
The mathematical study of type theories, in univalent foundations

This project is maintained by UniMath

Library TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Examples


A typical use for displayed categories is for constructing categories of structured objects, over a given (specific or general) category. We give a few examples here:
  • category of topological space as total category
  • arrow precategories
  • objects with N-actions
  • elements, over hSet

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.category_hset.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.Topology.Topology.

Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.

Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Core.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Constructions.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Limits.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.Fibrations.
Require Import TypeTheory.Displayed_Cats.SIP.

Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.

Local Set Automatic Introduction.

Displayed category of groups

Module group.

Definition grp_structure_data (X : hSet) : UU
  := (X -> X -> X) × X × (X -> X).
Definition mult {X : hSet} (G : grp_structure_data X)
           : X -> X -> X := pr1 G.
Definition e {X : hSet} (G : grp_structure_data X)
           : X := pr1 (pr2 G).
Definition inv {X : hSet} (G : grp_structure_data X)
           : X -> X := pr2 (pr2 G).

Definition grp_structure_axioms {X : hSet}
           (G : grp_structure_data X) : UU
  := ( x y z : X, mult G x (mult G y z) = mult G (mult G x y) z)
     ( x : X, mult G x (e G) = x)
     ( x : X, mult G (e G) x = x)
     ( x : X, mult G x (inv G x) = e G)
     ( x : X, mult G (inv G x) x = e G).

Definition grp_assoc {X : hSet} {G : grp_structure_data X}
           (GH : grp_structure_axioms G)
  : x y z : X, mult G x (mult G y z) = mult G (mult G x y) z := pr1 GH.
Definition grp_e_r {X : hSet} {G : grp_structure_data X}
           (GH : grp_structure_axioms G)
  : x : X, mult G x (e G) = x := pr1 (pr2 GH).
Definition grp_e_l {X : hSet} {G : grp_structure_data X}
           (GH : grp_structure_axioms G)
  : x : X, mult G (e G) x = x := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 GH)).
Definition grp_inv_r {X : hSet} {G : grp_structure_data X}
           (GH : grp_structure_axioms G)
  : x : X, mult G x (inv G x) = e G := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 GH))).
Definition grp_inv_l {X : hSet} {G : grp_structure_data X}
           (GH : grp_structure_axioms G)
  : x : X, mult G (inv G x) x = e G := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 GH))).

Definition grp_structure (X : hSet) : UU
  := G : grp_structure_data X, grp_structure_axioms G.
Coercion grp_data {X} (G : grp_structure X) : grp_structure_data X := pr1 G.
Coercion grp_axioms {X} (G : grp_structure X) : grp_structure_axioms _ := pr2 G.

Definition is_grp_hom {X Y : hSet} (f : X -> Y)
           (GX : grp_structure X) (GY : grp_structure Y) : UU
           := ( x x', f (mult GX x x') = mult GY (f x) (f x'))
              (f (e GX) = e GY).
Definition grp_hom_mult {X Y : hSet} {f : X -> Y}
           {GX : grp_structure X} {GY : grp_structure Y}
           (is : is_grp_hom f GX GY)
           : x x', f (mult GX x x') = mult GY (f x) (f x') := pr1 is.
Definition grp_hom_e {X Y : hSet} {f : X -> Y}
           {GX : grp_structure X} {GY : grp_structure Y}
           (is : is_grp_hom f GX GY)
           : f (e GX) = e GY := pr2 is.

Definition isaprop_is_grp_hom {X Y : hSet} (f : X -> Y)
           (GX : grp_structure X) (GY : grp_structure Y)
  : isaprop (is_grp_hom f GX GY).
  repeat apply (isofhleveldirprod);
  repeat (apply impred; intro);
  apply setproperty.

Definition disp_grp : disp_cat hset_category.
  use disp_struct.
  - exact grp_structure.
  - intros X Y GX GY f. exact (is_grp_hom f GX GY).
  - intros. apply isaprop_is_grp_hom.
  - intros. simpl.
    repeat split; intros; apply idpath.
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Gf Gg ; simpl in *;
    repeat split; intros; simpl; cbn.
    + rewrite (grp_hom_mult Gf).
      apply (grp_hom_mult Gg).
    + rewrite (grp_hom_e Gf).
      apply (grp_hom_e Gg).

