X:

Local Notation "A [ f ]" := (# (TY X : functor _ _ ) f A) (at level 4).

Definition term_fun_structure_data : UU
  := TM : preShv C,
        (TM --> TY X)
        × ( (Γ : C) (A : Ty X Γ), (TM : functor _ _) (Γ A) : hSet).

Definition TM (Y : term_fun_structure_data) : preShv C := pr1 Y.
Local Notation "'Tm'" := (fun Y Γ => (TM Y : functor _ _) Γ : hSet) (at level 10).

Definition pp Y : TM Y --> TY X := pr1 (pr2 Y).

Definition te Y {Γ:C} A : Tm Y (Γ A)
  := pr2 (pr2 Y) Γ A.

Definition Q Y {Γ:C} (A:Ty X Γ) : Yo (Γ A) --> TM Y
  := yy (te Y A).

Lemma comp_ext_compare_Q Y Γ (A A' : Ty X Γ) (e : A = A') :
  #Yo (comp_ext_compare e) ;; Q Y A' = Q Y A .
  induction e.
  etrans. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply functor_id.
  apply id_left.

Lemma term_fun_str_square_comm {Y : term_fun_structure_data}
    {Γ : C} {A : Ty X Γ}
    (e : (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) _ (te Y A) = A [ π A ])
  : #Yo (π A) ;; yy A = Q Y A ;; pp Y.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. Focus 2. apply yy_natural.
  etrans. apply yy_comp_nat_trans.
  apply maponpaths, e.

Definition term_fun_structure_axioms (Y : term_fun_structure_data) :=
   Γ (A : Ty X Γ),
         (e : (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) _ (te Y A) = A [ π A ]),
          isPullback _ _ _ _ (term_fun_str_square_comm e).

Lemma isaprop_term_fun_structure_axioms Y
  : isaprop (term_fun_structure_axioms Y).
  do 2 (apply impred; intro).
  apply isofhleveltotal2.
  - apply setproperty.
  - intro. apply isaprop_isPullback.

Definition term_fun_structure : UU :=
   Y : term_fun_structure_data, term_fun_structure_axioms Y.
Coercion term_fun_data_from_term_fun (Y : term_fun_structure) : _ := pr1 Y.

Definition pp_te (Y : term_fun_structure) {Γ} (A : Ty X Γ)
  : (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) _ (te Y A)
    = A [ π A ]
:= pr1 (pr2 Y _ A).

Definition Q_pp (Y : term_fun_structure) {Γ} (A : Ty X Γ)
  : #Yo (π A) ;; yy A = Q Y A ;; pp Y
:= term_fun_str_square_comm (pp_te Y A).

Definition isPullback_Q_pp (Y : term_fun_structure) {Γ} (A : Ty X Γ)
  : isPullback _ _ _ _ (Q_pp Y A)
:= pr2 (pr2 Y _ _ ).

Definition Q_pp_Pb_pointwise (Y : term_fun_structure) (Γ' Γ : C) (A : Ty X Γ)
  := isPullback_preShv_to_pointwise (homset_property _) (isPullback_Q_pp Y A) Γ'.

Definition Q_pp_Pb_univprop (Y : term_fun_structure) (Γ' Γ : C) (A : Ty X Γ)
  := pullback_HSET_univprop_elements _ (Q_pp_Pb_pointwise Y Γ' Γ A).

Definition Q_pp_Pb_unique (Y : term_fun_structure) (Γ' Γ : C) (A : Ty X Γ)
  := pullback_HSET_elements_unique (Q_pp_Pb_pointwise Y Γ' Γ A).

Terms as sections

Lemma term_to_section_aux {Y : term_fun_structure} {Γ:C} (t : Tm Y Γ)
  (A := (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) _ t)
  : iscontr
    ( (f : Γ --> Γ A),
         f ;; π _ = identity Γ
       × (Q Y A : nat_trans _ _) Γ f = t).
  set (Pb := isPullback_preShv_to_pointwise (homset_property _) (isPullback_Q_pp Y A) Γ).
  simpl in Pb.
  apply (pullback_HSET_univprop_elements _ Pb).
  exact (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id (TY X) _) A).

