
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

This project is maintained by UniMath

Library TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Fibrations

Definitions of various kinds of fibraitions, using displayed categories.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.equivalences.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Core.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Constructions.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Local Open Scope type_scope.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Fibratons, opfibrations, and isofibrations are all displayed categories with extra lifting conditions.
Classically, these lifting conditions are usually taken by default as mere existence conditions; when they are given by operations, one speaks of a cloven fibration, etc.
We make the cloven version the default, so is_fibration etc are the cloven notions, and call the mere-existence versions un-cloven.
(This conventional is provisional and and might change in future.)


The easiest to define are isofibrations, since they do not depend on a definition of (co-)cartesian-ness (because all displayed isomorphisms are cartesian).

Section Isofibrations.

Given an iso φ : c' =~ c in C, and an object d in D c, there’s some object d' in D c', and an iso φbar : d' =~ d over φ.

Definition iso_cleaving {C : category} (D : disp_cat C) : UU
  forall (c c' : C) (i : iso c' c) (d : D c),
           d' : D c', iso_disp i d' d.

Definition iso_fibration (C : category) : UU
  := D : disp_cat C, iso_cleaving D.

Definition is_uncloven_iso_cleaving {C : category} (D : disp_cat C) : UU
  forall (c c' : C) (i : iso c' c) (d : D c),
           d' : D c', iso_disp i d' d.

Definition weak_iso_fibration (C : category) : UU
  := D : disp_cat C, is_uncloven_iso_cleaving D.

As with fibrations, there is an evident dual version. However, in the iso case, it is self-dual: having forward (i.e. cocartesian) liftings along isos is equivalent to having backward (cartesian) liftings.

Definition is_op_isofibration {C : category} (D : disp_cat C) : UU
  forall (c c' : C) (i : iso c c') (d : D c),
           d' : D c', iso_disp i d d'.

Lemma is_isofibration_iff_is_op_isofibration
    {C : category} (D : disp_cat C)
  : iso_cleaving D <-> is_op_isofibration D.

End Isofibrations.


Section Fibrations.

Definition is_cartesian {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} {f : c' --> c}
    {d : D c} {d' : D c'} (ff : d' -->[f] d)
  : UU
:= forall c'' (g : c'' --> c') (d'' : D c'') (hh : d'' -->[g;;f] d),
  ∃! (gg : d'' -->[g] d'), gg ;; ff = hh.

See also cartesian_factorisation' below, for when the map one wishes to factor is not judgementally over g;;f, but over some equal map.
Definition cartesian_factorisation {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} {f : c' --> c}
    {d : D c} {d' : D c'} {ff : d' -->[f] d} (H : is_cartesian ff)
    {c''} (g : c'' --> c') {d'' : D c''} (hh : d'' -->[g;;f] d)
  : d'' -->[g] d'
:= pr1 (pr1 (H _ g _ hh)).

Definition cartesian_factorisation_commutes
    {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} {f : c' --> c}
    {d : D c} {d' : D c'} {ff : d' -->[f] d} (H : is_cartesian ff)
    {c''} (g : c'' --> c') {d'' : D c''} (hh : d'' -->[g;;f] d)
  : cartesian_factorisation H g hh ;; ff = hh
:= pr2 (pr1 (H _ g _ hh)).

This is essentially the third access function for is_cartesian, but given in a more usable form than pr2 (H …) would be.
Definition cartesian_factorisation_unique
    {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} {f : c' --> c}
    {d : D c} {d' : D c'} {ff : d' -->[f] d} (H : is_cartesian ff)
    {c''} {g : c'' --> c'} {d'' : D c''} (gg gg' : d'' -->[g] d')
  : (gg ;; ff = gg' ;; ff) -> gg = gg'.
  revert gg gg'.
  assert (goal' : forall gg : d'' -->[g] d',
                    gg = cartesian_factorisation H g (gg ;; ff)).
    intros gg.
    exact (maponpaths pr1
      (pr2 (H _ g _ (gg ;; ff)) (gg,,idpath _))).
  intros gg gg' Hggff.
  eapply pathscomp0. apply goal'.
  eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths, Hggff.
  apply pathsinv0, goal'.

Definition cartesian_factorisation' {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} {f : c' --> c}
    {d : D c} {d' : D c'} {ff : d' -->[f] d} (H : is_cartesian ff)
    {c''} (g : c'' --> c')
    {h : c'' --> c} {d'' : D c''} (hh : d'' -->[h] d)
    (e : (g ;; f = h)%mor)
  : d'' -->[g] d'.
  simple refine (cartesian_factorisation H g _).
  exact (transportb _ e hh).