End group.

Displayed category of topological spaces

TODO: upstream to Topology.Topology
Lemma is_lim_comp {X : UU} {U V : TopologicalSet} (f : X U) (g : U V) (F : Filter X) (l : U) :
  is_lim f F l continuous_at g l
  is_lim (funcomp f g) F (g l).
  apply filterlim_comp.
Lemma continuous_comp {X Y Z : TopologicalSet} (f : X Y) (g : Y Z) :
  continuous f continuous g
  continuous (funcomp f g).
  intros Hf Hg x.
  refine (is_lim_comp _ _ _ _ _ _).
  apply Hf.
  apply Hg.
Lemma isaprop_continuous ( x y : TopologicalSet)
  (f : x y)
  : isaprop (continuous (λ x0 : x, f x0)).
  do 3 (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
  apply propproperty.

Definition top_disp_cat_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor HSET.
  - intro X. exact (isTopologicalSet (pr1hSet X)).
  - cbn. intros X Y T U f.
    apply (@continuous (pr1hSet X,,T) (pr1hSet Y,,U) f).

Definition top_disp_cat_data : disp_cat_data HSET.
  exists top_disp_cat_ob_mor.
  - intros X XX. cbn. unfold continuous. intros.
    unfold continuous_at. cbn. unfold is_lim. cbn.
    unfold filterlim. cbn. unfold filter_le. cbn.
    intros. assumption.
  - intros X Y Z f g XX YY ZZ Hf Hg.
    use (@continuous_comp (pr1hSet X,,XX) (pr1hSet Y,,YY) (pr1hSet Z,,ZZ) f g);

Definition top_disp_cat_axioms : disp_cat_axioms SET top_disp_cat_data.
  repeat split; cbn; intros; try (apply proofirrelevance, isaprop_continuous).
  apply isasetaprop. apply isaprop_continuous.

Definition disp_top : disp_cat SET := _ ,, top_disp_cat_axioms.

The displayed arrow category

A very fertile example: many others can be obtained from it by reindexing.
Section Arrow_Disp.

Context (C:category).

Definition arrow_disp_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor (C × C).
  exists (fun xy : (C × C) => (pr1 xy) --> (pr2 xy)).
  simpl; intros xx' yy' g h ff'.
    exact (pr1 ff' ;; h = g ;; pr2 ff')%mor.

Definition arrow_id_comp : disp_cat_id_comp _ arrow_disp_ob_mor.
  - simpl; intros.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply id_left. apply pathsinv0, id_right.
  - simpl; intros x y z f g xx yy zz ff gg.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths, gg.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply assoc.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply cancel_postcomposition, ff.
    apply pathsinv0, assoc.

Definition arrow_data : disp_cat_data _
  := (arrow_disp_ob_mor ,, arrow_id_comp).

Lemma arrow_axioms : disp_cat_axioms (C × C) arrow_data.
  repeat apply tpair; intros; try apply homset_property.
  apply isasetaprop, homset_property.

Definition arrow_disp : disp_cat (C × C)
  := (arrow_data ,, arrow_axioms).

End Arrow_Disp.

Objects with N-action

For any category C, “C-objects equipped with an N-action” (or more elementarily, with an endomorphism) form a displayed category over C Section ZAct.
Once we have pullbacks of displayed precategories, this can be obtained as a pullback of the previous example.

Section NAction.

Context (C:category).

Definition NAction_disp_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor C.
  exists (fun c => c --> c).
  intros x y xx yy f. exact (f ;; yy = xx ;; f)%mor.

Definition NAction_id_comp : disp_cat_id_comp C NAction_disp_ob_mor.
  - simpl; intros.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply id_left. apply pathsinv0, id_right.
  - simpl; intros x y z f g xx yy zz ff gg.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply @pathsinv0, assoc.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths, gg.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply assoc.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply cancel_postcomposition, ff.
    apply pathsinv0, assoc.

Definition NAction_data : disp_cat_data C
  := (NAction_disp_ob_mor ,, NAction_id_comp).

