Library TypeTheory.ALV1.TypeCat_Reassoc
- Equivalence weq_standalone_regrouped between split type-categories, and their reassociated version based on object-extension structures.
- Firstly, perform a big permutation/reassociation of the various components. This is proven as a purely structural lemma, with the actual concrete types abstracted away — all that is needed is to know which components depend on which earlier ones.
- Secondly, with the components in the right order, massage away the slight differences in the statements of individual components, by repeated use of weqbandf.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_SplitTypeCat_Defs.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.TypeCat.
Structural permutation/reassociation lemma
Section Structural_Reassoc.
(T_ty : UU)
(T_ext : T_ty -> UU)
(T_dpr : ∏ ty, T_ext ty -> UU)
(T_reind : T_ty -> UU)
(T_q_etc : ∏ ty ext, (T_dpr ty ext) -> (T_reind ty) -> UU)
(T_set : T_ty -> UU)
(T_reind_id : ∏ ty, T_reind ty -> UU)
(T_q_id : ∏ ty ext dpr reind,
(T_q_etc ty ext dpr reind) -> (T_reind_id ty reind) -> UU)
(T_reind_comp : ∏ ty, T_reind ty -> UU)
(T_q_comp : ∏ ty ext dpr reind,
(T_q_etc ty ext dpr reind) -> (T_reind_comp ty reind) -> UU).
Arguments T_dpr [_] _.
Arguments T_q_etc [_ _] _ _.
Arguments T_reind_id [_] _.
Arguments T_q_id [_ _ _ _] _ _.
Arguments T_reind_comp [_] _.
Arguments T_q_comp [_ _ _ _] _ _.
Definition struct1 : UU
:= ∑ ty (ext : T_ext ty), T_reind ty.
Definition struct2 (S1 : struct1)
(ty := pr1 S1) (ext := pr1 (pr2 S1)) (reind := pr2 (pr2 S1))
:= ∑ dpr, @T_q_etc ty ext dpr reind.
Definition struct_total := ∑ S1, struct2 S1.
Definition is_split (S : struct_total)
(ty := pr1 (pr1 S)) (reind := pr2 (pr2 (pr1 S))) (q_etc := pr2 (pr2 S))
:= T_set ty
× (∑ reind_id, T_q_id q_etc reind_id)
× (∑ reind_comp, T_q_comp q_etc reind_comp).
Definition split_struct := ∑ S, is_split S.
Definition pshf_data
:= ∑ (Ty : ∑ (ty : T_ty), T_set ty), T_reind (pr1 Ty).
Definition pshf_axioms (F : pshf_data)
(reind := pr2 F)
:= T_reind_id reind × T_reind_comp reind.
Definition pshf
:= ∑ F, pshf_axioms F.
Definition ext_struct (F : pshf_data)
(ty := pr1 (pr1 F)) (reind := pr2 F)
:= ∑ (ext : T_ext ty), T_dpr ext.
Definition obj_ext_struct
:= ∑ (F : pshf), ext_struct (pr1 F).
Definition gen_q_mor_data (X : obj_ext_struct)
(ext := pr1 (pr2 X)) (dpr := pr2 (pr2 X))
(reind := pr2 (pr1 (pr1 X)))
:= T_q_etc dpr reind.
Definition gen_q_mor_axs {X : obj_ext_struct} (q_etc : gen_q_mor_data X)
(A := pr2 (pr1 X)) (reind_id := pr1 A) (reind_comp := pr2 A)
:= T_q_id q_etc reind_id × T_q_comp q_etc reind_comp.
Definition gen_q_mor_struct (X : obj_ext_struct)
:= ∑ (q_etc : gen_q_mor_data X), gen_q_mor_axs q_etc.
Definition reassoc_split_struct
:= ∑ X, gen_q_mor_struct X.
Definition l_to_r_reassoc_direct : split_struct -> reassoc_split_struct.
intros S.
exists ((pr1 (pr1 (pr1 S)),, pr1 (pr2 S)),, pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 S)))).
exact (pr1 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 S))),, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 S)))).
exact (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 S))),, pr1 (pr2 (pr1 S))).
exists (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 S))).
exact (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 S))),, pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 S)))).
