
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

This project is maintained by UniMath

Library TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_Defs_Equiv

Part of the TypeTheory library (Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015–present).
The main result of this file is an equivalence weq_cwf'_cwf_structure between the canonical definition of CwF-structures on a precategory C and the regrouped definition based on object-extension structures.
A cwf'_structure on C is
  • a triple (Ty, (◂ + π)) (the object-extension structure)
  • a triple (Tm, pp, Q) where
    • Tm is a presheaf,
    • pp is a morphism of presheaves Tm -> Ty
    • te is a term, for any Γ : C and A : Ty(Γ), te A : Tm (Γ◂A)
  • such (te A) has the desired type, and square are pbs
Parentheses are ( (Ty, (◂ + π)), ( (Tm,(pp,Q)), props) )
Meanwhile, a cwf_structure on C consists of a morphism pp : Ty --> Tm of presheaves together with, for each Γ:C and A : Ty Γ, a representation of the fiber of Tm over A, which we will inspect in more detail below.
So the three differences, in the order we will tackle them, are:
  • ordering: moving the morphism pp to the front;
  • distributing ∏ over ∑: a single quantification over Γ, A on the outside, vs. quantifying within each component;
  • re-association of the components within the fiber-representation

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_def.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_SplitTypeCat_Defs.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Section Fix_Category.

Context {C : category}.

Definition of an intermediate structure

We start by reordering the components of cwf'_structure, so that like cwf_structure, the morphism of presheaves comes first: ( (Ty, Tm, pp), ( ((◂ + π) , Q), props ) )
We name the intermediate structure produced as follows:
A pair rep1_data, rep1_axioms is called rep1, and we define cwf1_structure as the type of pairs of a mor_total and a rep1 on it.
The equivalence weq_cwf'_cwf1_structure : cwf'_structure C cwf1_structure C is given just (!) by shuffling components.
It remains then to give an equivalence cwf1_structure C cwf_structure C. Since pp is at the front in both of these, it suffices to give, for each (Ty,Tm,pp) : mor_total (preShv C) , an equivalence between the remaining structure, weq_rep1_representation : rep1 pp cwf_representation pp .

Definition rep1_data (pp : mor_total (preShv C)) : UU
    (dpr : (Γ : C) (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet ), (ΓA : C), CΓA, Γ),
      Γ (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet), Tm pp (pr1 (dpr Γ A)) : hSet.

Definition ext {pp : mor_total (preShv C)} (Y : rep1_data pp) Γ A
  : C
  := pr1 (pr1 Y Γ A).

Definition dpr {pp : mor_total (preShv C)} (Y : rep1_data pp) {Γ} A
  : Cext Y Γ A, Γ
  := pr2 (pr1 Y Γ A).

Definition te {pp : mor_total (preShv C)} (Y : rep1_data pp) {Γ:C} A
  : Tm pp (ext Y Γ A) : hSet
  := pr2 Y Γ A.

Definition rep1_fiber_axioms {pp : mor_total (preShv C)}
  {Γ} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet)
  {ΓA : C} (π : ΓA --> Γ) (te : Tm pp ΓA : hSet) : UU
   (e : ((pp : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _ ) _ te
         = (# (Ty pp) π A)),
    isPullback _ _ _ _ (cwf_square_comm e).

Definition rep1_axioms {pp : mor_total (preShv C)} (Y : rep1_data pp) : UU :=
   Γ (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet), rep1_fiber_axioms A (dpr Y A) (te Y A).

Definition rep1 (pp : mor_total (preShv C)) : UU
  := (Y : rep1_data pp), rep1_axioms Y.

Definition cwf1_structure := (pp : mor_total (preShv C)), rep1 pp.

