Library UniMath.Tactics.Utilities

Author: Michael A. Warren ( Date: Spring 2015. Description: Some helper tactics.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD

Arguments tpair {_ _} _ _.

We introduce the notation ap for maponpaths as in KTheory.

Module Export Notation.
  Notation ap := maponpaths.
  Notation "p # x" := (transportf _ p x) (right associativity, at level 65) : transport.
  Open Scope transport.
  Notation "{ x : X & P }" := (total2 (λ x:X, P)) : type_scope.
  Notation "X ** Y" := (X × Y) (right associativity, at level 80) : type_scope.
End Notation.

Definition neq (X : UU) : X X hProp
  := λ x y : X, hProppair (x != y) (isapropneg (x = y)).

Ltac check_cons f g :=
  let h T :=
      f T; g T

Ltac id_check T := idtac.

Ltac make_hyp_check e :=
  let T0 := type of e in
  let f T :=
      match T with
        | T0fail 1
        | _idtac
  in f.

In some cases we may need to obtain the current left-hand side of a goal equation (it may have been rewritten since initially being passed in via a match clause and a subsequent match on the new state should be performed. E.g., in matched_rewrite below.
Ltac get_current_lhs :=
  match goal with
    | |- ?lhs = ?rhslhs

Ltac get_current_rhs :=
  match goal with
    | |- ?lhs = ?rhsrhs

Ltac get_current_lhs_in H :=
  let T := type of H in
  match T with
    | ?lhs = ?rhslhs

Ltac get_current_rhs_in H :=
  let T := type of H in
  match T with
    | ?lhs = ?rhsrhs

Ltac matched_rewrite e :=
  match type of e with
    | ?l = ?r
      let lhs := get_current_lhs in
      match lhs with
        | context [l] ⇒ rewrite e
        | context [r] ⇒ rewrite <- e