Definition r_to_l_reassoc_direct : reassoc_split_struct -> split_struct.
intros S.
exists (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 S)))) ,,
(pr1 (pr2 (pr1 S)) ,, (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 S)))))).
exact (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 S)),, pr1 (pr2 S)).
repeat apply dirprodpair; simpl.
- exact (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 S))))).
- exact (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 S))),, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 S))).
- exact (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 S))),, pr2 (pr2 (pr2 S))).
Theorem weq_reassoc_direct : split_struct ≃ reassoc_split_struct.
refine (weqgradth
_ _).
- intros [[[ty [ext reind]] [dpr q_etc]] [set [[reind_id q_id] [reind_comp q_comp]]]].
apply idpath.
- intros [[[[[ty set] reind] [reind_id reind_comp]] [ext dpr]] [q_etc [q_id q_comp]]].
apply idpath.
End Structural_Reassoc.
Section Fix_Category.
Context {CC : category}.
Equivalence between split type-cat structures and their structurally-abstracted version
Section Split_Type_Cat_as_Structural.
Definition T_ty
:= (CC -> UU).
Definition T_ext
:= (λ ty, ∏ Γ : CC, ty Γ -> CC).
Definition T_dpr
:= (λ ty ext, ∏ (Γ : CC) (A : ty Γ), ext Γ A --> Γ ).
Definition T_reind
:= (λ ty, ∏ (Γ : CC) (A : ty Γ) (Γ' : CC), (Γ' --> Γ) -> ty Γ').
Definition T_q_etc
:= (λ ty ext (dpr : T_dpr ty ext) (reind : T_reind ty),
∑ (q : ∏ (Γ:CC) (A : ty Γ) Γ' (f : Γ' --> Γ),
(ext Γ' (reind _ A _ f)) --> (ext Γ A))
(dpr_q : ∏ Γ (A : ty Γ) Γ' (f : Γ' --> Γ),
q _ A _ f ;; dpr Γ A = dpr Γ' (reind _ A _ f) ;; f),
(∏ Γ (A : ty Γ) Γ' (f : Γ' --> Γ),
isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q _ A _ f))).
Definition T_set
:= (λ ty : T_ty, ∏ Γ, isaset (ty Γ)).
Definition T_reind_id
:= (λ ty (reind : T_reind ty), ∏ Γ A, reind _ A _ (identity Γ) = A).
Definition T_q_id
:= (λ ty ext dpr reind (q_etc : T_q_etc ty ext dpr reind)
(reind_id : T_reind_id ty reind),
∏ Γ A, (pr1 q_etc) _ A _ (identity Γ)
= idtoiso (maponpaths (ext Γ) (reind_id Γ A))).
Definition T_reind_comp
:= (λ ty (reind : T_reind ty),
∏ Γ A Γ' (f : Γ' --> Γ) Γ'' (g : Γ'' --> Γ'),
reind _ A _ (g ;; f) = reind _ (reind _ A _ f) _ g).
Definition T_q_comp
:= (λ ty ext dpr reind (q_etc : T_q_etc ty ext dpr reind)
(reind_comp : T_reind_comp ty reind),
∏ Γ A Γ' (f : Γ' --> Γ) Γ'' (g : Γ'' --> Γ'),
(pr1 q_etc) _ A _ (g ;; f)
= idtoiso (maponpaths (ext Γ'') (reind_comp _ A _ f _ g))
;; (pr1 q_etc) _ (reind _ A _ f) _ g
;; (pr1 q_etc) _ A _ f).
Definition eq_standalone_structural
: split_typecat_structure CC
= split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp.
apply idpath.
Definition weq_standalone_structural
: split_typecat_structure CC
≃ split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp.
apply eqweqmap, eq_standalone_structural.
Alternate construction of weq_standalone_structural, retained in case it gives better computational behaviour:
Definition standalone_to_structural
: split_typecat_structure CC
-> split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp.
intros S. exact (transportf (fun X => X) eq_standalone_structural S).
