
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

This project is maintained by UniMath

Library TypeTheory.OtherDefs.DM

Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015
  • Definition of a (pre)category with display maps
The definition is based on, well, what PLL told me

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.

Set Automatic Introduction.

A "preview" of the definition

Module Record_Preview.

Reserved Notation "γ ⋆ f" (at level 25).

these are approximations of the access functions implemented at the end of the file
one difference is that actually DM is defined as the sigma type of another type

Record CwDM := {
  C : precategory ;
  DM : {Δ Γ : C}, Δ --> Γ hProp ;
  pb : {Δ Γ : C} (γ : f : Δ --> Γ, DM f) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ), C where "γ ⋆ f" := (pb γ f) ;
  pb_DM_of_DM : {Δ Γ} (γ : f : Δ --> Γ, DM f) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ), f : (γf) --> Γ', DM f ;
  pb_arrow_of_arrow : {Δ Γ} (γ : f : Δ --> Γ, DM f) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ), γf --> Δ ;
  sqr_comm_of_DM : {Δ Γ} (γ : f : Δ --> Γ, DM f) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ),
                      pb_arrow_of_arrow _ _ ;; pr1 γ = pr1 (pb_DM_of_DM γ f) ;; f ;

  isPullback_of_DM : {Δ Γ} (γ : f : Δ --> Γ, DM f) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ),
                       isPullback _ _ _ _ (sqr_comm_of_DM γ f)


End Record_Preview.

Definition of Display Map structure on a (pre)category

Predicate selecting the display maps among the arrows

Definition dm_sub_struct (CC : precategory)
  : UU
  := {Δ Γ : CC} , Δ --> Γ UU.

Definition DM_type {C : precategory} (H : dm_sub_struct C) {Δ Γ} (γ : Δ --> Γ)
           := H Δ Γ γ.

Definition DM {C : precategory}(H : dm_sub_struct C) (Δ Γ : C) : UU :=
   f : Δ --> Γ, DM_type H f.

Definition DM_over {C : precategory}(H : dm_sub_struct C) (Γ : C) : UU :=
   (Δf : Δ, Δ --> Γ), DM_type H (pr2 Δf).

Definition ob_from_DM_over {C : precategory} {H : dm_sub_struct C} {Γ : C}
           (X : DM_over H Γ) : C := pr1 (pr1 X).

Definition DM_from_DM_over {C : precategory} {H : dm_sub_struct C} {Γ : C}
  (X : DM_over H Γ) : DM H (ob_from_DM_over X) Γ.
  exists (pr2 (pr1 X)).
  exact (pr2 X).

Coercion DM_from_DM_over : DM_over >-> DM.

Definition DM_over_from_DM {C} {H : dm_sub_struct C} {Γ Δ} (γ : DM H Δ Γ)
  : DM_over H Γ.
  exists (Δ,,pr1 γ). exact (pr2 γ).

Coercion arrow_from_DM {C : precategory} (H : dm_sub_struct C)(Δ Γ : C) (δ : DM H Δ Γ) : Δ --> Γ := pr1 δ.

Display maps are closed under iso

Here, isomorphism means isomorphism in the slice category of the target object. Alternatively and equivalently, one could consider isomorphism in the arrow category?

Definition dm_sub_closed_under_iso {CC : precategory} (C : dm_sub_struct CC)
  : UU
  := Δ Γ (γ : DM C Δ Γ),
                           Δ' (δ : Δ' --> Γ),
                           (h : iso Δ Δ'), h ;; δ = γ DM_type C δ.

Display maps are closed under pullback

i.e., the pullback of a display map exists and is again a display map

 | |
 | | γDM

Definition pb_of_DM_struct {CC : precategory} (H : dm_sub_struct CC)
: UU
  := Δ Γ (γ : DM H Δ Γ), Γ' (f : Γ' --> Γ),
        P : Pullback γ f, DM_type H (PullbackPr2 P).

Definition dm_sub_pb (CC : precategory) : UU :=
   DM : dm_sub_struct CC, pb_of_DM_struct DM.

Coercion dm_sub_of_dm_sub_pb {CC : precategory} (C : dm_sub_pb CC) : dm_sub_struct CC := pr1 C.
Coercion pb_of_dm_sub_pb {CC : precategory} (C : dm_sub_pb CC) : pb_of_DM_struct C := pr2 C.