Lemma term_to_section {Y : term_fun_structure} {Γ:C} (t : Tm Y Γ)
  (A := (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) _ t)
  : (f : Γ --> Γ A), (f ;; π _ = identity Γ).
  set (sectionplus := iscontrpr1 (term_to_section_aux t)).
  exists (pr1 sectionplus).
  exact (pr1 (pr2 sectionplus)).

Lemma term_to_section_recover {Y : term_fun_structure}
  {Γ:C} (t : Tm Y Γ) (A := (pp Y : nat_trans _ _) _ t)
  : (Q Y A : nat_trans _ _) _ (pr1 (term_to_section t)) = t.
  exact (pr2 (pr2 (iscontrpr1 (term_to_section_aux t)))).

Lemma Q_comp_ext_compare {Y : term_fun_structure}
    {Γ Γ':C} {A A' : Ty X Γ} (e : A = A') (t : Γ' --> Γ A)
  : (Q Y A' : nat_trans _ _) _ (t ;; comp_ext_compare e)
  = (Q Y A : nat_trans _ _) _ t.
  destruct e. apply maponpaths, id_right.

End Families_Structures.

Section qq_Morphism_Structures.

Context {C : category} {X : obj_ext_structure C}.

q-morphism structures, split type-categories

On the other hand, a q-morphism structure (over an object-extension structure) is what is required to constitute a split type-category.
Up to ordering/groupoing of the components, these are essentially the type-categories of Andy Pitts, Categorical Logic, 2000, Def. 6.3.3 (link) (which in turn were a reformulation of Cartmell’s categories with attributes).
Our terminology follows van den Berg and Garner, Topological and simplicial models, Def 2.2.1 (arXiv) in calling this notion a split type-category, and reserving type-category (unqualified) for the weaker version without hSet/splitness assumptions. We formalise non-split type-categories elsewhere, since they do not extend object-extension structures.
Beyond the object extension structure, the only further data in a split type-category is the morphisms customarily denoted qq f A : Γ A --> Γ (satisfying certain axioms). We therefore call this data a q-morphism structure.
Components of Z : qq_morphism_structure X:

Local Notation "A [ f ]" := (# (TY X : functor _ _ ) f A) (at level 4).

Definition qq_morphism_data : UU :=
   q : {Γ Γ'} (f : CΓ', Γ) (A : (TY X:functor _ _ ) Γ : hSet),
           C Γ' A [ f ], Γ A,
    ( Γ Γ' (f : CΓ', Γ) (A : (TY X:functor _ _ ) Γ : hSet),
         e : q f A ;; π _ = π _ ;; f , isPullback _ _ _ _ (!e)).

Definition qq (Z : qq_morphism_data) {Γ Γ'} (f : C Γ', Γ)
              (A : (TY X:functor _ _ ) Γ : hSet)
  : C Γ' A [ f ], Γ A
:= pr1 Z _ _ f A.

Lemma qq_π (Z : qq_morphism_data) {Γ Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ) (A : _ )
  : qq Z f A ;; π A = π _ ;; f.
  exact (pr1 (pr2 Z _ _ f A)).

Lemma qq_π_Pb (Z : qq_morphism_data) {Γ Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ) (A : _ ) : isPullback _ _ _ _ (!qq_π Z f A).
  exact (pr2 (pr2 Z _ _ f A)).

Lemma comp_ext_compare_qq (Z : qq_morphism_data)
  {Γ Γ'} {f f' : C Γ', Γ} (e : f = f') (A : Ty X Γ)
  : comp_ext_compare (maponpaths (λ k : CΓ', Γ, A [k]) e) ;; qq Z f' A
  = qq Z f A.
  induction e.
  apply id_left.

Lemma comp_ext_compare_qq_general (Z : qq_morphism_data)
  {Γ Γ' : C} {f f' : Γ' --> Γ} (e : f = f')
  {A : Ty X Γ} (eA : A[f] = A[f'])
  : comp_ext_compare eA ;; qq Z f' A
  = qq Z f A.
  refine (_ @ comp_ext_compare_qq _ e A).
  apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths, setproperty.

Definition qq_morphism_axioms (Z : qq_morphism_data) : UU
    ( Γ A,
    qq Z (identity Γ) A
    = comp_ext_compare (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id (TY X) _ ) _ ))
    ( Γ Γ' Γ'' (f : CΓ', Γ) (g : C Γ'', Γ') (A : (TY X:functor _ _ ) Γ : hSet),
    qq Z (g ;; f) A
    = comp_ext_compare
           (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp (TY X) _ _) A)
      ;; qq Z g (A [f])
      ;; qq Z f A).