Definition structural_to_standalone
: split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp
-> split_typecat_structure CC.
intros S. exact (transportb (fun X => X) eq_standalone_structural S).
Definition weq_standalone_structural_explicit
: split_typecat_structure CC
≃ split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp.
refine (weqgradth
_ _).
- intros; apply idpath.
- intros; apply idpath.
End Split_Type_Cat_as_Structural.
Equivalence between the structural and object-extension versions
Section Structural_to_Regrouped.
Definition weq_structural_pshf_data
: pshf_data T_ty T_reind T_set
≃ functor_data CC^op HSET_univalent_category.
use weqbandf.
apply weqtotaltoforall.
simpl. intros. unfold T_reind.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
apply weq_exchange_args.
Definition weq_structural_pshf_axioms
(x : pshf_data T_ty T_reind T_set)
: pshf_axioms _ _ _ T_reind_id T_reind_comp x
≃ is_functor (weq_structural_pshf_data x).
apply weqdirprodf.
- cbn. unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec.
cbn. unfold totaltoforall, T_reind_id, functor_idax.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
apply weqfunextsec.
- cbn. unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec.
cbn. unfold totaltoforall, T_reind_comp, functor_compax.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A. apply weq_exchange_args.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ''.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro f.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro g.
apply weqfunextsec.
Definition weq_structural_pshf
: pshf T_ty T_reind T_set T_reind_id T_reind_comp
≃ preShv CC.
use weqbandf.
apply weq_structural_pshf_data.
apply weq_structural_pshf_axioms.
Definition weq_structural_obj_ext
: obj_ext_struct T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_set T_reind_id T_reind_comp
≃ obj_ext_structure CC.
use weqbandf.
apply weq_structural_pshf.
intro F. simpl. unfold ext_struct, T_ext, T_dpr.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall CC
(λ Γ, (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 F)) Γ → CC))
(λ Γ extΓ, ∏ (A : pr1 (pr1 (pr1 F)) Γ), extΓ A --> Γ)).
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall _ _ (λ A ΓA, ΓA --> Γ)).
Definition weq_structural_q_mor_data
(X : obj_ext_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_set T_reind_id T_reind_comp)
: gen_q_mor_data _ _ _ _ T_q_etc T_set _ _ X
≃ qq_morphism_data (weq_structural_obj_ext X).
cbn. unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec.
cbn. unfold totaltoforall, gen_q_mor_data, T_q_etc, qq_morphism_data.
use weqbandf.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
apply weq_exchange_args.
cbn. intro q.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall CC
(λ Γ, _)
(λ Γ dpr_q_Γ, ∏ A Γ' f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ A Γ' f))).
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 X))) Γ)
(λ A, _)
(λ A dpr_q_Γ_A, ∏ Γ' f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ_A Γ' f))).
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall CC
(λ Γ', _)
(λ Γ' dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ', ∏ f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ' f))).
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall _
(λ f, _)
(λ f dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ'_f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ'_f))).
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
apply weq_exchange_args.
Definition weq_structural_regrouped
: reassoc_split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp
≃ split_typecat'_structure CC.
use weqbandf. apply weq_structural_obj_ext. intro X.
use weqbandf. apply weq_structural_q_mor_data. intros q_etc.
unfold qq_morphism_axioms. cbn.
unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec. cbn.
apply weqdirprodf.
- apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
apply weqpathscomp0r.
unfold comp_ext_compare.
apply maponpaths, maponpaths, maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 X)))). - apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A. apply weq_exchange_args.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ''.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro f.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro g.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
apply weqpathscomp0r.
apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths_2.
unfold comp_ext_compare.
apply maponpaths, maponpaths, maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 X)))). Defined.
End Structural_to_Regrouped.
Section Standalone_to_Regrouped.
Definition weq_standalone_to_regrouped
: split_typecat_structure CC
≃ split_typecat'_structure CC.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_standalone_structural.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_reassoc_direct.
apply weq_structural_regrouped.