Equivalence between cwf'_structure and intermediate cwf1_structure

Definition weq_rep1_cwf'_data :
 ( X : obj_ext_structure C, term_fun_structure_data C X)
  pp : mor_total (preShv C), rep1_data pp.
  eapply weqcomp.
    unfold obj_ext_structure.
    apply weqtotal2asstor. simpl.
  eapply weqcomp. Focus 2. apply weqtotal2asstol. simpl.
  eapply weqcomp. Focus 2. eapply invweq.
        apply weqtotal2dirprodassoc. simpl.
  apply weqfibtototal.
  intro Ty.
  eapply weqcomp.
    apply weqfibtototal; intro depr.
    apply weqtotal2asstol'.
  eapply weqcomp.
    apply weqtotal2asstol'.
  eapply weqcomp. cbn. use weqtotal2dirprodcomm.
  eapply weqcomp; apply weqtotal2asstor.

Definition weq_cwf'_cwf1_structure : cwf'_structure C cwf1_structure.
  eapply weqcomp. Focus 2. apply weqtotal2asstor'.
  eapply weqcomp. apply weqtotal2asstol'.
  use weqbandf.
  - apply weq_rep1_cwf'_data.
  - intro.
    apply weqonsecfibers.
    exact (idweq _ ).

Equivalence between cwf_structure and intermediate

As per the outline above, it now remains to construct, for a given morphism pp : Tm --> Ty in preShv pp , an equivalence rep1 pp cwf_representation pp . Recall:
a rep1 pp consists of:
a representation of pp is a function giving, for each Γ : C and f : Yo Γ -> Ty,
  • an object and map f^*Γ -> Γ in C ;
  • a term of appropriate type;
  • such that the induced square of presheaves is a pullback.
The equivalence between these goes in two steps, essentially:
  • distributing the quantification over Γ, A to the outside;
  • reassociating the sigma-types.
For distributing the quantification, we go via an intermediate defind notion rep2_data.

Definition rep2_data (pp : mor_total (preShv C)) : UU
  := (Γ : C) (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet),
           ( ΓAπ : ΓA : C, ΓA --> Γ, Tm pp (pr1 ΓAπ) : hSet).

Definition weq_rep2_rep1_data (pp : mor_total (preShv C))
  : rep2_data pp rep1_data pp.
  unfold rep1_data, rep2_data.
  eapply weqcomp. apply weqonsecfibers; intro; apply weqforalltototal.
  refine (weqforalltototal _ _).

Definition rep2 (pp : mor_total (preShv C)) : UU
  := (Y : rep2_data pp), rep1_axioms (weq_rep2_rep1_data _ Y).

Definition weq_rep1_representation (pp : mor_total (preShv C))
  : rep1 pp cwf_representation pp.
  simple refine (weqcomp _ _). { exact (rep2 pp). }
    eapply invweq, weqfp.
  unfold rep2, cwf_representation.
  eapply weqcomp.
    unfold rep2_data, rep1_axioms.
    refine (@weqtotaltoforall C (fun Γ => (Ty pp Γ : hSet) -> _)
      (fun Γ Y => forall A, rep1_fiber_axioms A (pr2 (pr1 (Y A))) (pr2 (Y A)))).
  apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
  eapply weqcomp.
    refine (@weqtotaltoforall _ _
      (fun A ΓAπt => rep1_fiber_axioms A (pr2 (pr1 ΓAπt)) (pr2 ΓAπt))).
  apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
  unfold cwf_fiber_representation.
  eapply weqcomp.
    unfold rep1_fiber_axioms.
    use weqtotal2asstor.
  apply weqfibtototal; intros ΓAπ.
  use weqtotal2asstol.

Main result: equivalence between cwf_structure C and cwf'_structure C

Definition weq_cwf_cwf'_structure : cwf_structure C cwf'_structure C.
  apply invweq.
  eapply weqcomp.
  apply weq_cwf'_cwf1_structure.
  apply weqfibtototal; intro pp.
  apply weq_rep1_representation.

End Fix_Category.

Arguments weq_cwf'_cwf1_structure _ : clear implicits.
Arguments weq_cwf_cwf'_structure _ : clear implicits.