Library TypeTheory.ALV1.CwF_def
Part of the TypeTheory library (Ahrens, Lumsdaine, Voevodsky, 2015–present).
- the definition of CwFs à la Fiore: cwf_structure, cwf
- equivalence between cwf structures and relative universe structures on Yoneda, weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo
- type of representations is a proposition if C is univalent isaprop_cwf_representation
- transport of a CwF structure along weak equivalence transfer_cwf_weak_equiv
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.CategoryTheoryImports.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.Auxiliary.
Require Import TypeTheory.Auxiliary.UnicodeNotations.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.RelativeUniverses.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.Transport_along_Equivs.
Require Import TypeTheory.ALV1.RelUnivYonedaCompletion.
Set Automatic Introduction.
Section Auxiliary.
Definition weqtotal2asstor' {A} {B : A -> Type} (C : ∏ a, B a -> Type)
: (∑ (xy : ∑ x, B x), C _ (pr2 xy)) ≃ (∑ x y, C x y).
apply (weqtotal2asstor _ (fun xy => C (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy))).
Definition yoneda_induction {C : category} (F : preShv C) (Γ' : C)
(P : ((F : functor _ _ ) Γ' : hSet) -> UU) :
(forall K : _ ⟦ Yo Γ', F ⟧, P (invmap (@yy _ _ F Γ') K)) ->
forall A : (F : functor _ _ ) Γ' : hSet, P A.
intros H A0.
set(XR := homotinvweqweq (@yy _ (homset_property C) F Γ')).
rewrite <- XR.
apply H.
End Auxiliary.
: (∑ (xy : ∑ x, B x), C _ (pr2 xy)) ≃ (∑ x y, C x y).
apply (weqtotal2asstor _ (fun xy => C (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy))).
Definition yoneda_induction {C : category} (F : preShv C) (Γ' : C)
(P : ((F : functor _ _ ) Γ' : hSet) -> UU) :
(forall K : _ ⟦ Yo Γ', F ⟧, P (invmap (@yy _ _ F Γ') K)) ->
forall A : (F : functor _ _ ) Γ' : hSet, P A.
intros H A0.
set(XR := homotinvweqweq (@yy _ (homset_property C) F Γ')).
rewrite <- XR.
apply H.
End Auxiliary.
Definition of a CwF
- a base category C;
- two presheaves on C, connected by a morphism Tm —p—> Ty;
- a representation of p (see below).
Representations of maps of presheaves
Section Representation.
Context (pp : mor_total (preShv C)).
Definition Ty : functor _ _ := target pp.
Definition Tm : functor _ _ := source pp.
Definition map_into (Γ : C) : UU
:= ∑ (ΓA : C), C ⟦ΓA, Γ⟧.
Definition cwf_tm_of_ty {Γ : C} (A : Ty Γ : hSet) : UU
:= ∑ t : (Tm Γ : hSet),
((pp : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _ ) _ t
= A.
Lemma cwf_square_comm {Γ} {A}
{ΓA : C} {π : ΓA --> Γ}
{t : Tm ΓA : hSet} (e : ((pp : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _) _ t = # Ty π A)
: #Yo π ;; yy A = yy t ;; pp.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. Focus 2. apply yy_natural.
etrans. apply yy_comp_nat_trans.
apply maponpaths, e.
Definition cwf_fiber_representation {Γ : C} (A : Ty Γ : hSet) : UU
:= ∑ (ΓAπ : map_into Γ) (te : cwf_tm_of_ty (# Ty (pr2 ΓAπ) A)),
isPullback _ _ _ _ (cwf_square_comm (pr2 te)).
Definition cwf_representation : UU
:= ∏ Γ (A : Ty Γ : hSet), cwf_fiber_representation A.
End Representation.
Definition cwf_structure : UU := ∑ pp, (cwf_representation pp).
End Fix_Category.
Arguments cwf_structure C : clear implicits.
Definition cwf := ∑ C, cwf_structure C.
Arguments cwf_square_comm {C pp Γ A _ _ _} e.
Section CwF_Lemmas.
Context {C : category} (pp : mor_total (preShv C)).
Lemma cwf_square_comm_converse {Γ : C} {A : Ty pp Γ : hSet}
{ΓA : C} {π : ΓA --> Γ}
{t : Tm pp ΓA : hSet}
(e : #Yo π ;; yy A = yy t ;; pp)
: ((pp : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _) _ t = # (Ty pp) π A.
apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0.
apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id (Tm pp) _)).
assert (e' := nat_trans_eq_pointwise e ΓA); clear e; cbn in e'.