End Standalone_to_Regrouped.
End Fix_Category.
Definition weq_structural_pshf_data
: pshf_data T_ty T_reind T_set
≃ functor_data CC^op HSET_univalent_category.
use weqbandf.
apply weqtotaltoforall.
simpl. intros. unfold T_reind.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
apply weq_exchange_args.
Definition weq_structural_pshf_axioms
(x : pshf_data T_ty T_reind T_set)
: pshf_axioms _ _ _ T_reind_id T_reind_comp x
≃ is_functor (weq_structural_pshf_data x).
apply weqdirprodf.
- cbn. unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec.
cbn. unfold totaltoforall, T_reind_id, functor_idax.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
apply weqfunextsec.
- cbn. unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec.
cbn. unfold totaltoforall, T_reind_comp, functor_compax.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A. apply weq_exchange_args.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ''.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro f.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro g.
apply weqfunextsec.
Definition weq_structural_pshf
: pshf T_ty T_reind T_set T_reind_id T_reind_comp
≃ preShv CC.
use weqbandf.
apply weq_structural_pshf_data.
apply weq_structural_pshf_axioms.
Definition weq_structural_obj_ext
: obj_ext_struct T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_set T_reind_id T_reind_comp
≃ obj_ext_structure CC.
use weqbandf.
apply weq_structural_pshf.
intro F. simpl. unfold ext_struct, T_ext, T_dpr.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall CC
(λ Γ, (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 F)) Γ → CC))
(λ Γ extΓ, ∏ (A : pr1 (pr1 (pr1 F)) Γ), extΓ A --> Γ)).
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall _ _ (λ A ΓA, ΓA --> Γ)).
Definition weq_structural_q_mor_data
(X : obj_ext_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_set T_reind_id T_reind_comp)
: gen_q_mor_data _ _ _ _ T_q_etc T_set _ _ X
≃ qq_morphism_data (weq_structural_obj_ext X).
cbn. unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec.
cbn. unfold totaltoforall, gen_q_mor_data, T_q_etc, qq_morphism_data.
use weqbandf.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
apply weq_exchange_args.
cbn. intro q.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall CC
(λ Γ, _)
(λ Γ dpr_q_Γ, ∏ A Γ' f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ A Γ' f))).
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 X))) Γ)
(λ A, _)
(λ A dpr_q_Γ_A, ∏ Γ' f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ_A Γ' f))).
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
eapply weqcomp.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall CC
(λ Γ', _)
(λ Γ' dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ', ∏ f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ' f))).
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
exact (@weqtotaltoforall _
(λ f, _)
(λ f dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ'_f, isPullback _ _ _ _ (!dpr_q_Γ_A_Γ'_f))).
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
apply weq_exchange_args.
Definition weq_structural_regrouped
: reassoc_split_struct
T_ty T_ext T_dpr T_reind T_q_etc
T_set T_reind_id T_q_id T_reind_comp T_q_comp
≃ split_typecat'_structure CC.
use weqbandf. apply weq_structural_obj_ext. intro X.
use weqbandf. apply weq_structural_q_mor_data. intros q_etc.
unfold qq_morphism_axioms. cbn.
unfold bandfmap, weqforalltototal, maponsec. cbn.
apply weqdirprodf.
- apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
apply weqpathscomp0r.
unfold comp_ext_compare.
apply maponpaths, maponpaths, maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 X)))). - apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ'.
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A. apply weq_exchange_args.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro Γ''.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro f.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_exchange_args.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro g.
apply weqonsecfibers; intro A.
apply weqpathscomp0r.
apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths_2.
unfold comp_ext_compare.
apply maponpaths, maponpaths, maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 X)))). Defined.
End Structural_to_Regrouped.
Section Standalone_to_Regrouped.
Definition weq_standalone_to_regrouped
: split_typecat_structure CC
≃ split_typecat'_structure CC.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_standalone_structural.
eapply weqcomp. apply weq_reassoc_direct.
apply weq_structural_regrouped.
End Standalone_to_Regrouped.
End Fix_Category.