Lemma NAction_axioms : disp_cat_axioms C NAction_data.
  repeat apply tpair; intros; try apply homset_property.
  apply isasetaprop, homset_property.

Definition NAction_disp : disp_cat C
  := (NAction_data ,, NAction_axioms).

End NAction.

Elements of sets

A presheaf on a (pre)category can be viewed as a fiberwise discrete displayed (pre)category. In fact, the universal example of this is the case corresponding to the identity functor on SET. So, having given the displayed category for this case, one obtains it for arbitrary presheaves by reindexing.

Section Elements_Disp.

Definition elements_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor SET.
  use tpair.
  - simpl. exact (fun X => X).
  - simpl. intros X Y x y f. exact (f x = y).

Lemma elements_id_comp : disp_cat_id_comp SET elements_ob_mor.
  apply tpair; simpl.
  - intros X x. apply idpath.
  - intros X Y Z f g x y z e_fx_y e_gy_z. cbn.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths, e_fx_y. apply e_gy_z.

Definition elements_data : disp_cat_data SET
  := (_ ,, elements_id_comp).

Lemma elements_axioms : disp_cat_axioms SET elements_data.
  repeat split; intros; try apply setproperty.
  apply isasetaprop; apply setproperty.

Definition elements_universal : disp_cat SET
  := (_ ,, elements_axioms).

Definition disp_cat_of_elements {C : category} (P : functor C SET)
  := reindex_disp_cat P elements_universal.

Definition precat_of_elements {C : category} (P : functor C SET)
  := total_category (disp_cat_of_elements P).

End Elements_Disp.

Section functor_algebras.

Context {C : category} (F : functor C C).

Definition functor_alg_ob : C -> UU := λ c, F c --> c.

Definition functor_alg_mor
  : (x y : C), functor_alg_ob x functor_alg_ob y Cx,y UU.
  intros c d a a' r. exact ( (#F r)%cat · a' = a · r).

Definition isaprop_functor_alg_mor
  : (x y : C) a a' r,
     isaprop (functor_alg_mor x y a a' r).
  intros. simpl. apply homset_property.

Definition functor_alg_id
: (x : C) (a : functor_alg_ob x), functor_alg_mor _ _ a a (identity x ).
  intros; unfold functor_alg_mor.
  rewrite functor_id;
  rewrite id_left;
  apply pathsinv0; apply id_right .

Definition functor_alg_comp
  : (x y z : C) a b c (f : Cx,y) (g : Cy,z),
                 functor_alg_mor _ _ a b f
                  functor_alg_mor _ _ b c g
                  functor_alg_mor _ _ a c (f ;; g).
  cbn; intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X X0;
  unfold functor_alg_mor in *;
  rewrite functor_comp;
  rewrite <-assoc; rewrite X0;
  rewrite assoc; rewrite X;
  apply (!assoc _ _ _ ) .

Definition disp_cat_functor_alg : disp_cat C
  := disp_struct _ _

Definition total_functor_alg : category := total_category disp_cat_functor_alg.

Lemma isaset_functor_alg_ob : x : C, isaset (functor_alg_ob x).
  intro c.
  apply homset_property.

Lemma is_disp_category_functor_alg : is_univalent_disp disp_cat_functor_alg.
  use is_univalent_disp_from_SIP_data.
  - apply isaset_functor_alg_ob.
  - unfold functor_alg_mor.
    intros x a a' H H'.
    rewrite functor_id in H'.
    rewrite id_left in H'.
    rewrite id_right in H'.
    apply H'.

Definition iso_cleaving_functor_alg : iso_cleaving disp_cat_functor_alg.
  intros c c' i d.
  cbn in *.
  - exact (compose (compose (functor_on_iso F i) d) (iso_inv_from_iso i)).
  - cbn. unfold iso_disp. cbn.
    + abstract (
          etrans; [eapply pathsinv0; apply id_right |];
          repeat rewrite <- assoc;
          do 2 apply maponpaths;
          apply pathsinv0; apply iso_after_iso_inv
    + mkpair.
      * unfold functor_alg_mor.
        cbn. repeat rewrite assoc.
        unfold functor_alg_mor. cbn.
        rewrite <- functor_comp.
        rewrite iso_after_iso_inv.
        rewrite functor_id.
        rewrite id_left. apply idpath.
      * split; apply homset_property.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.limits.