Definition cartesian_factorisation_commutes'
    {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} {f : c' --> c}
    {d : D c} {d' : D c'} {ff : d' -->[f] d} (H : is_cartesian ff)
    {c''} (g : c'' --> c')
    {h : c'' --> c} {d'' : D c''} (hh : d'' -->[h] d)
    (e : (g ;; f = h)%mor)
  : (cartesian_factorisation' H g hh e) ;; ff
  = transportb _ e hh.
  apply cartesian_factorisation_commutes.

Definition cartesian_lift {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c} (d : D c) {c' : C} (f : c' --> c)
  : UU
:= (d' : D c') (ff : d' -->[f] d), is_cartesian ff.

Definition object_of_cartesian_lift {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c} (d : D c) {c' : C} (f : c' --> c)
    (fd : cartesian_lift d f)
  : D c'
:= pr1 fd.
Coercion object_of_cartesian_lift : cartesian_lift >-> ob_disp.

Definition mor_disp_of_cartesian_lift {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c} (d : D c) {c' : C} (f : c' --> c)
    (fd : cartesian_lift d f)
  : (fd : D c') -->[f] d
:= pr1 (pr2 fd).
Coercion mor_disp_of_cartesian_lift : cartesian_lift >-> mor_disp.

Definition cartesian_lift_is_cartesian {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c} (d : D c) {c' : C} (f : c' --> c)
    (fd : cartesian_lift d f)
  : is_cartesian fd
:= pr2 (pr2 fd).
Coercion cartesian_lift_is_cartesian : cartesian_lift >-> is_cartesian.

Definition cleaving {C : category} (D : disp_cat C) : UU
  forall (c c' : C) (f : c' --> c) (d : D c), cartesian_lift d f.

(Cloven) fibration

Definition fibration (C : category) : UU
   D : disp_cat C, cleaving D.

Weak fibration

Definition is_cleaving {C : category} (D : disp_cat C) : UU
  forall (c c' : C) (f : c' --> c) (d : D c), cartesian_lift d f .

Definition weak_fibration (C : category) : UU
:= D : disp_cat C, is_cleaving D.

Connection with isofibrations

Lemma is_iso_from_is_cartesian {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c c' : C} (i : iso c' c) {d : D c} {d'} (ff : d' -->[i] d)
  : is_cartesian ff -> is_iso_disp i ff.
  intros Hff.
  simple refine (_,,_); try split.
  - simple refine
      (cartesian_factorisation' Hff (inv_from_iso i) (id_disp _) _).
    apply iso_after_iso_inv.
  - apply cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.
  - apply (cartesian_factorisation_unique Hff).
    etrans. apply assoc_disp_var.
    rewrite cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.
    etrans. eapply transportf_bind.
      etrans. apply mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker.
      eapply transportf_bind, id_right_disp.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. apply mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
    etrans. eapply transportf_bind, id_left_disp.
    apply maponpaths_2, homset_property.

Lemma is_isofibration_from_is_fibration {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
  : cleaving D -> iso_cleaving D.
  intros D_fib c c' f d.
  assert (fd := D_fib _ _ f d).
  exists (fd : D _).
  exists (fd : _ -->[_] _).
  apply is_iso_from_is_cartesian; exact fd.

Uniqueness of cartesian lifts

Definition cartesian_lifts_iso {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c} {d : D c} {c' : C} {f : c' --> c} (fd fd' : cartesian_lift d f)
  : iso_disp (identity_iso c') fd fd'.
  simple refine (_,,(_,,_)).
  - exact (cartesian_factorisation' fd' (identity _) fd (id_left _)).
  - exact (cartesian_factorisation' fd (identity _) fd' (id_left _)).
  - cbn; split.
    + apply (cartesian_factorisation_unique fd').
      etrans. apply assoc_disp_var.
      rewrite cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.
      etrans. eapply transportf_bind, mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker.
      rewrite cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.
      etrans. apply transport_f_f.
      apply pathsinv0.
      etrans. apply mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
      rewrite id_left_disp.
      etrans. apply transport_f_f.
      apply maponpaths_2, homset_property.
    + apply (cartesian_factorisation_unique fd).
      etrans. apply assoc_disp_var.
      rewrite cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.
      etrans. eapply transportf_bind, mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker.
      rewrite cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.
      etrans. apply transport_f_f.
      apply pathsinv0.
      etrans. apply mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
      rewrite id_left_disp.
      etrans. apply transport_f_f.
      apply maponpaths_2, homset_property.