Definition pb_ob_of_DM {CC : precategory} {C : dm_sub_pb CC}
           {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: CC
  := PullbackObject (pr1 (pr2 C _ _ γ _ f)).

Notation "γ ⋆ f" := (pb_ob_of_DM γ f) (at level 45, format "γ ⋆ f").

Definition pb_mor_of_DM {CC : precategory} {C : dm_sub_pb CC}
           {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
  : (γf) --> Γ'.
  apply (PullbackPr2 (pr1 (pr2 C _ _ γ _ f))).

Definition pb_mor_of_mor {CC : precategory} {C : dm_sub_pb CC}
           {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: γf --> Δ.
  apply (PullbackPr1 (pr1 (pr2 C _ _ γ _ f))).

Definition sqr_comm_of_dm_sub_pb {CC : precategory} {C : dm_sub_pb CC}
           {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: _ ;; _ = _ ;; _
:= PullbackSqrCommutes (pr1 (pr2 C _ _ γ _ f )).

Definition isPullback_of_dm_sub_pb {CC : precategory} (hs: has_homsets CC) {C : dm_sub_pb CC}
           {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: isPullback _ _ _ _ _ :=
isPullback_Pullback (pr1 (pr2 C _ _ γ _ f )).

DM structure: putting the pieces together

Definition DM_structure (CC : precategory) : UU
  := C : dm_sub_pb CC,
          dm_sub_closed_under_iso C
        × Γ Γ' (γ : Γ --> Γ'), isaprop (DM_type C γ).

Some access functions

Names are chosen as for the preview above

Coercion dm_sub_pb_from_DM_structure CC (C : DM_structure CC) : dm_sub_pb CC := pr1 C.

Definition pb_DM_of_DM {CC} {C : dm_sub_pb CC} {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: DM C (γf) Γ'.
  exists (pb_mor_of_DM γ f).
  apply (pr2 (pr2 C _ _ γ _ f)).

Definition pb_DM_over_of_DM_over {CC} {C : dm_sub_pb CC} {Γ} (γ : DM_over C Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: DM_over C Γ'.
  eapply DM_over_from_DM.
  refine (pb_DM_of_DM γ f).

Definition pb_arrow_of_arrow {CC} {C : DM_structure CC} {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: γf --> Δ.
  apply pb_mor_of_mor.

Definition sqr_comm_of_DM {CC : precategory} {C : DM_structure CC} {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: pb_arrow_of_arrow _ _ ;; γ = pb_DM_of_DM γ f ;; f.
  apply sqr_comm_of_dm_sub_pb.

Definition isPullback_of_DM {CC : precategory} (hs: has_homsets CC) {C : DM_structure CC} {Δ Γ} (γ : DM C Δ Γ) {Γ'} (f : Γ' --> Γ)
: isPullback _ _ _ _ (sqr_comm_of_DM γ f).
  apply isPullback_of_dm_sub_pb; assumption.

Section lemmas.

  Definition DM_equal {CC} (H : is_univalent CC) (D D' : DM_structure CC)
             (X : Δ Γ (f : Δ --> Γ), DM_type D f DM_type D' f)
             (X' : Δ Γ (f : Δ --> Γ), DM_type D' f DM_type D f)
  : D = D'.
    apply subtypeEquality'.
    - simpl.
      destruct D as [D Dh];
        destruct D' as [D' Dh']; simpl in *.
      apply subtypeEquality'.
      + destruct D as [D Da];
        destruct D' as [D' Da'];
        simpl in *.
        unfold dm_sub_struct in D.
        apply funextsec; intro.
        apply funextsec; intro.
        apply funextsec; intro f.
        apply univalenceAxiom.
        exists (X _ _ _).
        apply isweqimplimpl.
        * apply X'.
        * apply (pr2 Dh).
        * apply (pr2 Dh').

      + unfold pb_of_DM_struct.
        repeat (apply impred; intro).
        apply isofhleveltotal2.
        * apply isaprop_Pullback. exact H.
        * intro. apply (pr2 Dh').

    - simpl.
      apply isofhleveltotal2.
      + unfold dm_sub_closed_under_iso.
        repeat (apply impred; intro).
        apply (pr2 (pr2 D')).
      + intro.
        repeat (apply impred; intro).
        apply isapropiscontr.

End lemmas.