Library UniMath.Folds.folds_precat

Univalent FOLDS
Benedikt Ahrens, following notes by Michael Shulman
Contents of this file:
  • Definition of the type of FOLDS precategories folds_precat
  • Definition of functions id_func and comp_func from a FOLDS precategory
  • Proof of the usual axioms of categories for those functions

The definition of a FOLDS precategory

Objects and a dependent type of morphisms

Definition folds_ob_mor := a : UU, a a UU.
Definition make_folds_ob_mor (ob : UU)(mor : ob ob UU) :
    folds_ob_mor := tpair _ ob mor.

Definition ob (C : folds_ob_mor) : UU := @pr1 _ _ C.
Coercion ob : folds_ob_mor >-> UU.

Definition folds_morphisms {C : folds_ob_mor} : C C UU := pr2 C.
Local Notation "a ⇒ b" := (folds_morphisms a b).

Definition has_folds_homsets (C : folds_ob_mor) : UU := a b: C, isaset (a b).

Identity and composition, given through predicates

Definition folds_id_T := C : folds_ob_mor,
    ( a : C, a a hProp)
 × ( (a b c : C), (a b) (b c) (a c) hProp).

Definition folds_ob_mor_from_folds_id_comp (C : folds_id_T) : folds_ob_mor := pr1 C.
Coercion folds_ob_mor_from_folds_id_comp : folds_id_T >-> folds_ob_mor.

Definition I {C : folds_id_T} : {a : C}, a a hProp
  := pr1 (pr2 C).
Definition T {C : folds_id_T} : {a b c : C}, (a b) (b c) (a c) hProp
  := pr2 (pr2 C).

The axioms for identity

Definition folds_ax_I (C : folds_id_T) :=
     ( a : C, f : a a, I f )
  × (( (a b : C) (f : a b)(i : b b), I i T f i f)
   × ( (a b : C) (f : a b)(i : a a), I i T i f f)).
Lemma isaprop_folds_ax_id C : isaprop (folds_ax_I C).
 repeat (apply isapropdirprod).
 - apply impred; intro; apply isapropishinh.
 - repeat (apply impred; intro). apply pr2.
 - repeat (apply impred; intro). apply pr2.

Definition folds_ax_T (C : folds_id_T) :=
     ( {a b c : C} (f : a b) (g : b c), h : a c, T f g h )
 × (( {a b c : C} {f : a b} {g : b c} {h k : a c},
                  T f g h T f g k h = k )
  × ( {a b c d : C} (f : a b) (g : b c) (h : c d)
                  (fg : a c) (gh : b d) (fg_h : a d) (f_gh : a d),
               T f g fg T g h gh
                  T fg h fg_h T f gh f_gh f_gh = fg_h)).
Lemma isaprop_folds_ax_T (C:folds_id_T) (hs: has_folds_homsets C): isaprop (folds_ax_T C).
 repeat (apply isapropdirprod).
 - do 5 (apply impred; intro). apply isapropishinh.
 - repeat (apply impred; intro). apply hs.
 - repeat (apply impred; intro). apply hs.

Definition folds_precat := C : folds_id_T, folds_ax_I C × folds_ax_T C.

Definition folds_id_comp_from_folds_precat (C : folds_precat) : folds_id_T := pr1 C.
Coercion folds_id_comp_from_folds_precat : folds_precat >-> folds_id_T.

Some lemmas about FOLDS precategories

used later to go to precategories; we define
  • identity as a function
  • composition as a function

Section some_lemmas_about_folds_precats.

Variable C : folds_precat.

Lemma I_unique : (a : C) (i i' : a a), I i I i' i = i'.
  intros a i i' Hi Hi'.
  destruct C as [CC [Cid Ccomp]]; simpl in ×.
  assert (H1 : T i i' i).
  { apply (pr1 (pr2 Cid) _ _ _ _ ). assumption. }
  assert (H2 : T i i' i').
  { apply (pr2 (pr2 Cid) _ _ _ _ ) . assumption. }
  apply (pr1 (pr2 Ccomp) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2).

Lemma I_contr : a : C, iscontr ( f : a a, I f).
  intro a.
  set (H := pr1 (pr1 (pr2 C)) a).
  set (H' := make_hProp (iscontr ( f : a a, I f))
                      (isapropiscontr _ )).
  apply (H H'); simpl.
  intro t; t.
  intro t'.
  apply subtypePath.
  - intro b; apply pr2.
  - destruct t; destruct t';
    apply I_unique; assumption.

Definition I_func (a : C) : a a := pr1 (pr1 (I_contr a)).

Lemma I_func_I (a : C) : I (I_func a).
  apply (pr2 (pr1 (I_contr a))).

Lemma T_contr : (a b c : C) (f : a b) (g : b c), iscontr ( h, T f g h).
  intros a b c f g.
  set (H' := make_hProp (iscontr ( h : a c, T f g h))
                      (isapropiscontr _ )).
  apply (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 C)) a b c f g H').
  simpl; intro t; t.
  intro t'.
  apply subtypePath.
  - intro; apply pr2.
  - destruct t as [t tp]; destruct t' as [t' tp']; simpl in ×.
    apply (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))) _ _ _ f g ); assumption.

Definition T_func {a b c : C} (f : a b) (g : b c) : a c :=
     pr1 (pr1 (T_contr a b c f g)).

Local Notation "f ∘ g" := (T_func f g).

Lemma T_func_T {a b c : C} (f : a b) (g : b c) : T f g (f g).
  apply (pr2 (pr1 (T_contr a b c f g))).

Lemma T_I_l (a b : C) (f : a b) : f (I_func b) = f.
  assert (H : T f (I_func b) f).
  { apply (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 C)))). apply I_func_I. }
  assert (H' : T f (I_func b) (T_func f (I_func b))).
  { apply T_func_T. }
  set (H2 := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))).
  apply (H2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H' H).

Lemma T_I_r (a b : C) (f : a b) : (I_func a) f = f.
  assert (H : T (I_func a) f f).
  { apply (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 C)))). apply I_func_I. }
  assert (H' : T (I_func a) f (T_func (I_func a) f)).
  { apply T_func_T. }
  set (H2 := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))).
  apply (H2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H' H).

Lemma T_assoc (a b c d : C) (f : a b) (g : b c) (h : c d) :
    f (g h) = (f g) h.
  apply (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))) a b c d f g h (f g) (g h)).
  - apply T_func_T.
  - apply T_func_T.
  - apply T_func_T.
  - apply T_func_T.

End some_lemmas_about_folds_precats.