Definition cartesian_lifts_iso_commutes {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
    {c} {d : D c} {c' : C} {f : c' --> c} (fd fd' : cartesian_lift d f)
  : (cartesian_lifts_iso fd fd') ;; fd'
  = transportb _ (id_left _) (fd : _ -->[_] _).
  cbn. apply cartesian_factorisation_commutes'.

In a displayed category (i.e. univalent), cartesian lifts are literally unique, if they exist; that is, the type of cartesian lifts is always a proposition.
Definition isaprop_cartesian_lifts
    {C : category} {D : disp_cat C} (D_cat : is_univalent_disp D)
    {c} (d : D c) {c' : C} (f : c' --> c)
  : isaprop (cartesian_lift d f).
  apply invproofirrelevance; intros fd fd'.
  use total2_paths_f.
  { apply (isotoid_disp D_cat (idpath _)); cbn.
    apply cartesian_lifts_iso. }
  apply subtypeEquality.
  { intros ff. repeat (apply impred; intro).
    apply isapropiscontr. }
    refine (@functtransportf_2 (D c') _ _ (fun x => pr1) _ _ _ _).
  cbn. etrans. apply transportf_precompose_disp.
  rewrite idtoiso_isotoid_disp.
  refine (pathscomp0 (maponpaths _ _) (transportfbinv _ _ _)).
  apply (precomp_with_iso_disp_is_inj (cartesian_lifts_iso fd fd')).
  etrans. apply assoc_disp.
  etrans. eapply transportf_bind, cancel_postcomposition_disp.
    refine (inv_mor_after_iso_disp _).
  etrans. eapply transportf_bind, id_left_disp.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. apply mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker.
  etrans. eapply transportf_bind, cartesian_lifts_iso_commutes.
  apply maponpaths_2, homset_property.

Definition univalent_fibration_is_cloven
    {C : category} {D : disp_cat C} (D_cat : is_univalent_disp D)
  : is_cleaving D -> cleaving D.
  intros D_fib c c' f d.
  apply (squash_to_prop (D_fib c c' f d)).
  apply isaprop_cartesian_lifts; assumption.

End Fibrations.

a proof principle for use with discrete fibrations TODO: upstream
Lemma eq_exists_unique (A : UU) (B : A UU) (H : iscontr ( a : A, B a))
  : a, B a a = pr1 (iscontrpr1 H).
  intros a b.
  assert (g : ((a,,b) : total2 B)
              ( (pr1 (iscontrpr1 H),, pr2 (iscontrpr1 H)) : total2 B)).
  { etrans. apply (pr2 H). apply tppr. }
  apply (maponpaths pr1 g).

Section Discrete_Fibrations.

Definition is_discrete_fibration {C : category} (D : disp_cat C) : UU
  (forall (c c' : C) (f : c' --> c) (d : D c),
          ∃! d' : D c', d' -->[f] d)
  (forall c, isaset (D c)).

Definition discrete_fibration C : UU
  := D : disp_cat C, is_discrete_fibration D.

Coercion disp_cat_from_discrete_fibration C (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : disp_cat C := pr1 D.
Definition unique_lift {C} {D : discrete_fibration C} {c c'}
           (f : c' --> c) (d : D c)
  : ∃! d' : D c', d' -->[f] d
  := pr1 (pr2 D) c c' f d.
Definition isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration {C} (D : discrete_fibration C)
           (c : C) : isaset (D c) := pr2 (pr2 D) c.

TODO: move upstream
Lemma pair_inj {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} (is : isaset A) {a : A}
   {b b' : B a} : (a,,b) = (a,,b') -> b = b'.
  intro H.
  use (invmaponpathsincl _ _ _ _ H).
  apply isofhlevelffib. intro. apply is.

Lemma disp_mor_unique_disc_fib C (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : (c c' : C) (f : c --> c') (d : D c) (d' : D c')
      (ff ff' : d -->[f] d'), ff = ff'.
  assert (XR := unique_lift f d').
  assert (foo : ((d,,ff) : d0, d0 -->[f] d') = (d,,ff')).
  { apply proofirrelevance.
    apply isapropifcontr. apply XR.
  apply (pair_inj (isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration _ _ ) foo).