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (!e') (identity _)).
unfold yoneda_morphisms_data.
apply maponpaths_2, id_left.
End CwF_Lemmas.
Context {C : category} (pp : mor_total (preShv C)).
Lemma cwf_square_comm_converse {Γ : C} {A : Ty pp Γ : hSet}
{ΓA : C} {π : ΓA --> Γ}
{t : Tm pp ΓA : hSet}
(e : #Yo π ;; yy A = yy t ;; pp)
: ((pp : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _) _ t = # (Ty pp) π A.
apply maponpaths, @pathsinv0.
apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (functor_id (Tm pp) _)).
assert (e' := nat_trans_eq_pointwise e ΓA); clear e; cbn in e'.
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (!e') (identity _)).
unfold yoneda_morphisms_data.
apply maponpaths_2, id_left.
End CwF_Lemmas.
Section Representation_Regrouping.
Definition cwf_fiber_rep_data {Γ:C} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet) : UU
:= ∑ (ΓA : C), C ⟦ΓA, Γ⟧ × (Tm pp ΓA : hSet).
Definition cwf_fiber_rep_ax {Γ:C} {A : Ty pp Γ : hSet}
(ΓAπt : cwf_fiber_rep_data A) : UU
:= ∑ (H : ((pp : _ --> _) : nat_trans _ _ ) _ (pr2 (pr2 ΓAπt)) = #(Ty pp) (pr1 (pr2 ΓAπt)) A),
isPullback _ _ _ _ (cwf_square_comm H).
Definition cwf_fiber_representation' {Γ:C} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet) : UU
:= ∑ ΓAπt : cwf_fiber_rep_data A, cwf_fiber_rep_ax ΓAπt.
Definition cwf_fiber_representation_weq {Γ:C} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet)
: cwf_fiber_representation pp A ≃ cwf_fiber_representation' A.
unfold cwf_fiber_representation, cwf_fiber_representation'.
eapply weqcomp. eapply weqfibtototal. intro x.
apply weqtotal2asstor. simpl. eapply weqcomp; [eapply invweq; apply weqtotal2asstol |]; simpl.
apply invweq.
eapply weqcomp.
apply weqtotal2asstor. cbn.
apply weqfibtototal. intro ΓA.
apply weqtotal2asstor.
End Representation_Regrouping.
Lemma isaprop_cwf_fiber_representation' {Γ:C} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet)
: is_univalent C -> isaprop (cwf_fiber_representation' A).
intro isC.
apply invproofirrelevance.
intros x x'. apply subtypeEquality.
{ intro.
apply isofhleveltotal2.
- apply setproperty.
- intro. apply isaprop_isPullback.
destruct x as [x H].
destruct x' as [x' H']. cbn.
destruct x as [ΓA m].
destruct x' as [ΓA' m']. cbn in *.
destruct H as [H isP].
destruct H' as [H' isP'].
simple refine (total2_paths_f _ _ ).
- set (T1 := mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ isP).
set (T2 := mk_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ isP').
set (i := iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback T1 T2). cbn in i.
set (i' := invmap (weq_ff_functor_on_iso (yoneda_fully_faithful _ _ ) _ _ ) i ).
set (TT := isotoid _ isC i').
apply TT.
- cbn.
set (XT := transportf_dirprod _ (fun a' => C⟦a', Γ⟧) (fun a' => Tm pp a' : hSet)).
cbn in XT.
set (XT' := XT (tpair _ ΓA m : ∑ R : C, C ⟦ R, Γ ⟧ × (Tm pp R : hSet) )
(tpair _ ΓA' m' : ∑ R : C, C ⟦ R, Γ ⟧ × (Tm pp R : hSet) )).
cbn in *.
match goal with | [ |- transportf _ ?e _ = _ ] => set (TT := e) end.
rewrite XT'. clear XT' XT.
destruct m as [π te].
destruct m' as [π' te'].
apply pathsdirprod.
+ unfold TT; clear TT.
rewrite transportf_isotoid.
cbn. unfold precomp_with.
rewrite id_right.
unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback.
cbn in *.
match goal with |[|- (_ ( _ ?PP _ _ _ _ ) ) _ _ ;; _ = _ ] =>
set (P:=PP) end.
match goal with |[|- ( _ (PullbackArrow P ?PP ?E2 ?E3 _ )) _ _ ;; _ = _ ]
=> set (E1 := PP);
set (e1 := E1);
set (e2 := E2);
set (e3 := E3) end.
match goal with |[|- ( _ (PullbackArrow _ _ _ _ ?E4 )) _ _ ;; _ = _ ]
=> set (e4 := E4) end.
assert (XR := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 P e1 e2 e3 e4).
assert (XR':= nat_trans_eq_pointwise XR ΓA').
cbn in XR'.
assert (XR'':= toforallpaths _ _ _ XR').
cbn in XR''.
etrans. apply XR''.
apply id_left.