Local Notation "'π'" := (pr1_category disp_cat_functor_alg).

Definition creates_limits_functor_alg
  : creates_limits disp_cat_functor_alg.
  intros J D x L isL.
  unfold creates_limit. cbn.
  transparent assert (FC : (cone (mapdiagram π D) (F x))).
  { use mk_cone.
    - intro j.
      eapply compose.
      apply ((#F)%cat (coneOut L j )).
      cbn. exact (pr2 (dob D j)).
    - abstract (
      intros; cbn;
      assert (XR := pr2 (dmor D e)); cbn in XR;
      etrans; [eapply pathsinv0; apply assoc |];
      etrans; [apply maponpaths, (!XR) |];
      etrans; [apply assoc |];
      apply maponpaths_2;
      rewrite <- functor_comp;
      apply maponpaths;
      apply (coneOutCommutes L)
  transparent assert (LL : (LimCone (mapdiagram π D))).
  { use mk_LimCone. apply x. apply L. apply isL. }
  - mkpair.
    + mkpair.
      * use (limArrow LL). apply FC.
      * abstract (
          mkpair ;
            intro j; cbn;
            set (XR := limArrowCommutes LL _ FC); cbn in XR;
            apply pathsinv0; apply XR
          | cbn; intros i j e;
            apply subtypeEquality;
            [ intro; apply homset_property |];
            cbn; apply (coneOutCommutes L)
    + abstract (
      intro t; cbn;
      use total2_paths_f;
      [ cbn;
        apply (limArrowUnique LL);
        induction t as [t [H1 H2]]; cbn in *;
        intro j;
        apply pathsinv0, H1 |];
      apply proofirrelevance;
      apply isofhleveltotal2;
      [ apply impred_isaprop; intro; apply homset_property |];
      intros; do 3 (apply impred_isaprop; intro);
        apply (homset_property (total_category _ ))
  - cbn.
    intros x' CC.
    setCC := mapcone π D CC).
    use unique_exists.
    + mkpair.
      * cbn.
        use (limArrow LL _ πCC).
      * set (XR := limArrowCommutes LL).
        cbn in XR.
        set (H1:= coneOutCommutes CC). simpl in H1.
        destruct x' as [c a]. cbn.
        unfold disp_cat_functor_alg in a. cbn in a.
        cbn in πCC.
        transparent assert (X : (cone (mapdiagram π D) (F c))).
        { use mk_cone.
          - intro j.
            apply (λ f, a · f). cbn.
            apply (coneOut CC j).
          - abstract (
            intros u v e; cbn;
            rewrite <- assoc;
            apply maponpaths;
            apply (maponpaths pr1 (coneOutCommutes CC _ _ _ ))
          unfold functor_alg_mor.
          pathvia (limArrow LL _ X).
          - apply (limArrowUnique LL).
            intro j. rewrite <- assoc.
            rewrite (limArrowCommutes LL).
            rewrite assoc.
            rewrite <- functor_comp.
            etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply maponpaths.
            apply (limArrowCommutes LL). cbn.
            set (H := pr2 (coneOut CC j)). cbn in H. apply H.
          - apply pathsinv0.
            use (limArrowUnique LL).
            intro j.
            rewrite <- assoc.
            rewrite (limArrowCommutes LL).
            apply idpath.
    + simpl.
      intro j.
      apply subtypeEquality.
      { intro. apply homset_property. }
      cbn. apply (limArrowCommutes LL).
    + intros.
      apply impred_isaprop. intro t. (apply (homset_property (total_category _ ))).
    + simpl.
      apply subtypeEquality.
      { intro. apply homset_property. }
      apply (limArrowUnique LL).
      intro u.
      specialize (X u).
      apply (maponpaths pr1 X).

End functor_algebras.

Section monad_algebras.

Context {C : category} (T : Monad C).

Let T' : C C := T.
Let FAlg : category := total_functor_alg T'.