Lemma isaprop_disc_fib_hom C (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : (c c' : C) (f : c --> c') (d : D c) (d' : D c'),
    isaprop (d -->[f] d').
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros x x'. apply disp_mor_unique_disc_fib.

Definition fibration_from_discrete_fibration C (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : cleaving D.
  intros c c' f d.
  - exact (pr1 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f d))).
  - mkpair.
    + exact (pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f d))).
    + intros c'' g db hh.
      set (ff := pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f d)) ). cbn in ff.
      set (d' := pr1 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f d))) in *.
      set (ggff := pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift (g;;f) d)) ). cbn in ggff.
      set (d'' := pr1 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift (g;;f) d))) in *.
      set (gg := pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift g d'))). cbn in gg.
      set (d3 := pr1 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift g d'))) in *.
      assert (XR : ((d'',, ggff) : r, r -->[g;;f] d) = (db,,hh)).
      { apply proofirrelevance. apply isapropifcontr. apply (pr2 D). }
      assert (XR1 : ((d'',, ggff) : r, r -->[g;;f] d) = (d3 ,,gg;;ff)).
      { apply proofirrelevance. apply isapropifcontr. apply (pr2 D). }
      assert (XT := maponpaths pr1 XR). cbn in XT.
      assert (XT1 := maponpaths pr1 XR1). cbn in XT1.
      generalize XR.
      generalize XR1; clear XR1.
      destruct XT.
      generalize gg; clear gg.
      destruct XT1.
      intros gg XR1 XR0.
      apply iscontraprop1.
      * apply invproofirrelevance.
        intros x x'. apply subtypeEquality.
        { intro. apply homsets_disp. }
        apply disp_mor_unique_disc_fib.
      * exists gg.
        assert (XX := pair_inj (isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration _ _ ) XR1).
        assert (YY := pair_inj (isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration _ _ ) XR0).
        etrans. apply (!XX). apply YY.

Section Equivalence_disc_fibs_presheaves.

Variable C : category.

Definition precat_of_discrete_fibs_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor.
  exists (discrete_fibration C).
  intros a b. exact (disp_functor (functor_identity _ ) a b).

Definition precat_of_discrete_fibs_data : precategory_data.
  exists precat_of_discrete_fibs_ob_mor.
  - intro.
    exact (@disp_functor_identity _ _ ).
  - intros ? ? ? f g. exact (disp_functor_composite f g ).

Lemma eq_discrete_fib_mor (F G : precat_of_discrete_fibs_ob_mor)
      (a b : F --> G)
      (H : x y, pr1 (pr1 a) x y = pr1 (pr1 b) x y)
  : a = b.
  apply subtypeEquality.
  { intro. apply isaprop_disp_functor_axioms. }
  use total2_paths_f.
  - apply funextsec. intro x.
    apply funextsec. intro y.
    apply H.
  - repeat (apply funextsec; intro).
    apply disp_mor_unique_disc_fib.

Definition precat_axioms_of_discrete_fibs : is_precategory precat_of_discrete_fibs_data.
  repeat split; intros;
  apply eq_discrete_fib_mor; intros; apply idpath.

Definition precat_of_discrete_fibs : precategory
  := (_ ,, precat_axioms_of_discrete_fibs).

Lemma has_homsets_precat_of_discrete_fibs : has_homsets precat_of_discrete_fibs.
  intros f f'.
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  - apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
    + do 2 (apply impred; intro).
      apply isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration.
    + intro. do 6 (apply impred; intro).
      apply homsets_disp.
  - intro. apply isasetaprop. apply isaprop_disp_functor_axioms.

Definition Precat_of_discrete_fibs : category
  := ( precat_of_discrete_fibs ,, has_homsets_precat_of_discrete_fibs).

Functor from discrete fibrations to presheaves

Functor on objects

Definition preshv_data_from_disc_fib_ob (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : functor_data C^op HSET_univalent_category.
  + intro c. exists (D c). apply isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration.
  + intros c' c f x. cbn in *.
    exact (pr1 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f x))).

Definition preshv_ax_from_disc_fib_ob (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : is_functor (preshv_data_from_disc_fib_ob D).
  + intro c; cbn.
    apply funextsec; intro x. simpl.
    apply pathsinv0. apply eq_exists_unique.
      apply id_disp.
  + intros c c' c'' f g. cbn in *.
    apply funextsec; intro x.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply eq_exists_unique.
    eapply comp_disp.
    * apply (pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift g _))).
    * apply (pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f _ ))).