+ unfold TT; clear TT.
match goal with |[|- transportf ?r _ _ = _ ] => set (P:=r) end.
match goal with |[|- transportf _ (_ _ _ (_ _ ?ii)) _ = _ ] => set (i:=ii) end.
simpl in i.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (@yy _ (homset_property _ ) (Tm pp) ΓA')).
etrans. apply transportf_yy.
etrans. apply transportf_isotoid_functor.
rewrite inv_from_iso_iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection.
assert (XX:=homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful
(yoneda_fully_faithful _ (homset_property C)) ΓA' ΓA )).
etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply XX.
clear XX.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2. apply id_right.
etrans. apply maponpaths_2. unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback. apply idpath.
match goal with |[|- ( _ ?PP _ _ _ _ ) ;; _ = _ ] =>
set (PT:=PP) end.
match goal with |[|- PullbackArrow _ ?PP ?E2 ?E3 _ ;; _ = _ ]
=> set (E1 := PP);
set (e1 := E1);
set (e2 := E2);
set (e3 := E3) end.
match goal with |[|- PullbackArrow _ _ _ _ ?E4 ;; _ = _ ]
=> set (e4 := E4) end.
apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 PT e1 e2 e3 e4).
Lemma isaprop_cwf_fiber_representation {Γ:C} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet)
: is_univalent C -> isaprop (cwf_fiber_representation pp A).
intro H.
refine (isofhlevelweqb _ _ _).
- apply cwf_fiber_representation_weq.
- apply isaprop_cwf_fiber_representation'.
apply H.
End Representation_Facts.
Section Representation_FComprehension.
Context (pp : mor_total (preShv C)).
Definition weq_cwf_fiber_representation_fpullback {Γ : C} (A : Ty pp Γ : hSet)
: cwf_fiber_representation pp A
≃ fpullback (yoneda C (homset_property C)) pp (yy A).
unfold cwf_fiber_representation, fpullback.
eapply weqcomp. Focus 2.
refine (weqfp _ _).
apply weqtotal2asstor'.
eapply weqcomp. Focus 2.
eapply weqtotal2asstol.
eapply weqcomp. Focus 2.
refine (weqfibtototal _ _ _).
intro. apply weqtotal2asstor'.
apply weqfibtototal. intros [ΓA π]; simpl.
simple refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
simple refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
apply yy.
- intros v; simpl.
apply weqimplimpl.
+ apply @cwf_square_comm.
+ apply @cwf_square_comm_converse.
+ apply setproperty.
+ refine (homset_property (preShv C) _ _ _
(fq _
(ΓA,, π,, invmap (yoneda_weq C (homset_property C) ΓA (Tm pp)) v)
;; _)).
- intros [v e]; cbn.
apply idweq.
Lemma weq_cwf_representation_rel_universe_structure
: cwf_representation pp ≃ rel_universe_structure Yo pp.
apply weqonsecfibers. intro Γ.
eapply weqcomp.
Focus 2. eapply invweq.
refine (weqonsecbase _ _). apply yy.
apply weqonsecfibers. intro A.
apply weq_cwf_fiber_representation_fpullback.
End Representation_FComprehension.
Definition weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo
: cwf_structure C ≃ @relative_universe C _ Yo.
apply weqfibtototal.
intro pp.
apply weq_cwf_representation_rel_universe_structure.
End CwF_RelUnivYo.
Arguments weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _ : clear implicits.
The above equivalences allow us to easily deduce a few more nice facts about representations and CwF-structures from the corresponding facts about relative universes.
Consequences of the equivalence: Representations vs representability
Lemma isaprop_cwf_representation {C : category}
(Ccat : is_univalent C) (pp : mor_total (preShv C))
: isaprop (cwf_representation pp).
use isofhlevelweqb.
- exact (rel_universe_structure Yo pp).
- apply weq_cwf_representation_rel_universe_structure.
- apply isaprop_rel_universe_structure.
+ apply Ccat.
+ apply yoneda_fully_faithful.
