
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

This project is maintained by UniMath

Library TypeTheory.ALV1.RepMaps

Part of the TypeTheory library (Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015–present).
  • definition of a representable map of presheaves as per
    Steve Awodey: Natural models of homotopy type theory, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 1--46, 2016 https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.3219

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_def.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.RelativeUniverses.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.RelUnivYonedaCompletion.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.Transport_along_Equivs.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Definition of a representable map of presheaves

A representable map of presheaves consists of
  • a base category C;
  • a morphism Tm —p—> Ty of presheaves on C;
  • existence of a representation of p.

Section Fix_Category.

Representations of maps of presheaves
A *representation* of a map Tm —p—> Ty of presheaves consists of data exhibiting, for each (A : Ty Γ), the fiber of p over A as represented by some object Γ.A over Γ.

Variable C : category.

Definition is_representable (pp : mor_total (preShv C)) : UU
  := Γ (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet), cwf_fiber_representation pp A .

The important fact: being representable is a proposition, by use of truncation. Put differently: the type of representable presheaves is a subtype of the type of presheaves. In particular, two representable maps of presheaves are equal if their underlying maps of presheaves are equal.

Lemma isaprop_is_representable (pp : mor_total (preShv C))
  : isaprop (is_representable pp).
  do 2 (apply impred; intro).
  apply propproperty.

Definition rep_map : UU
  := pp : mor_total (preShv C), is_representable pp.

Map from cwfs to representable maps of presheaves

From a cwf_structure on C, we get a representable map of presheaves on C, given by
  • the identity on the first component (the objects and the morphism between them)
  • a prop-truncation projection on the second component

Definition from_cwf_to_rep_map
  : cwf_structure C -> rep_map.
  use bandfmap.
  - apply idfun.
  - intros pp H.
    intros Γ A.
    exact (hinhpr (H Γ A)).

Equivalence from cwfs to rep. maps of presheaves for C univalent

The map from cwf_structure C to rep_map C is an equivalence if C is univalent.

Definition weq_cwf_rep_map :
  is_univalent C -> cwf_structure C rep_map.
  intro H.
  apply weqfibtototal.
  intro x.
  apply weqonsecfibers. intro Γ.
  apply weqonsecfibers. intro A.
  apply truncation_weq.
  apply isaprop_cwf_fiber_representation.
  apply H.

Perhaps not obviously, the equivalence weq_cwf_rep_map is pointwise definitionally equal to the map from_cwf_to_rep_map defined by hand.

Lemma cwf_natural_rep_map_def (H : is_univalent C) (X : cwf_structure C)
      : weq_cwf_rep_map H X = from_cwf_to_rep_map X.
  apply idpath.

Equivalence between representable maps of presheaves and weak relative universes

Lemma weq_is_representable_is_universe_relative (pp : mor_total (preShv C))
  : is_representable pp is_universe_relative_to Yo pp.
  unfold is_representable.
  unfold is_universe_relative_to.
  apply weqonsecfibers. intro Γ.
  eapply weqcomp.
    Focus 2. eapply invweq.
    refine (weqonsecbase _ _). apply yy.
  apply weqonsecfibers. intro A.
  apply weqimplimpl.
  - apply hinhfun. apply weq_cwf_fiber_representation_fpullback.
  - apply hinhfun. apply (invmap (weq_cwf_fiber_representation_fpullback _ _)).
  - apply propproperty.
  - apply propproperty.

Definition weq_rep_map_weakRelUnivYo
  : rep_map @weak_relative_universe C _ Yo.
  apply weqfibtototal.
  intro pp.
  apply weq_is_representable_is_universe_relative.

End Fix_Category.

Equivalence between rep. maps of presheaves on C and on its Rezk completion

Definition transfer_rep_map_weak_equiv {C D : category} (F : C D)
           (F_ff : fully_faithful F) (F_es : essentially_surjective F)
  : rep_map C rep_map D.
  eapply weqcomp.
    apply weq_rep_map_weakRelUnivYo.
  eapply weqcomp.
    apply (Transfer_of_WeakRelUnivYoneda F F_ff F_es).
  apply invweq. apply weq_rep_map_weakRelUnivYo.

This could be made an instance of the above

Definition Rezk_on_rep_map (C : category)
  : rep_map C rep_map (Rezk_completion C (homset_property _)).
  eapply weqcomp.
    apply weq_rep_map_weakRelUnivYo.
  eapply weqcomp.
     apply Rezk_on_WeakRelUnivYo.
  apply invweq.
  apply weq_rep_map_weakRelUnivYo.

Commutativity of a map from cwfs to rep. maps with transport along Rezk

  cwf(C) ------> rep_map(C)
   |                |
   v                v
  cwf(RC) -----> rep_map(RC)

Lemma cwf_repmap_diagram (C : category) (X : cwf_structure C)
  : from_cwf_to_rep_map _ (Rezk_on_cwf_structures X)
    Rezk_on_rep_map _ (from_cwf_to_rep_map _ X).
  apply subtypeEquality.
  { intro. apply isaprop_is_representable. }
  apply idpath.