Definition preshv_from_disc_fib_ob (D : discrete_fibration C)
  : preShv C := (_ ,, preshv_ax_from_disc_fib_ob D).

Functor on morphisms

Definition foo : functor_data Precat_of_discrete_fibs (preShv C).
  exists preshv_from_disc_fib_ob.
  intros D D' a.
  - intro c. simpl.
    exact (pr1 a c).
  - abstract (
        intros x y f; cbn in *;
        apply funextsec; intro d;
        apply eq_exists_unique;
        apply #a;
        apply (pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f _ )))

Functor properties

Definition bar : is_functor foo.
  - intro D. apply nat_trans_eq. { apply has_homsets_HSET. }
    intro c . apply idpath.
  - intros D E F a b. apply nat_trans_eq. { apply has_homsets_HSET. }
    intro c. apply idpath.

Definition functor_Disc_Fibs_to_preShvs : functor _ _
  := ( _ ,, bar).

Functor from presheaves to discrete fibrations

Functor on objects

Definition disp_cat_from_preshv (D : preShv C) : disp_cat C.
  - mkpair.
    + exists (fun c => pr1hSet (pr1 D c)).
      intros x y c d f. exact (functor_on_morphisms (pr1 D) f d = c).
    + split.
      * intros; cbn in *; apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id D x ) _ ).
      * intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X X0; cbn in *;
        etrans; [apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_comp D g f ) _ ) |];
        cbn; etrans; [ apply maponpaths; apply X0 |];
        apply X.
  - abstract (
         repeat mkpair; cbn; intros; try apply setproperty;
         apply isasetaprop; apply setproperty

Definition disc_fib_from_preshv (D : preShv C) : discrete_fibration C.
  - apply (disp_cat_from_preshv D).
  - cbn.
    + intros c c' f d. simpl.
      use unique_exists.
      * apply (functor_on_morphisms (pr1 D) f d).
      * apply idpath.
      * intro. apply setproperty.
      * intros. apply pathsinv0. assumption.
    + intro. simpl. apply setproperty.

Functor on morphisms

Definition functor_data_preShv_Disc_fibs
  : functor_data (preShv C) Precat_of_discrete_fibs.
  - apply disc_fib_from_preshv.
  - intros F G a.
    + mkpair.
      * intros c. apply (pr1 a c).
      * intros x y X Y f H;
        assert (XR := nat_trans_ax a);
        apply pathsinv0; etrans; [|apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (XR _ _ f))];
        cbn; apply maponpaths, (!H).
    + abstract (repeat mkpair; intros; apply setproperty).

Functor properties

Definition is_functor_functor_data_preShv_Disc_fibs
  : is_functor functor_data_preShv_Disc_fibs .
  split; unfold functor_idax, functor_compax; intros;
  apply eq_discrete_fib_mor; intros; apply idpath.

Definition functor_preShvs_to_Disc_Fibs : functor _ _
  := ( _ ,, is_functor_functor_data_preShv_Disc_fibs ).

Definition η_disc_fib : nat_trans (functor_identity _ )
                          (functor_preShvs_to_Disc_Fibs functor_Disc_Fibs_to_preShvs).
  - intro F.
    cbn. mkpair.
    + cbn. intro c; apply idfun.
    + intros c c' f. cbn in *. apply idpath.
  - abstract (
        intros F G a;
        apply nat_trans_eq; [ apply has_homsets_HSET |];
        intro c ; apply idpath

Definition ε_disc_fib
  : nat_trans (functor_Disc_Fibs_to_preShvs functor_preShvs_to_Disc_Fibs)
              (functor_identity _ ).
  - intro D.
    + mkpair.
      * cbn. intro c; apply idfun.
      * intros c c' x y f H. cbn.
        set (XR := pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift f y))). cbn in XR.
        apply (transportf (fun t => t -->[f] y) H XR).
    + abstract (split; cbn; unfold idfun; intros; apply disp_mor_unique_disc_fib).
  - abstract (intros c c' f; apply eq_discrete_fib_mor; intros; apply idpath).