Definition transfer_cwf_weak_equiv {C D : category} (F : C ⟶ D)
(F_ff : fully_faithful F) (F_es : essentially_surjective F)
(Dcat : is_univalent D)
: cwf_structure C → cwf_structure D.
intro CC.
apply (invmap (@weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _)).
apply (Transfer_of_RelUnivYoneda F F_ff F_es Dcat).
apply (weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _).
exact CC.
Recovering the original morphism of presheaves after transport
Section CwF_Ftransport_recover.
Context {C D : category}
(F : C ⟶ D)
(F_ff : fully_faithful F)
(F_es : essentially_surjective F)
(Dcat : is_univalent D)
(T : cwf_structure C).
Let DD : univalent_category := (pr1 D,,Dcat).
Let T' : cwf_structure D := transfer_cwf_weak_equiv F F_ff F_es Dcat T.
Let TM : preShv C := Tm (pr1 T).
Let TM' : preShv DD := Tm (pr1 T').
Let TY : preShv C := Ty (pr1 T).
Let TY' : preShv D := Ty (pr1 T').
Let pp : _ ⟦ TM , TY ⟧ := pr1 T.
Let pp' : _ ⟦ TM' , TY' ⟧ := pr1 T'.
Let hsDop : has_homsets (opp_precat D) := has_homsets_opp (homset_property _).
Let ηη : functor (preShv D) (preShv C) :=
pre_composition_functor _ _ _ hsDop (has_homsets_HSET) (functor_opp F).
Let isweq_Fcomp : isweq (pr1 (pr1 (Fop_precomp F))) :=
_ _
(is_univalent_functor_category _ _ is_univalent_HSET )
(is_univalent_functor_category _ _ is_univalent_HSET )
(equiv_Fcomp F F_ff F_es).
Lemma Tm_transfer_recover :
TM = ηη TM'.
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ isweq_Fcomp) TM).
apply pathsinv0.
apply XT.
Lemma Ty_transfer_recover :
TY = ηη TY'.
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq (weqpair _ isweq_Fcomp) TY).
apply pathsinv0.
apply XT.
Let Fopequiv : adj_equivalence_of_precats _ := equiv_Fcomp F F_ff F_es.
Definition pp'_eta :
preShv C ⟦ ηη TM' , ηη TY' ⟧.
apply (# ηη pp').
Definition Tm_iso : iso (ηη TM') TM.
set (XR':= counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence Fopequiv TM).
apply XR'.
Definition Ty_iso : iso (ηη TY') TY.
set (XR':= counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence Fopequiv TY).
apply XR'.
Lemma Morphism_of_presheaves_transfer_recover : Tm_iso ;; pp = pp'_eta ;; Ty_iso.
assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (counit_from_left_adjoint Fopequiv) _ _ pp).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. Focus 2. apply XR.
clear XR.
set (TT := #(right_adjoint Fopequiv) pp).
set (TTT := #ηη TT).
apply maponpaths_2.
pathvia TTT.
- apply maponpaths. unfold pp'.
unfold TT.
unfold T'.
apply idpath.
- apply idpath.
End CwF_Ftransport_recover.
Special case of transport: Descent along Rezk-completion
The construction below is also a special case of transfer_cwf_weak_equiv
Definition Rezk_on_cwf_structures {C : category} (CC : cwf_structure C)
: cwf_structure (Rezk_completion C (homset_property _)).
apply (invmap (@weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _)).
apply (Rezk_on_RelUnivYoneda C).
apply (weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _).
exact CC.
Section CwF_RC_recover.
Context {C : category} (T : cwf_structure C).
Let RC : univalent_category := Rezk_completion C (homset_property _ ).
Let T' : cwf_structure RC := Rezk_on_cwf_structures T.
Let TM : preShv C := Tm (pr1 T).
Let TM' : preShv RC := Tm (pr1 T').
Let TY : preShv C := Ty (pr1 T).
Let TY' : preShv RC := Ty (pr1 T').
Let pp : _ ⟦ TM , TY ⟧ := pr1 T.
Let pp' : _ ⟦ TM' , TY' ⟧ := pr1 T'.
Let hsRCop : has_homsets (opp_precat RC) := has_homsets_opp (homset_property _).
Let ηη : functor (preShv RC) (preShv C) :=
pre_composition_functor _ _ _ hsRCop (has_homsets_HSET) (functor_opp (Rezk_eta C _ )).
Lemma Tm_Rezk_completion_recover :
TM = ηη TM'.
set (XR := Rezk_opp_weq C (homset_property C) HSET is_univalent_HSET).
