Library TypeTheory.OtherDefs.DM_to_TypeCat
- Definition of a Comprehension precategory from a precategory with Display maps
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.total2_paths.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.TypeCat.
Require Import TypeTheory.OtherDefs.DM.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Section DM_to_TypeCat.
Variable CC : precategory.
Variable hs : has_homsets CC.
Variable C : DM_structure CC.
Definition type_cat_structure1_from_DM : typecat_structure1 CC.
unfold typecat_structure1.
exists (DM_over C).
refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
- intros Γ H. exact (ob_from_DM_over H).
- intros Γ Δ'γH Γ' f.
simpl in *.
unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
+ exists ( (DM_from_DM_over Δ'γH) ⋆ f).
apply pb_mor_of_DM.
+ simpl.
refine (pr2 (pb_DM_of_DM _ _ )).
Definition type_cat_structure2_from_DM : typecat_structure2 type_cat_structure1_from_DM.
unfold typecat_structure2.
unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
- intros Γ A; simpl.
unfold ext_typecat. simpl.
unfold type_cat_structure1_from_DM in A. simpl in *.
apply (pr2 (pr1 A)).
- simpl.
unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
+ intros Γ A Δ f.
unfold ext_typecat; simpl.
apply pb_arrow_of_arrow.
+ {
unshelve refine (tpair _ _ _ ).
- intros Γ A Γ' f.
unshelve refine (sqr_comm_of_DM (( DM_from_DM_over A)) _ ).
- intros.
apply is_symmetric_isPullback. { apply hs. }
refine (@isPullback_of_DM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ).
apply hs. }
Definition type_cat_struct_from_DM : typecat_structure CC.
exists type_cat_structure1_from_DM.
exact type_cat_structure2_from_DM.
Lemma is_type_saturated_type_cat_from_DM : is_type_saturated_typecat type_cat_struct_from_DM.
unfold is_type_saturated_typecat.
intro Γ. unfold type_cat_struct_from_DM.
unfold ext_typecat. simpl.
unfold dpr_typecat. simpl.
assert (
(λ A : DM_over C Γ,
tpair (λ X : CC, X --> Γ) (ob_from_DM_over A) (pr2 (pr1 A)))
= pr1).
{ apply funextfun.
intro x.
destruct x as [t p]. simpl.
destruct t; apply idpath.
rewrite X.
apply isinclpr1.
intros. apply (pr2 (pr2 C)).
End DM_to_TypeCat.