Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCoalgebras

  • Category of coalgebras over an endofunctor.
  • Dual of Lambek's lemma: if (A,α) is terminal coalgebra, α is an isomorphism.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.functor_categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section Coalgebra_Definition.

Context {C : precategory} (F : functor C C).

Definition coalgebra : UU := X : C, X --> F X.

Definition coalgebra_ob (X : coalgebra) : C := pr1 X.
Local Coercion coalgebra_ob : coalgebra >-> ob.

Definition coalgebra_mor (X : coalgebra) : C X, F X := pr2 X.

A homomorphism of F-coalgebras (F A, α : C ⟦A, F A⟧) and (F B, β : C ⟦B, F B⟧) is a morphism f : C ⟦A, B⟧ s.t. the below diagram commutes.
f A -----> B | | | α | β | | V V F A ---> F B F f

Definition is_coalgebra_homo {X Y : coalgebra} (f : C X, Y) : UU
  := (coalgebra_mor X) · #F f = f · (coalgebra_mor Y).

Definition coalgebra_homo (X Y : coalgebra) := f : C X, Y, is_coalgebra_homo f.

Definition isaset_coalgebra_homo {X Y : coalgebra} (hasHom : has_homsets C)
           : isaset (coalgebra_homo X Y).
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  - apply hasHom.
  - intro f.
    apply isasetaprop.
    apply hasHom.

Definition mor_from_coalgebra_homo (X Y : coalgebra) (f : coalgebra_homo X Y)
  : C X, Y := pr1 f.
Coercion mor_from_coalgebra_homo : coalgebra_homo >-> precategory_morphisms.

Definition coalgebra_homo_eq (hasHom : has_homsets C) {X Y : coalgebra}
           (f g : coalgebra_homo X Y) : (f : C X, Y) = g f = g.
  apply invweq.
  apply subtypeInjectivity.
  intro. apply hasHom.

Lemma coalgebra_homo_commutes {X Y : coalgebra} (f : coalgebra_homo X Y)
  : (coalgebra_mor X) · #F f = f · (coalgebra_mor Y).
  exact (pr2 f).

Definition coalgebra_homo_id (X : coalgebra) : coalgebra_homo X X.
   (identity _).
  unfold is_coalgebra_homo.
  rewrite id_left.
  rewrite functor_id.
  rewrite id_right.
  apply idpath.

Definition coalgebra_homo_comp (X Y Z : coalgebra) (f : coalgebra_homo X Y)
           (g : coalgebra_homo Y Z) : coalgebra_homo X Z.
   (f · g).
  unfold is_coalgebra_homo.
  rewrite functor_comp.
  rewrite assoc.
  rewrite coalgebra_homo_commutes.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  rewrite coalgebra_homo_commutes.
  rewrite assoc.
  apply idpath.

Definition CoAlg_precategory_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor :=
  precategory_ob_mor_pair coalgebra coalgebra_homo.

Definition CoAlg_precategory_data: precategory_data :=
  precategory_data_pair CoAlg_precategory_ob_mor

Lemma CoAlg_is_precategory (hasHom : has_homsets C)
  : is_precategory CoAlg_precategory_data.
  - split.
    + intros. apply coalgebra_homo_eq.
      × apply hasHom.
      × apply id_left.
    + intros. apply coalgebra_homo_eq.
      × apply hasHom.
      × apply id_right.
  - { split.
      - intros.
        apply coalgebra_homo_eq.
        + apply hasHom.
        + apply assoc.
      - intros.
        apply coalgebra_homo_eq.
        + apply hasHom.
        + apply assoc'. }

Definition CoAlg_precategory (hasHom : has_homsets C) : precategory
  := mk_precategory CoAlg_precategory_data
                   (CoAlg_is_precategory hasHom).

Lemma has_homsets_coalgebra (hasHom : has_homsets C)
  : has_homsets (CoAlg_precategory hasHom).
  intros f g.
  apply isaset_coalgebra_homo.
  exact hasHom.

End Coalgebra_Definition.

Section Lambek_dual.
Dual of Lambeks Lemma : If (A,α) is terminal F-coalgebra, then α is an iso

Context (C : precategory) (hasHomC : has_homsets C)
        (F : functor C C) (X : coalgebra F).

Local Notation F_CoAlg := (CoAlg_precategory F hasHomC).

Context (isTerminalX : isTerminal F_CoAlg X).

Definition TerminalX : Terminal F_CoAlg := mk_Terminal _ isTerminalX.

Local Notation α := (coalgebra_mor _ (TerminalObject TerminalX)).
Local Notation A := (coalgebra_ob _ (TerminalObject TerminalX)).

FX := (FA,Fα) is also an F-coalgebra
Definition FX : coalgebra F := tpair _ (F A) (#F α).

By terminality there is an arrow α' : FA → A, s.t.: α' FA ------> A | | | Fα | α V V FFA ------> FA Fα'

Definition f : F_CoAlg FX, TerminalX := (@TerminalArrow F_CoAlg TerminalX FX).

Definition α' : C F A, A := mor_from_coalgebra_homo F FX X f.

Definition αα'_mor : coalgebra_homo F X X.
   (α · α').
  unfold is_coalgebra_homo.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  apply cancel_precomposition.
  rewrite functor_comp.
  apply (coalgebra_homo_commutes F f).

Definition αα'_idA : α · α' = identity A
  := maponpaths pr1 (TerminalEndo_is_identity (T:=TerminalX) αα'_mor).

Lemma α'α_idFA : α' · α = identity (F A).
  rewrite <- functor_id.
  rewrite <- αα'_idA.
  rewrite functor_comp.
  unfold α'.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (coalgebra_homo_commutes F f).

Lemma terminalcoalgebra_isiso : is_iso α.
  apply (is_iso_qinv α α').
  - exact αα'_idA.
  - exact α'α_idFA.

Definition terminalcoalgebra_iso : iso A (F A) := isopair α terminalcoalgebra_isiso.

End Lambek_dual.