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq XR TM).
apply pathsinv0.
apply XT.
Lemma Ty_Rezk_completion_recover :
TY = ηη TY'.
set (XR := Rezk_opp_weq C (homset_property C) HSET is_univalent_HSET).
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq XR TY).
apply pathsinv0.
apply XT.
Let RCequiv : adj_equivalence_of_precats _ := Rezk_op_adj_equiv C (homset_property C)
HSET is_univalent_HSET.
Lemma has_homsets_preShv (D : precategory) : has_homsets (preShv D).
apply functor_category_has_homsets.
Definition RC_pp'_eta :
preShv C ⟦ ηη TM' , ηη TY' ⟧.
apply (# ηη pp').
Definition RC_Tm_iso : iso (ηη TM') TM.
set (XR':= counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence RCequiv TM).
apply XR'.
Definition RC_Ty_iso : iso (ηη TY') TY.
set (XR':= counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence RCequiv TY).
apply XR'.
Lemma RC_morphism_of_presheaves_recover : RC_Tm_iso ;; pp = RC_pp'_eta ;; RC_Ty_iso.
assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (counit_from_left_adjoint RCequiv) _ _ pp).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. Focus 2. apply XR.
clear XR.
set (TT := #(right_adjoint RCequiv) pp).
set (TTT := #ηη TT).
apply maponpaths_2.
pathvia TTT.
- apply maponpaths. unfold pp'.
unfold TT.
unfold T'.
apply idpath.
- apply idpath.
End CwF_RC_recover.
: cwf_structure (Rezk_completion C (homset_property _)).
apply (invmap (@weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _)).
apply (Rezk_on_RelUnivYoneda C).
apply (weq_cwf_structure_RelUnivYo _).
exact CC.
Section CwF_RC_recover.
Context {C : category} (T : cwf_structure C).
Let RC : univalent_category := Rezk_completion C (homset_property _ ).
Let T' : cwf_structure RC := Rezk_on_cwf_structures T.
Let TM : preShv C := Tm (pr1 T).
Let TM' : preShv RC := Tm (pr1 T').
Let TY : preShv C := Ty (pr1 T).
Let TY' : preShv RC := Ty (pr1 T').
Let pp : _ ⟦ TM , TY ⟧ := pr1 T.
Let pp' : _ ⟦ TM' , TY' ⟧ := pr1 T'.
Let hsRCop : has_homsets (opp_precat RC) := has_homsets_opp (homset_property _).
Let ηη : functor (preShv RC) (preShv C) :=
pre_composition_functor _ _ _ hsRCop (has_homsets_HSET) (functor_opp (Rezk_eta C _ )).
Lemma Tm_Rezk_completion_recover :
TM = ηη TM'.
set (XR := Rezk_opp_weq C (homset_property C) HSET is_univalent_HSET).
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq XR TM).
apply pathsinv0.
apply XT.
Lemma Ty_Rezk_completion_recover :
TY = ηη TY'.
set (XR := Rezk_opp_weq C (homset_property C) HSET is_univalent_HSET).
assert (XT := homotweqinvweq XR TY).
apply pathsinv0.
apply XT.
Let RCequiv : adj_equivalence_of_precats _ := Rezk_op_adj_equiv C (homset_property C)
HSET is_univalent_HSET.
Lemma has_homsets_preShv (D : precategory) : has_homsets (preShv D).
apply functor_category_has_homsets.
Definition RC_pp'_eta :
preShv C ⟦ ηη TM' , ηη TY' ⟧.
apply (# ηη pp').
Definition RC_Tm_iso : iso (ηη TM') TM.
set (XR':= counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence RCequiv TM).
apply XR'.
Definition RC_Ty_iso : iso (ηη TY') TY.
set (XR':= counit_pointwise_iso_from_adj_equivalence RCequiv TY).
apply XR'.
Lemma RC_morphism_of_presheaves_recover : RC_Tm_iso ;; pp = RC_pp'_eta ;; RC_Ty_iso.
assert (XR := nat_trans_ax (counit_from_left_adjoint RCequiv) _ _ pp).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. Focus 2. apply XR.
clear XR.
set (TT := #(right_adjoint RCequiv) pp).
set (TTT := #ηη TT).
apply maponpaths_2.
pathvia TTT.
- apply maponpaths. unfold pp'.
unfold TT.
unfold T'.
apply idpath.
- apply idpath.
End CwF_RC_recover.