Library UniMath.MoreFoundations.StructureIdentity
Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.AlternativeProofs.
Section StructureIdentity.
abstract the proof of Poset_rect for use in multiple situations
for example: Base = hSet, Data = PartialOrder, Struc = Poset
Local Definition DataEquiv (b:Base) (d d':Data b) := d ≤ d' ∧ d' ≤ d.
Local Definition StrucEquiv (X Y:Struc)
:= ∑ (p: pr1 X = pr1 Y), DataEquiv _ (transportf Data p (pr2 X)) (pr2 Y).
Notation "X ≅ Y" := (StrucEquiv X Y).
Theorem Struc_univalence (X Y:Struc) : X=Y ≃ X≅Y.
simple refine (@remakeweq _ _ _ _ _).
{ intermediate_weq (X╝Y).
{ apply total2_paths_equiv'. }
{ use weqfibtototal; intro p. apply weqimplimpl.
{ intros q. split; induction q; apply isrefl_posetRelation. }
{ intros e. apply isantisymm_posetRelation.
- exact (pr1 e).
- exact (pr2 e). }
{ apply (setproperty (Data _)). }
{ apply (propproperty (DataEquiv _ _ _)). } } }
{ intros e. induction e. ∃ (idpath _). split; apply isrefl_posetRelation. }
try reflexivity. intro e. now induction e.
Theorem Equiv_rect (X Y : Struc) (P : X ≅ Y → UU) :
(∏ e : X = Y, P (Struc_univalence _ _ e)) → ∏ f, P f.
intros ih f.
set (p := ih (invmap (Struc_univalence _ _) f)).
set (h := homotweqinvweq (Struc_univalence _ _) f).
exact (transportf P h p).
End StructureIdentity.