Definition qq_morphism_structure : UU
  := Z : qq_morphism_data,
           qq_morphism_axioms Z.

Definition qq_morphism_data_from_structure :
   qq_morphism_structure -> qq_morphism_data := pr1.
Coercion qq_morphism_data_from_structure :
   qq_morphism_structure >-> qq_morphism_data.

Definition qq_id (Z : qq_morphism_structure)
    {Γ} (A : Ty X Γ)
  : qq Z (identity Γ) A
  = comp_ext_compare (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id (TY X) _ ) _ )
:= pr1 (pr2 Z) _ _.

Definition qq_comp (Z : qq_morphism_structure)
    {Γ Γ' Γ'' : C}
    (f : C Γ', Γ ) (g : C Γ'', Γ' ) (A : Ty X Γ)
  : qq Z (g ;; f) A
  = comp_ext_compare (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp (TY X) _ _) A)
    ;; qq Z g (A [f]) ;; qq Z f A
:= pr2 (pr2 Z) _ _ _ _ _ _.

Lemma isaprop_qq_morphism_axioms (Z : qq_morphism_data)
  : isaprop (qq_morphism_axioms Z).
  apply isofhleveldirprod.
  - do 2 (apply impred; intro).
    apply homset_property.
  - do 6 (apply impred; intro).
    apply homset_property.

Lemma qq_comp_general (Z : qq_morphism_structure)
  {Γ Γ' Γ'' : C}
  {f : C Γ', Γ } {g : C Γ'', Γ' } {A : Ty X Γ}
  (p : A [g ;; f]
       = # (TY X : functor _ _) g (# (TY X : functor _ _) f A))
: qq Z (g ;; f) A
  = comp_ext_compare p ;; qq Z g (A [f]) ;; qq Z f A.
  eapply pathscomp0. apply qq_comp.
  repeat apply (maponpaths (fun h => h ;; _)).
  repeat apply maponpaths. apply uip. apply setproperty.

End qq_Morphism_Structures.

Arguments term_fun_structure_data _ _ : clear implicits.
Arguments term_fun_structure_axioms _ _ _ : clear implicits.
Arguments term_fun_structure _ _ : clear implicits.
Arguments qq_morphism_data [_] _ .
Arguments qq_morphism_structure [_] _ .

CwF’s, split type-categories

Here, we assemble the components above (object-extension structures, term-structures, and q-morphism structures) into versions of the definitions of CwF’s and split type-categories.
These are reassociated compared to the canonical definitions; equivalences between these and the canonical ones are provided in CwF_Defs_Equiv.v and TypeCat_Reassoc.v respectively.

Definition cwf'_structure (C : category) : UU
:= X : obj_ext_structure C, term_fun_structure C X.

Coercion obj_ext_structure_of_cwf'_structure {C : category}
:= pr1 : cwf'_structure C -> obj_ext_structure C.

Coercion term_fun_structure_of_cwf'_structure {C : category}
:= pr2 : forall XY : cwf'_structure C, term_fun_structure C XY.

Definition cwf' : UU
:= C : category, cwf'_structure C.

Coercion precategory_of_cwf' := pr1 : cwf' -> category.

Coercion cwf'_structure_of_cwf' := pr2 : forall C : cwf', cwf'_structure C.

Definition split_typecat'_structure (C : category) : UU
:= X : obj_ext_structure C, qq_morphism_structure X.

Coercion obj_ext_structure_of_split_typecat'_structure {C : category}
:= pr1 : split_typecat'_structure C -> obj_ext_structure C.

Coercion qq_morphism_structure_of_split_typecat'_structure {C : category}
:= pr2 : forall XY : split_typecat'_structure C, qq_morphism_structure XY.

Definition split_typecat' : UU
  := C : category, split_typecat'_structure C.

Coercion precategory_of_split_typecat'
:= pr1 : split_typecat' -> category.

Coercion split_typecat'_structure_of_split_typecat'
:= pr2 : forall C : split_typecat', split_typecat'_structure C.