Definition ε_inv_disc_fib
  : nat_trans (functor_identity _ )
      (functor_Disc_Fibs_to_preShvs functor_preShvs_to_Disc_Fibs).
  - intro D.
    + mkpair.
      * cbn. intro c; apply idfun.
      * abstract (
            intros c c' x y f H; cbn;
            unfold idfun;
            apply pathsinv0; apply path_to_ctr; apply H
    + abstract (
          [ intros x y; apply isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration |];
          intros; apply isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration
  - abstract (intros c c' f; apply eq_discrete_fib_mor; intros; apply idpath).

Definition adjunction_data_disc_fib
  : adjunction_data (preShv C) Precat_of_discrete_fibs.
  exists functor_preShvs_to_Disc_Fibs.
  exists functor_Disc_Fibs_to_preShvs.
  exists η_disc_fib.
  exact ε_disc_fib.

Lemma forms_equivalence_disc_fib
  : forms_equivalence adjunction_data_disc_fib.
  - intro F.
    apply functor_iso_if_pointwise_iso.
    intro c. cbn.
    set (XR := hset_equiv_is_iso _ _ (idweq (pr1 F c : hSet) )).
    apply XR.
  - intro F.
    apply is_iso_from_is_z_iso.
    use (_ ,, (_,,_ )).
    + apply ε_inv_disc_fib.
    + apply eq_discrete_fib_mor.
      intros. apply idpath.
    + apply eq_discrete_fib_mor.
      intros. apply idpath.

Definition adj_equivalence_disc_fib : adj_equivalence_of_precats _ :=
  adjointificiation (_ ,, forms_equivalence_disc_fib).

End Equivalence_disc_fibs_presheaves.

End Discrete_Fibrations.

Section Opfibrations.

End Opfibrations.

Section isofibration_from_disp_over_univalent.

Context (C : category)
        (Ccat : is_univalent C)
        (D : disp_cat C).

Definition iso_cleaving_category : iso_cleaving D.
  intros c c' i d.
  - exact (transportb D (isotoid _ Ccat i) d).
  - generalize i. clear i.
    apply forall_isotid.
    { apply Ccat. }
    intro e. induction e.
    rewrite isotoid_identity_iso.
    apply identity_iso_disp.

End isofibration_from_disp_over_univalent.

Split fibrations

Definition cleaving_ob {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
           (X : cleaving D) {c c' : C} (f : c' --> c) (d : D c)
  : D c' := X _ _ f d.

Definition cleaving_mor {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
           (X : cleaving D) {c c' : C} (f : c' --> c) (d : D c)
  : cleaving_ob X f d -->[f] d := X _ _ f d.

Definition is_split_id {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
           (X : cleaving D) : UU
  := c (d : D c),
       e : cleaving_ob X (identity _) d = d,
            cleaving_mor X (identity _) d =
            transportb (fun x => x -->[ _ ] _ ) e (id_disp d).

Definition is_split_comp {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
           (X : cleaving D) : UU
     (c c' c'' : C) (f : c' --> c) (g : c'' --> c') (d : D c),
       e : cleaving_ob X (g · f) d =
                cleaving_ob X g (cleaving_ob X f d),
            cleaving_mor X (g · f) d =
            transportb (fun x => x -->[ _ ] _ ) e
                       (cleaving_mor X g (cleaving_ob X f d) ;;
                                     cleaving_mor X f d).

Definition is_split {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
           (X : cleaving D) : UU
  := is_split_id X × is_split_comp X × ( c, isaset (D c)).

Lemma is_split_fibration_from_discrete_fibration
      {C : category} {D : disp_cat C}
      (X : is_discrete_fibration D)
: is_split (fibration_from_discrete_fibration _ (D,,X)).
  repeat split.
  - intros c d.
    + apply pathsinv0.
      apply path_to_ctr.
      apply id_disp.
    + cbn.
      apply (disp_mor_unique_disc_fib _ (D,,X)).
  - intros c c' c'' f g d.
    + set (XR := unique_lift f d).
      set (d' := pr1 (iscontrpr1 XR)).
      set (f' := pr2 (iscontrpr1 XR)). cbn in f'.
      set (g' := pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift g d'))).
      cbn in g'.
      set (gf' := g' ;; f').
      match goal with |[ |- ?a = ?b ] =>
                       assert (X0 : (a,,pr2 (iscontrpr1 (unique_lift (g ;; f) d))) =
                                    (b,,gf')) end.

      { apply proofirrelevance. apply isapropifcontr. apply X. }
      apply (maponpaths pr1 X0).
    + apply (disp_mor_unique_disc_fib _ (D,,X)).
  - apply isaset_fiber_discrete_fibration.