Definition isMonadAlg (Xa : FAlg) : UU
  := η T (pr1 Xa) · pr2 Xa = identity _
     (#T')%cat (pr2 Xa) · pr2 Xa = μ T _ · pr2 Xa.

Definition disp_cat_monad_alg_over_functor_alg : disp_cat FAlg
  := disp_full_sub _ isMonadAlg.

Definition disp_cat_monad_alg : disp_cat C
  := sigma_disp_cat disp_cat_monad_alg_over_functor_alg.

End monad_algebras.

Any category is a displayed category over unit

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.StandardCategories.

Section over_terminal_category.

Variable C : category.

Definition disp_over_unit_data : disp_cat_data unit_category.
  - mkpair.
    + intro. apply (ob C).
    + simpl. intros x y c c' e. apply (C c, c').
  - mkpair.
    + simpl. intros. apply identity.
    + intros ? ? ? ? ? a b c f g.
      apply (compose (C:=C) f g ).

Definition disp_over_unit_axioms : disp_cat_axioms _ disp_over_unit_data.
  repeat split; cbn; intros.
  - apply id_left.
  - etrans. apply id_right.
    apply pathsinv0. unfold mor_disp. cbn.
    apply transportf_const.
  - etrans. apply assoc.
    apply pathsinv0. unfold mor_disp. cbn.
    apply transportf_const.
  - apply homset_property.

Definition disp_over_unit : disp_cat _ := _ ,, disp_over_unit_axioms.

End over_terminal_category.

Section cartesian_product_pb.

Variable C C' : category.

Definition disp_cartesian : disp_cat C
  := reindex_disp_cat (functor_to_unit C) (disp_over_unit C').

Definition cartesian : category := total_category disp_cartesian.

End cartesian_product_pb.

Section arrow.

Variable C : category.

Definition disp_arrow_data : disp_cat_data (cartesian C C).
  - mkpair.
    + intro H.
      exact (pr1 H --> pr2 H).
    + cbn. intros xy ab f g h.
      exact (compose f (pr2 h) = compose (pr1 h) g ).
  - split; intros.
    + cbn.
      apply pathsinv0.
      etrans. apply id_left.
      cbn in xx.
      unfold mor_disp. cbn.
      etrans. eapply pathsinv0. apply id_right.
      apply maponpaths. apply pathsinv0.
      apply transportf_const.
    + cbn in *.
      unfold mor_disp. cbn.
      etrans. apply maponpaths. apply transportf_const.
      etrans. apply assoc.
      etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply X.
      etrans. eapply pathsinv0, assoc.
      etrans. apply maponpaths. apply X0.
      apply assoc.

Definition disp_arrow_axioms : disp_cat_axioms _ disp_arrow_data.
  repeat split; intros; cbn;
    try apply homset_property.
  apply isasetaprop.
  apply homset_property.

Definition disp_arrow : disp_cat (cartesian C C) := _ ,, disp_arrow_axioms.

Definition arrow : category := total_category disp_arrow.

Definition disp_domain : disp_cat C := sigma_disp_cat disp_arrow.

Definition total_domain := total_category disp_domain.

End arrow.

Section cartesian_product.

Variables C C' : category.

Definition disp_cartesian_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor C.
  - exact (fun c => C').
  - cbn. intros x y x' y' f. exact (C'x', y').

Definition disp_cartesian_data : disp_cat_data C.
  exists disp_cartesian_ob_mor.
  mkpair; cbn.
  - intros; apply identity.
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f g. apply (f · g).

Definition disp_cartesian_axioms : disp_cat_axioms _ disp_cartesian_data.
  repeat split; intros; cbn.
  - etrans. apply id_left.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. unfold mor_disp. cbn. apply transportf_const.
    apply idpath.
  - etrans. apply id_right.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. unfold mor_disp. cbn. apply transportf_const.
    apply idpath.
  - etrans. apply assoc.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. unfold mor_disp. cbn. apply transportf_const.
    apply idpath.
  - apply homset_property.

Definition disp_cartesian' : disp_cat C := _ ,, disp_cartesian_axioms.

End cartesian_product.